Installation Issues

Although mod_wsgi is not a large package in itself, it depends on both
Apache and Python to get it compiled and installed. Because Apache and
Python are complicated systems in their own right, various problems can
come up during installation of mod_wsgi. These problems can arise for
various reasons, including an incomplete or suboptimal Python installation
or presence of multiple Python versions.

The purpose of this document is to capture all the known problems that can
arise regarding installation, including workarounds if available.

If you are having a problem which doesn't seem to be covered by this
document, also make sure you see :doc:`../user-guides/configuration-issues`
and :doc:`../user-guides/application-issues`.

Missing Python Header Files

In order to compile mod_wsgi from source code you must have installed the
full Python distribution, including header files. On a Linux distribution
where binary Python packages are split into a runtime package and a
developer package, the developer package is often not installed by default.
This means that you will be missing the header files required to compile
mod_wsgi from source code. An example of the error messages you will see
if the developer package is not installed are::

    mod_wsgi.c:113:20: error: Python.h: No such file or directory
    mod_wsgi.c:114:21: error: compile.h: No such file or directory
    mod_wsgi.c:115:18: error: node.h: No such file or directory
    mod_wsgi.c:116:20: error: osdefs.h: No such file or directory
    mod_wsgi.c:119:2: error: #error Sorry, mod_wsgi requires at least Python 2.3.0.
    mod_wsgi.c:123:2: error: #error Sorry, mod_wsgi requires that Python supporting thread.

To remedy the problem, install the developer package for Python
corresponding to the Python runtime package you have installed. What the
name of the developer package is can vary from one Linux distribution to
another. Normally it has the same name as the Python runtime package with
``-dev`` appended to the package name. You will need to lookup up list of
available packages in your packaging system to determine actual name of
package to install.

Lack Of Python Shared Library

In the optimal case, when mod_wsgi is compiled the resulting Apache module
should be less than 250 Kbytes in size. If this is not the case and the
module is over 1MB in size, it indicates that the version of Python being
used was not originally configured so as to produce a Python shared library
and is instead only producing a static library.

Although the existance of only a static library for Python doesn't normally
cause compilation of mod_wsgi to fail, it does mean that when 'libtool' is
used to generate the mod_wsgi Apache module, that it has to embed the
actual static library objects into the Apache module instead of it being
used as a shared library.

The consequences of this are that when the mod_wsgi Apache module is loaded
by Apache, the operating system dynamic linker has to perform address
relocations on the Python library component of the mod_wsgi Apache module.
Because these relocations require memory to be modified, the full Python
library then becomes private memory to the process and not shared.

On a Linux system this need to perform the address relocations at runtime
will immediately cause each Apache child process to bloat out in size by
between 1 and 2MB. On a Solaris system, depending on which compiler is
being used and which options, the amount of additional memory used can be
5MB or more.

To determine whether the compiled mod_wsgi module is making use of a
shared library for Python, many UNIX systems provide the 'ldd'
program. The output from running this on the 'mod_wsgi.so' file would
be something like::

    $ ldd mod_wsgi.so
     linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fffeb3fe000)
     libpython2.5.so.1.0 => /usr/local/lib/libpython2.5.so.1.0 (0x00002adebf94d000)
     libpthread.so.0 => /lib/libpthread.so.0 (0x00002adebfcba000)
     libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0x00002adebfed6000)
     libutil.so.1 => /lib/libutil.so.1 (0x00002adec00da000)
     libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x00002adec02dd000)
     libm.so.6 => /lib/libm.so.6 (0x00002adec0635000)
     /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x0000555555554000)

Note how there is a dependency listed on the '.so' file for Python. If
this is not present then mod_wsgi is using a static Python library.

Although mod_wsgi will still work when compiled against a version of Python
which only provides a static library, you are highly encouraged to ensure
that your Python installation has been configured and compiled with the
``--enable-shared`` option to enable the production and use of a shared
library for Python.

If rebuilding Python to generate a shared library, do make sure that the
Python shared library, or a symlink to it appears in the Python 'config'
directory of your Python installation. If the shared library doesn't appear
here next to the static version of the library, 'libtool' will not be able
to find it and will still use the static version of the library. It is
understood that the Python build process may not actually do this, so you
may have to do it by hand.

To check, go to the Python 'config' directory of your Python installation
and do a directory listing::

    $ ls -las

       4 drwxr-sr-x  2 root staff    4096 2007-11-29 23:26 .
      20 drwxr-sr-x 21 root staff   20480 2007-11-29 23:26 ..
       4 -rw-r--r--  1 root staff    2078 2007-11-29 23:26 config.c
       4 -rw-r--r--  1 root staff    1446 2007-11-29 23:26 config.c.in
       8 -rwxr-xr-x  1 root staff    7122 2007-11-29 23:26 install-sh
    7664 -rw-r--r--  1 root staff 7833936 2007-11-29 23:26 libpython2.5.a
      40 -rw-r--r--  1 root staff   38327 2007-11-29 23:26 Makefile
       8 -rwxr-xr-x  1 root staff    7430 2007-11-29 23:26 makesetup
       8 -rw-r--r--  1 root staff    6456 2007-11-29 23:26 python.o
      20 -rw-r--r--  1 root staff   17862 2007-11-29 23:26 Setup
       4 -rw-r--r--  1 root staff     368 2007-11-29 23:26 Setup.config
       4 -rw-r--r--  1 root staff      41 2007-11-29 23:26 Setup.local

If you only see a '.a' file for Python library, then either Python wasn't
installed with the shared library, or the shared library was placed
elsewhere. What appears to normally happen is that the shared library is
actually placed in the 'lib' directory two levels above the Python 'config'
directory. In that case you need to create a symlink in the 'config'
directory to where the shared library is actually installed::

    $ ln -s ../../libpython2.5.so .

Apart from the additional memory consumption when using a static library,
it is also preferable that a shared library be used where it is possible
that you will upgrade your Python installation to a newer patch revision.
This is because if you upgrade Python to a newer patch revision but do
not recompile mod_wsgi, mod_wsgi will still incorporate the older static
Python library and will not pick up any changes from the newer version
of Python. This will result in undefined behaviour as the Python library
code may not match up with the Python code modules or external modules
in the Python installation. If a Python shared library is used, this will
not be a problem.

Multiple Python Versions

Where there are multiple versions of Python installed on a system and it is
necessary to ensure that a specific version is used, the ``--with-python``
option can be supplied to 'configure' when installing mod_wsgi::

    ./configure --with-python=/usr/local/bin/python2.5

This may be necessary where for example the default Python version supplied
with the system is an older version of Python. More specifically, it would
be required where it isn't possible to replace the older version of Python
outright due to operating system management scripts being dependent on the
older version of Python and not working with newer versions of Python.

Where multiple versions of Python are present and are installed under the
same directory, this should generally be all that is required. If however
the newer version of Python you wish to use is in a different location, for
example under '/usr/local', it is possible that when Apache is started that
it will not be able find the Python library files for the version of Python
you wish to use.

This can occur because the Python library when initialised determines where
the Python installation resides by looking through directories specified in
the 'PATH' environment variable for the 'python' executable and using that
as base location for calculating installation prefix. Specifically, the
directory above the directory containing the 'python' executable is taken
as being the installation prefix.

When the Python which should be used is installed in a non standard
location, then that 'bin' directory is unlikely to be in the 'PATH' used by
Apache when it is started. As such, rather than find
'/usr/local/bin/python' it would instead find '/usr/bin/python' and so use
'/usr' rather than the directory '/usr/local/' as the installation prefix.

When this occurs, if under '/usr' there was no Python installation of the
same version number as Python which should be used, then normally::

    'import site' failed; use -v for traceback

would appear in the Apache error log file when Python is first being
initialised within Apache. Any attempt to make a request against a WSGI
application would also result in errors as no modules at all except for
inbuilt modules, would be able to be found when an attempt is made to
import them.

Alternatively, if there was a Python installation of the same version,
albeit not the desired installation, then there may be no obvious issues on
startup, but at run time you may find modules cannot be found when being
imported as they are installed into a different location than that which
was being used. Even if equivalent module is found, it could fail at run
time in subtle ways if the two Python installations are of same version but at
the different locations are compiled in different ways, or if it is a third
party module and they are different versions and so API is different.

In this situation it will be necessary to explicitly tell mod_wsgi
where the Python executable for the version of Python which should be
used, is located. This can be done using the WSGIPythonHome directive::

    WSGIPythonHome /usr/local

The value given to the WSGIPythonHome directive should be a normalised
path corresponding to that defined by the Python {{{sys.prefix}}} variable
for the version of Python being used and passed to the ``--with-python``
option when configuring mod_wsgi::

    >>> import sys
    >>> sys.prefix

An alternative, although less desirable way of achieving this is to set the
'PATH' environment variable in the startup scripts for Apache. For a standard
Apache installation using ASF structure, this can be done by editing the
'envvars' file in same directory as the Apache executable and adding the
alternate bin directory to the head of the 'PATH'::

    export PATH

If there are any concerns over what Python installation directory is being
used and you want to verify what it is, then use a small test WSGI script
which outputs the values of 'sys.prefix' and 'sys.path'. For example::

    import sys

    def application(environ, start_response):
        status = '200 OK'
        output = b'Hello World!'

        response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain'),
                            ('Content-Length', str(len(output)))]
        start_response(status, response_headers)

        print >> sys.stderr, 'sys.prefix = %s' % repr(sys.prefix)
        print >> sys.stderr, 'sys.path = %s' % repr(sys.path)

        return [output]

Using ModPython and ModWsgi

Using mod_python and mod_wsgi together is no longer supported and recent
versions of mod_wsgi will cause the startup of Apache to be aborted if both
are loaded at the same time.

Python Patch Level Mismatch

If the Python package is upgraded to a newer patch level revision, one
will likely see the following warning messages in the Apache error log
when Python is being initialised::

    mod_wsgi: Compiled for Python/2.4.1.
    mod_wsgi: Runtime using Python/2.4.2.

The warning is indicating that a newer version of Python is now being
used than what mod_wsgi was originally compiled for.

This would generally not be a problem provided that both versions of Python
were originally installed with the ``--enable-shared`` option supplied to
'configure'. If this option is used then the Python library will be linked
in dynamically at runtime and so an upgrade to the Python version will be
automatically used.

If ``--enable-shared`` was however not used and the Python library is
therefore embedded into the actual mod_wsgi Apache module, then there is a
risk of undefined behaviour. This is because the version of the Python
library embedded into the mod_wsgi Apache module will be older than the
corresponding Python code modules and extension modules being used from the
Python library directory.

Thus, if a shared library is not being used for Python it will be necessary
to rebuild mod_wsgi against the newer patch level revision of mod_wsgi and
reinstall it.

Mixing 32 Bit And 64 Bit Packages

When attempting to compile mod_wsgi on a Linux system using an X86 64 bit
processor, the following error message can arise::

    /bin/sh /usr/lib64/apr/build/libtool --silent --mode=link gcc -o \
      mod_wsgi.la -I/usr/local/include/python2.4 -DNDEBUG  -rpath \
      /usr/lib64/httpd/modules -module -avoid-version mod_wsgi.lo \
      -L/usr/local/lib/python2.4/config -lpython2.4 -lpthread -ldl -lutil
    /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/python2.4/config/
    libpython2.4.a(abstract.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local
    symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
    /usr/local/lib/python2.4/config/libpython2.4.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536
    make: *** [mod_wsgi.la] Error 1

This error is believed to be result of the version of Python being used
having been originally compiled for the generic X86 32 bit architecture
whereas mod_wsgi is being compiled for X86 64 bit architecture. The actual
error arises in this case because 'libtool' would appear to be unable to
generate a dynamically loadable module for the X86 64 bit architecture from
a X86 32 bit static library. Alternatively, the problem is due to 'libtool'
on this platform not being able to create a loadable module from a X86 64
bit static library in all cases.

If the first issue, the only solution to this problem is to recompile
Python for the X86 64 bit architecture. When doing this, it is preferable,
and may actually be necessary, to ensure that the ``--enable-shared`` option
is provided to the 'configure' script for Python when it is being compiled
and installed.

If rebuilding Python to generate a shared library, do make sure that the
Python shared library, or a symlink to it appears in the Python 'config'
directory of your Python installation. If the shared library doesn't appear
here next to the static version of the library, 'libtool' will not be able
to find it and will still use the static version of the library. It is
understood that the Python build process may not actually do this, so you
may have to do it by hand.

If the version of Python being used was compiled for X86 64 bit
architecture and a shared library does exist, but not in the 'config'
directory, then adding the missing symlink may be all that is required.

Unable To Find Python Shared Library

When mod_wsgi is built against a version of Python providing a shared
library, the Python shared library must be in a directory which is searched
for libraries at runtime by Apache. If this isn't the case the Python
shared library will not be able to be found when loading the mod_wsgi
module in to Apache. The error in this situation will be similar to::

    error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.4.so.1.0: \
     cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

A number of alternatives exist for resolving this problem. The preferred
solution would be to copy the Python shared library into a directory which
is searched for dynamic libraries at run time. Directories which would
generally always be searched are '/lib' and '/usr/lib'.

For some systems the directory '/usr/local/lib' may also be searched, but
this may depend on the directory having been explicitly added to the
approrpiate system file listing the directories to be searched. The name
and location of this configuration file differs between platforms. On Linux
systems it is often called '/etc/ld.so.conf'. If changes are made to the
file on Linux systems the 'ldconfig' command also needs to be run. See the
manual page for 'ldconfig' for further details.

Rather than changing the system wide list of directories to search for
shared libraries, additional search directories can be specified just
for Apache. On Linux this would entail setting the 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'
environment variable to include the directory where the Python shared
library is installed.

The setting and exporting of the environment variable would be placed in
the Apache 'envvars' file, for a standard Apache installation, located in
the same directory as the Apache web server executable. If using a
customised Apache installation, such as on Red Hat, the 'envvars' file may
not exist. In this case you would need to add this into the actual startup
script for Apache. For Red Hat this is '/etc/sysconfig/httpd'.

A final alternative on some systems is to embed the directory to search
for the Python shared library into the mod_wsgi Apache module itself. On
Linux systems this can be done by setting the environment variable
'LD_RUN_PATH' to the directory containing the Python shared library when
initially building the mod_wsgi source code.

GNU C Stack Smashing Extensions

Various Linux distributions are starting to ship with a version of the GNU
C compiler which incorporates an extension which implements protection for
stack-smashing. In some instances where such a compiler is used to build
mod_wsgi, the module is unable to then be loaded by Apache. The specific
problem is that the symbol ``__stack_chk_fail_local`` is being flagged as

    $ invoke-rc.d apache2 reload
    apache2: Syntax error on line 190 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: \
     Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_wsgi.so into server: \
     /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_wsgi.so: \
     undefined symbol: __stack_chk_fail_local failed!
    invoke-rc.d: initscript apache2, action "reload" failed.

The exact reason for this is not known but it is speculated to be caused
when the system libraries or Apache itself has not been compiled with a
version of the GNU C compiler incorporating the extension.

To workaround the problem, modify the 'Makefile' for mod_wsgi and change
the value of 'CFLAGS' to::

    CFLAGS = -Wc,-fno-stack-protector

Perform a 'clean' in the directory and then rebuild and reinstall the
mod_wsgi module.

Undefined 'forkpty' On Fedora 7

On Fedora 7, the provided binary version of Apache is not linked against
the 'libutil' system library. This causes problems when Python is initialised
and the 'posix' module imported for the first time. This is because the
'posix' module requires functions from 'libutil' but they will not be present.
The error encountered would be similar to::

    httpd: Syntax error on line 54 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot \
     load /etc/httpd/modules/mod_wsgi.so into server: \
     /etc/httpd/modules/mod_wsgi.so: undefined symbol: forkpty 

This problem can be fixed by adding ``-lutil`` to the list of libraries to
link mod_wsgi against when it is being built. This can be done by adding
``-lutil`` to the 'LDLIBS' variable in the mod_wsgi 'Makefile' after having
run 'configure'.

An alternative method which may work is to edit the 'envvars' file, if it
exists and is used, located in the same directory as the Apache 'httpd'
executable, or the Apache startup script, and add::

    export LD_PRELOAD

Missing Include Files On SUSE

SUSE Linux follows a slightly different convention to other Linux
distributions and has split their Apache "dev" packages in a way as to
allow packages for different Apache MPMs to be installed at the same time.
Although the resultant mod_wsgi module isn't strictly MPM specific, it
does indirectly include the MPM specific header file "mpm.h". Because the
header file is MPM specific, when configuring mod_wsgi, it is necessary to
reference the version of "apxs" from the MPM specific "dev" package else
the "mpm.h" header file will not be found at compile time. These errors

    In file included from mod_wsgi.c:4882: /usr/include/apache2/mpm_common.h:46:17: error: mpm.h: No such file or directory 
    mod_wsgi.c: In function 'wsgi_set_accept_mutex': 
    mod_wsgi.c:5200: error: 'ap_accept_lock_mech' undeclared (first use in this function) 
    mod_wsgi.c:5200: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once 
    mod_wsgi.c:5200: error: for each function it appears in.) 
    apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536 

To avoid this problem, when configuring mod_wsgi, it is necessary to use
the ``--with-apxs`` option to designate that either "apxs2-worker" or
"apxs2-prefork" should be used. Thus::

    ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs2-worker


    ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs2-prefork

Although which is used is not important, since mod_wsgi when compiled isn't
specific to either, best to use that which corresponds to the version of
Apache being used.

Apache Maintainer Mode

When building mod_wsgi from source code, on UNIX systems there should be
minimal if no compiler warnings. If you see a lot of warnings, especially
complaints about ``ap_strstr``, then your Apache installation has been
configured for maintainer mode::

    mod_wsgi.c: In function 'wsgi_process_group':
    mod_wsgi.c:722: warning: passing argument 1 of 'ap_strstr' discards
    qualifiers from pointer target type
    mod_wsgi.c:740: warning: passing argument 1 of 'ap_strstr' discards
    qualifiers from pointer target type

Specifically, whoever built the version of Apache being used supplied the
option ``--enable-maintainer-mode`` when configuring Apache prior to
installation. You would be able to tell at the time of compiling mod_wsgi
if this has been done as the option ``-DAP_DEBUG`` would be supplied to the
compiler when mod_wsgi source code is compiled.

These warnings can be ignored, but in general you shouldn't run Apache in
maintainer mode.

A further reason for not running Apache in maintainer mode is that certain
situations can cause Apache to fail an internal assertion check when using
mod_wsgi. The specific error message is::

    [crit] file http_filters.c, line 346, assertion "readbytes > 0" failed
    [notice] child pid 18551 exit signal Aborted (6)

This occurs because the Apache code has an overly agressive assertion
check, which is arguably incorrect. This particular assertion check will
fail when a zero length read is perform on the Apache 'HTTP_IN' input

This scenario can arise in mod_wsgi due to a workaround in place to get
around a bug in Apache related to generation of '100-continue' response.
The Apache bug is described in:

 * https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=38014

The scenario can also be triggered as a result of a WSGI application
performing a zero length read on 'wsgi.input'.

Changes to mod_wsgi are being investigated to see if zero length reads can
be ignored, but due to the workaround for the bug, this would only be able
to be done for Apache 2.2.8 or later.

The prefered solution is simply not to use Apache with maintainer mode
enabled for systems where you are running real code. Unfortunately, it
looks like some Linux distributions, eg. SUSE, accidentally released Apache
binary packages with this mode enabled by default. You should update to a
Apache binary package that doesn't have the mode enabled, or compile from
source code.