AMDiS 2.10
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
Functor module

Collection of functor that can be used in Expression and in ComposerGridFunction. More...


struct  CoordsFunction
 A functor that evaluates to the global coordinates. More...
struct  CoordsCompFunction
 A functor that evaluates to a component of the global coordinates. More...
struct  Plus
 Functor that represents A+B. More...
struct  ComposerBuilder< Plus, Zero, G >
struct  ComposerBuilder< Plus, G, Zero >
struct  ComposerBuilder< Plus, Zero, Zero >
struct  Minus
 Functor that represents A-B. More...
struct  ComposerBuilder< Minus, G, Zero >
struct  ComposerBuilder< Minus, Zero, Zero >
struct  Multiplies
 Functor that represents A*B. More...
struct  ComposerBuilder< Multiplies, Zero, G >
struct  ComposerBuilder< Multiplies, G, Zero >
struct  ComposerBuilder< Multiplies, Zero, Zero >
struct  Scale< Factor >
 Functor that represents f*A. More...
struct  ComposerBuilder< Scale< F >, Scale< G > >
struct  Divides
 Functor that represents A/B. More...
struct  Negate
 Functor that represents A-B. More...
struct  ComposerBuilder< Plus, G, Negate >
struct  ComposerBuilder< Minus, Zero, G >
struct  ComposerBuilder< Negate, Minus >
struct  PowImpl< p, positive >
struct  PowType< p >
struct  PowType< 1 >
struct  PowType< 0 >
struct  PowImpl< p, true >
 Functor that represents x^p. More...
struct  PowImpl< p, false >
struct  ComposerBuilder< PowImpl< p1, pos1 >, PowImpl< p2, pos2 > >
struct  ComposerBuilder< Multiplies, PowImpl< p, pos >, PowImpl< p, pos > >
struct  Power
 Functor that represents x^p,. More...
struct  StaticConstant< T, value >
 Functor representing a static constant value. More...
struct  Id
 (Unary-)Functor representing the identity More...
struct  Constant< T >
 Functor representing a constant value. More...
struct  Reference< T >
 Functor representing a constant value. More...
struct  Arg< I >
struct  Get< I >
struct  Get_
struct  Signum
 Functor that represents the signum function. More...
struct  Clamp< T >
struct  Composer< F, Gs >
 Composition of Functors. More...
struct  Dot
 (Binary-)Functor representing the euclidean dot-product More...
struct  UnaryDot
 (Unary-)Functor representing the euclidean dot-product More...
struct  TwoNorm
 (Unary-)Functor representing the euclidean 2-norm More...
struct  Trans


template<int p>
using Pow = typename PowType< p >::type
using Sqr = Pow< 2 >
using Zero = StaticConstant< int, 0 >
using One = StaticConstant< int, 1 >


template<class... Int>
constexpr int order (Plus const &, Int... orders)
template<std::size_t I>
constexpr auto partial (Plus const &, index_t< I >)
template<class... Int>
constexpr int order (Multiplies const &, Int... orders)
template<std::size_t I>
constexpr auto partial (Multiplies const &, index_t< I >)
constexpr auto partial (Divides const &, index_t< 1 >)
template<class T , T value, class... Int>
constexpr int order (StaticConstant< T, value > const &, Int...)
template<class T , T value, std::size_t J>
constexpr auto partial (StaticConstant< T, value > const &, index_t< J >)
template<class T , class... Int>
constexpr int order (Constant< T > const &, Int...)
template<class T , std::size_t J>
constexpr auto partial (Constant< T > const &, index_t< J >)
template<class T , class... Int>
constexpr int order (Reference< T > const &, Int...)
template<class T , std::size_t J>
constexpr auto partial (Reference< T > const &, index_t< J >)
template<class T0 , class... Ts>
constexpr decltype(auto) get_element (index_t< 0 >, T0 &&t0, Ts &&...)
template<std::size_t J, class T0 , class... Ts>
constexpr decltype(auto) get_element (index_t< J >, T0 &&, Ts &&... ts)
template<std::size_t I, class... Int>
constexpr int order (Arg< I > const &, Int... orders)
template<std::size_t I, std::size_t J>
constexpr auto partial (Arg< I > const &, index_t< J >)
 AMDIS_MAKE_UNARY_FUNCTOR (Sqrt, std::sqrt(x), 1.0/(2.0 *std::sqrt(x))) AMDIS_MAKE_UNARY_FUNCTOR(Exp

Detailed Description

Collection of functor that can be used in Expression and in ComposerGridFunction.

Functors wrapping arithmetic and other mathematical operations with definition of polynomial order (if applicable) and partial derivatives w.r.t. the functor arguments.