- class astroquery.besancon.BesanconClass(email=None)[source]¶
Attributes Summary
Methods Summary
(filename[, verbose, ...])Download a Besancon model from the website.
(*args, **kwargs)Queries the service and returns a table object.
(*args, **kwargs)Perform a query on the Besancon model of the galaxy.
Attributes Documentation
- QUERY_URL = ''¶
- TIMEOUT = 30.0¶
- ping_delay = 30.0¶
- result_re = re.compile('[0-9]{10}\\.[0-9]{6}\\.resu')¶
- url_download = ''¶
Methods Documentation
- get_besancon_model_file(filename, verbose=True, timeout=5.0)[source]¶
Download a Besancon model from the website.
- Parameters:
- filenamestring
The besancon filename, with format ##########.######.resu
- verbosebool
Print details about the download process
- timeoutfloat
Amount of time to wait after pinging the server to see if a file is present. Default 5s, which is probably reasonable.
- query(*args, **kwargs)¶
Queries the service and returns a table object.
Perform a query on the Besancon model of the galaxy.
- Parameters:
- glonfloat
- glatfloat
Galactic latitude and longitude at the center
- emailstr
A valid e-mail address to send the report of completion to
- smallfieldbool
Small field (True) or Large Field (False) LARGE FIELD NOT SUPPORTED YET
- extinctionfloat
Extinction per kpc in A_V
- areafloat
Area in square degrees
- absmag_limits(float,float)
Absolute magnitude lower,upper limits
- colors_limitsdict of (float,float)
- Should contain 4 elements listing color differences in the valid
bands, e.g.: {“J-H”:(99,-99),”H-K”:(99,-99),”J-K”:(99,-99),”V-K”:(99,-99)}
- mag_limits = dict of (float,float)
Lower and Upper magnitude difference limits for each magnitude band U B V R I J H K L
- cloudslist of 2-tuples
Up to 25 line-of-sight clouds can be specified in pairs of (A_V, distance in pc)
- verbosebool
Print out extra error messages?
- kwargsdict
Can override any argument in the request if you know the name of the POST keyword.
- retrieve_filebool
If True, will try to retrieve the file every 30s until it shows up. Otherwise, just returns the filename (the job is still executed on the remote server, though)
- Returns:
- tableA
- tableA
- query_async(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Perform a query on the Besancon model of the galaxy.
- Parameters:
- glonfloat
- glatfloat
Galactic latitude and longitude at the center
- emailstr
A valid e-mail address to send the report of completion to
- smallfieldbool
Small field (True) or Large Field (False) LARGE FIELD NOT SUPPORTED YET
- extinctionfloat
Extinction per kpc in A_V
- areafloat
Area in square degrees
- absmag_limits(float,float)
Absolute magnitude lower,upper limits
- colors_limitsdict of (float,float)
- Should contain 4 elements listing color differences in the valid
bands, e.g.: {“J-H”:(99,-99),”H-K”:(99,-99),”J-K”:(99,-99),”V-K”:(99,-99)}
- mag_limits = dict of (float,float)
Lower and Upper magnitude difference limits for each magnitude band U B V R I J H K L
- cloudslist of 2-tuples
Up to 25 line-of-sight clouds can be specified in pairs of (A_V, distance in pc)
- verbosebool
Print out extra error messages?
- kwargsdict
Can override any argument in the request if you know the name of the POST keyword.
- retrieve_filebool
If True, will try to retrieve the file every 30s until it shows up. Otherwise, just returns the filename (the job is still executed on the remote server, though)
- Returns:
- response
object The response of the HTTP request.
- response