DOFVector and DiscreteFunction


The class DOFVector acts as a container for storing the coefficients of the solution discrete function. It is attached to a global basis to give its coefficients a meaning. A DiscreteFunction goes one step further and transforms a DOFVector or subspaces of a DOFVector (with respecto to a sub basis) into a GridFunction that allows to use it like a function defined on a grid.

Let {ϕi}\{\phi_i\} be the set of basis functions of a finite-element space VV. A function uVu\in V can be represented as

u(x)=iuiϕi(x) u(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_i u_i \phi_i(\mathbf{x})

with coefficients (ui)(u_i).

The pair {(ui),{ϕi}}\{(u_i),\{\phi_i\}\} is called DOFVector and the function u=u(x)u=u(\mathbf{x}) is called DiscreteFunction.


Class Descriptions
DOFVector Standard container for storing solution coefficients associated to a functionspace basis
DiscreteFunction Wrapper that transforms a DOFVector into a GridFunction

class DOFVector

Defined in header <amdis/DOFVector.hpp>

template <class GB,
          class T = double,
          class Traits = BackendTraits>
class DOFVector
  : public VectorFacade<T, Traits::template Vector<GB>::template Impl>

DOFVector is a vector data-structure for the coefficients of a discrete function associated to a GlobalBasis GB.

The template parameter GB defines the global basis type and T the value type of the coefficients in the vector. It defaults to double. The third parameter Traits is a collection of parameters characterizing the Linear-Algebra backend. It defaults to the default backend Traits.

Member Types

Member Type Definition
GlobalBasis GB
size_type typename GlobalBasis::size_type
value_type typename Backend::value_type

The value_type is often the same as T, but might be just something similar, like PetscScalar.

Member functions

Function Descriptions
(constructor) Construct the DOFVector
backup Write DOFVector to file
restore Read backup data from file
dataTransfer Return the associated DataTransfer object
Functions inherited from VectorFacade
Function Descriptions
impl Return the backend vector wrapper implementing the actual algebra
localSize,globalSize The number of entries in the local part of the vector
resize,resizeZero Resize the vector to the size of the basis
init Prepare the vector for insertion of values
finish Finish the insertion of values
at Return the value of the vector at the given local index
insert,set,add Insert a single value into the matrix
gather Extract values from the vector referring to the given local indices
scatter Insert a block of values into the vector
forEach Apply a functor to each value at given indices

function DOFVector::DOFVector

template <class Basis>
DOFVector(Basis&& basis, DataTransferOperation op = INTERPOLATE)

template <class GV, class PBF>
DOFVector(GV const& gridView, PBF const& preBasisFactory, DataTransferOperation op = INTERPOLATE)

Constructs the DOFVector from a given global basis or a grid view and a basis factory, and optionally a DataTransferOperation that defines how the DOFVector is handled during grid adaption.


Basis basis
Either a shared_ptr to the GlobalBasis type or anything that can be converted to that, e.g. a reference or a unique_ptr. References to lvalues are wrapped into non-destroying shared_ptrs whereas rvalue-references are moved into new basis objects.
GV gridView
A grid view provided by the grid
PBF preBasisFactory
A factory to create a pre-basis, see the ref page on GlobalBasis
DataTransferOperation op
The operation performed during data-transfer, either DataTransferOperation::INTERPOLATE or DataTransferOperation::NO_OPERATION


using Grid = Dune::YaspGrid<2>;
Grid grid({1.0, 1.0}, {2, 2});

using namespace Dune::Functions::BasisFactory;
GlobalBasis basis1(grid.leafGridView(), lagrange<2>());

DOFVector<decltype(basis1)> vec0(basis1);
DOFVector vec1(basis1);                     // C++17 only

auto basis2 = makeUniquePtr(GlobalBasis{grid.leafGridView(), lagrange<2>()});
DOFVector<Underlying_t<decltype(basis2)>> vec2(std::move(basis2));

See Also

function DOFVector::backup

void backup(std::string const& filename);

Writes the coefficients of the DOFVector to file. Thereby the data is first extracted element-wise and then written using binary ofstreams.


std::string filename
The filename of the backup file that is created.

function DOFVector::restore

void restore(std::string const& filename);

Reads a backup of the DOFVector from file previously created using the backup() function.


std::string filename
The filename of the backup file to read from.

function makeDOFVector

Defined in header <amdis/DOFVector.hpp>

template <class T = double,
          class Basis>
DOFVector<...> makeDOFVector(Basis&& basis, DataTransferOperation op = INTERPOLATE)

Creates a DOFVector from a basis.

This generator function accepts the basis as reference, temporary, or shared_ptr. Internally the reference is wrapped into a non-destroying shared_ptr and the temporary is moved into a new shared_ptr, see DOFVector::DOFVector.

The DataTransferOperation controls what is done during grid changes with the DOFVector. The default is interpolation of the data to the new grid.


Basis basis
Reference, temporary, or shared_ptr to dune global basis or GlobalBasis
DataTransferOperation op
The operation performed during data-transfer, either DataTransferOperation::INTERPOLATE or DataTransferOperation::NO_OPERATION

Template types

The type of the coefficients to store in the DOFVector

Return value

Returns a DOFVector<GB, T> with GB = GlobalBasis<typename Underlying_t<Basis>::PreBasis>. The underlying type is either the remove_cvref_t for references, or the pointed-to type for smart pointers.


using namespace Dune::Functions::BasisFactory;

// pass a reference to the basis
GlobalBasis basis1(gridView, lagrange<2>());
auto vec1 = makeDOFVector<double>(basis1);

// pass a smart pointer
auto basis2 = std::make_shared<decltype(basis1)>(basis1);
auto vec2 = makeDOFVector(basis2, DataTransferOperation::NO_OPERATION);

class DiscreteFunction

Defined in header <amdis/gridfunctions/DiscreteFunction.hpp>

template <class Coefficients,
          class GlobalBasis,
          class TreePath>
class DiscreteFunction

A DiscreteFunction is the interpretation of a DOFVector as grid function.

Template parameters

Type of the coefficient vector
The type of the global basis associated with the DOFVector
The path in the basis tree representing the subspace represented by this DiscreteFunction

Member Types

Member Type Definition
EntitySet Set of entities the DiscreteFunction is defined on, GridViewEntitySet<GlobalBasis::GridView, 0>
Domain Global coordinates of the EntitySet
Range Range type of this DiscreteFunction, given by sub-tree and coefficient type

Member functions of the const DiscreteFunction

Function Descriptions
(constructor) Construct the const DiscreteFunction
entitySet Return the stored GridViewEntitySet
basis Return global basis bound to the DOFVector
treePath Return the treePath associated with this discrete function
coefficients Return const coefficient vector
child Return the sub-range view of this DiscreteFunction

Member functions of the mutable DiscreteFunction

Function Descriptions
(constructor) Construct the mutable DiscreteFunction
interpolate_noalias Interpolation of GridFunction to DOFVector assuming no aliasing
interpolate Interpolation of GridFunction to DOFVector
operator<< Interpolation of GridFunction to DOFVector
operator+= Accumulated interpolation of GridFunction to DOFVector
operator-= Accumulated interpolation of GridFunction to DOFVector

function DiscreteFunction::DiscreteFunction

// (1)
DiscreteFunction(DOFVector<GlobalBasis,T> const& dofVector, GlobalBasis const& basis,
                 TreePath const& treePath = {})
// (2)
DiscreteFunction(DOFVector<GlobalBasis,T>& dofVector, GlobalBasis const& basis,
                 TreePath const& treePath = {})

Construction of a DiscreteFunction from a const (1) or mutable (2) DOFVector. The corresponding constructor is only available for the const or mutable is_const template parameter specialization.


DOFVector<...> dofvector
The container storing the global coefficients. Is stored as pointer in the DiscreteFunction and thus must have a longer lifetime than the DiscreteFunction.
GlobalBasis const& basis
The global basis associated with the dofvector.
TreePath treePath
A Dune::TypeTree::HybridTreePath<...> representing the coordinates of a node in the basis tree this DiscreteFunction is defined on. The type of the treePath also defines the Range type of the DiscreteFunction.

function DiscreteFunction::entitySet

EntitySet const& entitySet() const

Returns a Dune::Functions::GridViewEntitySet of the GridView associated to the GlobalBasis.

function DiscreteFunction::basis

std::shared_ptr<GlobalBasis const> basis() const

Returns the global basis bound to the DOFVector.

function DiscreteFunction::treePath

TreePath const& treePath() const

Returns the treePath associated with this DiscreteFunction.

function DiscreteFunction::coefficients

DOFVector<GB,VT> const& coefficients() const  // (1)
DOFVector<GB,VT>&       coefficients()        // (2)

Returns the const (1) or mutable (2) coefficient vector.

function DiscreteFunction::child

// (1)
template <class... Indices>
auto child(Indices... ii) const

// (2)
template <class... Indices>
auto child(Indices... ii)

Returns the const (1) or mutable (2) sub-range view of the stored DOFVector.


Indices... ii
Components of the tree-path identifying a node in the basis tree.


GlobalBasis basis{gridView, power<3>(lagrange<1>())};
auto vec = makeDOFVector(basis);
auto df = valueOf(vec);

auto df1 = df.child();
auto df2 = df.child(0);
auto df3 = df.child(_0);
auto df4 = valueOf(df,0);
auto df5 = valueOf(vec,0); // df4 == df5

function DiscreteFunction::interpolate*

// (1)
template <class Expr, class Tag = tag::average>
void interpolate_noalias(Expr&& expr, Tag strategy)

// (2)
template <class Expr, class Tag = tag::average>
void interpolate(Expr&& expr, Tag strategy)

// (3)
template <class Expr>
DiscreteFunction& operator<<(Expr&& expr)

// (4)
template <class Expr>
DiscreteFunction& operator+=(Expr&& expr)

// (5)
template <class Expr>
DiscreteFunction& operator-=(Expr&& expr)

(1) Interpolation of a GridFunction (or Expression) to the subtree of the DOFVector, assuming that there is no reference to this DOFVector in the expression (no aliasing).

(2) Interpolation of a GridFunction (or Expression) to the subtree of the DOFVector, allowing aliasing.

(3) Operator notation of (2) using averaging strategy.

(4) Interpolate (*this) + expr to the subtree of the DOFVector.

(5) Interpolate (*this) - expr to the subtree of the DOFVector.

In case aliasing is allowed, a temporary DOFVector is created first as copy of this and the interpolation performed on the temporary using noalias interpolation (1). Then, this tempoary is moved back to this.

Note, the range type of the expression must be compatible with the Range type of the DiscreteFunction.


Expr expr
An Expression representing a GridFunction
Tag strategy
An interpolation strategy, either tag::average or tag::assign. The averagestrategy accumulates interpolation values on each dof and takes the average by divising through the number of assignees. The assign strategy diretly assigns an interpolation value to a dof that might be overwritten in a subsequent interpolation step.


GlobalBasis basis{gridView, power<3>(lagrange<1>())};
auto vec = makeDOFVector(basis);

// Range type is FieldVector<double,3>
valueOf(vec) << [](FieldVector<double,3> const& x) -> FieldVector<double,3> { return x; };

// Range type is double
valueOf(vec,0) += 42.0;