# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from io import StringIO
from astropy.io import ascii
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import Table
from . import conf
from ..query import BaseQuery
from ..utils import url_helpers, prepend_docstr_nosections, async_to_sync
from regions import CircleSkyRegion
except ImportError:
print('Could not import regions, which is required for some of the '
'functionalities of this module.')
class XMatchClass(BaseQuery):
URL = conf.url
TIMEOUT = conf.timeout
[docs] def query(self, cat1, cat2, max_distance,
colRA1=None, colDec1=None, colRA2=None, colDec2=None,
area='allsky', cache=True, get_query_payload=False, **kwargs):
Query the `CDS cross-match service
<http://cdsxmatch.u-strasbg.fr/xmatch>`_ by finding matches between
two (potentially big) catalogues.
cat1 : str, file or `~astropy.table.Table`
Identifier of the first table. It can either be a URL, the
payload of a local file being uploaded, a CDS table
identifier (either *simbad* for a view of SIMBAD data / to
point out a given VizieR table) or a an AstroPy table.
If the table is uploaded or accessed through a URL, it must be
in VOTable or CSV format with the positions in J2000
equatorial frame and as decimal degrees numbers.
cat2 : str or file
Identifier of the second table. Follows the same rules as *cat1*.
max_distance : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Maximum distance to look for counterparts.
Maximum allowed value is 180 arcsec.
colRA1 : str
Name of the column holding the right ascension. Only required
if ``cat1`` is an uploaded table or a pointer to a URL.
colDec1 : str
Name of the column holding the declination. Only required if
``cat1`` is an uploaded table or a pointer to a URL.
colRA2 : str
Name of the column holding the right ascension. Only required
if ``cat2`` is an uploaded table or a pointer to a URL.
colDec2 : str
Name of the column holding the declination. Only required if
``cat2`` is an uploaded table or a pointer to a URL.
area : ``regions.CircleSkyRegion`` or 'allsky' str
Restrict the area taken into account when performing the xmatch
Default value is 'allsky' (no restriction). If a
``regions.CircleSkyRegion`` object is given, only sources in
this region will be considered.
table : `~astropy.table.Table`
Query results table
response = self.query_async(cat1, cat2, max_distance, colRA1, colDec1,
colRA2, colDec2, area=area, cache=cache,
if get_query_payload:
return response
return self._parse_text(response.text)
[docs] @prepend_docstr_nosections("\n" + query.__doc__)
def query_async(self, cat1, cat2, max_distance, colRA1=None, colDec1=None,
colRA2=None, colDec2=None, area='allsky', cache=True,
get_query_payload=False, **kwargs):
response : `~requests.Response`
The HTTP response returned from the service.
if max_distance > 180 * u.arcsec:
raise ValueError(
'max_distance argument must not be greater than 180')
payload = {
'request': 'xmatch',
'distMaxArcsec': max_distance.to(u.arcsec).value,
kwargs = {}
self._prepare_sending_table(1, payload, kwargs, cat1, colRA1, colDec1)
self._prepare_sending_table(2, payload, kwargs, cat2, colRA2, colDec2)
self._prepare_area(payload, area)
if get_query_payload:
return payload, kwargs
response = self._request(method='POST', url=self.URL, data=payload,
timeout=self.TIMEOUT, cache=cache, **kwargs)
return response
def _prepare_sending_table(self, cat_index, payload, kwargs, cat, colRA, colDec):
'''Check if table is a string, a `astropy.table.Table`, etc. and set
query parameters accordingly.
catstr = 'cat{0}'.format(cat_index)
if isinstance(cat, str):
payload[catstr] = cat
elif isinstance(cat, Table):
# write the Table's content into a new, temporary CSV-file
# so that it can be pointed to via the `files` option
# file will be closed when garbage-collected
fp = StringIO()
cat.write(fp, format='ascii.csv')
kwargs['files'] = {catstr: ('cat1.csv', fp.read())}
# assume it's a file-like object, support duck-typing
kwargs['files'] = {catstr: ('cat1.csv', cat.read())}
if not self.is_table_available(cat):
if ((colRA is None) or (colDec is None)):
raise ValueError('Specify the name of the RA/Dec columns in' +
' the input table.')
# if `cat1` is not a VizieR table,
# it is assumed it's either a URL or an uploaded table
payload['colRA{0}'.format(cat_index)] = colRA
payload['colDec{0}'.format(cat_index)] = colDec
def _prepare_area(self, payload, area):
'''Set the area parameter in the payload'''
if area is None or area == 'allsky':
payload['area'] = 'allsky'
elif isinstance(area, CircleSkyRegion):
payload['area'] = 'cone'
cone_center = area.center
payload['coneRA'] = cone_center.icrs.ra.deg
payload['coneDec'] = cone_center.icrs.dec.deg
payload['coneRadiusDeg'] = area.radius.to_value(u.deg)
raise ValueError('Unsupported area {}'.format(str(area)))
[docs] def is_table_available(self, table_id):
"""Return True if the passed CDS table identifier is one of the
available VizieR tables, otherwise False.
# table_id can actually be a Table instance, there is no point in
# comparing those to stings
if not isinstance(table_id, str):
return False
if (table_id[:7] == 'vizier:'):
table_id = table_id[7:]
return table_id in self.get_available_tables()
[docs] def get_available_tables(self, cache=True):
"""Get the list of the VizieR tables which are available in the
xMatch service and return them as a list of strings.
response = self._request(
url_helpers.urljoin_keep_path(self.URL, 'tables'),
{'action': 'getVizieRTableNames', 'RESPONSEFORMAT': 'txt'},
content = response.text
return content.splitlines()
def _parse_text(self, text):
Parse a CSV text file that has potentially duplicated header names
header = text.split("\n")[0]
colnames = header.split(",")
for column in colnames:
if colnames.count(column) > 1:
counter = 1
while colnames.count(column) > 0:
colnames[colnames.index(column)] = column + "_{counter}".format(counter=counter)
counter += 1
new_text = ",".join(colnames) + "\n" + "\n".join(text.split("\n")[1:])
result = ascii.read(new_text, format='csv', fast_reader=False)
return result
XMatch = XMatchClass()