Quick start

This section will show a simple example to illustrate various functionalities of the AMPL Python interface. The full example prints the version of the AMPL interpreter used, loads a model from file and the corresponding data from pandas.DataFrame objects, solves it, gets some of the AMPL entities in Python and uses them to get the results and to assign data programmatically.

This section assumes that you are already familiar with the Python language and the Pandas library. Note that data can be loaded from various sources such as table handlers, data files, and other Python native data structures such as list and dict. Full class reference is given in Python API Reference.

Quick Start using Pandas dataframes

Data can be loaded in various forms, one of which is pandas.DataFrame objects.

Open In Colab Kaggle Gradient Open In SageMaker Studio Lab

Quick Start using lists and dictionaries

Data can be loaded in various forms, including Python lists and dictionaries.

Open In Colab Kaggle Gradient Open In SageMaker Studio Lab

There are many more notebooks with examples available on the AMPL Model Colaboratory.

Complete listing

This is the complete listing of the example. You can download it from: dietmodel.py. A simplified version using a data file instead of Pandas can be download from: firstexample.py. Please note that, for clarity of presentation, all the code in the examples below does not include exception handling.

from amplpy import AMPL
import pandas as pd # for pandas.DataFrame objects (https://pandas.pydata.org/)
import numpy as np # for numpy.matrix objects (https://numpy.org/)

# Create an AMPL instance
ampl = AMPL()

# If you are not using amplpy.modules, and the AMPL installation directory
# is not in the system search path, add it as follows:
from amplpy import add_to_path
add_to_path(r"full path to the AMPL installation directory")

# Load the model (alternatively, you can use ampl.eval("""...""") to define the model)

# Load the data from pandas.DataFrame objects:
food_df, nutr_df, amt_df = prepare_data()
# 1. Send the data from "amt_df" to AMPL and initialize the indexing set "FOOD"
ampl.set_data(food_df, "FOOD")
# 2. Send the data from "nutr_df" to AMPL and initialize the indexing set "NUTR"
ampl.set_data(nutr_df, "NUTR")
# 3. Set the values for the parameter "amt" using "amt_df"

# Specify the solver to use (e.g., HiGHS)
ampl.option["solver"] = "highs"
# Solve
# Stop if the model was not solved
assert ampl.get_value("solve_result") == "solved"

# Get objective entity by AMPL name
totalcost = ampl.get_objective("Total_Cost")
# Print it
print("Objective is:", totalcost.value())

# Reassign data - specific instances
cost = ampl.get_parameter("cost")
cost.set_values({"BEEF": 5.01, "HAM": 4.55})
print("Increased costs of beef and ham.")

# Resolve and display objective
# Stop if the model was not solved
assert ampl.get_value("solve_result") == "solved"
print("New objective value:", totalcost.value())

# Reassign data - all instances
        "BEEF": 3,
        "CHK": 5,
        "FISH": 5,
        "HAM": 6,
        "MCH": 1,
        "MTL": 2,
        "SPG": 5.01,
        "TUR": 4.55,

print("Updated all costs.")

# Resolve and display objective
# Stop if the model was not solved
assert ampl.get_value("solve_result") == "solved"
print("New objective value:", totalcost.value())

# Get the values of the variable Buy in a pandas.DataFrame object
df = ampl.get_variable("Buy").get_values().to_pandas()
# Print them

# Get the values of an expression into a pandas.DataFrame object
df2 = ampl.get_data("{j in FOOD} 100*Buy[j]/Buy[j].ub").to_pandas()
# Print them

Where prepare_data is the following function that returns three pandas.DataFrame objects:

def prepare_data():
    food_df = pd.DataFrame(
            ("BEEF", 3.59, 2, 10),
            ("CHK", 2.59, 2, 10),
            ("FISH", 2.29, 2, 10),
            ("HAM", 2.89, 2, 10),
            ("MCH", 1.89, 2, 10),
            ("MTL", 1.99, 2, 10),
            ("SPG", 1.99, 2, 10),
            ("TUR", 2.49, 2, 10),
        columns=["FOOD", "cost", "f_min", "f_max"],

    # Create a pandas.DataFrame with data for n_min, n_max
    nutr_df = pd.DataFrame(
            ("A", 700, 20000),
            ("C", 700, 20000),
            ("B1", 700, 20000),
            ("B2", 700, 20000),
            ("NA", 0, 50000),
            ("CAL", 16000, 24000),
        columns=["NUTR", "n_min", "n_max"],

    amt_df = pd.DataFrame(
                [60, 8, 8, 40, 15, 70, 25, 60],
                [20, 0, 10, 40, 35, 30, 50, 20],
                [10, 20, 15, 35, 15, 15, 25, 15],
                [15, 20, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 10],
                [928, 2180, 945, 278, 1182, 896, 1329, 1397],
                [295, 770, 440, 430, 315, 400, 379, 450],
    return food_df, nutr_df, amt_df


amplpy should be able to load pandas.DataFrame objects with millions of rows in a couple of seconds, but if you are dealing with such large amounts of data (e.g., over 10 millions of rows), you may consider using a table handler to transfer the data directly into AMPL from its source without having to pass it though Python, as Python may sometimes be the performance bottleneck. We have table handlers such as amplcsv (CSV files), amplxl (XLSX files), and eodbc (Databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL via ODBC). You can still use the API to update the data and retrieve solutions, but you may gain substantial performance by passing the initial values directly into AMPL.

Needed modules and AMPL environment creation

For a simple hello world program, first import the needed classes from the amplpy package.

from amplpy import AMPL

Then copy the following statements to have a hello world application which gets the value of the option version as defined in the underlying AMPL executable and prints the result on the console.

ampl = AMPL()

The first line creates a new AMPL object with all default settings. The second, which is the preferred way to access AMPL options, gets the value of the option version from AMPL as a string and prints the result on the active console.

If you are not using amplpy.modules, and your AMPL installation directory is not in the system search path, add it as follows:

from amplpy import AMPL, add_to_path
add_to_path(r"full path to the AMPL installation directory")
ampl = AMPL()

Note that you may need to use raw strings (e.g., r”C:\ampl\ampl.mswin64”) or escape the slashes (e.g., “C:\\\ampl\\\ampl.mswin64”) if the path includes backslashes.

Load model and data from files

If you have AMPL model and data files, you can use the method amplpy.AMPL.read() to load model files and amplpy.AMPL.read_data() to load data files. If the files are not found, an IOError is raised.


Once these commands are executed, the AMPL interpreter will have interpreted the content of the two files. No further communication is made between the AMPL interpreter and the Python object, as every entity is created lazily (as needed).

Load model using eval

An alternative to amplpy.AMPL.read() for loading models, is the method amplpy.AMPL.eval() to load a model directly from a string as follows:

    set NUTR;
    set FOOD;

    param cost {FOOD} > 0;
    param f_min {FOOD} >= 0;
    param f_max {j in FOOD} >= f_min[j];

    param n_min {NUTR} >= 0;
    param n_max {i in NUTR} >= n_min[i];

    param amt {NUTR,FOOD} >= 0;

    var Buy {j in FOOD} >= f_min[j], <= f_max[j];

    minimize Total_Cost:  sum {j in FOOD} cost[j] * Buy[j];

    subject to Diet {i in NUTR}:
    n_min[i] <= sum {j in FOOD} amt[i,j] * Buy[j] <= n_max[i];

Using amplpy.AMPL.eval() or amplpy.AMPL.read() to load a model is a matter of preference.

Load the data using Pandas objects

Data can be loaded in various ways, one of them is pandas.DataFrame objects. In the snippet below, amplpy.AMPL.set_data() is used to load data from the pandas.DataFrame objects food_df and nutr_df, and amplpy.Parameter.set_values() is used to load data in amt_df into the AMPL parameter amt.

# the function prepare_data returns three pandas.DataFrame objects
food_df, nutr_df, amt_df = prepare_data()
# 1. Send the data from "amt_df" to AMPL and initialize the indexing set "FOOD"
ampl.set_data(food_df, "FOOD")
# 2. Send the data from "nutr_df" to AMPL and initialize the indexing set "NUTR"
ampl.set_data(nutr_df, "NUTR")
# 3. Set the values for the parameter "amt" using "amt_df"

Load the data using lists and dictionaries

AMPL parameters are very similar to Python dictionaries and AMPL sets are very similar to Python lists and sets. For the same model, all data could also have been loaded using native Python lists and dictionaries.

# foods[food] = (cost, f_min, f_max)
foods = {
    "BEEF": (3.59, 2, 10),
    "CHK": (2.59, 2, 10),
    "FISH": (2.29, 2, 10),
    "HAM": (2.89, 2, 10),
    "MCH": (1.89, 2, 10),
    "MTL": (1.99, 2, 10),
    "SPG": (1.99, 2, 10),
    "TUR": (2.49, 2, 10),
# nutrients[nutr] = (n_min, n_max)
nutrients = {
    "A": (700, 20000),
    "C": (700, 20000),
    "B1": (700, 20000),
    "B2": (700, 20000),
    "NA": (0, 50000),
    "CAL": (16000, 24000),
ampl.set["FOOD"] = list(foods.keys())
ampl.param["cost"] = {food: cost for food, (cost, _, _) in foods.items()}
ampl.param["f_min"] = {food: f_min for food, (_, f_min, _) in foods.items()}
ampl.param["f_max"] = {food: f_max for food, (_, _, f_max) in foods.items()}
ampl.set["NUTR"] = list(nutrients.keys())
ampl.param["n_min"] = {nutr: n_min for nutr, (n_min, _) in nutrients.items()}
ampl.param["n_max"] = {nutr: n_max for nutr, (_, n_max) in nutrients.items()}
amounts = [
    [60, 8, 8, 40, 15, 70, 25, 60],
    [20, 0, 10, 40, 35, 30, 50, 20],
    [10, 20, 15, 35, 15, 15, 25, 15],
    [15, 20, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 10],
    [928, 2180, 945, 278, 1182, 896, 1329, 1397],
    [295, 770, 440, 430, 315, 400, 379, 450],
ampl.param["amt"] = {
    (nutrient, food): amounts[i][j]
    for i, nutrient in enumerate(nutrients)
    for j, food in enumerate(foods)

In this example we used the Alternative method to access entities as it is more compact. To use pandas.DataFrame objects or native list and dict objects are a matter of preference.

Solve a problem

To solve the currently loaded problem instance, it is sufficient to issue the following commands:

# Specify the solver to use (e.g., HiGHS)
ampl.option["solver"] = "highs"

# Solve the problem

# Stop if the model was not solved
assert ampl.get_value("solve_result") == "solved"

Get an AMPL entity in the programming environment (get objective value)

AMPL API provides Python representations of the AMPL entities. Usually, not all the entities are of interest for the programmer. The generic procedure is:

  1. Identify the entities that need interaction (either data read or modification)

  2. For each of these entities, get the entity through the AMPL API using one of the following functions: amplpy.AMPL.get_variable(), amplpy.AMPL.get_constraint(), amplpy.AMPL.get_objective(), amplpy.AMPL.get_parameter() and amplpy.AMPL.get_set().

totalcost = ampl.get_objective("Total_Cost")
print("Objective is:", totalcost.get().value())

It can be noted that we access an Objective to interrogate AMPL API about the objective function. It is a collections of objectives. To access the single instance, the function get() should be used in case of the objective, which gets the only instance of the objective. Since objectives are often single instance, the value() function has been implemented in the class amplpy.Objective. So, equivalently to the call above, the following call would return the same value, as it gives direct access to the objective function value:


The output of the snippet above is:

Objective is: 118.05940323955669

The same is true for all other entities.

Modify model data (assign values to parameters)

The input data of an optimization model is stored in its parameters; these can be scalar or vectorial entities. Two ways are provided to change the value of vectorial parameter: change specific values or change all values at once. The example shows an example of both ways, reassigning the values of the parameter costs firstly specifically, then altogether. Each time, it then solves the model and get the objective function. The function used to change the values is overloaded, and is in both cases amplpy.Parameter.set_values().

cost = ampl.get_parameter("cost")
cost.set_values({"BEEF": 5.01, "HAM": 4.55})
print("Increased costs of beef and ham.")
print("New objective value:", totalcost.value())

The code above assigns the values 5.01 and 4.55 to the parameter cost for the objects beef and ham respectively. If the order of the indexing of an entity is known (i.e. for multiple reassignment), it is not necessary to specify both the index and the value. A collection of values is assigned to each of the parameter values, in the order they are represented in AMPL.

cost.set_values([3, 5, 5, 6, 1, 2, 5.01, 4.55])
print("Updated all costs.")
print("New objective value:", totalcost.value())

The statements above produce the following output:

Objective is: 118.05940323955669
Increased costs of beef and ham.
New objective value: 144.41572037510653
Updated all costs
New objective value: 164.54375000000002

Get numeric values from variables

To access all the numeric values contained in a Variable or any other entity, use a amplpy.DataFrame object, which can be converted into other objects such as pandas.DataFrame using amplpy.DataFrame.to_pandas(). Doing so, the data is detached from the entity, and there is a considerable performance gain. To do so, we first get the Variable object from AMPL, then we get its data with the function amplpy.Entity.get_values().

# Get the values of the variable Buy in a pandas.DataFrame object
buy = ampl.get_variable("Buy")
df = buy.get_values().to_pandas()

Get arbitrary values via ampl expressions

Often we are interested in very specific values coming out of the optimization session. To make use of the power of AMPL expressions and avoiding cluttering up the environment by creating entities, fetching data through arbitrary AMPL expressions is possible. For this model, we are interested in knowing how close each decision variable is to its upper bound, in percentage. We can obtain this data into a dataframe using the function amplpy.AMPL.get_data() with the code :

# Get the values of an expression into a pandas.DataFrame object
df2 = ampl.get_data("{j in FOOD} 100*Buy[j]/Buy[j].ub").to_pandas()