AMDiS 2.10
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >, including all inherited members.

BaseMatrix typedefISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >
Comm typedefISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >
comm() const (defined in ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
finish() (defined in ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
init(SparsityPattern const &pattern)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
init()ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
insert(size_type r, size_type c, value_type const &value)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
ISTLBCRSMatrix(Comm const &comm, Comm const &)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
matrix() constISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
matrix()ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
nnz() constISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
scatter(Ind const &idx, LocalMat const &mat) (defined in ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
scatter(RowInd const &rows, ColInd const &cols, LocalMat const &mat) (defined in ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
size_type typedefISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >
value_type typedefISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >
zeroRows(RowInd const &rowInd, bool diag)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
zeroRows(RowInd const &rowInd, ColInd const &colInd, bool diag)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
zeroRowsColumns(RowInd const &rowInd, bool diag) (defined in ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
zeroRowsColumns(RowInd const &rowInd, bool diag, ISTLBlockVector< T > const &x, ISTLBlockVector< T > &b) (defined in ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
zeroRowsColumns(RowInd const &rowInd, ColInd const &colInd, bool diag) (defined in ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
zeroRowsColumns(RowInd const &rowInd, ColInd const &colInd, bool diag, ISTLBlockVector< T > const &x, ISTLBlockVector< T > &b) (defined in ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline
zeroRowsColumnsImpl(RowInd const &rowInd, ColInd const &colInd, bool diag, ISTLBlockVector< T > const *x=nullptr, ISTLBlockVector< T > *b=nullptr)ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, CommType >inline