

Sets which application group WSGI application belongs to.


WSGIApplicationGroup name WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} WSGIApplicationGroup %{SERVER} WSGIApplicationGroup %{RESOURCE} WSGIApplicationGroup %{ENV:variable}


WSGIApplicationGroup %{RESOURCE}


server config, virtual host, directory

The WSGIApplicationGroup directive can be used to specify which application group a WSGI application or set of WSGI applications belongs to. All WSGI applications within the same application group will execute within the context of the same Python sub interpreter of the process handling the request.

The argument to the WSGIApplicationGroup can be either one of four special expanding variables or an explicit name of your own choosing. The meaning of the special variables are:


The application group name will be set to the empty string.

Any WSGI applications in the global application group will always be executed within the context of the first interpreter created by Python when it is initialised. Forcing a WSGI application to run within the first interpreter can be necessary when a third party C extension module for Python has used the simplified threading API for manipulation of the Python GIL and thus will not run correctly within any additional sub interpreters created by Python.


The application group name will be set to the server hostname. If the request arrived over a non standard HTTP/HTTPS port, the port number will be added as a suffix to the group name separated by a colon.

For example, if the virtual host is handling requests on the standard HTTP port (80) and HTTPS port (443), a request arriving on either port would see the application group name being set to If instead the virtual host was handling requests on port 8080, then the application group name would be set to


The application group name will be set to the server hostname and port as for the %{SERVER} variable, to which the value of WSGI environment variable SCRIPT_NAME is appended separated by the file separator character.

For example, if the virtual host was handling requests on port 8080 and the URL-path which mapped to the WSGI application was:

then the application group name would be set to:|/wsgi-scripts/foo

The effect of using the %{RESOURCE} variable expansion is for each application on any server to be isolated from all others by being mapped to its own Python sub interpreter.


The application group name will be set to the value of the named environment variable. The environment variable is looked-up via the internal Apache notes and subprocess environment data structures and (if not found there) via getenv() from the Apache server process.

In an Apache configuration file, environment variables accessible using the %{ENV} variable reference can be setup by using directives such as SetEnv and RewriteRule.

For example, to group all WSGI scripts for a specific user when using mod_userdir within the same application group, the following could be used:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/~([^/]+)
RewriteRule . - [E=APPLICATION_GROUP:~%1]

<Directory /home/*/public_html/wsgi-scripts/>
Options ExecCGI
SetHandler wsgi-script

Note that in embedded mode or a multi process daemon process group, there will be an instance of the named sub interpreter in each process. Thus the directive only ensures that request is handled in the named sub interpreter within the process that handles the request. If you need to ensure that requests for a specific user always go back to the exact same sub interpreter, then you will need to use a daemon process group with only a single process, or implement sticky session mechanism across a number of single process daemon process groups.