Batch producer

If your application needs precise control over batch creation and submission and you’re willing to forego the niceties of automatic serialization and partition selection, you may use the simple create_batch() and send_batch() interface.


import asyncio
import random
from aiokafka.producer import AIOKafkaProducer

async def send_many(num):
    topic  = "my_topic"
    producer = AIOKafkaProducer()
    await producer.start()

    batch = producer.create_batch()

    i = 0
    while i < num:
        msg = ("Test message %d" % i).encode("utf-8")
        metadata = batch.append(key=None, value=msg, timestamp=None)
        if metadata is None:
            partitions = await producer.partitions_for(topic)
            partition = random.choice(tuple(partitions))
            await producer.send_batch(batch, topic, partition=partition)
            print("%d messages sent to partition %d"
                  % (batch.record_count(), partition))
            batch = producer.create_batch()
        i += 1
    partitions = await producer.partitions_for(topic)
    partition = random.choice(tuple(partitions))
    await producer.send_batch(batch, topic, partition=partition)
    print("%d messages sent to partition %d"
          % (batch.record_count(), partition))
    await producer.stop()

Output (topic my_topic has 3 partitions):

>>> python3
329 messages sent to partition 2
327 messages sent to partition 0
327 messages sent to partition 0
17 messages sent to partition 1