Installing a plugin
Each plugin may have its own installation process, but usually it takes two steps:
- install a python package, for example:
pip install addok-france
- adapt your local configuration to the plugin needs
Check each plugin home page to have specific documentation.
Known plugins
- addok-france: add specificities of France addresses to addok (for example address parsing, address labelling for score computing, etc.)
- addok-fr: French dedicated plugin, for example for phonemisation (better typo tolerance).
- addok-csv: add a CSV endpoint to your Addok server (for batch geocoding of CSV files)
- addok-psql: import from PosgreSQL database into Addok.
- addok-trigrams: alternative index algorithm based on trigrams.
- addok-sqlite-store: store documents into SQLite.
Writing a plugin
As usual, best way to learn is to look at the code: look at the other plugins for inspiration.
Anatomy of a plugin
An Addok plugin is simply a python module:
- it must be installed in the PYTHONPATH for addok to be able to import it
- it should have the
entry point in case it needs to use the API end points
addok.ext entry point
Note: this is only needed if you want to use hooks within your plugin. For example, if the plugin only deals with configuration (adding a PROCESSOR, changing the document store, etc), there is no need for that.
Add this to your
entry_points={'addok.ext': ['']},
Say for example that the plugin structure is:
If you put the hooks in
, then your entrypoint should be:
entry_points={'addok.ext': ['mysuperplugin=mysuperplugin.hooks']},
Plugins hooks
If you have added an entry point to your plugin, addok will look for some hooks and call them if you have defined them.
Important: those hooks must be in the module defined in the entrypoint.
Allow to modify config object before user local config is loaded (for example to set defaults overridable by the plugin user in their local config).
Allow to modify config object after user local config has been loaded.
Add new endpoints to the HTTP API. It uses Falcon so each view must comply to Falcon's contract:
class MyFalconView:
def on_get(self, req, resp, myparameter):
resp.body = do_something(myparameter)
resp.status = 200
resp.content_type = 'text/html'
def register_http_endpoint(api):
api.add_route('/path/{myparameter}', MyFalconView())
Add new middlewares to the HTTP API. It uses Falcon so each middleware must comply to Falcon's contract:
class MyFalconMiddleware:
def process_request(self, req, resp):
def process_resource(self, req, resp, resource, params):
def process_response(self, req, resp, resource, req_succeeded):
def register_http_middleware(middlewares):
Register command for Addok CLI.
def my_callable(*args):
# `args` are parsed from command-line.
def register_command(subparsers):
parser = subparsers.add_parser('mycommand', help='Documentation.')
Register command for Addok shell. The command must start with do_
be registered as a command and the command must be uppercase.
The first line of the command docstring will be displayed when using HELP
in the shell and the whole docstring will be displayed when using
def do_WHATEVER(cmd, remaining_string):
"""Allow to use the `WHATEVER` command within the shell."""
# `cmd` is the Cmd instance.
# `remaining_string` is everything typed by the user after the
# command name.
def register_shell_command(cmd):
Writing a store plugin
Document stores are particular plugins given they must follow a strict API. Again, check out existing stores (especially SQLite) for inspiration.
It has to be a class with 4 methods:
fetch(self, *keys)
Must yield a key and the associated document for each passed keys.
upsert(self, *docs)
Must up(date or ins)ert documents passed as parameters.
remove(self, *keys)
Must remove documents related to passed keys.
Must remove all documents from the database.
Only in use by the reset
Once your store plugin is compliant, do not forget to update the DOCUMENT_STORE_PYPATH setting to test it.