# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
API from
import os
import webbrowser
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import astropy.coordinates as coord
from astropy.table import Table
from astroquery.exceptions import InvalidQueryError
from astroquery.query import BaseQuery
from astroquery.utils import commons
from astroquery.ipac.irsa.ibe import conf
__all__ = ['Ibe', 'IbeClass']
[docs]class IbeClass(BaseQuery):
URL = conf.server
MISSION = conf.mission
DATASET = conf.dataset
TABLE = conf.table
TIMEOUT = conf.timeout
[docs] def query_region(self, coordinate=None, where=None, mission=None, dataset=None,
table=None, columns=None, width=None, height=None,
intersect='OVERLAPS', most_centered=False):
For certain missions, this function can be used to search for image and
catalog files based on a point, a box (bounded by great circles) and/or
an SQL-like ``where`` clause.
If ``coordinates`` is specified, then the optional ``width`` and
``height`` arguments control the width and height of the search
box. If neither ``width`` nor ``height`` are provided, then the
search area is a point. If only one of ``width`` or ``height`` are
specified, then the search area is a square with that side length
centered at the coordinate.
coordinate : str, `astropy.coordinates` object
Gives the position of the center of the box if performing a box
search. If it is a string, then it must be a valid argument to
`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`. Required if ``where`` is absent.
where : str
SQL-like query string. Required if ``coordinates`` is absent.
mission : str
The mission to be used (if not the default mission).
dataset : str
The dataset to be used (if not the default dataset).
table : str
The table to be queried (if not the default table).
columns : str, list
A space-separated string or a list of strings of the names of the
columns to return.
width : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object
Width of the search box if ``coordinates`` is present.
The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The
appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units`
may also be used.
height : str, `~astropy.units.Quantity` object
Height of the search box if ``coordinates`` is present.
The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The
appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units`
may also be used.
intersect : ``'COVERS'``, ``'ENCLOSED'``, ``'CENTER'``, ``'OVERLAPS'``
Spatial relationship between search box and image footprint.
``'COVERS'``: X must completely contain S. Equivalent to
``'CENTER'`` and ``'OVERLAPS'`` if S is a point.
``'ENCLOSED'``: S must completely contain X. If S is a point, the
query will always return an empty image table.
``'CENTER'``: X must contain the center of S. If S is a point, this
is equivalent to ``'COVERS'`` and ``'OVERLAPS'``.
``'OVERLAPS'``: The intersection of S and X is non-empty. If S is a
point, this is equivalent to ``'CENTER'`` and ``'COVERS'``.
most_centered : bool
If True, then only the most centered image is returned.
table : `~astropy.table.Table`
A table containing the results of the query
response = self.query_region_async(
coordinate=coordinate, where=where, mission=mission,
dataset=dataset, table=table, columns=columns, width=width,
height=height, intersect=intersect, most_centered=most_centered)
# Raise exception, if request failed
return Table.read(response.text, format='ipac', guess=False)
[docs] def query_region_sia(self, coordinate=None, mission=None,
dataset=None, table=None, width=None,
height=None, intersect='OVERLAPS',
Query using simple image access protocol. See ``query_region`` for
details. The returned table will include a list of URLs.
response = self.query_region_async(
coordinate=coordinate, mission=mission,
dataset=dataset, table=table, width=width,
height=height, intersect=intersect, most_centered=most_centered,
# Raise exception, if request failed
return commons.parse_votable(
[docs] def query_region_async(self, coordinate=None, where=None, mission=None, dataset=None,
table=None, columns=None, width=None, height=None,
action='search', intersect='OVERLAPS', most_centered=False):
For certain missions, this function can be used to search for image and
catalog files based on a point, a box (bounded by great circles) and/or
an SQL-like ``where`` clause.
If ``coordinates`` is specified, then the optional ``width`` and
``height`` arguments control the width and height of the search
box. If neither ``width`` nor ``height`` are provided, then the
search area is a point. If only one of ``width`` or ``height`` are
specified, then the search area is a square with that side length
centered at the coordinate.
coordinate : str, `astropy.coordinates` object
Gives the position of the center of the box if performing a box
search. If it is a string, then it must be a valid argument to
`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`. Required if ``where`` is absent.
where : str
SQL-like query string. Required if ``coordinates`` is absent.
mission : str
The mission to be used (if not the default mission).
dataset : str
The dataset to be used (if not the default dataset).
table : str
The table to be queried (if not the default table).
columns : str, list
A space-separated string or a list of strings of the names of the
columns to return.
width : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object
Width of the search box if ``coordinates`` is present.
The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The
appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units`
may also be used.
height : str, `~astropy.units.Quantity` object
Height of the search box if ``coordinates`` is present.
The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The
appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units`
may also be used.
intersect : ``'COVERS'``, ``'ENCLOSED'``, ``'CENTER'``, ``'OVERLAPS'``
Spatial relationship between search box and image footprint.
``'COVERS'``: X must completely contain S. Equivalent to
``'CENTER'`` and ``'OVERLAPS'`` if S is a point.
``'ENCLOSED'``: S must completely contain X. If S is a point, the
query will always return an empty image table.
``'CENTER'``: X must contain the center of S. If S is a point, this
is equivalent to ``'COVERS'`` and ``'OVERLAPS'``.
``'OVERLAPS'``: The intersection of S and X is non-empty. If S is a
point, this is equivalent to ``'CENTER'`` and ``'COVERS'``.
most_centered : bool
If True, then only the most centered image is returned.
action : ``'search'``, ``'data'``, or ``'sia'``
The action to perform at the server. The default is ``'search'``,
which returns a table of the available data. ``'data'`` requires
advanced path construction that is not yet supported. ``'sia'``
provides access to the 'simple image access' IVOA protocol
response : `~requests.Response`
The HTTP response returned from the service
if coordinate is None and where is None:
raise InvalidQueryError(
'At least one of `coordinate` or `where` is required')
intersect = intersect.upper()
if intersect not in ('COVERS', 'ENCLOSED', 'CENTER', 'OVERLAPS'):
raise InvalidQueryError(
"Invalid value for `intersects` " +
"(must be 'COVERS', 'ENCLOSED', 'CENTER', or 'OVERLAPS')")
if action not in ('sia', 'data', 'search'):
raise InvalidQueryError("Valid actions are: sia, data, search.")
if action == 'data':
raise NotImplementedError(
"The action='data' option is a placeholder for future " +
args = {
'INTERSECT': intersect
# Note: in IBE, if 'mcen' argument is present, it is true.
# If absent, it is false.
if most_centered:
args['mcen'] = '1'
if coordinate is not None:
c = commons.parse_coordinates(coordinate).transform_to(coord.ICRS)
args['POS'] = '{0},{1}'.format(c.ra.deg, c.dec.deg)
if width and height:
args['SIZE'] = '{0},{1}'.format(
elif width or height:
args['SIZE'] = str(coord.Angle(width or height).value)
if where:
args['where'] = where
if columns:
if isinstance(columns, str):
columns = columns.split()
args['columns'] = ','.join(columns)
url = "{URL}{action}/{mission}/{dataset}/{table}".format(
mission=mission or self.MISSION,
dataset=dataset or self.DATASET,
table=table or self.TABLE)
return self._request('GET', url, args, timeout=self.TIMEOUT)
[docs] def list_missions(self, cache=True):
Return a list of the available missions
cache : bool
Cache the query result
if hasattr(self, '_missions') and cache:
# extra level caching to avoid redoing the BeautifulSoup parsing
# unnecessarily
missions = self._missions
url = self.URL + "search/"
response = self._request('GET', url, timeout=self.TIMEOUT,
root = BeautifulSoup(response.text)
links = root.findAll('a')
missions = [os.path.basename(a.attrs['href'].rstrip('/'))
for a in links]
self._missions = missions
return missions
[docs] def list_datasets(self, mission=None, cache=True):
For a given mission, list the available datasets
mission : str
A mission name. Must be one of the valid missions from
`~astroquery.ipac.irsa.ibe.IbeClass.list_missions`. Defaults to the
configured Mission
cache : bool
Cache the query result
datasets : list
A list of dataset names
if mission is None:
mission = self.MISSION
if mission not in self.list_missions():
raise ValueError("Invalid mission specified: {0}."
"Must be one of: {1}"
.format(mission, self.list_missions()))
url = "{URL}search/{mission}/".format(URL=self.URL, mission=mission)
response = self._request('GET', url, timeout=self.TIMEOUT,
root = BeautifulSoup(response.text)
links = root.findAll('a')
datasets = [a.text for a in links
if a.attrs['href'].count('/') >= 4 # shown as '..'; ignore
return datasets
[docs] def list_tables(self, mission=None, dataset=None, cache=True):
For a given mission and dataset (see
returns the list of valid table names to query.
mission : str
A mission name. Must be one of the valid missions from
`~astroquery.ipac.irsa.ibe.IbeClass.list_missions`. Defaults to the
configured Mission
dataset : str
A dataset name. Must be one of the valid dataset from
``list_datsets(mission)``. Defaults to the configured Dataset
cache : bool
Cache the query result
tables : list
A list of table names
if mission is None:
mission = self.MISSION
if dataset is None:
dataset = self.DATASET
if mission not in self.list_missions():
raise ValueError("Invalid mission specified: {0}."
"Must be one of: {1}"
.format(mission, self.list_missions()))
if dataset not in self.list_datasets(mission, cache=cache):
raise ValueError("Invalid dataset {0} specified for mission {1}."
"Must be one of: {2}"
.format(dataset, mission,
self.list_datasets(mission, cache=True)))
url = "{URL}search/{mission}/{dataset}/".format(URL=self.URL,
response = self._request('GET', url, timeout=self.TIMEOUT,
root = BeautifulSoup(response.text)
return [tr.find('td').string for tr in root.findAll('tr')[1:]]
# Unfortunately, the URL construction for each data set is different, and
# they're not obviously accessible via API
# def get_data(self, **kwargs):
# return self.query_region_async(retrieve_data=True, **kwargs)
[docs] def show_docs(self, mission=None, dataset=None, table=None):
Open the documentation for a given table in a web browser.
mission : str
The mission to be used (if not the default mission).
dataset : str
The dataset to be used (if not the default dataset).
table : str
The table to be queried (if not the default table).
url = "{URL}docs/{mission}/{dataset}/{table}".format(
mission=mission or self.MISSION,
dataset=dataset or self.DATASET,
table=table or self.TABLE)
return webbrowser.open(url)
[docs] def get_columns(self, mission=None, dataset=None, table=None):
Get the schema for a given table.
mission : str
The mission to be used (if not the default mission).
dataset : str
The dataset to be used (if not the default dataset).
table : str
The table to be queried (if not the default table).
table : `~astropy.table.Table`
A table containing a description of the columns
url = "{URL}search/{mission}/{dataset}/{table}".format(
mission=mission or self.MISSION,
dataset=dataset or self.DATASET,
table=table or self.TABLE)
response = self._request(
'GET', url, {'FORMAT': 'METADATA'}, timeout=self.TIMEOUT)
# Raise exception, if request failed
return Table.read(response.text, format='ipac', guess=False)
Ibe = IbeClass()