TuxFamily is a French non-profit organization founded in 2004[cit1] that provides free hosting for projects adhering to the free software philosophy[cit2]. TuxFamily’s hosting facilities are controlled with VHFFS, a software developed by TuxFamily members that allows administrators to accept or refuse services requested by users via a web interface[cit3]. As of 2018 TuxFamily hosts more than 2700 projects[cit2].
TuxFamily makes these services available to free projects:
Web hosting (PHP5 or Python[cit4])
MySQL and PostgreSQL databases
CVS, Subversion, Mercurial, and GIT repositories hosting
Manage domain names (DNS hosting)
Email accounts (reachable over POP, IMAP or webmails)
Mailing lists
Download area of 1GB
200MB quota for all groups, not including the download area