===================== Reloading Source Code ===================== This document contains information about mechanisms available in mod_wsgi for automatic reloading of source code when an application is changed and any issues related to those mechanisms. Embedded Mode Vs Daemon Mode ---------------------------- What is achievable in the way of automatic source code reloading depends on which mode your WSGI application is running. If your WSGI application is running in embedded mode then what happens when you make code changes is largely dictated by how Apache works, as it controls the processes handling requests. In general, if using embedded mode you will have no choice but to manually restart Apache in order for code changes to be used. If using daemon mode, because mod_wsgi manages directly the processes handling requests and in which your WSGI application runs, there is more avenue for performing automatic source code reloading. As a consequence, it is important to understand what mode your WSGI application is running in. If you are running on Windows, are using Apache 1.3, or have not used WSGIDaemonProcess/WSGIProcessGroup directives to delegate your WSGI application to a mod_wsgi daemon mode process, then you will be using embedded mode. If you are not sure whether you are using embedded mode or daemon mode, then substitute your WSGI application entry point with:: def application(environ, start_response): status = '200 OK' if not environ['mod_wsgi.process_group']: output = 'EMBEDDED MODE' else: output = 'DAEMON MODE' response_headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Length', str(len(output)))] start_response(status, response_headers) return [output] If your WSGI application is running in embedded mode, this will output to the browser 'EMBEDDED MODE'. If your WSGI application is running in daemon mode, this will output to the browser 'DAEMON MODE'. Reloading In Embedded Mode -------------------------- However you have configured Apache to mount your WSGI application, you will have a script file which contains the entry point for the WSGI application. This script file is not treated exactly like a normal Python module and need not even use a '.py' extension. It is even preferred that a '.py' extension not be used for reasons described below. For embedded mode, one of the properties of the script file is that by default it will be reloaded whenever the file is changed. The primary intent with the file being reloaded is to provide a second chance at getting any configuration in it and the mapping to the application correct. If the script weren't reloaded in this way, you would need to restart Apache even for a trivial change to the script file. Do note though that this script reloading mechanism is not intended as a general purpose code reloading mechanism. Only the script file itself is reloaded, no other Python modules are reloaded. This means that if modifying normal Python code files which are used by your WSGI application, you will need to trigger a restart of Apache. For example, if you are using Django in embedded mode and needed to change your 'settings.py' file, you would still need to restart Apache. That only the script file and not the whole process is reloaded also has a number of implications and imposes certain restrictions on what code in the script file can do or how it should be implemented. The first issue is that when the script file is imported, if the code makes modifications to ``sys.path`` or other global data structures and the changes are additive, checks should first be made to ensure that the change has not already been made, else duplicate data will be added every time the script file is reloaded. This means that when updating ``sys.path``, instead of using:: import sys sys.path.append('/usr/local/wsgi/modules') the more correct way would be to use:: import sys path = '/usr/local/wsgi/modules' if path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(path) This will ensure that the path doesn't get added multiple times. Even where the script file is named so as to have a '.py' extension, that the script file is not treated like a normal module means that you should never try to import the file from another code file using the 'import' statement or any other import mechanism. The easiest way to avoid this is not use the '.py' extension on script files or never place script files in a directory which is located on the standard module search path, nor add the directory containing the script into ``sys.path`` explicitly. If an attempt is made to import the script file as a module the result will be that it will be loaded a second time as an independent module. This is because script files are loaded under a module name which is keyed to the full absolute path for the script file and not just the basename of the file. Importing the script file directly and accessing it will therefore not result in the same data being accessed as exists in the script file when loaded. Because the script file is not treated like a normal Python module also has implications when it comes to using the "pickle" module in conjunction with objects contained within the script file. In practice what this means is that neither function objects, class objects or instances of classes which are defined in the script file should be stored using the "pickle" module. The technical reasons for the limitations on the use of the "pickle" module in conjunction with objects defined in the script file are further discussed in the document :doc:`../user-guides/issues-with-pickle-module`. The act of reloading script files also means that any data previously held by the module corresponding to the script file will be deleted. If such data constituted handles to database connections, and the connections are not able to clean up themselves when deleted, it may result in resource leakage. One should therefore be cautious of what data is kept in a script file. Preferably the script file should only act as a bridge to code and data residing in a normal Python module imported from an entirely different directory. Restarting Apache Processes --------------------------- As explained above, the only facility that mod_wsgi provides for reloading source code files in embedded mode, is the reloading of just the script file providing the entry point for your WSGI application. If you don't have a choice but to use embedded mode and still desire some measure of automatic source code reloading, one option available which works for both Windows and UNIX systems is to force Apache to recycle the Apache server child process that handles the request automatically after the request has completed. To enable this, you need to modify the value of the MaxRequestsPerChild directive in the Apache configuration. Normally this would be set to a value of '0', indicating that the process should never be restarted as a result of the number of requests processed. To have it restart a process after every request, set it to the value '1' instead:: MaxRequestsPerChild 1 Do note however that this will cause the process to be restarted after any request. That is, the process will even be restarted if the request was for a static file or a PHP application and wasn't even handled by your WSGI application. The restart will also occur even if you have made no changes to your code. Because a restart happens regardless of the request type, using this method is not recommended. Because of how the Apache server child processes are monitored and restarts handled, it is technically possible that this method will yield performance which is worse than CGI scripts. For that reason you may even be better off using a CGI/WSGI bridge to host your WSGI application. At least that way the handling of other types of requests, such as for static files and PHP applications will not be affected. Reloading In Daemon Mode ------------------------ If using mod_wsgi daemon mode, what happens when the script file is changed is different to what happens in embedded mode. In daemon mode, if the script file changed, rather than just the script file being reloaded, the daemon process which contains the application will be shutdown and restarted automatically. Detection of the change in the script file will occur at the time of the first request to arrive after the change has been made. The way that the restart is performed does not affect the handling of the request, with it still being processed once the daemon process has been restarted. In the case of there being multiple daemon processes in the process group, then a cascade effect will occur, with successive processes being restarted until the request is again routed to one of the newly restarted processes. In this way, restarting of a WSGI application when a change has been made to the code is a simple matter of touching the script file if daemon mode is being used. Any daemon processes will then automatically restart without the need to restart the whole of Apache. So, if you are using Django in daemon mode and needed to change your 'settings.py' file, once you have made the required change, also touch the script file containing the WSGI application entry point. Having done that, on the next request the process will be restarted and your Django application reloaded. Restarting Daemon Processes --------------------------- If you are using daemon mode of mod_wsgi, restarting of processes can to a degree also be controlled by a user, or by the WSGI application itself, without restarting the whole of Apache. To force a daemon process to be restarted, if you are using a single daemon process with many threads for the application, then you can embed a page in your application (password protected hopefully), that sends an appropriate signal to itself. This should only be done for daemon processes and not within the Apache child processes, as sending such a signal within a child process may interfere with the operation of Apache. That the code is executing within a daemon process can be determined by checking the 'mod_wsgi.process_group' variable in the WSGI environment passed to the application. The value will be non empty if a daemon process:: if environ['mod_wsgi.process_group'] != '': import signal, os os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT) This will cause the daemon process your application is in to shutdown. The Apache process supervisor will then automatically restart your process ready for subsequent requests. On the restart it will pick up your new code. This way you can control a reload from your application through some special web page specifically for that purpose. You can also send this signal from an external application, but a problem there may be identifying which process to send the signal to. If you are running the daemon process(es) as a distinct user/group to Apache and each application is running as a different user then you could just look for the Apache (httpd) processes owned by the user the application is running as, as opposed to the Apache user, and send them all signals. If the daemon process is running as the same user as Apache or there are distinct applications running in different daemon processes but as the same user, knowing which daemon processes to send the signal may be harder to determine. Either way, to make it easier to identify which processes belong to a daemon process group, you can use the 'display-name' option to the WSGIDaemonProcess to name the process. On many platforms, when this option is used, that name will then appear in the output from the 'ps' command and not the name of the actual Apache server binary. Monitoring For Code Changes --------------------------- The use of signals to restart a daemon process could also be employed in a mechanism which automatically detects changes to any Python modules or dependent files. This could be achieved by creating a thread at startup which periodically looks to see if file timestamps have changed and trigger a restart if they have. Example code for such an automatic restart mechanism which is compatible with how mod_wsgi works is shown below:: import os import sys import time import signal import threading import atexit import Queue _interval = 1.0 _times = {} _files = [] _running = False _queue = Queue.Queue() _lock = threading.Lock() def _restart(path): _queue.put(True) prefix = 'monitor (pid=%d):' % os.getpid() print >> sys.stderr, '%s Change detected to \'%s\'.' % (prefix, path) print >> sys.stderr, '%s Triggering process restart.' % prefix os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT) def _modified(path): try: # If path doesn't denote a file and were previously # tracking it, then it has been removed or the file type # has changed so force a restart. If not previously # tracking the file then we can ignore it as probably # pseudo reference such as when file extracted from a # collection of modules contained in a zip file. if not os.path.isfile(path): return path in _times # Check for when file last modified. mtime = os.stat(path).st_mtime if path not in _times: _times[path] = mtime # Force restart when modification time has changed, even # if time now older, as that could indicate older file # has been restored. if mtime != _times[path]: return True except: # If any exception occured, likely that file has been # been removed just before stat(), so force a restart. return True return False def _monitor(): while 1: # Check modification times on all files in sys.modules. for module in sys.modules.values(): if not hasattr(module, '__file__'): continue path = getattr(module, '__file__') if not path: continue if os.path.splitext(path)[1] in ['.pyc', '.pyo', '.pyd']: path = path[:-1] if _modified(path): return _restart(path) # Check modification times on files which have # specifically been registered for monitoring. for path in _files: if _modified(path): return _restart(path) # Go to sleep for specified interval. try: return _queue.get(timeout=_interval) except: pass _thread = threading.Thread(target=_monitor) _thread.setDaemon(True) def _exiting(): try: _queue.put(True) except: pass _thread.join() atexit.register(_exiting) def track(path): if not path in _files: _files.append(path) def start(interval=1.0): global _interval if interval < _interval: _interval = interval global _running _lock.acquire() if not _running: prefix = 'monitor (pid=%d):' % os.getpid() print >> sys.stderr, '%s Starting change monitor.' % prefix _running = True _thread.start() _lock.release() This would be used by importing into the script file the Python module containing the above code, starting the monitoring system and adding any additional non Python files which should be tracked:: import os import monitor monitor.start(interval=1.0) monitor.track(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'site.cf')) def application(environ, start_response): ... Where needing to add many non Python files in a directory hierarchy, such as template files which would otherwise be cached within the running process, the ``os.path.walk()`` function could be used to traverse all files and add required files based on extension or other criteria using the 'track()' function. This mechanism would generally work adequately where a single daemon process is used within a process group. You would need to be careful however when multiple daemon processes are used. This is because it may not be possible to synchronise the checks exactly across all of the daemon processes. As a result you may end up with the daemon processes running a mixture of old and new code until they all synchronise with the new code base. This problem can be minimised by defining a short interval time between scans, however that will increase the overhead of the checks. Using such an approach may in some cases be useful if using mod_wsgi as a development platform. It certainly would not be recommended you use this mechanism for a production system. The reasons for not using it on a production system is due to the additional overhead and chance that daemon processes are restarted when you are not expecting them to be. For example, in a production environment where requests are coming in all the time, you do not want a restart triggered when you are part way through making a set of changes which cover multiple files as likely then that an inconsistent set of code will be loaded and the application will fail. Note that you should also not use this mechanism on a system where you have configured mod_wsgi to preload your WSGI application as soon as the daemon process has started. If you do that, then the monitor thread will be recreated immediately and so for every single code change on a preloaded file you make, the daemon process will be restarted, even if there is no intervening request. If preloading was really required, the example code would need to be modified so as to not use signals to restart the daemon process, but reset to zero the variable saved away in the WSGI script file that records the modification time of the script file. This will have the affect of delaying the restart until the next request has arrived. Because that variable holding the modification time is an internal implementation detail of mod_wsgi and not strictly part of its published API or behaviour, you should only use that approach if it is warranted. Restarting Windows Apache ------------------------- On the Windows platform there is no daemon mode only embedded mode. The MPM used on Apache is the 'winnt' MPM. This MPM is like the worker MPM on UNIX systems except that there is only one process. Being embedded mode, modifying the WSGI script file only results in the WSGI script file itself being reloaded, the process as a whole is not reloaded. Thus there is no way normally through modifying the WSGI script file or any other Python code file used by the application, of having the whole application reloaded automatically. The recipe in the previous section can be used with daemon mode on UNIX systems to implement an automated scheme for restarting the daemon processes when any code change is made, but because Windows lacks the 'fork()' system call daemon mode isn't supported in the first place. Thus, the only way one can have code changes picked up on Windows is to restart Apache as a whole. Although a full restart is required, Apache on Windows only uses a single child server process and so the impact isn't as significant as on UNIX platforms, where many processes may need to be shutdown and restarted. With that in mind, it is actually possible to modify the prior recipe for restarting a daemon process to restart Apache itself. To achieve this slight of hand, it is necessary to use the Python 'ctypes' module to get access to a special internal Apache function which is available in the Windows version of Apache called 'ap_signal_parent()'. The required change to get this to work is to replace the restart function in the previous code with the following:: def _restart(path): _queue.put(True) prefix = 'monitor (pid=%d):' % os.getpid() print >> sys.stderr, '%s Change detected to \'%s\'.' % (prefix, path) print >> sys.stderr, '%s Triggering Apache restart.' % prefix import ctypes ctypes.windll.libhttpd.ap_signal_parent(1) Other than that, the prior code would be used exactly as before. Now when any change is made to Python code used by the application or any other monitored files, Apache will be restarted automatically for you. As before, probably recommended that this only be used during development and not on a production system.