AMDiS 2.10
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
1#pragma once
3#include <list>
4#include <string>
5#include <memory>
7#include <dune/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
8#include <dune/istl/matrixindexset.hh>
10#include <amdis/Output.hpp>
11#include <amdis/linearalgebra/SparsityPattern.hpp>
12#include <amdis/linearalgebra/SymmetryStructure.hpp>
13#include <amdis/linearalgebra/istl/VectorBackend.hpp>
15namespace AMDiS
17 template <class T, class = void>
19 {
20 using type = Dune::FieldMatrix<T,1,1>;
21 };
23 template <class T>
24 struct BlockMatrixType<T, typename T::field_type>
25 {
26 using type = T;
27 };
29 template <class T, class CommType>
31 {
32 public:
34 using BaseMatrix = Dune::BCRSMatrix<typename BlockMatrixType<T>::type>;
37 using Comm = CommType;
40 using value_type = typename BaseMatrix::block_type;
43 using size_type = typename BaseMatrix::size_type;
45 public:
47 ISTLBCRSMatrix(Comm const& comm, Comm const&)
48 : comm_(comm)
49 {}
52 BaseMatrix const& matrix() const
53 {
54 return matrix_;
55 }
59 {
60 return matrix_;
61 }
63 Comm const& comm() const { return comm_; }
66 void init(SparsityPattern const& pattern)
67 {
68 pattern.applyTo(matrix_);
69 initialized_ = true;
70 }
73 void init()
74 {
75 matrix_ = value_type(0);
76 initialized_ = true;
77 }
79 void finish()
80 {
81 initialized_ = false;
82 }
86 void insert(size_type r, size_type c, value_type const& value)
87 {
88 test_exit_dbg( initialized_, "Occupation pattern not initialized!");
89 test_exit_dbg( r < matrix_.N() && c < matrix_.M() ,
90 "Indices out of range [0,{})x[0,{})", matrix_.N(), matrix_.M() );
91 matrix_[r][c] += value;
92 }
94 template <class Ind, class LocalMat>
95 void scatter(Ind const& idx, LocalMat const& mat)
96 {
97 scatter(idx, idx, mat);
98 }
100 template <class RowInd, class ColInd, class LocalMat>
101 void scatter(RowInd const& rows, ColInd const& cols, LocalMat const& mat)
102 {
103 test_exit_dbg( initialized_, "Occupation pattern not initialized!");
104 for (size_type i = 0; i < size_type(rows.size()); ++i)
105 for (size_type j = 0; j < size_type(cols.size()); ++j)
106 matrix_[rows[i]][cols[j]] += mat[i][j];
107 }
110 template <class RowInd>
111 void zeroRows(RowInd const& rowInd, bool diag)
112 {
113 // loop over the matrix rows
114 for (size_type i : rowInd) {
115 auto cIt = matrix_[i].begin();
116 auto cEndIt = matrix_[i].end();
117 // loop over nonzero matrix entries in current row
118 for (; cIt != cEndIt; ++cIt)
119 *cIt = (diag && i == cIt.index() ? T(1) : T(0));
120 }
121 }
124 template <class RowInd, class ColInd>
125 void zeroRows(RowInd const& rowInd, ColInd const& colInd, bool diag)
126 {
127 // loop over the matrix rows
128 auto rowIt = rowInd.begin();
129 auto rowEnd = rowInd.end();
130 auto colIt = colInd.begin();
131 for (; rowIt != rowEnd; ++rowIt,++colIt) {
132 auto cIt = matrix_[*rowIt].begin();
133 auto cEndIt = matrix_[*rowIt].end();
134 // loop over nonzero matrix entries in current row
135 for (; cIt != cEndIt; ++cIt)
136 *cIt = (diag && *colIt == cIt.index() ? T(1) : T(0));
137 }
138 }
141 template <class RowInd, class ColInd>
142 void zeroRowsColumnsImpl(RowInd const& rowInd, ColInd const& colInd, bool diag, ISTLBlockVector<T> const* x = nullptr, ISTLBlockVector<T>* b = nullptr)
143 {
144 assert(rowInd.size() == colInd.size());
146 std::vector<bool> colBitVec(matrix_.M(), false);
147 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < colInd.size(); ++i)
148 colBitVec[colInd[i]] = true;
150 // loop over nonzero matrix entries in current row
151 for (size_type i : rowInd) {
152 auto cIt = matrix_[i].begin();
153 auto cEndIt = matrix_[i].end();
154 for (; cIt != cEndIt; ++cIt)
155 *cIt = T(0);
156 }
158 // iterate over the matrix
159 for (size_type i = 0; i < matrix_.N(); ++i) {
160 auto cIt = matrix_[i].begin();
161 auto cEndIt = matrix_[i].end();
162 // loop over nonzero matrix entries in current row
163 for (; cIt != cEndIt; ++cIt) {
164 if (colBitVec[cIt.index()]) {
165 if (diag && x && b)
166 b->vector()[i] -= (*cIt) * x->vector()[cIt.index()];
167 *cIt = 0;
168 }
169 }
170 }
172 // set diagonal entry
173 if (diag) {
174 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rowInd.size(); ++i) {
175 test_exit_dbg(matrix_.exists(rowInd[i], colInd[i]),
176 "The entry (",rowInd[i],",",colInd[i],") does not yet exist. Must be inserted in the pattern.");
177 matrix_[rowInd[i]][colInd[i]] = 1;
178 }
179 }
180 }
181 template <class RowInd>
182 void zeroRowsColumns(RowInd const& rowInd, bool diag)
183 {
184 zeroRowsColumnsImpl(rowInd,rowInd,diag,nullptr,nullptr);
185 }
187 template <class RowInd>
188 void zeroRowsColumns(RowInd const& rowInd, bool diag, ISTLBlockVector<T> const& x, ISTLBlockVector<T>& b)
189 {
190 zeroRowsColumnsImpl(rowInd,rowInd,diag,&x,&b);
191 }
193 template <class RowInd, class ColInd>
194 void zeroRowsColumns(RowInd const& rowInd, ColInd const& colInd, bool diag)
195 {
196 zeroRowsColumnsImpl(rowInd,colInd,diag,nullptr,nullptr);
197 }
199 template <class RowInd, class ColInd>
200 void zeroRowsColumns(RowInd const& rowInd, ColInd const& colInd, bool diag, ISTLBlockVector<T> const& x, ISTLBlockVector<T>& b)
201 {
202 zeroRowsColumnsImpl(rowInd,colInd,diag,&x,&b);
203 }
206 std::size_t nnz() const
207 {
208 return matrix_.nonzeroes();
209 }
211 private:
212 BaseMatrix matrix_;
213 Comm const& comm_;
215 bool initialized_ = false;
216 };
218} // end namespace AMDiS
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:31
void init()
Set all entries to zero while keeping the occupation pattern intact.
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:73
std::size_t nnz() const
Return the number of entries allocated in the sparsity pattern of the matrix.
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:206
typename BaseMatrix::size_type size_type
The index/size - type.
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:43
Dune::BCRSMatrix< typename BlockMatrixType< T >::type > BaseMatrix
The matrix type of the underlying base matrix.
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:34
BaseMatrix const & matrix() const
Return the data-vector vector.
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:52
void zeroRowsColumnsImpl(RowInd const &rowInd, ColInd const &colInd, bool diag, ISTLBlockVector< T > const *x=nullptr, ISTLBlockVector< T > *b=nullptr)
Set all entries of the specified rows and columns to zero and the diagonal element to diag
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:142
BaseMatrix & matrix()
Return the data-vector vector.
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:58
void zeroRows(RowInd const &rowInd, ColInd const &colInd, bool diag)
Set all entries of the specified rows to zero and the diagonal element to diag
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:125
void init(SparsityPattern const &pattern)
Create occupation pattern and apply it to the matrix.
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:66
ISTLBCRSMatrix(Comm const &comm, Comm const &)
Constructor. Constructs new BaseVector.
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:47
void zeroRows(RowInd const &rowInd, bool diag)
Set all entries of the specified rows to zero and the diagonal element to diag
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:111
typename BaseMatrix::block_type value_type
The type of the elements of the DOFMatrix.
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:40
CommType Comm
Communication type.
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:37
void insert(size_type r, size_type c, value_type const &value)
Insert a single value into the matrix (add to existing value)
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:86
Definition: VectorBackend.hpp:28
A general sparsity pattern implementation using the full pattern of the basis by adding all local ind...
Definition: SparsityPattern.hpp:15
void applyTo(Matrix &matrix) const
Initialize a matrix with the non-zero structure.
Definition: SparsityPattern.hpp:75
Definition: MatrixBackend.hpp:19