
class astroquery.esa.jwst.JwstClass(*, tap_plus_handler=None, data_handler=None, show_messages=True)[source]

Bases: BaseQuery

Proxy class to default TapPlus object (pointing to JWST Archive)

Attributes Summary








Methods Summary

cone_search(coordinate, radius, *[, ...])

Cone search sorted by distance in sync/async mode TAP & TAP+


get_obs_products(*[, observation_id, ...])

Get a JWST product given its observation ID.

get_product(*[, artifact_id, file_name])

Get a JWST product given its Artifact ID or File name.

get_product_list(*[, observation_id, ...])

Get the list of products of a given JWST observation_id.


In case of processing levels < 3, get the list of level 3 products that make use of a given JWST observation_id.


Retrieve the messages to inform users about the status of JWST TAP

gzip_uncompress(input_file, output_file)



launch_job(query, *[, name, output_file, ...])

Launches a synchronous or asynchronous job TAP & TAP+

list_async_jobs(*[, verbose])

Returns all the asynchronous jobs TAP & TAP+

load_async_job(*[, jobid, name, verbose])

Loads an asynchronous job TAP & TAP+

load_table(table, *[, verbose])

Loads the specified table TAP+ only

load_tables(*[, only_names, ...])

Loads all public tables TAP & TAP+

login(*[, user, password, credentials_file, ...])

Performs a login.

login_gui(*[, verbose])

Performs a login using a GUI dialog TAP+ only

logout(*[, verbose])

Performs a logout TAP+ only

query_region(coordinate, *[, radius, width, ...])

Launches a query region job in sync/async mode TAP & TAP+

query_target(target_name, *[, ...])

Searches for a specific target defined by its name and other parameters TAP & TAP+

remove_jobs(jobs_list, *[, verbose])

Removes the specified jobs TAP+

resolve_target_coordinates(target_name, ...)

save_results(job, *[, verbose])

Saves job results TAP & TAP+

search_async_jobs(*[, jobfilter, verbose])

Searches for jobs applying the specified filter TAP+ only


Links a MAST token to the logged user

Attributes Documentation

ARTIFACT_PRODUCT_TYPES = ['info', 'thumbnail', 'auxiliary', 'science', 'preview']
CAL_LEVELS = ['ALL', 1, 2, 3, -1]
JWST_DEFAULT_COLUMNS = ['observationid', 'calibrationlevel', 'public', 'dataproducttype', 'instrument_name', 'energy_bandpassname', 'target_name', 'target_ra', 'target_dec', 'position_bounds_center', 'position_bounds_spoly']
PLANE_DATAPRODUCT_TYPES = ['image', 'cube', 'measurements', 'spectrum']
REQUESTED_OBSERVATION_ID = "Missing required argument: 'observation_id'"

Methods Documentation

Cone search sorted by distance in sync/async mode TAP & TAP+

coordinateastropy.coordinate, mandatory

coordinates center point

radiusastropy.units, mandatory


observation_idstr, optional, default None

get the observation given by its ID.

cal_levelobject, optional, default ‘Top’

get the planes with the given calibration level. Options are: ‘Top’: str, only the planes with the highest calibration level 1,2,3: int, the given calibration level

prod_typestr, optional, default None

get the observations providing the given product type. Options are: ‘image’,’cube’,’measurements’,’spectrum’: str, only results of the given product type

instrument_namestr, optional, default None

get the observations corresponding to the given instrument name. Options are: ‘NIRISS’, ‘NIRSPEC’, ‘NIRCAM’, ‘MIRI’, ‘FGS’: str, only results of the given instrument

filter_namestr, optional, default None

get the observations made with the given filter.

proposal_idstr, optional, default None

get the observations from the given proposal ID.

only_publicbool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to show only metadata corresponding to public observations

show_all_columnsbool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to show all available columns in the output. Default behaviour is to show the most representative columns only

async_jobbool, optional, default ‘False’

executes the job in asynchronous/synchronous mode (default synchronous)

backgroundbool, optional, default ‘False’

when the job is executed in asynchronous mode, this flag specifies whether the execution will wait until results are available

output_filestr, optional, default None

file name where the results are saved if dumpToFile is True. If this parameter is not provided, the jobid is used instead

output_formatstr, optional, default ‘votable’

results format. Options are: ‘votable’: str, binary VOTable format ‘csv’: str, comma-separated values format ‘fits’: str, FITS format

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

dump_to_filebool, optional, default ‘False’

if True, the results are saved in a file instead of using memory

A Job object
static get_decoded_string(str)[source]
get_obs_products(*, observation_id=None, cal_level='ALL', product_type=None, output_file=None)[source]

Get a JWST product given its observation ID.

observation_idstr, mandatory

Observation identifier.

cal_levelstr or int, optional

Calibration level. Default value ia ‘ALL’, to download all the products associated to this observation_id and lower levels. Requesting more accurate levels than the one associated to the observation_id is not allowed (as level 3 observations are composite products based on level 2 products). To request upper levels, please use get_related_observations functions first. Possible values: ‘ALL’, 3, 2, 1, -1

product_typestr, optional, default None

List only products of the given type. If None, all products are listed. Possible values: ‘thumbnail’, ‘preview’, ‘auxiliary’, ‘science’.

output_filestr, optional

Output file. If no value is provided, a temporary one is created.


Returns the local path where the product(s) are saved.

get_product(*, artifact_id=None, file_name=None)[source]

Get a JWST product given its Artifact ID or File name.

artifact_idstr, mandatory (if no file_name is provided)

Artifact ID of the product.

file_namestr, mandatory (if no artifact_id is provided)

Returns the local path that the file was downloaded to.

get_product_list(*, observation_id=None, cal_level='ALL', product_type=None)[source]

Get the list of products of a given JWST observation_id.

observation_idstr, mandatory

Observation identifier.

cal_levelstr or int, optional

Calibration level. Default value is ‘ALL’, to download all the products associated to this observation_id and lower processing levels. Requesting more accurate levels than the one associated to the observation_id is not allowed (as level 3 observations are composite products based on level 2 products). To request upper levels, please use get_related_observations functions first. Possible values: ‘ALL’, 3, 2, 1, -1

product_typestr, optional, default None

List only products of the given type. If None, all products are listed. Possible values: ‘thumbnail’, ‘preview’, ‘info’, ‘auxiliary’, ‘science’.

The list of products (astropy.table).

In case of processing levels < 3, get the list of level 3 products that make use of a given JWST observation_id. In case of processing level 3, retrieves the list of products used to create this composite observation

observation_idstr, mandatory

Observation identifier.

A list of strings with the observation_id of the associated
observations that can be used in get_product_list and
get_obs_products functions

Retrieve the messages to inform users about the status of JWST TAP

static gzip_uncompress(input_file, output_file)[source]
static gzip_uncompress_and_rename_single_file(input_file)[source]
static is_gz_file(filepath)[source]
launch_job(query, *, name=None, output_file=None, output_format='votable', verbose=False, dump_to_file=False, background=False, upload_resource=None, upload_table_name=None, async_job=False)[source]

Launches a synchronous or asynchronous job TAP & TAP+

querystr, mandatory

query to be executed

namestr, optional, default None

name of the job to be executed

output_filestr, optional, default None

file name where the results are saved if dumpToFile is True. If this parameter is not provided, the jobid is used instead

output_formatstr, optional, default ‘votable’

results format. Options are: ‘votable’: str, binary VOTable format ‘csv’: str, comma-separated values format ‘fits’: str, FITS format

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

dump_to_filebool, optional, default ‘False’

if True, the results are saved in a file instead of using memory

backgroundbool, optional, default ‘False’

when the job is executed in asynchronous mode, this flag specifies whether the execution will wait until results are available

upload_resource: str, optional, default None

resource to be uploaded to UPLOAD_SCHEMA

upload_table_name: str, required if uploadResource is provided

Default None resource temporary table name associated to the uploaded resource

async_job: bool, optional, default ‘False’

tag to execute the job in sync or async mode

A Job object
list_async_jobs(*, verbose=False)[source]

Returns all the asynchronous jobs TAP & TAP+

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

A list of Job objects
load_async_job(*, jobid=None, name=None, verbose=False)[source]

Loads an asynchronous job TAP & TAP+

jobidstr, mandatory if no name is provided, default None

job identifier

namestr, mandatory if no jobid is provided, default None

job name

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

A Job object
load_table(table, *, verbose=False)[source]

Loads the specified table TAP+ only

tablestr, mandatory

full qualified table name (i.e. schema name + table name)

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

A table object
load_tables(*, only_names=False, include_shared_tables=False, verbose=False)[source]

Loads all public tables TAP & TAP+

only_namesbool, TAP+ only, optional, default ‘False’

True to load table names only

include_shared_tablesbool, TAP+, optional, default ‘False’

True to include shared tables

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

A list of table objects
login(*, user=None, password=None, credentials_file=None, token=None, verbose=False)[source]

Performs a login. TAP+ only User and password can be used or a file that contains user name and password (2 lines: one for user name and the following one for the password)

userstr, mandatory if ‘file’ is not provided, default None

login name

passwordstr, mandatory if ‘file’ is not provided, default None

user password

credentials_filestr, mandatory if no ‘user’ & ‘password’ are

provided file containing user and password in two lines

token: str, optional

MAST token to have access to propietary data

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

login_gui(*, verbose=False)[source]

Performs a login using a GUI dialog TAP+ only

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

logout(*, verbose=False)[source]

Performs a logout TAP+ only

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

query_region(coordinate, *, radius=None, width=None, height=None, observation_id=None, cal_level='Top', prod_type=None, instrument_name=None, filter_name=None, proposal_id=None, only_public=False, show_all_columns=False, async_job=False, verbose=False)[source]

Launches a query region job in sync/async mode TAP & TAP+

coordinateastropy.coordinate, mandatory

coordinates center point

radiusastropy.units, required if no ‘width’ nor ‘height’

are provided radius (deg)

widthastropy.units, required if no ‘radius’ is provided

box width

heightastropy.units, required if no ‘radius’ is provided

box height

observation_idstr, optional, default None

get the observation given by its ID.

cal_levelobject, optional, default ‘Top’

get the planes with the given calibration level. Options are: ‘Top’: str, only the planes with the highest calibration level 1,2,3: int, the given calibration level

prod_typestr, optional, default None

get the observations providing the given product type. Options are: ‘image’,’cube’,’measurements’,’spectrum’: str, only results of the given product type

instrument_namestr, optional, default None

get the observations corresponding to the given instrument name. Options are: ‘NIRISS’, ‘NIRSPEC’, ‘NIRCAM’, ‘MIRI’, ‘FGS’: str, only results of the given instrument

filter_namestr, optional, default None

get the observations made with the given filter.

proposal_idstr, optional, default None

get the observations from the given proposal ID.

show_all_columnsbool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to show all available columns in the output. Default behaviour is to show the most representative columns only

only_publicbool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to show only metadata corresponding to public observations

async_jobbool, optional, default ‘False’

executes the query (job) in asynchronous/synchronous mode (default synchronous)

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

The job results (astropy.table).
query_target(target_name, *, target_resolver='ALL', radius=None, width=None, height=None, observation_id=None, cal_level='Top', prod_type=None, instrument_name=None, filter_name=None, proposal_id=None, only_public=False, show_all_columns=False, async_job=False, verbose=False)[source]

Searches for a specific target defined by its name and other parameters TAP & TAP+

target_namestr, mandatory

name of the target that will be used as center point

target_resolverstr, optional, default ALL

resolver used to associate the target name with its coordinates. The ALL option evaluates a “SIMBAD then NED then VIZIER” approach. Options are: ALL, SIMBAD, NED, VIZIER.

radiusastropy.units, required if no ‘width’ nor ‘height’ are

provided. radius (deg)

widthastropy.units, required if no ‘radius’ is provided

box width

heightastropy.units, required if no ‘radius’ is provided

box height

observation_idstr, optional, default None

get the observation given by its ID.

cal_levelobject, optional, default ‘Top’

get the planes with the given calibration level. Options are: ‘Top’: str, only the planes with the highest calibration level 1,2,3: int, the given calibration level

prod_typestr, optional, default None

get the observations providing the given product type. Options are: ‘image’,’cube’,’measurements’,’spectrum’: str, only results of the given product type

instrument_namestr, optional, default None

get the observations corresponding to the given instrument name. Options are: ‘NIRISS’, ‘NIRSPEC’, ‘NIRCAM’, ‘MIRI’, ‘FGS’: str, only results of the given instrument

filter_namestr, optional, default None

get the observations made with the given filter.

proposal_idstr, optional, default None

get the observations from the given proposal ID.

only_publicbool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to show only metadata corresponding to public observations

show_all_columnsbool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to show all available columns in the output. Default behaviour is to show the most representative columns only

async_jobbool, optional, default ‘False’

executes the query (job) in asynchronous/synchronous mode (default synchronous)

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

The job results (astropy.table).
remove_jobs(jobs_list, *, verbose=False)[source]

Removes the specified jobs TAP+

jobs_liststr, mandatory

jobs identifiers to be removed

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

resolve_target_coordinates(target_name, target_resolver)[source]
save_results(job, *, verbose=False)[source]

Saves job results TAP & TAP+

jobJob, mandatory


verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

search_async_jobs(*, jobfilter=None, verbose=False)[source]

Searches for jobs applying the specified filter TAP+ only

jobfilterJobFilter, optional, default None

job filter

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

A list of Job objects

Links a MAST token to the logged user

token: str, mandatory

MAST token to have access to propietary data