============ Installation ============ The bare minimum required to install Alabaster is as follows: * If you're on **Sphinx 1.2 or older**: * ``pip install alabaster`` or equivalent. * Add the following to your ``conf.py`` so Alabaster's theme location & mini-extension are located & loaded: .. code-block:: python import alabaster html_theme_path = [alabaster.get_path()] extensions = ['alabaster'] html_theme = 'alabaster' * If you've installed Alabaster by hand (without using ``pip``) and/or are doing funky things to your PYTHONPATH, you may need to replace the ``alabaster.get_path()`` call with your own explicit string, as per `the Sphinx config docs `_. * If you have **Sphinx 1.3 or above**: * You already have Alabaster installed as a dependency! No need to manually install it or explicitly load it. .. note:: If you distribute your documentation via the excellent `Read the Docs `_, you may need to explicitly enable Alabaster (as RTD defaults to using its own theme) by adding this line to your ``conf.py``:: html_theme = ['alabaster'] * **Either way**, add an explicit ``html_sidebars`` setting so Alabaster's customized sidebar templates are loaded: .. code-block:: python html_sidebars = { '**': [ 'about.html', 'navigation.html', 'relations.html', 'searchbox.html', 'donate.html', ] } That's it! You now have the standard Alabaster theme set up. Read on for more core configuration concerns, or see :doc:`customization` for feature/style options. Sidebars -------- Feel free to adjust ``html_sidebars`` as desired - the theme is designed assuming you'll always have ``about.html`` activated, but otherwise it doesn't care much. * See `the Sphinx docs `_ for details on how this setting behaves. * Alabaster provides ``about.html`` (logo, github button + blurb), ``donate.html`` (Gratipay blurb/button) and ``navigation.html`` (a more flexible version of the builtin ``localtoc``/``globaltoc`` templates). ``searchbox.html`` comes with Sphinx itself. .. _static-path: Static path for images and/or custom stylesheet ----------------------------------------------- If you're using any of the image-related options listed on :doc:`customization` (``logo`` or ``touch-icon``) or a :ref:`custom stylesheet `, you'll also want to tell Sphinx where to get these files from. If so, add a line like this (changing the path if necessary; see `the Sphinx docs for 'html_static_path' `_) to your ``conf.py``: .. code-block:: python html_static_path = ['_static']