Migrating from AnyIO 2 to AnyIO 3

AnyIO 3 changed some functions and methods in a way that needs some adaptation in your code. All deprecated functions and methods will be removed in AnyIO 4.

Asynchronous functions converted to synchronous

AnyIO 3 changed several previously asynchronous functions and methods into regular ones for two reasons:

  1. to better serve use cases where synchronous callbacks are used by third party libraries

  2. to better match the API of trio

The following functions and methods were changed:

When migrating to AnyIO 3, simply remove the await from each call to these.


For backwards compatibility reasons, current_time(), current_effective_deadline() and get_running_tasks() return objects which are awaitable versions of their original types (float and list, respectively). These awaitable versions are subclasses of the original types so they should behave as their originals, but if you absolutely need the pristine original types, you can either use maybe_async() or float() / list() on the returned value as appropriate.

The following async context managers changed to regular context managers:

When migrating, just change async with into a plain with.

With the exception of MemoryObjectReceiveStream.receive_nowait(), all of them can still be used like before – they will raise DeprecationWarning when used this way on AnyIO 3, however.

If you’re writing a library that needs to be compatible with both major releases, you will need to use the compatibility functions added in AnyIO 2.2: maybe_async() and maybe_async_cm(). These will let you safely use functions/methods and context managers (respectively) regardless of which major release is currently installed.

Example 1 – setting an event:

from anyio.abc import Event
from anyio import maybe_async

async def foo(event: Event):
    await maybe_async(event.set())

Example 2 – opening a cancel scope:

from anyio import CancelScope, maybe_async_cm

async def foo():
    async with maybe_async_cm(CancelScope()) as scope:

Starting tasks

The TaskGroup.spawn() coroutine method has been deprecated in favor of the synchronous method TaskGroup.start_soon() (which mirrors start_soon() in trio’s nurseries). If you’re fully migrating to AnyIO 3, simply switch to calling the new method (and remove the await).

If your code needs to work with both AnyIO 2 and 3, you can keep using spawn() (until AnyIO 4) and suppress the deprecation warning:

import warnings

async def foo():
    async with create_task_group() as tg:
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            await tg.spawn(otherfunc)

Blocking portal changes

AnyIO now requires from_thread.start_blocking_portal() to be used as a context manager:

from anyio import sleep
from anyio.from_thread import start_blocking_portal

with start_blocking_portal() as portal:
    portal.call(sleep, 1)

As with TaskGroup.spawn(), the BlockingPortal.spawn_task() method has also been renamed to start_task_soon(), so as to be consistent with task groups.

The create_blocking_portal() factory function was also deprecated in favor of instantiating BlockingPortal directly.

For code requiring cross compatibility, catching the deprecation warning (as above) should work.

Synchronization primitives

Synchronization primitive factories (create_event() etc.) were deprecated in favor of instantiating the classes directly. So convert code like this:

from anyio import create_event

async def main():
    event = create_event()

into this:

from anyio import Event

async def main():
    event = Event()

or, if you need to work with both AnyIO 2 and 3:

    from anyio import Event
    create_event = Event
except ImportError:
    from anyio import create_event
    from anyio.abc import Event

async def foo() -> Event:
    return create_event()

Threading functions moved

Threading functions were restructured to submodules, following the example of trio:

The old versions are still in place but emit deprecation warnings when called.