Consumer client

AIOKafkaConsumer is a client that consumes records from a Kafka cluster. Most simple usage would be:

consumer = aiokafka.AIOKafkaConsumer(
await consumer.start()
    async for msg in consumer:
            "{}:{:d}:{:d}: key={} value={} timestamp_ms={}".format(
                msg.topic, msg.partition, msg.offset, msg.key, msg.value,
    await consumer.stop()


msg.value and msg.key are raw bytes, use AIOKafkaConsumer’s key_deserializer and value_deserializer configuration if you need to decode them.


AIOKafkaConsumer maintains TCP connections as well as a few background tasks to fetch data and coordinate assignments. Failure to call AIOKafkaConsumer.stop() after consumer use will leave background tasks running.

AIOKafkaConsumer transparently handles the failure of Kafka brokers and transparently adapts as topic partitions it fetches migrate within the cluster. It also interacts with the broker to allow groups of consumers to load balance consumption using Consumer Groups.

Offsets and Consumer Position

Kafka maintains a numerical offset for each record in a partition. This offset acts as a unique identifier of a record within that partition and also denotes the position of the consumer in the partition. For example:

msg = await consumer.getone()
print(msg.offset)  # Unique msg autoincrement ID in this topic-partition.

tp = aiokafka.TopicPartition(msg.topic, msg.partition)

position = await consumer.position(tp)
# Position is the next fetched offset
assert position == msg.offset + 1

committed = await consumer.committed(tp)


To use the commit() and committed() APIs you need to set group_id to something other than None. See consumer-groups below.

Here if the consumer is at position 5, it has consumed records with offsets 0 through 4 and will next receive the record with offset 5.

There are actually two notions of position:

  • The position gives the offset of the next record that should be given out. It will be one larger than the highest offset the consumer has seen in that partition. It automatically increases every time the consumer yields messages in either getmany() or getone() calls.

  • The committed position is the last offset that has been stored securely. Should the process restart, this is the offset that the consumer will start from. The consumer can either automatically commit offsets periodically, or it can choose to control this committed position manually by calling await consumer.commit().

This distinction gives the consumer control over when a record is considered consumed. It is discussed in further detail below.

Manual vs automatic committing

For most simple use cases auto committing is probably the best choice:

consumer = AIOKafkaConsumer(
    group_id="my_group",           # Consumer must be in a group to commit
    enable_auto_commit=True,       # Is True by default anyway
    auto_commit_interval_ms=1000,  # Autocommit every second
    auto_offset_reset="earliest",  # If committed offset not found, start
                                   # from beginning
await consumer.start()

async for msg in consumer:  # Will periodically commit returned messages.
    # process message

This example can have “At least once” delivery semantics, but only if we process messages one at a time. If you want “At least once” semantics for batch operations you should use manual commit:

consumer = AIOKafkaConsumer(
    group_id="my_group",           # Consumer must be in a group to commit
    enable_auto_commit=False,      # Will disable autocommit
    auto_offset_reset="earliest",  # If committed offset not found, start
                                   # from beginning
await consumer.start()

batch = []
async for msg in consumer:
    if len(batch) == 100:
        await process_msg_batch(batch)
        await consumer.commit()
        batch = []


When using manual commit it is recommended to provide a ConsumerRebalanceListener which will process pending messages in the batch and commit before allowing rejoin. If your group will rebalance during processing commit will fail with CommitFailedError, as partitions may have been processed by other consumer already.

This example will hold on to messages until we have enough to process in bulk. The algorithm can be enhanced by taking advantage of:

If you want to have more control over which partition and message is committed, you can specify offset manually:

while True:
    result = await consumer.getmany(timeout_ms=10 * 1000)
    for tp, messages in result.items():
        if messages:
            await process_msg_batch(messages)
            # Commit progress only for this partition
            await consumer.commit({tp: messages[-1].offset + 1})


The committed offset should always be the offset of the next message that your application will read. Thus, when calling await consumer.commit(offset) you should add one to the offset of the last message processed.

Here we process a batch of messages per partition and commit not all consumed offsets, but only for the partition, we processed.

Controlling The Consumer’s Position

In most use cases the consumer will simply consume records from beginning to end, periodically committing its position (either automatically or manually). If you only want your consumer to process newest messages, you can ask it to start from latest offset:

consumer = AIOKafkaConsumer(
await consumer.start()

async for msg in consumer:
    # process message


If you have a valid committed position consumer will use that. auto_offset_reset will only be used when the position is invalid.

Kafka also allows the consumer to manually control its position, moving forward or backwards in a partition at will using For example, you can re-consume records:

msg = await consumer.getone()
tp = TopicPartition(msg.topic, msg.partition), msg.offset)
msg2 = await consumer.getone()

assert msg2 == msg

Also you can combine it with offset_for_times API to query to specific offsets based on timestamp.

There are several use cases where manually controlling the consumer’s position can be useful.

One case is for time-sensitive record processing it may make sense for a consumer that falls far enough behind to not attempt to catch up processing all records, but rather just skip to the most recent records. Or you can use offsets_for_times API to get the offsets after certain timestamp.

Another use case is for a system that maintains local state. In such a system the consumer will want to initialize its position on startup to whatever is contained in the local store. Likewise, if the local state is destroyed (say because the disk is lost) the state may be recreated on a new machine by re-consuming all the data and recreating the state (assuming that Kafka is retaining sufficient history).

See also related configuration params and API docs:

Storing Offsets Outside Kafka

Storing offsets in Kafka is optional, you can store offsets in another place and use seek() API to start from saved position. The primary use case for this is allowing the application to store both the offset and the results of the consumption in the same system in a way that both the results and offsets are stored atomically. For example, if we save aggregated by key counts in Redis:

import json
from collections import Counter

redis = await aioredis.create_redis(("localhost", 6379))
REDIS_HASH_KEY = "aggregated_count:my_topic:0"

tp = TopicPartition("my_topic", 0)
consumer = AIOKafkaConsumer(
await consumer.start()

# Load initial state of aggregation and last processed offset
offset = -1
counts = Counter()
initial_counts = await redis.hgetall(REDIS_HASH_KEY, encoding="utf-8")
for key, state in initial_counts.items():
    state = json.loads(state)
    offset = max([offset, state['offset']])
    counts[key] = state['count']

# Same as with manual commit, you need to fetch next message, so +1, offset + 1)

async for msg in consumer:
    key = msg.key.decode("utf-8")
    counts[key] += 1
    value = json.dumps({
        "count": counts[key],
        "offset": msg.offset
    await redis.hset(REDIS_HASH_KEY, key, value)

So to save results outside of Kafka you need to:

  • Configure:

  • Use the offset provided with each ConsumerRecord to save your position

  • On restart or rebalance restore the position of the consumer using seek()

This is not always possible, but when it is it will make the consumption fully atomic and give exactly once semantics that are stronger than the default at-least once semantics you get with Kafka’s offset commit functionality.

This type of usage is simplest when the partition assignment is also done manually (like we did above). If the partition assignment is done automatically special care is needed to handle the case where partition assignments change. See Local state and storing offsets outside of Kafka example for more details.

Consumer Groups and Topic Subscriptions

Kafka uses the concept of Consumer Groups to allow a pool of processes to divide the work of consuming and processing records. These processes can either be running on the same machine or they can be distributed over many machines to provide scalability and fault tolerance for processing.

All AIOKafkaConsumer instances sharing the same group_id will be part of the same Consumer Group:

# Process 1
consumer = AIOKafkaConsumer(
    "my_topic", bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092',
    group_id="MyGreatConsumerGroup"  # This will enable Consumer Groups
await consumer.start()
async for msg in consumer:
    print("Process %s consumed msg from partition %s" % (
          os.getpid(), msg.partition))

# Process 2
consumer2 = AIOKafkaConsumer(
    "my_topic", bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092',
    group_id="MyGreatConsumerGroup"  # This will enable Consumer Groups
await consumer2.start()
async for msg in consumer2:
    print("Process %s consumed msg from partition %s" % (
          os.getpid(), msg.partition))

Each consumer in a group can dynamically set the list of topics it wants to subscribe to through subscribe() call. Kafka will deliver each message in the subscribed topics to only one of the processes in each consumer group. This is achieved by balancing the partitions between all members in the consumer group so that each partition is assigned to exactly one consumer in the group. So if there is a topic with four partitions and a consumer group with two processes, each process would consume from two partitions.

Membership in a consumer group is maintained dynamically: if a process fails, the partitions assigned to it will be reassigned to other consumers in the same group. Similarly, if a new consumer joins the group, partitions will be moved from existing consumers to the new one. This is known as rebalancing the group.


Conceptually you can think of a Consumer Group as being a single logical subscriber that happens to be made up of multiple processes.

In addition, when group reassignment happens automatically, consumers can be notified through a ConsumerRebalanceListener, which allows them to finish necessary application-level logic such as state cleanup, manual offset commits, etc. See subscribe() docs for more details.


Be careful with ConsumerRebalanceListener to avoid deadlocks. The Consumer will await the defined handlers and will block subsequent calls to getmany() and getone(). For example this code will deadlock:

lock = asyncio.Lock()
consumer = AIOKafkaConsumer(...)

class MyRebalancer(aiokafka.ConsumerRebalanceListener):

    async def on_partitions_revoked(self, revoked):
        async with lock:

    async def on_partitions_assigned(self, assigned):

async def main():
    consumer.subscribe("topic", listener=MyRebalancer())
    while True:
        async with lock:
            msgs = await consumer.getmany(timeout_ms=1000)
            # process messages

You need to put consumer.getmany(timeout_ms=1000) call outside of the lock.

For more information on how Consumer Groups are organized see Official Kafka Docs.

Topic subscription by pattern

AIOKafkaConsumer performs periodic metadata refreshes in the background and will notice when new partitions are added to one of the subscribed topics or when a new topic matching a subscribed regex is created. For example:

consumer = AIOKafkaConsumer(
    metadata_max_age_ms=30000,  # This controls the polling interval
await consumer.start()

async for msg in consumer:  # Will detect metadata changes
    print("Consumed msg %s %s %s" % (msg.topic, msg.partition, msg.value))

Here, the consumer will automatically detect new topics like MyGreatTopic-1 or MyGreatTopic-2 and start consuming them.

If you use Consumer Groups the group’s Leader will trigger a group rebalance when it notices metadata changes. It’s because only the Leader has full knowledge of which topics are assigned to the group.

Manual partition assignment

It is also possible for the consumer to manually assign specific partitions using assign([tp1, tp2]). In this case, dynamic partition assignment and consumer group coordination will be disabled. For example:

consumer = AIOKafkaConsumer(
tp1 = TopicPartition("my_topic", 1)
tp2 = TopicPartition("my_topic", 2)
consumer.assign([tp1, tp2])

async for msg in consumer:
    print("Consumed msg %s %s %s", msg.topic, msg.partition, msg.value)

group_id can still be used for committing position, but be careful to avoid collisions with multiple instances sharing the same group.

It is not possible to mix manual partition assignment assign() and topic subscription subscribe(). An attempt to do so will result in an IllegalStateError.

Consumption Flow Control

By default Consumer will fetch from all partitions, effectively giving these partitions the same priority. However in some cases, you would want for some partitions to have higher priority (say they have more lag and you want to catch up). For example:

consumer = AIOKafkaConsumer("my_topic", ...)

partitions = []  # Fetch all partitions on first request
while True:
    msgs = await consumer.getmany(*partitions)
    # process messages
    await process_messages(msgs)

    # Prioritize partitions, that lag behind.
    partitions = []
    for partition in consumer.assignment():
        highwater = consumer.highwater(partition)
        position = await consumer.position(partition)
        position_lag = highwater - position
        timestamp = consumer.last_poll_timestamp(partition)
        time_lag = time.time() * 1000 - timestamp
        if position_lag > POSITION_THRESHOLD or time_lag > TIME_THRESHOLD:


This interface differs from pause() / resume() interface of kafka-python and Java clients.

Here we will consume all partitions if they do not lag behind, but if some go above a certain threshold, we will consume them to catch up. This can very well be used in a case where some consumer died and this consumer took over its partitions, that are now lagging behind.

Some things to note about it:

  • There may be a slight pause in consumption if you change the partitions you are fetching. This can happen when Consumer requests a fetch for partitions that have no data available. Consider setting a relatively low fetch_max_wait_ms to avoid this.

  • The async for interface can not be used with explicit partition filtering, just use getone() instead.

Reading Transactional Messages

Transactions were introduced in Kafka 0.11.0 wherein applications can write to multiple topics and partitions atomically. In order for this to work, consumers reading from these partitions should be configured to only read committed data. This can be achieved by by setting the isolation_level=read_committed in the consumer’s configuration:

consumer = aiokafka.AIOKafkaConsumer(
await consumer.start()
async for msg in consumer:  # Only read committed tranasctions

In read_committed mode, the consumer will read only those transactional messages which have been successfully committed. It will continue to read non-transactional messages as before. There is no client-side buffering in read_committed mode. Instead, the end offset of a partition for a read_committed consumer would be the offset of the first message in the partition belonging to an open transaction. This offset is known as the Last Stable Offset (LSO).

A read_committed consumer will only read up to the LSO and filter out any transactional messages which have been aborted. The LSO also affects the behavior of seek_to_end() and end_offsets() for read_committed consumers, details of which are in each method’s documentation. Finally, last_stable_offset() API was added similarly to highwater() API to query the lSO on a currently assigned transaction:

async for msg in consumer:  # Only read committed tranasctions
    tp = TopicPartition(msg.topic, msg.partition)
    lso = consumer.last_stable_offset(tp)
    lag = lso - msg.offset
    print(f"Consumer is behind by {lag} messages")

    end_offsets = await consumer.end_offsets([tp])
    assert end_offsets[tp] == lso

await consumer.seek_to_end(tp)
position = await consumer.position(tp)

Partitions with transactional messages will include commit or abort markers which indicate the result of a transaction. There markers are not returned to applications, yet have an offset in the log. As a result, applications reading from topics with transactional messages will see gaps in the consumed offsets. These missing messages would be the transaction markers, and they are filtered out for consumers in both isolation levels. Additionally, applications using read_committed consumers may also see gaps due to aborted transactions, since those messages would not be returned by the consumer and yet would have valid offsets.

Detecting Consumer Failures

People who worked with kafka-python or Java Client probably know that the poll() API is designed to ensure liveness of a Consumer Groups. In other words, Consumer will only be considered alive if it consumes messages. It’s not the same for aiokafka, for more details read Difference between aiokafka and kafka-python.

aiokafka will join the group on start() and will send heartbeats in the background, keeping the group alive, same as Java Client. But in the case of a rebalance it will also done in the background.

Offset commits in autocommit mode is done strictly by time in the background (in Java client autocommit will not be done if you don’t call poll() another time).