AMDiS 2.10
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
ISTLBlockVector< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ISTLBlockVector< T >, including all inherited members.

at(MultiIndex const &idx)ISTLBlockVector< T >inline
at(MultiIndex const &idx) constISTLBlockVector< T >inline
BaseVector typedefISTLBlockVector< T >
block_type typedefISTLBlockVector< T >
field_type typedefISTLBlockVector< T >
forEach(IndexRange const &localInd, Func &&f) constVectorBase< ISTLBlockVector< T > >inline
forEach(IndexRange const &localInd, Func &&f)VectorBase< ISTLBlockVector< T > >inline
gather(IndexRange const &localInd, OutputIterator buffer) constVectorBase< ISTLBlockVector< T > >inline
init(Basis const &basis, bool clear)ISTLBlockVector< T >inline
insert(MultiIndex const &idx, ValueType const &value, Assign assign)VectorBase< ISTLBlockVector< T > >inline
ISTLBlockVector(Comm const &)ISTLBlockVector< T >inlineexplicit
ISTLBlockVector()=default (defined in ISTLBlockVector< T >)ISTLBlockVector< T >
scatter(IndexRange const &localInd, LocalVec const &vec, FakeContainer< bool, true >, Assign assign)VectorBase< ISTLBlockVector< T > >inline
scatter(IndexRange const &localInd, LocalVec const &vec, MaskRange const &mask, Assign assign)VectorBase< ISTLBlockVector< T > >inline
size() constISTLBlockVector< T >inline
size_type typedefISTLBlockVector< T >
value_type typedefISTLBlockVector< T >
vector() constISTLBlockVector< T >inline
vector()ISTLBlockVector< T >inline
VectorBase()=defaultVectorBase< ISTLBlockVector< T > >protected