===================== WSGIPassAuthorization ===================== :Description: Enable/Disable passing of authorisation headers. :Syntax: ``WSGIPassAuthorization On|Off`` :Default: ``WSGIPassAuthorization Off`` :Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess The WSGIPassAuthorization directive can be used to control whether HTTP authorisation headers are passed through to a WSGI application in the ``HTTP_AUTHORIZATION`` variable of the WSGI application environment when the equivalent HTTP request headers are present. This option would need to be set to ``On`` if the WSGI application was to handle authorisation rather than Apache doing it. Authorisation headers are not passed through by default as doing so could leak information about passwords through to a WSGI application which should not be able to see them when Apache is performing authorisation. If Apache is performing authorisation, a WSGI application can still find out what type of authorisation scheme was used by checking the variable ``AUTH_TYPE`` of the WSGI application environment. The login name of the authorised user can be determined by checking the variable ``REMOTE_USER``.