# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from io import StringIO
from urllib import parse as urlparse
from collections import defaultdict
from astropy.io import ascii
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy import units as u
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from .. import log
from ..query import BaseQuery
from ..utils import prepend_docstr_nosections, async_to_sync
from . import conf
from .utils import is_valid_transitions_param
__all__ = ['AtomicLineList', 'AtomicLineListClass']
class AtomicLineListClass(BaseQuery):
FORM_URL = conf.url
TIMEOUT = conf.timeout
def __init__(self):
super(AtomicLineListClass, self).__init__()
self.__default_form_values = None
[docs] def query_object(self, wavelength_range=None, wavelength_type=None, wavelength_accuracy=None, element_spectrum=None,
minimal_abundance=None, depl_factor=None, lower_level_energy_range=None,
upper_level_energy_range=None, nmax=None, multiplet=None, transitions=None,
show_fine_structure=None, show_auto_ionizing_transitions=None,
output_columns=('spec', 'type', 'conf', 'term', 'angm', 'prob', 'ener'), cache=True,
Queries Atomic Line List for the given parameters adnd returns the
result as a `~astropy.table.Table`. All parameters are optional.
wavelength_range : pair of `astropy.units.Unit` values
Wavelength range. Can be done in two ways: supply a lower and
upper limit for the region or, supply the central wavelength and
the 1 sigma error (68 % confidence value) for that line. If the
first number is smaller than the second number, this implies
that the first option has been chosen, and otherwise the second
wavelength_type : str
Either ``'Air'`` or ``'Vacuum'``.
wavelength_accuracy : str
All wavelengths in the line list have relative accuracies of
5% or better. The default is to list all lines, irrespective
of their accuracy. When a relative accuracy in percent is
given, only those lines with accuracies better than or equal
to the passed value are included in the search. Values larger
than 5% will be ignored.
element_spectrum : str
Restrict the search to a range of elements and/or ionization
stages. The elements should be entered by their usual
symbolic names (e.g. Fe) and the ionization stages by the
usual spectroscopic notation (e.g. I for neutral, II for
singly ionized etc.). To pass multiple values, separate them
by ``\\n`` (newline).
minimal_abundance : str
Impose a lower limit on the abundances of elements to be
considered for possible identifications. Default is to
consider arbitrary low abundances. The elements are assumed
to have standard cosmic abundances.
depl_factor : str
For nebular conditions it is not a realistic assumption that
the elements have standard cosmic abundances since most
metals will be depleted on grains. To simulate this it is
possible to supply a depletion factor df. This factor will be
used to calculate the actual abundance A from the cosmic
abundance Ac using the formula A(elm) = Ac(elm) - df*sd(elm)
where sd is the standard depletion for each element.
lower_level_energy_range : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Default is to consider all values for the lower/upper level
energy to find a possible identification. To restrict the
search a range of energies can be supplied.
The supported units are: Ry, eV, 1/cm, J, erg.
upper_level_energy_range : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
See parameter ``lower_level_energy_range``.
nmax : int
Maximum for principal quantum number n. Default is to
consider all possible values for the principal quantum number
n to find possible identifications. However, transitions
involving electrons with a very high quantum number n tend to
be weaker and can therefore be less likely identifications.
These transitions can be suppressed using this parameter.
multiplet : str
This option (case sensitive) can be used to find all lines in
a specific multiplet within a certain wavelength range. The
lower and upper level term should be entered here exactly as
they appear in the output of the query. The spectrum to which
this multiplet belongs should of course also be supplied in
the ``element_spectrum`` parameter.
transitions : str`
Possible values are:
- ``'all'``:
The default, consider all transition types.
- ``'nebular'``:
Consider only allowed transitions of Hydrogen or
Helium and only magnetic dipole or electric quadrupole
transitions of other elements.
- A union of the values: One of the following:
``'E1'``, ``'IC'``, ``'M1'``, ``'E2'``
Refer to [1]_ for the meaning of these values.
show_fine_structure : bool
If `True`, the fine structure components will be included in
the output. Refer to [1]_ for more information.
show_auto_ionizing_transitions : bool
If `True`, transitions originating from auto-ionizing levels
will be included in the output. In this context, all levels
with energies higher than the ionization potential going to
the ground state of the next ion are considered auto-ionizing
output_columns : tuple
A Tuple of strings indicating which output columns are retrieved.
A subset of ('spec', 'type', 'conf', 'term', 'angm', 'prob',
'ener') should be used. Where each string corresponds to the
column titled Spectrum, Transition type, Configuration, Term,
Angular momentum, Transition probability and Level energies
result : `~astropy.table.Table`
The result of the query as a `~astropy.table.Table` object.
.. [1] http://www.pa.uky.edu/~peter/atomic/instruction.html
response = self.query_object_async(
wavelength_range=wavelength_range, wavelength_type=wavelength_type,
minimal_abundance=minimal_abundance, depl_factor=depl_factor,
upper_level_energy_range=upper_level_energy_range, nmax=nmax,
multiplet=multiplet, transitions=transitions,
output_columns=output_columns, cache=cache,
if get_query_payload:
return input
table = self._parse_result(response)
return table
[docs] @prepend_docstr_nosections(query_object.__doc__)
def query_object_async(self, wavelength_range=None, wavelength_type='', wavelength_accuracy=None,
element_spectrum=None, minimal_abundance=None, depl_factor=None,
lower_level_energy_range=None, upper_level_energy_range=None, nmax=None, multiplet=None,
transitions=None, show_fine_structure=None, show_auto_ionizing_transitions=None,
output_columns=('spec', 'type', 'conf', 'term', 'angm', 'prob', 'ener'),
cache=True, get_query_payload=False):
response : `requests.Response`
The HTTP response returned from the service.
default_values = self._default_form_values
wltype = (wavelength_type or default_values.get('air', '')).lower()
if wltype in ('air', 'vacuum'):
air = wltype.capitalize()
raise ValueError('parameter wavelength_type must be either "air" '
'or "vacuum".')
if wavelength_range is not None:
wlrange = wavelength_range
wlrange = []
if len(wlrange) not in (0, 2):
raise ValueError('Length of `wavelength_range` must be 2 or 0, '
'but is: {}'.format(len(wlrange)))
if not is_valid_transitions_param(transitions):
raise ValueError('Invalid parameter "transitions": {0!r}'
if transitions is None:
_type = self._default_form_values.get('type')
type2 = self._default_form_values.get('type2')
s = str(transitions)
if len(s.split(',')) > 1:
_type = 'Sel'
type2 = s.split(',')
_type = s
type2 = ''
# convert wavelengths in incoming wavelength range to Angstroms
wlrange_in_angstroms = (wl.to(u.Angstrom,
for wl in wlrange)
lower_level_erange = lower_level_energy_range
if lower_level_erange is not None:
lower_level_erange = lower_level_erange.to(
u.cm ** -1, equivalencies=u.spectral()).value
upper_level_erange = upper_level_energy_range
if upper_level_erange is not None:
upper_level_erange = upper_level_erange.to(
u.cm ** -1, equivalencies=u.spectral()).value
input = {
'wavl': ' '.join(map(str, wlrange_in_angstroms)),
'wave': 'Angstrom',
'air': air,
'wacc': wavelength_accuracy,
'elmion': element_spectrum,
'abun': minimal_abundance,
'depl': depl_factor,
'elo': lower_level_erange,
'ehi': upper_level_erange,
'ener': 'cm^-1',
'nmax': nmax,
'term': multiplet,
'type': _type,
'type2': type2,
'hydr': show_fine_structure,
'auto': show_auto_ionizing_transitions,
'form': output_columns,
'jval': 'usej',
'tptype': 'as_a',
if get_query_payload:
return input
response = self._submit_form(input, cache=cache)
return response
def _parse_result(self, response):
data = StringIO(BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html5').find('pre').text.strip())
# `header` is e.g.:
# "u'-LAMBDA-VAC-ANG-|-SPECTRUM--|TT|--------TERM---------|---J-J---|----LEVEL-ENERGY--CM-1----'"
# `colnames` is then
# [u'LAMBDA VAC ANG', u'SPECTRUM', u'TT', u'TERM', u'J J',
header = data.readline().strip().strip('|')
colnames = [colname.strip('-').replace('-', ' ')
for colname in header.split('|') if colname.strip()]
indices = [i for i, c in enumerate(header) if c == '|']
input = []
for line in data:
row = []
for start, end in zip([0] + indices, indices + [None]):
# `value` will hold all cell values in the line, so
# `u'1.010799'`, `u'Zn XXX'` etc.
value = line[start:end].strip()
if value:
# maintain table dimensions when data missing
if row:
if input:
return ascii.read(input, data_start=0, delimiter='\t',
names=colnames, fast_reader=False)
# return an empty table if the query yielded no results
return Table()
def _submit_form(self, input=None, cache=True):
"""Fill out the form of the SkyView site and submit it with the
values given in `input` (a dictionary where the keys are the form
element's names and the values are their respective values).
if input is None:
input = {}
# only overwrite payload's values if the `input` value is not None
# to avoid overwriting of the form's default values
payload = self._default_form_values.copy()
for k, v in input.items():
if v is not None:
payload[k] = v
url = urlparse.urljoin(self.FORM_URL, self._default_form.get('action'))
log.debug(f"final payload = {payload} from url={url}")
response = self._request("POST", url=url, data=payload,
timeout=self.TIMEOUT, cache=cache)
log.debug("Retrieved data from POST request")
return response
def _default_form_values(self):
if self.__default_form_values is None:
response = self._request("GET", url=self.FORM_URL, data={},
timeout=self.TIMEOUT, cache=True)
bs = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html5')
self._default_form = form = bs.find('form')
self.__default_form_values = self._get_default_form_values(form)
return self.__default_form_values
def _get_default_form_values(self, form):
"""Return the already selected values of a given form (a BeautifulSoup
form node) as a dict.
res = defaultdict(list)
for elem in form.find_all(['input', 'select']):
key = elem.get('name')
value = None
# ignore the submit and reset buttons
if elem.get('type') in ['submit', 'reset']:
# check boxes: enabled boxes have the value "on" if not specified
# otherwise. Found out by debugging, perhaps not documented.
if (elem.get('type') == 'checkbox' and
elem.get('checked') in ["", "checked"]):
value = elem.get('value', 'on')
# radio buttons and simple input fields
if elem.get('type') == 'radio' and\
elem.get('checked') in ["", "checked"] or\
elem.get('type') in [None, 'text']:
value = elem.get('value')
# dropdown menu, multi-section possible
if elem.name == 'select':
for option in elem.find_all('option'):
if option.get('selected') == '':
value = option.get('value', option.text.strip())
if value and value not in [None, u'None', u'null']:
# avoid values with size 1 lists
d = dict(res)
for k, v in d.items():
if len(v) == 1:
d[k] = v[0]
return d
AtomicLineList = AtomicLineListClass()