Server API

class aioftp.Server(users=None, *, block_size=8192, socket_timeout=None, idle_timeout=None, wait_future_timeout=1, path_timeout=None, path_io_factory=<class 'aioftp.pathio.PathIO'>, maximum_connections=None, read_speed_limit=None, write_speed_limit=None, read_speed_limit_per_connection=None, write_speed_limit_per_connection=None, data_ports=None, encoding='utf-8', ssl=None)

Bases: AbstractServer

FTP server.

  • users (tuple or list of aioftp.User or instance of aioftp.AbstractUserManager subclass) – list of users or user manager object

  • block_size (int) – bytes count for socket read operations

  • socket_timeout (float, int or None) – timeout for socket read and write operations

  • idle_timeout (float, int or None) – timeout for socket read operations, another words: how long user can keep silence without sending commands

  • wait_future_timeout (float, int or None) – wait for data connection to establish

  • path_timeout (float, int or None) – timeout for path-related operations (make directory, unlink file, etc.)

  • path_io_factory (aioftp.AbstractPathIO) – factory of «path abstract layer»

  • maximum_connections (int) – Maximum command connections per server

  • read_speed_limit (int or None) – server read speed limit in bytes per second

  • write_speed_limit (int or None) – server write speed limit in bytes per second

  • read_speed_limit_per_connection (int or None) – server read speed limit per connection in bytes per second

  • write_speed_limit_per_connection (int or None) – server write speed limit per connection in bytes per second

  • data_ports (collections.Iterable or None) – port numbers that are available for passive connections

  • encoding (str) – encoding to use for convertion strings to bytes

  • ssl (ssl.SSLContext) – can be set to an ssl.SSLContext instance to enable TLS over the accepted connections. Please look asyncio.loop.create_server() docs.

async close()


Shutdown the server and close all connections.

async run(host=None, port=0, **kwargs)


Single entrypoint to start, serve and close.

  • host (str) – ip address to bind for listening.

  • port (int) – port number to bind for listening.

  • kwargs – keyword arguments, they passed to asyncio.start_server()

async serve_forever()


Proxy to asyncio.Server serve_forever method.

async start(host=None, port=0, **kwargs)


Start server.

  • host (str) – ip address to bind for listening.

  • port (int) – port number to bind for listening.

  • kwargs – keyword arguments, they passed to asyncio.start_server()


Decorator. Abortable worker. If wrapped task will be cancelled by dispatcher, decorator will send ftp codes of successful interrupt.

>>> @worker
... async def worker(self, connection, rest):
...     ...
class aioftp.User(login=None, password=None, *, base_path=PosixPath('.'), home_path=PurePosixPath('/'), permissions=None, maximum_connections=None, read_speed_limit=None, write_speed_limit=None, read_speed_limit_per_connection=None, write_speed_limit_per_connection=None)

User description.

  • login (str) – user login

  • password (str) – user password

  • base_path (str or pathlib.Path) – real user path for file io operations

  • home_path (str or pathlib.PurePosixPath) – virtual user path for client representation (must be absolute)

  • permissions (tuple or list of aioftp.Permission) – list of path permissions

  • maximum_connections (int) – Maximum connections per user

  • read_speed_limit (int or None) – read speed limit per user in bytes per second

  • write_speed_limit (int or None) – write speed limit per user in bytes per second

  • read_speed_limit_per_connection (int or None) – read speed limit per user connection in bytes per second

  • write_speed_limit_per_connection (int or None) – write speed limit per user connection in bytes per second


Return nearest parent permission for path.


path (str or pathlib.PurePosixPath) – path which permission you want to know

Return type:


class aioftp.Permission(path='/', *, readable=True, writable=True)

Path permission

class aioftp.AbstractUserManager(*, timeout=None)

Abstract user manager.


timeout (float, int or None) – timeout used by with_timeout decorator

abstract async authenticate(user, password)


Check if user can be authenticated with provided password

Return type:


abstract async get_user(login)


Get user and response for USER call


login (str) – user’s login

async notify_logout(user)


Called when user connection is closed if user was initiated


user (aioftp.User) – user

class aioftp.server.MemoryUserManager(users, *args, **kwargs)

A built-in user manager that keeps predefined set of users in memory.


users (list, tuple, etc. of aioftp.User) – container of users

async authenticate(user, password)


Check if user can be authenticated with provided password

Return type:


async get_user(login)


Get user and response for USER call


login (str) – user’s login

async notify_logout(user)


Called when user connection is closed if user was initiated


user (aioftp.User) – user

class aioftp.Connection(**kwargs)

Bases: defaultdict

Connection state container for transparent work with futures for async wait


kwargs – initialization parameters

Container based on collections.defaultdict, which holds asyncio.Future as default factory. There is two layers of abstraction:

  • Low level based on simple dictionary keys to attributes mapping and

    available at Connection.future.

  • High level based on futures result and dictionary keys to attributes

    mapping and available at Connection.

To clarify, here is groups of equal expressions

>>> connection["foo"]

>>> connection["foo"].result()

>>> del
>>> del
>>> del connection["foo"]
class aioftp.AvailableConnections(value=None)

Semaphore-like object. Have no blocks, only raises ValueError on bounds crossing. If value is None have no limits (bounds checks).


value (int or None)


Acquire, decrementing the internal counter by one.


Returns True if semaphore-like can not be acquired.

Return type:



Release, incrementing the internal counter by one.

class aioftp.ConnectionConditions(*fields, wait=False, fail_code='503', fail_info=None)

Decorator for checking connection keys for existence or wait for them. Available options:

  • fields

    • ConnectionConditions.user_required — required “user” key, user already identified

    • ConnectionConditions.login_required — required “logged” key, user already logged in.

    • ConnectionConditions.passive_server_started — required “passive_server” key, user already send PASV and server awaits incomming connection

    • ConnectionConditions.data_connection_made — required “data_connection” key, user already connected to passive connection

    • ConnectionConditions.rename_from_required — required “rename_from” key, user already tell filename for rename

  • wait (bool) – Indicates if should wait for parameters for connection.wait_future_timeout

  • fail_code (str) – return code if failure

  • fail_info (str) – return information string if failure. If None, then use default string

>>> @ConnectionConditions(
...     ConnectionConditions.login_required,
...     ConnectionConditions.passive_server_started,
...     ConnectionConditions.data_connection_made,
...     wait=True)
... def foo(self, connection, rest):
...     ...
class aioftp.PathConditions(*conditions)

Decorator for checking paths. Available options:

  • path_must_exists

  • path_must_not_exists

  • path_must_be_dir

  • path_must_be_file

>>> @PathConditions(
...     PathConditions.path_must_exists,
...     PathConditions.path_must_be_dir)
... def foo(self, connection, path):
...     ...
class aioftp.PathPermissions(*permissions)

Decorator for checking path permissions. There is two permissions right now:

  • PathPermissions.readable

  • PathPermissions.writable

Decorator will check the permissions and return proper code and information to client if permission denied

>>> @PathPermissions(
...     PathPermissions.readable,
...     PathPermissions.writable)
... def foo(self, connection, path):
...     ...