
class astroquery.esasky.ESASkyClass(tap_handler=None)[source]

Bases: BaseQuery

Attributes Summary





Methods Summary

find_sso(sso_name, *[, sso_type, cache])

This method allows you to find solar and extra solar system objects with a given name.

get_columns(table_name, *[, only_names, verbose])

Get the available columns for a table in ESASky TAP service

get_images(*[, position, observation_ids, ...])

This method gets the fits files available for the selected mission and position or observation_ids and downloads all maps to the the selected folder.

get_images_sso(*[, sso_name, sso_type, ...])

This method gets the fits files for the input (either a sso_name or table_list) and downloads all maps to the the selected folder.

get_maps(query_table_list, *[, missions, ...])

This method takes the dictionary of missions and metadata as returned by query_region_maps and downloads all maps to the selected folder.

get_spectra(*[, position, observation_ids, ...])

This method gets the fits files available for the selected missions and position or observation_ids and downloads all spectra to the the selected folder.

get_spectra_from_table(query_table_list[, ...])

This method takes the dictionary of missions and metadata as returned by query_region_spectra and downloads all spectra to the selected folder.

get_tables(*[, only_names, verbose, cache])

Get the available table in ESASky TAP service


Get a TAP+ instance for the ESASky servers, which supports all common TAP+ operations (synchronous & asynchronous queries, uploading of tables, table sharing and more) Full documentation and examples available here:


Get a list of the mission names of the available catalogs in ESASky


Get a list of the mission names of the available observations in ESASky


Get a list of the mission names of the available spectra in ESASky


Get a list of the mission names of the available observations with SSO crossmatch in ESASky

query(query, *[, output_file, ...])

Launches a synchronous job to query the ESASky TAP

query_ids_catalogs(source_ids, *[, ...])

This method fetches the metadata for all the given source id's and returns a TableList.

query_ids_maps(observation_ids, *[, ...])

This method fetches the metadata for all the given observations id's and returns a TableList.

query_ids_spectra(observation_ids, *[, ...])

This method fetches the metadata for all the given observations id's and returns a TableList.

query_object_catalogs(position[, catalogs, ...])

This method queries a chosen object or coordinate for all available catalogs and returns a TableList with all the found catalogs metadata for the chosen missions and object.

query_object_maps(position[, missions, ...])

This method queries a chosen object or coordinate for all available maps which have observation data on the chosen position.

query_object_spectra(position[, missions, ...])

This method queries a chosen object or coordinate for all available missions which have spectral data on the chosen position.

query_region_catalogs(position, radius[, ...])

This method queries a chosen region for all available catalogs and returns a TableList with all the found catalogs metadata for the chosen missions and region.

query_region_maps(position, radius[, ...])

This method queries a chosen region for all available maps and returns a TableList with all the found maps metadata for the chosen missions and region.

query_region_spectra(position, radius[, ...])

This method queries a chosen region for all available spectra and returns a TableList with all the found spectra metadata for the chosen missions and region.

query_sso(sso_name, *[, sso_type, missions, ...])

This method performs a crossmatch on the chosen solar system object and the selected missions using ESASky's crossmatch algorithm.

Attributes Documentation

TIMEOUT = 1000
URLbase = ''

Methods Documentation

find_sso(sso_name, *, sso_type='ALL', cache=True)[source]

This method allows you to find solar and extra solar system objects with a given name. ESASky is using IMCCE’s SsODNet to resolve the objects.


A name or alias of a solar system object recognized by SsODNet.

sso_typestr, optional

Can be any of the sso types found in SSO_TYPES. Defaults to ‘all’.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.


Returns a list of object matching your search. Each mission match has sso_name, sso_type, and aliases.


find_sso(sso_name=”Pallas”) find_sso(sso_name=”503”) find_sso(sso_name=”503”, sso_type=”SATELLITE”)

get_columns(table_name, *, only_names=True, verbose=False)[source]

Get the available columns for a table in ESASky TAP service

table_namestr, mandatory, default None

table name of which, columns will be returned

only_namesbool, optional, default ‘True’

True to load table names only

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

A list of columns
get_images(*, position=None, observation_ids=None, radius='0 arcmin', missions='all', download_dir='Maps', cache=True)[source]

This method gets the fits files available for the selected mission and position or observation_ids and downloads all maps to the the selected folder. The method returns a dictionary which is divided by mission. All mission except Herschel returns a list of HDULists. For Herschel each item in the list is a dictionary where the used filter is the key and the HDUList is the value.

positionstr or astropy.coordinates object, optional

Can either be a string of the location, eg ‘M51’, or the coordinates of the object. An input is required for either position or observation_ids.

observation_idsstr or list, optional

A list of observation ID’s, you would like to download. If this parameter is empty, a cone search will be performed instead using the radius and position. An input is required for either position or observation_ids.

radiusstr or Quantity, optional

The radius of a region. Defaults to 0.

missionsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific mission or a list of missions (all mission names are found in list_missions()) or ‘all’ to search in all missions. Defaults to ‘all’.

download_dirstr, optional

The folder where all downloaded maps should be stored. Defaults to a folder called ‘Maps’ in the current working directory.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.


All mission except Herschel returns a list of HDULists. For Herschel each item in the list is a dictionary where the used filter is the key and the HDUList is the value. It is structured in a dictionary like this: dict: { ‘HERSCHEL’: [{‘70’: HDUList, ‘160’: HDUList}, {‘70’: HDUList, ‘160’: HDUList}, …], ‘HST’:[HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, …], ‘XMM-EPIC’ : [HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, …] … }


get_images(position=”m101”, radius=”14’”, missions=”all”)

missions = [“SUZAKU”, “ISO-IR”, “Chandra”, “XMM-OM-OPTICAL”, “XMM”, “XMM-OM-UV”, “HST-IR”, “Herschel”, “Spitzer”, “HST-UV”, “HST-OPTICAL”] observation_ids = [“100001010”, “01500403”, “21171”, “0852000101”, “0851180201”, “0851180201”, “n3tr01c3q”, “1342247257”, “30002561-25100”, “hst_07553_3h_wfpc2_f160bw_pc”, “ocli05leq”] get_images(observation_ids=observation_ids, missions=missions)

get_images_sso(*, sso_name=None, sso_type='ALL', table_list=None, missions='all', download_dir='Maps', cache=True)[source]

This method gets the fits files for the input (either a sso_name or table_list) and downloads all maps to the the selected folder. If a sso_name is entered, this method performs a crossmatch on the chosen solar system object and the selected missions using ESASky’s crossmatch algorithm. The method returns a dictionary which is divided by mission. All mission except Herschel returns a list of HDULists. For Herschel each item in the list is a dictionary where the used filter is the key and the HDUList is the value.

sso_namestr, optional

A name or alias of a solar system object recognized by SsODNet. One of sso_name and table_list is required.

sso_typestr, optional

Can be any of the sso types found in SSO_TYPES. Defaults to ‘all’.

table_listTableList or dict or list of (name, Table) pairs

A TableList or dict or list of name and Table pairs with all the missions wanted and their respective metadata. Usually the return value of query_sso.

missionsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific mission or a list of missions (all mission names are found in list_sso()) or ‘all’ to search in all missions. Defaults to ‘all’. .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.

download_dirstr, optional

The folder where all downloaded maps should be stored. Defaults to a folder called ‘Maps’ in the current working directory.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.


All mission except Herschel returns a list of HDULists. For Herschel each item in the list is a dictionary where the used filter is the key and the HDUList is the value. It is structured in a dictionary like this: dict: { ‘HERSCHEL’: [{‘70’: HDUList, ‘160’: HDUList}, {‘70’: HDUList, ‘160’: HDUList}, …], ‘HST’:[HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, …], ‘XMM’ : [HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, …] … }


get_images_sso(sso_name=”Pallas”, missions=”HST”) get_images_sso(sso_name=”503”, sso_type=”SATELLITE”) get_images_sso(sso_name=”503”, sso_type=”SATELLITE”, missions=[“XMM”, “HST”])

table = ESASky.query_sso(sso_name=”503”, sso_type=”SATELLITE”, missions=[“XMM”, “HST”]) table[“XMM”].remove_rows([1, 18, 23]) get_images_sso(table_list=table, missions=”XMM”)

get_maps(query_table_list, *, missions='all', download_dir='Maps', cache=True)[source]

This method takes the dictionary of missions and metadata as returned by query_region_maps and downloads all maps to the selected folder. The method returns a dictionary which is divided by mission. All mission except Herschel returns a list of HDULists. For Herschel each item in the list is a dictionary where the used filter is the key and the HDUList is the value.

query_table_listTableList or dict or list of (name, Table) pairs

A TableList or dict or list of name and Table pairs with all the missions wanted and their respective metadata. Usually the return value of query_region_maps.

missionsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific mission or a list of missions (all mission names are found in list_missions()) or ‘all’ to search in all missions. Defaults to ‘all’.

download_dirstr, optional

The folder where all downloaded maps should be stored. Defaults to a folder called ‘Maps’ in the current working directory.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.


All mission except Herschel returns a list of HDULists. For Herschel each item in the list is a dictionary where the used filter is the key and the HDUList is the value. It is structured in a dictionary like this: dict: { ‘HERSCHEL’: [{‘70’: HDUList, ‘160’: HDUList}, {‘70’: HDUList, ‘160’: HDUList}, …], ‘HST’:[HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, …], ‘XMM-EPIC’ : [HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, …] … }


get_maps(query_region_maps(“m101”, “14’”, “all”))

get_spectra(*, position=None, observation_ids=None, radius='0 arcmin', missions='all', download_dir='Spectra', cache=True)[source]

This method gets the fits files available for the selected missions and position or observation_ids and downloads all spectra to the the selected folder. The method returns a dictionary which is divided by mission. All mission except Herschel returns a list of HDULists. Herschel returns a three-level dictionary.

positionstr or astropy.coordinates object, optional

Can either be a string of the location, eg ‘M51’, or the coordinates of the object. An input is required for either position or observation_ids.

observation_idsstr or list, optional

A list of observation ID’s, you would like to download. If this parameter is empty, a cone search will be performed instead using the radius and position. An input is required for either position or observation_ids.

radiusstr or Quantity, optional

The radius of a region. Defaults to 0.

missionsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific mission or a list of missions (all mission names are found in list_spectra()) or ‘all’ to search in all missions. Defaults to ‘all’.

download_dirstr, optional

The folder where all downloaded spectra should be stored. Defaults to a folder called ‘Spectra’ in the current working directory.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.


All mission except Herschel returns a list of HDULists. Herschel returns a three-level dictionary. Read more about Herschel here:

The response is structured in a dictionary like this: dict: { ‘HERSCHEL’: {‘1342211195’: {‘red’ : {‘HPSTBRRS’ : HDUList}, ‘blue’ : {‘HPSTBRBS’: HDUList}, ‘1342180796’: {‘WBS’ : {‘WBS-H_LSB_5a’ : HDUList}, ‘HRS’ : {‘HRS-H_LSB_5a’: HDUList}, …}, ‘HST-IR’:[HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, …], ‘XMM-NEWTON’ : [HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, …] … }


get_spectra(position=”m101”, radius=”14’”, missions=[“HST-IR”, “XMM-NEWTON”, “HERSCHEL”])

missions = [“ISO-IR”, “Chandra”, “IUE”, “XMM-NEWTON”, “HST-IR”, “Herschel”, “HST-UV”, “HST-OPTICAL”] observation_ids = [“02101201”, “1005”, “LWR13178”, “0001730201”, “ibh706cqq”, “1342253595”, “z1ax0102t”, “oeik2s020”] get_spectra(observation_ids=observation_ids, missions=missions)

get_spectra_from_table(query_table_list, missions='all', download_dir='Spectra', cache=True)[source]

This method takes the dictionary of missions and metadata as returned by query_region_spectra and downloads all spectra to the selected folder. The method returns a dictionary which is divided by mission. All mission except Herschel returns a list of HDULists. Herschel returns a three-level dictionary.

query_table_listTableList or dict or list of (name, Table) pairs

A TableList or dict or list of name and Table pairs with all the missions wanted and their respective metadata. Usually the return value of query_region_spectra.

missionsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific mission or a list of missions (all mission names are found in list_spectra()) or ‘all’ to search in all missions. Defaults to ‘all’.

download_dirstr, optional

The folder where all downloaded spectra should be stored. Defaults to a folder called ‘Spectra’ in the current working directory.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.


All mission except Herschel returns a list of HDULists. Herschel returns a three-level dictionary. Read more about Herschel here:

The response is structured in a dictionary like this: dict: { ‘HERSCHEL’: {‘1342211195’: {‘red’ : {‘HPSTBRRS’ : HDUList}, ‘blue’ : {‘HPSTBRBS’: HDUList}, ‘1342180796’: {‘WBS’ : {‘WBS-H_LSB_5a’ : HDUList}, ‘HRS’ : {‘HRS-H_LSB_5a’: HDUList}, …}, ‘HST-IR’:[HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, …], ‘XMM-NEWTON’ : [HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, HDUList, …] … }


table = query_region_spectra(“m101”, “14’”, [“HST-IR”, “XMM-NEWTON”, “HERSCHEL”]) get_spectra_from_table(table)

get_tables(*, only_names=True, verbose=False, cache=True)[source]

Get the available table in ESASky TAP service

only_namesbool, optional, default ‘True’

True to load table names only

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

A list of tables

Get a TAP+ instance for the ESASky servers, which supports all common TAP+ operations (synchronous & asynchronous queries, uploading of tables, table sharing and more) Full documentation and examples available here:


Get a list of the mission names of the available catalogs in ESASky


Get a list of the mission names of the available observations in ESASky


Get a list of the mission names of the available spectra in ESASky


Get a list of the mission names of the available observations with SSO crossmatch in ESASky

query(query, *, output_file=None, output_format='votable', verbose=False)[source]

Launches a synchronous job to query the ESASky TAP

querystr, mandatory

query (adql) to be executed

output_filestr, optional, default None

file name where the results are saved if dumpToFile is True. If this parameter is not provided, the jobid is used instead

output_formatstr, optional, default ‘votable’

possible values ‘votable’ or ‘csv’

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

A table object
query_ids_catalogs(source_ids, *, catalogs='all', row_limit=10000, get_query_payload=False, cache=True)[source]

This method fetches the metadata for all the given source id’s and returns a TableList.

source_idsstr or list

The source IDs / names to fetch.

catalogsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific catalog or a list of catalogs (all catalog names are found in list_catalogs()) or ‘all’ to search in all catalogs. Defaults to ‘all’.

row_limitint, optional

Determines how many rows that will be fetched from the database for each mission. Can be -1 to select maximum (currently 100 000). Defaults to 10000.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

When set to True the method returns the HTTP request parameters. Defaults to False.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.


Each mission returns a Table with the metadata. It is structured in a TableList like this: TableList with 2 tables: ‘CHANDRA-SC2’ with 41 column(s) and 2 row(s) ‘HIPPARCOS-2’ with 45 column(s) and 2 row(s)


query_ids_catalogs(source_ids=[‘2CXO J090341.1-322609’, ‘2CXO J090353.8-322642’], catalogs=”CHANDRA-SC2”) query_ids_catalogs(source_ids=’2CXO J090341.1-322609’) query_ids_catalogs(source_ids=[‘2CXO J090341.1-322609’, ‘45057’], catalogs=[“CHANDRA-SC2”, “Hipparcos-2”])

query_ids_maps(observation_ids, *, missions='all', row_limit=10000, get_query_payload=False, cache=True)[source]

This method fetches the metadata for all the given observations id’s and returns a TableList.

observation_idsstring or list

The observation IDs to fetch.

missionsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific mission or a list of missions (all mission names are found in list_missions()) or ‘all’ to search in all missions. Defaults to ‘all’.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

When set to True the method returns the HTTP request parameters. Defaults to False.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.

row_limitint, optional

Determines how many rows that will be fetched from the database for each mission. Can be -1 to select maximum (currently 100 000). Defaults to 10000.


Each mission returns a Table with the metadata. It is structured in a TableList like this: TableList with 2 tables: ‘HERSCHEL’ with 15 column(s) and 2 row(s) ‘HST-UV’ with 15 column(s) and 2 row(s)


query_ids_maps(observation_ids=[‘lbsk03vbq’, ‘ieag90010’], missions=”HST-UV”) query_ids_maps(observation_ids=’lbsk03vbq’) query_ids_maps(observation_ids=[‘lbsk03vbq’, ‘1342221848’], missions=[“Herschel”, “HST-UV”])

query_ids_spectra(observation_ids, *, missions='all', row_limit=10000, get_query_payload=False, cache=True)[source]

This method fetches the metadata for all the given observations id’s and returns a TableList.

observation_idsstr or list

The observation IDs to fetch.

missionsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific mission or a list of missions (all mission names are found in list_spectra()) or ‘all’ to search in all missions. Defaults to ‘all’.

row_limitint, optional

Determines how many rows that will be fetched from the database for each mission. Can be -1 to select maximum (currently 100 000). Defaults to 10000.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

When set to True the method returns the HTTP request parameters. Defaults to False.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.


Each mission returns a Table with the metadata. It is structured in a TableList like this: TableList with 2 tables: ‘XMM-NEWTON’ with 16 column(s) and 2 row(s) ‘HERSCHEL’ with 16 column(s) and 1 row(s)


query_ids_spectra(observation_ids=[‘0001730501’, ‘0011420101’], missions=’XMM-NEWTON’) query_ids_spectra(observation_ids=’0001730501’) query_ids_spectra(observation_ids=[‘0001730501’, ‘0011420101’, ‘1342246640’], missions=[‘XMM-NEWTON’, ‘Herschel’])

query_object_catalogs(position, catalogs='all', row_limit=10000, get_query_payload=False, cache=True)[source]

This method queries a chosen object or coordinate for all available catalogs and returns a TableList with all the found catalogs metadata for the chosen missions and object. To account for errors in telescope position, the method will look for any sources within a radius of 5 arcsec of the chosen position.

positionstr or astropy.coordinates object

Can either be a string of the location, eg ‘M51’, or the coordinates of the object.

catalogsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific catalog or a list of catalogs (all catalog names are found in list_catalogs()) or ‘all’ to search in all catalogs. Defaults to ‘all’.

row_limitint, optional

Determines how many rows that will be fetched from the database for each mission. Can be -1 to select maximum (currently 100 000). Defaults to 10000.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

When set to True the method returns the HTTP request parameters. Defaults to False.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.


Each mission returns a Table with the metadata of the catalogs available for the chosen mission and object. It is structured in a TableList like this: TableList with 2 tables: ‘HSC’ with 9 column(s) and 232 row(s) ‘XMM-OM’ with 11 column(s) and 2 row(s)


query_object_catalogs(“m101”, “all”)

query_object_catalogs(“202.469, 47.195”, “HSC”) query_object_catalogs(“202.469, 47.195”, [“HSC”, “XMM-OM”])

query_object_maps(position, missions='all', get_query_payload=False, cache=True, row_limit=10000)[source]

This method queries a chosen object or coordinate for all available maps which have observation data on the chosen position. It returns a TableList with all the found maps metadata for the chosen missions and object.

positionstr or astropy.coordinates object

Can either be a string of the location, eg ‘M51’, or the coordinates of the object.

missionsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific mission or a list of missions (all mission names are found in list_missions()) or ‘all’ to search in all missions. Defaults to ‘all’.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

When set to True the method returns the HTTP request parameters. Defaults to False.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.

row_limitint, optional

Determines how many rows that will be fetched from the database for each mission. Can be -1 to select maximum (currently 100 000). Defaults to 10000.


Each mission returns a Table with the metadata and observations available for the chosen missions and object. It is structured in a TableList like this: TableList with 2 tables: ‘HERSCHEL’ with 12 column(s) and 152 row(s) ‘HST-OPTICAL’ with 12 column(s) and 6 row(s)


query_object_maps(“m101”, “all”)

query_object_maps(“265.05, 69.0”, “Herschel”) query_object_maps(“265.05, 69.0”, [“Herschel”, “HST-OPTICAL”])

query_object_spectra(position, missions='all', get_query_payload=False, cache=True, row_limit=10000)[source]

This method queries a chosen object or coordinate for all available missions which have spectral data on the chosen position. It returns a TableList with all the found spectra metadata for the chosen missions and object.

positionstr or astropy.coordinates object

Can either be a string of the location, eg ‘M51’, or the coordinates of the object.

missionsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific mission or a list of missions (all mission names are found in list_spectra()) or ‘all’ to search in all missions. Defaults to ‘all’.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

When set to True the method returns the HTTP request parameters. Defaults to False.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.

row_limitint, optional

Determines how many rows that will be fetched from the database for each mission. Can be -1 to select maximum (currently 100 000). Defaults to 10000.


Each mission returns a Table with the metadata and spectra available for the chosen missions and object. It is structured in a TableList like this: TableList with 2 tables: ‘HERSCHEL’ with 12 column(s) and 12 row(s) ‘HST-OPTICAL’ with 12 column(s) and 19 row(s)


query_object_spectra(“m101”, “all”)

query_object_spectra(“202.469, 47.195”, “Herschel”) query_object_spectra(“202.469, 47.195”, [“Herschel”, “HST-OPTICAL”])

query_region_catalogs(position, radius, catalogs='all', row_limit=10000, get_query_payload=False, cache=True)[source]

This method queries a chosen region for all available catalogs and returns a TableList with all the found catalogs metadata for the chosen missions and region.

positionstr or astropy.coordinates object

Can either be a string of the location, eg ‘M51’, or the coordinates of the object.

radiusstr or Quantity

The radius of a region.

catalogsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific catalog or a list of catalogs (all catalog names are found in list_catalogs()) or ‘all’ to search in all catalogs. Defaults to ‘all’.

row_limitint, optional

Determines how many rows that will be fetched from the database for each mission. Can be -1 to select maximum (currently 100 000). Defaults to 10000.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

When set to True the method returns the HTTP request parameters. Defaults to False.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.


Each mission returns a Table with the metadata of the catalogs available for the chosen mission and region. It is structured in a TableList like this: TableList with 2 tables: ‘HIPPARCOS-2’ with 7 column(s) and 2 row(s) ‘HSC’ with 9 column(s) and 10000 row(s)


query_region_catalogs(“m101”, “14’”, “all”)

import astropy.units as u query_region_catalogs(“265.05, 69.0”, 14*u.arcmin, “Hipparcos-2”) query_region_catalogs(“265.05, 69.0”, 14*u.arcmin, [“Hipparcos-2”, “HSC”])

query_region_maps(position, radius, missions='all', get_query_payload=False, cache=True, row_limit=10000)[source]

This method queries a chosen region for all available maps and returns a TableList with all the found maps metadata for the chosen missions and region.

positionstr or astropy.coordinates object

Can either be a string of the location, eg ‘M51’, or the coordinates of the object.

radiusstr or Quantity

The radius of a region.

missionsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific mission or a list of missions (all mission names are found in list_missions()) or ‘all’ to search in all missions. Defaults to ‘all’.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

When set to True the method returns the HTTP request parameters. Defaults to False.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.

row_limitint, optional

Determines how many rows that will be fetched from the database for each mission. Can be -1 to select maximum (currently 100 000). Defaults to 10000.


Each mission returns a Table with the metadata and observations available for the chosen missions and region. It is structured in a TableList like this: TableList with 2 tables: ‘HERSCHEL’ with 12 column(s) and 152 row(s) ‘HST-OPTICAL’ with 12 column(s) and 71 row(s)


query_region_maps(“m101”, “14’”, “all”)

import astropy.units as u query_region_maps(“265.05, 69.0”, 14*u.arcmin, “Herschel”) query_region_maps(“265.05, 69.0”, 14*u.arcmin, [“Herschel”, “HST-OPTICAL”])

query_region_spectra(position, radius, missions='all', row_limit=10000, get_query_payload=False, cache=True)[source]

This method queries a chosen region for all available spectra and returns a TableList with all the found spectra metadata for the chosen missions and region.

positionstr or astropy.coordinates object

Can either be a string of the location, eg ‘M51’, or the coordinates of the object.

radiusstr or Quantity

The radius of a region.

missionsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific mission or a list of missions (all mission names are found in list_spectra()) or ‘all’ to search in all missions. Defaults to ‘all’.

row_limitint, optional

Determines how many rows that will be fetched from the database for each mission. Can be -1 to select maximum (currently 100 000). Defaults to 10000.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

When set to True the method returns the HTTP request parameters. Defaults to False.

cachebool, optional

When set to True the method will use a cache located at .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.


Each mission returns a Table with the metadata and observations available for the chosen missions and region. It is structured in a TableList like this: TableList with 2 tables: ‘HERSCHEL’ with 12 column(s) and 264 row(s) ‘IUE’ with 12 column(s) and 14 row(s)


query_region_spectra(“m101”, “14’”, “all”)

import astropy.units as u query_region_spectra(“265.05, 69.0”, 30*u.arcmin, “Herschel”) query_region_spectra(“265.05, 69.0”, 30*u.arcmin, [“Herschel”, “IUE”])

query_sso(sso_name, *, sso_type='ALL', missions='all', row_limit=10000)[source]

This method performs a crossmatch on the chosen solar system object and the selected missions using ESASky’s crossmatch algorithm. The algorithm detects both targeted and serendipitous observations. It returns a TableList with all the found maps metadata for the chosen missions and object.


A name or alias of a solar system object recognized by SsODNet.

sso_typestr, optional

Can be any of the sso types found in SSO_TYPES. Defaults to ‘all’.

missionsstr or list, optional

Can be either a specific mission or a list of missions (all mission names are found in list_sso()) or ‘all’ to search in all missions. Defaults to ‘all’. .astropy/astroquery/cache. Defaults to True.

row_limitint, optional

Determines how many rows that will be fetched from the database for each mission. Can be -1 to select maximum (currently 100 000). Defaults to 10000.


Each mission returns a Table with the metadata and observations available for the chosen missions and object. It is structured in a TableList like this: TableList with 2 tables: ‘HERSCHEL’ with 12 column(s) and 152 row(s) ‘HST’ with 12 column(s) and 6 row(s)


query_sso(sso_name=”Pallas”, missions=”HST”) query_sso(sso_name=”503”, sso_type=”SATELLITE”) query_sso(sso_name=”503”, sso_type=”SATELLITE”, missions=[“XMM”, “HST”])