Source code for astroquery.ipac.irsa.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

API from

The URL of the IRSA catalog query service, CatQuery, is

The service accepts the following keywords, which are analogous to the search
fields on the Gator search form:

spatial     Required    Type of spatial query: Cone, Box, Polygon, and NONE

polygon                 Convex polygon of ra dec pairs, separated by comma(,)
                        Required if spatial=polygon

radius                  Cone search radius
                        Optional if spatial=Cone, otherwise ignore it
                        (default 10 arcsec)

radunits                Units of a Cone search: arcsec, arcmin, deg.
                        Optional if spatial=Cone

size                    Width of a box in arcsec
                        Required if spatial=Box.

objstr                  Target name or coordinate of the center of a spatial
                        search center. Target names must be resolved by
                        SIMBAD or NED.

                        Required only when spatial=Cone or spatial=Box.

                        Examples: 'M31'
                                  '00 42 44.3 -41 16 08'
                                  '00h42m44.3s -41d16m08s'

catalog     Required    Catalog name in the IRSA database management system.

selcols     Optional    Target column list with value separated by a comma(,)

                        The input list always overwrites default selections
                        defined by a data dictionary. Full lists of columns
                        can be found at the IRSA catalogs website, e.g.
                        To access the full list of columns, press
                        the "Long Form" button at the top of the Columns

outfmt      Optional    Defines query's output format.
                        6 - returns a program interface in XML
                        3 - returns a VO Table (XML)
                        2 - returns SVC message
                        1 - returns an ASCII table
                        0 - returns Gator Status Page in HTML (default)

desc        Optional    Short description of a specific catalog, which will
                        appear in the result page.

order       Optional    Results ordered by this column.

constraint  Optional    User defined query constraint(s)
                        Note: The constraint should follow SQL syntax.

onlist      Optional    1 - catalog is visible through Gator web interface

                        0 - catalog has been ingested into IRSA but not yet
                        visible through web interface.

                        This parameter will generally only be set to 0 when
                        users are supporting testing and evaluation of new
                        catalogs at IRSA's request.

If onlist=0, the following parameters are required:

    server              Symbolic DataBase Management Server (DBMS) name

    database            Name of Database.

    ddfile              The data dictionary file is used to get column
                        information for a specific catalog.

    selcols             Target column list with value separated by a comma(,)

                        The input list always overwrites default selections
                        defined by a data dictionary.

    outrows             Number of rows retrieved from database.

                        The retrieved row number outrows is always less than or
                        equal to available to be retrieved rows under the same

import warnings
from io import BytesIO
import xml.etree.ElementTree as tree

import astropy.units as u
import astropy.coordinates as coord
import as votable

from astroquery.query import BaseQuery
from astroquery.utils import commons, async_to_sync
from astroquery.ipac.irsa import conf
from astroquery.exceptions import TableParseError, NoResultsWarning, InvalidQueryError

__all__ = ['Irsa', 'IrsaClass']

[docs]@async_to_sync class IrsaClass(BaseQuery): IRSA_URL = conf.server GATOR_LIST_URL = conf.gator_list_catalogs TIMEOUT = conf.timeout ROW_LIMIT = conf.row_limit
[docs] def query_region_async(self, coordinates=None, *, catalog=None, spatial='Cone', radius=10 * u.arcsec, width=None, polygon=None, get_query_payload=False, selcols=None, verbose=False, cache=True): """ This function serves the same purpose as :meth:`~astroquery.ipac.irsa.IrsaClass.query_region`, but returns the raw HTTP response rather than the results in a `~astropy.table.Table`. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str, `astropy.coordinates` object Gives the position of the center of the cone or box if performing a cone or box search. The string can give coordinates in various coordinate systems, or the name of a source that will be resolved on the server (see `here <>`_ for more details). Required if spatial is ``'Cone'`` or ``'Box'``. Optional if spatial is ``'Polygon'``. catalog : str The catalog to be used. To list the available catalogs, use :meth:`~astroquery.ipac.irsa.IrsaClass.print_catalogs`. spatial : str Type of spatial query: ``'Cone'``, ``'Box'``, ``'Polygon'``, and ``'All-Sky'``. If missing then defaults to ``'Cone'``. radius : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, [optional for spatial is ``'Cone'``] The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units` may also be used. Defaults to 10 arcsec. width : str, `~astropy.units.Quantity` object [Required for spatial is ``'Polygon'``.] The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units` may also be used. polygon : list, [Required for spatial is ``'Polygon'``] A list of ``(ra, dec)`` pairs (as tuples), in decimal degrees, outlining the polygon to search in. It can also be a list of `astropy.coordinates` object or strings that can be parsed by `astropy.coordinates.ICRS`. get_query_payload : bool, optional If `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to `False`. selcols : str, optional Target column list with value separated by a comma(,) verbose : bool, optional. If `True` then displays warnings when the returned VOTable does not conform to the standard. Defaults to `False`. cache : bool, optional Use local cache when set to `True`. Returns ------- response : `requests.Response` The HTTP response returned from the service """ if catalog is None: raise InvalidQueryError("Catalog name is required!") request_payload = self._args_to_payload(catalog, selcols=selcols) request_payload.update(self._parse_spatial(spatial=spatial, coordinates=coordinates, radius=radius, width=width, polygon=polygon)) if get_query_payload: return request_payload response = self._request("GET", url=Irsa.IRSA_URL, params=request_payload, timeout=Irsa.TIMEOUT, cache=cache) return response
def _parse_spatial(self, spatial, coordinates, radius=None, width=None, polygon=None): """ Parse the spatial component of a query Parameters ---------- spatial : str The type of spatial query. Must be one of: ``'Cone'``, ``'Box'``, ``'Polygon'``, and ``'All-Sky'``. coordinates : str, `astropy.coordinates` object Gives the position of the center of the cone or box if performing a cone or box search. The string can give coordinates in various coordinate systems, or the name of a source that will be resolved on the server (see `here <>`_ for more details). Required if spatial is ``'Cone'`` or ``'Box'``. Optional if spatial is ``'Polygon'``. radius : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, [optional for spatial is ``'Cone'``] The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units` may also be used. Defaults to 10 arcsec. width : str, `~astropy.units.Quantity` object [Required for spatial is ``'Polygon'``.] The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units` may also be used. polygon : list, [Required for spatial is ``'Polygon'``] A list of ``(ra, dec)`` pairs as tuples of `astropy.coordinates.Angle`s outlining the polygon to search in. It can also be a list of `astropy.coordinates` object or strings that can be parsed by `astropy.coordinates.ICRS`. Returns ------- payload_dict : dict """ request_payload = {} if spatial == 'All-Sky': spatial = 'NONE' elif spatial in ['Cone', 'Box']: if not commons._is_coordinate(coordinates): request_payload['objstr'] = coordinates else: request_payload['objstr'] = _parse_coordinates(coordinates) if spatial == 'Cone': radius = _parse_dimension(radius) request_payload['radius'] = radius.value request_payload['radunits'] = radius.unit.to_string() else: width = _parse_dimension(width) request_payload['size'] = elif spatial == 'Polygon': if coordinates is not None: if commons._is_coordinate(coordinates): request_payload['objstr'] = _parse_coordinates(coordinates) else: request_payload['objstr'] = coordinates try: coordinates_list = [_parse_coordinates(c) for c in polygon] except (ValueError, TypeError): coordinates_list = [_format_decimal_coords(*_pair_to_deg(pair)) for pair in polygon] request_payload['polygon'] = ','.join(coordinates_list) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized spatial query type. Must be one of " "'Cone', 'Box', 'Polygon', or 'All-Sky'.") request_payload['spatial'] = spatial return request_payload def _args_to_payload(self, catalog, selcols=None): """ Sets the common parameters for all cgi -queries Parameters ---------- catalog : str The name of the catalog to query. selcols : str, optional Target column list with value separated by a comma(,) Returns ------- request_payload : dict """ if selcols is None: selcols = '' request_payload = dict(catalog=catalog, outfmt=3, outrows=Irsa.ROW_LIMIT, selcols=selcols) return request_payload def _parse_result(self, response, verbose=False): """ Parses the results form the HTTP response to `~astropy.table.Table`. Parameters ---------- response : `requests.Response` The HTTP response object verbose : bool, optional Defaults to `False`. When true it will display warnings whenever the VOtable returned from the Service doesn't conform to the standard. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` """ if not verbose: commons.suppress_vo_warnings() content = response.text # Check if results were returned if 'The catalog is not on the list' in content: raise ValueError("Invalid Catalog specified") # Check that object name was not malformed if 'Either wrong or missing coordinate/object name' in content: raise ValueError("Malformed coordinate/object name") # Check to see that output table size limit hasn't been exceeded if 'Exceeding output table size limit' in content: raise TableParseError("Exceeded output table size - reduce number " "of output columns and/or limit search area") # Check to see that the query engine is working if 'SQLConnect failed' in content: raise TimeoutError("The IRSA server is currently down") # Check that the results are not of length zero if len(content) == 0: warnings.warn("The IRSA server sent back an empty reply", NoResultsWarning) # Read it in using the astropy VO table reader try: first_table = votable.parse(BytesIO(response.content), verify='warn').get_first_table() except Exception as ex: self.response = response self.table_parse_error = ex raise TableParseError("Failed to parse IRSA votable! The raw " "response can be found in self.response, " "and the error in self.table_parse_error.") # Convert to astropy.table.Table instance table = first_table.to_table() # Check if table is empty if len(table) == 0: warnings.warn("Query returned no results, so the table will " "be empty", NoResultsWarning) return table
[docs] def list_catalogs(self, cache=False): """ Return a dictionary of the catalogs in the IRSA Gator tool. Parameters ---------- cache : bool Use local cache when set to `True`. Default is `False`. Returns ------- catalogs : dict A dictionary of catalogs where the key indicates the catalog name to be used in query functions, and the value is the verbose description of the catalog. """ response = self._request("GET", url=Irsa.GATOR_LIST_URL, params=dict(mode='xml'), cache=cache, timeout=Irsa.TIMEOUT) root = tree.fromstring(response.content) catalogs = {} for catalog in root.findall('catalog'): catname = catalog.find('catname').text desc = catalog.find('desc').text catalogs[catname] = desc return catalogs
[docs] def print_catalogs(self, cache=False): """ Display a table of the catalogs in the IRSA Gator tool. """ catalogs = self.list_catalogs(cache=cache) for catname in catalogs: print("{:30s} {:s}".format(catname, catalogs[catname]))
Irsa = IrsaClass() def _parse_coordinates(coordinates): # borrowed from commons.parse_coordinates as from_name wasn't required in # this case if isinstance(coordinates, str): try: c = coord.SkyCoord(coordinates, frame='icrs') warnings.warn("Coordinate string is being interpreted as an " "ICRS coordinate.") except u.UnitsError as ex: warnings.warn("Only ICRS coordinates can be entered as strings\n" "For other systems please use the appropriate " "astropy.coordinates object") raise ex elif isinstance(coordinates, commons.CoordClasses): c = coordinates else: raise TypeError("Argument cannot be parsed as a coordinate") c_icrs = c.transform_to(coord.ICRS) formatted_coords = _format_decimal_coords(, return formatted_coords def _pair_to_deg(pair): """ Turn a pair of floats, Angles, or Quantities into pairs of float degrees """ # unpack lon, lat = pair if hasattr(lon, 'degree') and hasattr(lat, 'degree'): pair = (, elif hasattr(lon, 'to') and hasattr(lat, 'to'): pair = [lon, lat] for ii, ang in enumerate((lon, lat)): if ang.unit.is_equivalent( pair[ii] = else: warnings.warn("Polygon endpoints are being interpreted as " "RA/Dec pairs specified in decimal degree units.") return tuple(pair) def _format_decimal_coords(ra, dec): """ Print *decimal degree* RA/Dec values in an IPAC-parseable form """ return '{0} {1:+}'.format(ra, dec) def _parse_dimension(dim): if (isinstance(dim, u.Quantity) and dim.unit in u.deg.find_equivalent_units()): if dim.unit not in ['arcsec', 'arcmin', 'deg']: dim = # otherwise must be an Angle or be specified in hours... else: try: new_dim = coord.Angle(dim) dim = u.Quantity(, u.Unit('degree')) except (u.UnitsError, coord.errors.UnitsError, AttributeError): raise u.UnitsError("Dimension not in proper units") return dim