AMDiS 2.10
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
DirichletBC< Basis, RowPath, ColPath, ValueGridFct > Member List

This is the complete list of members for DirichletBC< Basis, RowPath, ColPath, ValueGridFct >, including all inherited members.

apply(Mat &matrix, Sol &solution, Rhs &rhs, bool symmetric=false)DirichletBC< Basis, RowPath, ColPath, ValueGridFct >
DirichletBC(B &&basis, RowPath const &row, ColPath const &col, BoundarySubset< Intersection > boundarySubset, ValueGridFct values)DirichletBC< Basis, RowPath, ColPath, ValueGridFct >inline
DirichletBC(B &&basis, BoundarySubset< Intersection > boundarySubset, ValueGridFct values)DirichletBC< Basis, RowPath, ColPath, ValueGridFct >inline
init()DirichletBC< Basis, RowPath, ColPath, ValueGridFct >