# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import re
from io import BytesIO
from collections import namedtuple
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
from datetime import datetime
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.coordinates as coord
import astropy.io.votable as votable
from astroquery.query import BaseQuery
from astroquery.utils import commons
from astroquery.ipac.ned import conf
from astroquery.exceptions import TableParseError, RemoteServiceError
__all__ = ["Ned", "NedClass"]
[docs]class NedClass(BaseQuery):
Class for querying the NED (NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database) system
# make configurable
BASE_URL = conf.server
OBJ_SEARCH_URL = BASE_URL + 'objsearch'
ALL_SKY_URL = BASE_URL + 'allsky'
DATA_SEARCH_URL = BASE_URL + 'datasearch'
IMG_DATA_URL = BASE_URL + 'imgdata'
TIMEOUT = conf.timeout
Options = namedtuple('Options', ('display_name', 'cgi_name'))
PHOTOMETRY_OUT = {1: Options('Data as Published and Homogenized (mJy)',
2: Options('Data as Published', 'pub'),
3: Options('Homogenized Units (mJy)', 'mjy')}
[docs] def query_object(self, object_name, get_query_payload=False,
Queries objects by name from the NED Service and returns the Main
Source Table.
object_name : str
name of the identifier to query.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`.
verbose : bool, optional.
When set to `True` displays warnings if the returned VOTable
does not conform to the standard. Defaults to `False`.
result : `astropy.table.Table`
The result of the query as an `astropy.table.Table` object.
# for NED's object by name
response = self.query_object_async(object_name,
if get_query_payload:
return response
result = self._parse_result(response, verbose=verbose)
return result
[docs] def query_object_async(self, object_name, get_query_payload=False):
Serves the same purpose as `~NedClass.query_object` but returns the
raw HTTP response rather than the `astropy.table.Table` object.
object_name : str
name of the identifier to query.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`
response : `requests.Response`
The HTTP response returned from the service
request_payload = self._request_payload_init()
request_payload['objname'] = object_name
if get_query_payload:
return request_payload
response = self._request("GET", url=Ned.OBJ_SEARCH_URL,
params=request_payload, timeout=Ned.TIMEOUT)
return response
[docs] def query_region(self, coordinates, radius=1 * u.arcmin, equinox='J2000.0',
get_query_payload=False, verbose=False):
Used to query a region around a known identifier or given
coordinates. Equivalent to the near position and near name queries
from the Ned web interface.
coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object
The target around which to search. It may be specified as a
string in which case it is resolved using online services or as
the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. ICRS coordinates
may also be entered as strings as specified in the
`astropy.coordinates` module.
radius : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional
The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The
appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from
`astropy.units` may also be used. Defaults to 1 arcmin.
equinox : str, optional
The equinox may be either J2000.0 or B1950.0. Defaults to J2000.0
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`.
verbose : bool, optional.
When set to `True` displays warnings if the returned VOTable
does not conform to the standard. Defaults to `False`.
result : `astropy.table.Table`
The result of the query as an `astropy.table.Table` object.
# for NED's object near name/ near region
response = self.query_region_async(coordinates, radius=radius,
if get_query_payload:
return response
result = self._parse_result(response, verbose=verbose)
return result
[docs] def query_region_async(self, coordinates, radius=1 * u.arcmin,
equinox='J2000.0', get_query_payload=False):
Serves the same purpose as `~NedClass.query_region` but returns the
raw HTTP response rather than the `astropy.table.Table` object.
coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object
The target around which to search. It may be specified as a
string in which case it is resolved using online services or as
the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. ICRS coordinates
may also be entered as strings as specified in the
`astropy.coordinates` module.
radius : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional
The string must be parsable by `astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The
appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from
`astropy.units` may also be used. Defaults to 1 arcmin.
equinox : str, optional
The equinox may be either J2000.0 or B1950.0. Defaults to J2000.0
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`.
response : `requests.Response`
The HTTP response returned from the service
request_payload = self._request_payload_init()
# if its a name then query near name
if not commons._is_coordinate(coordinates):
request_payload['objname'] = coordinates
request_payload['search_type'] = 'Near Name Search'
request_payload['radius'] = coord.Angle(radius).arcmin
c = commons.parse_coordinates(coordinates)
if c.frame.name == 'galactic':
request_payload['in_csys'] = 'Galactic'
request_payload['lon'] = c.l.degree
request_payload['lat'] = c.b.degree
# for any other, convert to ICRS and send
request_payload['in_csys'] = 'Equatorial'
ra, dec = commons.coord_to_radec(c)
request_payload['lon'] = ra
request_payload['lat'] = dec
request_payload['search_type'] = 'Near Position Search'
request_payload['in_equinox'] = equinox
request_payload['radius'] = coord.Angle(radius).arcmin
except (u.UnitsError, TypeError):
raise TypeError("Coordinates not specified correctly")
if get_query_payload:
return request_payload
response = self._request("GET", url=Ned.OBJ_SEARCH_URL,
params=request_payload, timeout=Ned.TIMEOUT)
return response
[docs] def query_region_iau(self, iau_name, frame='Equatorial', equinox='B1950.0',
get_query_payload=False, verbose=False):
Used to query the Ned service via the IAU name. Equivalent to the
IAU format queries of the Web interface.
iau_name : str
IAU coordinate-based name of target on which search is
centered. Definition of IAU coordinates at
frame : str, optional
May be one of 'Equatorial', 'Ecliptic', 'Galactic',
'SuperGalactic'. Defaults to 'Equatorial'.
equinox : str, optional
The equinox may be one of J2000.0 or B1950.0. Defaults to B1950.0
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`
verbose : bool, optional.
When set to `True` displays warnings if the returned VOTable
does not conform to the standard. Defaults to `False`.
result : `astropy.table.Table`
The result of the query as an `astropy.table.Table` object.
response = self.query_region_iau_async(
iau_name, frame='Equatorial', equinox='B1950.0',
if get_query_payload:
return response
result = self._parse_result(response, verbose=verbose)
return result
[docs] def query_region_iau_async(self, iau_name, frame='Equatorial',
equinox='B1950.0', get_query_payload=False):
Serves the same purpose as `~NedClass.query_region_iau` but returns
the raw HTTP response rather than the `astropy.table.Table` object.
iau_name : str
IAU coordinate-based name of target on which search is
centered. Definition of IAU coordinates at
frame : str, optional
May be one of 'Equatorial', 'Ecliptic', 'Galactic',
'SuperGalactic'. Defaults to 'Equatorial'.
equinox : str, optional
The equinox may be one of J2000.0 or B1950.0. Defaults to B1950.0
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`
response : `requests.Response`
The HTTP response returned from the service.
request_payload = self._request_payload_init()
request_payload['search_type'] = 'IAU Search'
request_payload['iau_name'] = iau_name
request_payload['in_csys'] = frame
request_payload['in_equinox'] = equinox
if get_query_payload:
return request_payload
response = self._request("GET", url=Ned.OBJ_SEARCH_URL,
params=request_payload, timeout=Ned.TIMEOUT)
return response
[docs] def query_refcode(self, refcode, get_query_payload=False, verbose=False):
Used to retrieve all objects contained in a particular
reference. Equivalent to by refcode queries of the web interface.
refcode : str
19 digit reference code. Example: 1997A&A...323...31K.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`.
verbose : bool, optional.
When set to `True` displays warnings if the returned VOTable
does not conform to the standard. Defaults to `False`.
result : `astropy.table.Table`
The result of the query as an `astropy.table.Table` object.
response = self.query_refcode_async(
refcode, get_query_payload=get_query_payload)
if get_query_payload:
return response
result = self._parse_result(response, verbose=verbose)
return result
[docs] def query_refcode_async(self, refcode, get_query_payload=False):
Serves the same purpose as `~NedClass.query_region` but returns the
raw HTTP response rather than the `astropy.table.Table` object.
refcode : str
19 digit reference code. Example: 1997A&A...323...31K.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`.
response : `requests.Response`
The HTTP response returned from the service.
request_payload = self._request_payload_init()
request_payload['search_type'] = 'Search'
request_payload['refcode'] = refcode
if get_query_payload:
return request_payload
response = self._request("GET", url=Ned.OBJ_SEARCH_URL,
params=request_payload, timeout=Ned.TIMEOUT)
return response
[docs] def get_images(self, object_name, get_query_payload=False,
Query function to fetch FITS images for a given identifier.
object_name : str
name of the identifier to query.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`
A list of `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList` objects
readable_objs = self.get_images_async(
object_name, get_query_payload=get_query_payload,
if get_query_payload:
return readable_objs
return [obj.get_fits() for obj in readable_objs]
[docs] def get_images_async(self, object_name, get_query_payload=False,
Serves the same purpose as `~NedClass.get_images` but returns
file-handlers to the remote files rather than downloading them.
object_name : str
name of the identifier to query.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`
A list of context-managers that yield readable file-like objects
image_urls = self.get_image_list(object_name,
if get_query_payload:
return image_urls
return [commons.FileContainer(U, encoding='binary',
for U in image_urls]
[docs] def get_spectra(self, object_name, get_query_payload=False,
Query function to fetch FITS files of spectra for a given identifier.
object_name : str
name of the identifier to query.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`
A list of `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList` objects
readable_objs = self.get_spectra_async(
object_name, get_query_payload=get_query_payload,
if get_query_payload:
return readable_objs
return [obj.get_fits() for obj in readable_objs]
[docs] def get_spectra_async(self, object_name, get_query_payload=False,
Serves the same purpose as `~NedClass.get_spectra` but returns
file-handlers to the remote fits files rather than downloading them.
object_name : str
name of the identifier to query.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`
A list of context-managers that yield readable file-like objects
image_urls = self.get_image_list(object_name, item='spectra',
if get_query_payload:
return image_urls
return [commons.FileContainer(U, encoding='binary',
for U in image_urls]
[docs] def get_image_list(self, object_name, *, item='image', file_format='fits',
Helper function that returns a list of urls from which to download
the FITS images.
object_name : str
name of the identifier to query.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`
item : str, optional
Can be either 'image' or 'spectra'. Defaults to 'image'.
Required to decide the right URL to query.
file_format : str, optional
Format of images/spectra to return. Defaults to 'fits'.
Other options available: 'author-ascii', 'NED-ascii', 'VO-table'.
list of image urls
request_payload = dict(objname=object_name)
if item == 'spectra':
request_payload['extend'] = 'multi'
request_payload['detail'] = 0
request_payload['numpp'] = 50
request_payload['preview'] = 0
if get_query_payload:
return request_payload
url = Ned.SPECTRA_URL if item == 'spectra' else Ned.IMG_DATA_URL
response = self._request("GET", url=url, params=request_payload,
return self._extract_image_urls(response.text, file_format=file_format)
def _extract_image_urls(self, html_in, file_format='fits'):
Helper function that uses regexps to extract the image urls from the
given HTML.
html_in : str
source from which the urls are to be extracted
format : str, optional
Format of spectra to return. Defaults to 'fits'.
Other options available: 'author-ascii', 'NED-ascii', 'VO-table'.
base_url = 'http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu'
extensions = {'fits': 'fits.gz',
'author-ascii': 'txt',
'NED-ascii': '_NED.txt',
'VO-table': '_votable.xml'}
names = {'fits': 'FITS',
'author-ascii': 'Author-ASCII',
'NED-ascii': 'NED-ASCII',
'VO-table': 'VOTable'}
pattern = re.compile(
matched_urls = pattern.findall(html_in)
url_list = [base_url + img_url for img_url in matched_urls]
return url_list
[docs] def get_table(self, object_name, table='photometry',
get_query_payload=False, verbose=False, **kwargs):
Fetches the specified data table for the object from NED and returns
it as an `astropy.table.Table`.
object_name : str
name of the identifier to query.
table : str, optional
Must be one of
Specifies the type of data-table that must be fetched for the
given object. Defaults to 'photometry'.
output_table_format : int, [optional for photometry]
specifies the format of the output table. Must be 1, 2 or 3.
Defaults to 1. These options stand for:
(1) Data as Published and Homogenized (mJy)
(2) Data as Published
(3) Homogenized Units (mJy)
from_year : int, [optional for references]
4 digit year from which to get the references. Defaults to 1800
to_year : int, [optional for references]
4 digit year upto which to fetch the references. Defaults to the
current year.
extended_search : bool, [optional for references]
If set to `True`, returns all objects beginning with the same
identifier name. Defaults to `False`.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`.
verbose : bool, optional.
When set to `True` displays warnings if the returned VOTable
does not conform to the standard. Defaults to `False`.
result : `astropy.table.Table`
The result of the query as an `astropy.table.Table` object.
response = self.get_table_async(object_name, table=table,
if get_query_payload:
return response
result = self._parse_result(response, verbose=verbose)
return result
[docs] def get_table_async(self, object_name, table='photometry',
get_query_payload=False, **kwargs):
Serves the same purpose as `~NedClass.query_region` but returns the
raw HTTP response rather than the `astropy.table.Table` object.
object_name : str
name of the identifier to query.
table : str, optional
Must be one of
Specifies the type of data-table that must be fetched for the
given object. Defaults to 'photometry'.
from_year : int, [optional for references]
4 digit year from which to get the references. Defaults to 1800
to_year : int, [optional for references]
4 digit year upto which to fetch the references. Defaults to the
current year.
extended_search : bool, [optional for references]
If set to `True`, returns all objects beginning with the same
identifier name. Defaults to `False`.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
request. Defaults to `False`.
response : `requests.Response`
The HTTP response returned from the service.
SEARCH_TYPE = dict(photometry='Photometry',
request_payload = dict(of='xml_main')
request_payload['objname'] = object_name
request_payload['search_type'] = SEARCH_TYPE[table]
if table == 'photometry':
output_table_format = 1
request_payload['meas_type'] = Ned.PHOTOMETRY_OUT[
if table == 'references':
request_payload['ref_extend'] = (
'yes' if kwargs.get('extended_search') else 'no')
request_payload['begin_year'] = kwargs.get('from_year', 1800)
request_payload['end_year'] = kwargs.get('to_year',
if get_query_payload:
return request_payload
response = self._request("GET", url=Ned.DATA_SEARCH_URL,
params=request_payload, timeout=Ned.TIMEOUT)
return response
def _request_payload_init(self):
Initializes common cgi-parameters for all queries.
For more information see <https://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/Documents/Guides/Interface/QueryAuto>
request_payload : dict
request_payload = dict(of='xml_main')
# common settings for all queries as per NED guidelines
# for more see <https://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/Documents/Guides/Interface/QueryAuto>
request_payload['img_stamp'] = 'NO'
request_payload['extend'] = 'no'
request_payload['list_limit'] = 0
return request_payload
def _set_input_options(self, request_payload):
Supports setting of input options for certain queries
request_payload : dict
request_payload['hconst'] = conf.hubble_constant
request_payload['omegam'] = 0.27
request_payload['omegav'] = 0.73
request_payload['corr_z'] = conf.correct_redshift
def _set_output_options(self, request_payload):
Supports setting of output options for certain queries
request_payload : dict
request_payload['out_csys'] = conf.output_coordinate_frame
request_payload['out_equinox'] = conf.output_equinox
request_payload['obj_sort'] = conf.sort_output_by
def _parse_result(self, response, verbose=False):
Parses the raw HTTP response and returns it as an
response : `requests.Response`
The HTTP response object
verbose : bool, optional
Defaults to false. When true it will display warnings whenever
the VOtable returned from the service doesn't conform to the
table : `astropy.table.Table`
if not verbose:
tf = BytesIO(response.content)
first_table = votable.parse(tf, verify='warn').get_first_table()
table = first_table.to_table(use_names_over_ids=True)
return table
except Exception as ex:
(is_valid, err_msg) = _check_ned_valid(response.content)
if not is_valid:
if err_msg:
raise RemoteServiceError(
"The remote service returned the following error "
"message.\nERROR: {err_msg}".format(err_msg=err_msg))
raise RemoteServiceError(
"The remote service returned an error, but with no "
self.response = response
self.table_parse_error = ex
raise TableParseError(
"Failed to parse NED result! The raw response can be "
"found in self.response, and the error in "
Ned = NedClass()
def _check_ned_valid(string):
Checks if the VOTable returned has an error parameter
string : The VOTable as a string
retval : bool
`False` if error parameter found, `True` otherwise.
errmsg : str
The string containing the error message if it exists, `None` otherwise.
# Routine assumes input is valid Table unless error parameter is found.
retval = True
errmsg = None
strdom = parseString(string)
p = strdom.getElementsByTagName('PARAM')
if len(p) > 1:
if 'name' in p[1].attributes.keys():
n = p[1].attributes['name']
errstr = n.value
if errstr == 'Error':
if 'value' in p[1].attributes.keys():
m = p[1].attributes['value']
errmsg = m.value
retval = False
return (retval, errmsg)