A Gallery of Queries¶
A series of queries folks have performed for research or for kicks.
Example 1¶
This illustrates querying Vizier with specific keyword, and the use of
to describe a query.
Vizier’s keywords can indicate wavelength & object type, although only
object type is shown here.
from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
from astropy import coordinates
from astropy import units as u
v = Vizier(keywords=['stars:white_dwarf'])
c = coordinates.SkyCoord(0, 0, unit=('deg', 'deg'), frame='icrs')
result = v.query_region(c, radius=2*u.deg)
# 44
LP Rem Name RA1950 DE1950 Rmag l_Pmag Pmag u_Pmag spClass pm pmPA _RA.icrs _DE.icrs
"h:m:s" "d:m:s" mag mag arcs / yr deg "d:m:s"
-------- --- ---- -------- -------- ---- ------ ---- ------ ------- --------- ---- ---------- ---------
584-0063 00 03 23 +00 01.8 18.1 18.3 f 0.219 93 00 05 56.8 +00 18 41
643-0083 23 50 40 +00 33.4 15.9 17.0 k 0.197 93 23 53 13.7 +00 50 15
584-0030 23 54 05 -01 32.3 16.6 17.7 k 0.199 193 23 56 38.8 -01 15 26
Example 2¶
This illustrates adding new output fields to SIMBAD queries.
Run list_votable_fields
to get the full list of valid fields.
from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
s = Simbad()
# bibcodelist(date1-date2) lists the number of bibliography
# items referring to each object over that date range
r = s.query_object('m31')
------- ------------ ------------ ------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------- -------- -------------- ------------------- -----------------
M 31 00 42 44.330 +41 16 07.50 7 7 nan nan 0 B I 2006AJ....131.1163S 3758
Example 3¶
This illustrates finding the spectral type of some particular star.
from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
customSimbad = Simbad()
result = customSimbad.query_object('g her')
# 'V* g Her'
# 'M6III'
Example 4¶
from astropy import coordinates
from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
customSimbad = Simbad()
# We've seen errors where ra_prec was NAN, but it's an int: that's a problem
# this is a workaround we adapted
customSimbad.add_votable_fields('ra(d)', 'dec(d)')
C = coordinates.SkyCoord(0, 0, unit=('deg', 'deg'), frame='icrs')
result = customSimbad.query_region(C, radius='2 degrees')
------------- ----------- ------------
ALFALFA 5-186 0.00000000 0.00000000
ALFALFA 5-188 0.00000000 0.00000000
ALFALFA 5-206 0.00000000 0.00000000
ALFALFA 5-241 0.00000000 0.00000000
ALFALFA 5-293 0.00000000 0.00000000
Example 5¶
This illustrates a simple usage of the open_exoplanet_catalogue module.
Finding the mass of a specific planet:
from astroquery import open_exoplanet_catalogue as oec
from astroquery.open_exoplanet_catalogue import findvalue
cata = oec.get_catalogue()
kepler68b = cata.find(".//planet[name='Kepler-68 b']")
print(findvalue(kepler68b, 'mass'))
Example 6¶
Grab some data from ALMA, then analyze it using the Spectral Cube package after identifying some spectral lines in the data.
from astroquery.alma import Alma
from astroquery.splatalogue import Splatalogue
from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import constants
from spectral_cube import SpectralCube
m83table = Alma.query_object('M83', public=True)
m83urls = Alma.stage_data(m83table['Member ous id'])
# Sometimes there can be duplicates: avoid them with
# list(set())
# also, to save time, we just download the first one
m83files = Alma.download_and_extract_files(list(set(m83urls['URL']))[0])
m83files = m83files
m83simbad = Simbad.query_object('M83')
rvel = m83simbad['RV_VALUE'][0]*u.Unit(m83simbad['RV_VALUE'].unit)
for fn in m83files:
if 'line' in fn:
cube = SpectralCube.read(fn)
# Convert frequencies to their rest frequencies
frange = u.Quantity([cube.spectral_axis.min(),
cube.spectral_axis.max()]) * (1+rvel/constants.c)
# Query the top 20 most common species in the frequency range of the
# cube with an upper energy state <= 50K
lines = Splatalogue.query_lines(frange[0], frange[1], top20='top20',
energy_max=50, energy_type='eu_k',
# Change the cube coordinate system to be in velocity with respect
# to the rest frequency (in the M83 rest frame)
rest_frequency = lines['Freq-GHz'][0]*u.GHz / (1+rvel/constants.c)
vcube = cube.with_spectral_unit(u.km/u.s,
# Write the cube with the specified line name
fmt = "{Species}{Resolved QNs}"
row = lines[0]
linename = fmt.format(**dict(zip(row.colnames, row.data)))
Example 7¶
Find ALMA pointings that have been observed toward M83, then overplot the various fields-of view on a 2MASS image retrieved from SkyView. See http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/gist/keflavich/19175791176e8d1fb204 for the notebook. There is an even more sophisticated version at http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/gist/keflavich/bb12b772d6668cf9181a, which shows Orion KL in all observed bands.
Query ALMA archive for M83 pointings and plotting them on a 2MASS image
import numpy as np
from astroquery.alma import Alma
from astroquery.skyview import SkyView
import string
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy import wcs
from astroquery import log
import pylab as pl
import aplpy
import pyregion
# Retrieve M83 2MASS K-band image:
m83_images = SkyView.get_images(position='M83', survey=['2MASS-K'],
# Retrieve ALMA archive information *including* private data and non-science
# fields:
m83 = Alma.query_object('M83', public=False, science=False)
# Parse components of the ALMA data. Specifically, find the frequency support
# - the frequency range covered - and convert that into a central frequency for
# beam radius estimation.
def parse_frequency_support(frequency_support_str):
supports = frequency_support_str.split("U")
freq_ranges = [(float(sup.strip('[] ').split("..")[0]),
float(sup.strip('[] ')
.split(', ')[0]
*u.Unit(sup.strip('[] ')
.split(', ')[0]
for sup in supports]
return u.Quantity(freq_ranges)
def approximate_primary_beam_sizes(frequency_support_str):
freq_ranges = parse_frequency_support(frequency_support_str)
beam_sizes = [(1.22*fr.mean().to(u.m,
for fr in freq_ranges]
return u.Quantity(beam_sizes)
primary_beam_radii = [approximate_primary_beam_sizes(row['Frequency support']) for row in m83]
# Compute primary beam parameters for the public and private components of the data for plotting below.
print("The bands used include: ", np.unique(m83['Band']))
private_circle_parameters = [(row['RA'], row['Dec'], np.mean(rad).to(u.deg).value)
for row, rad in zip(m83, primary_beam_radii)
if row['Release date']!=b'' and row['Band']==3]
public_circle_parameters = [(row['RA'], row['Dec'], np.mean(rad).to(u.deg).value)
for row, rad in zip(m83, primary_beam_radii)
if row['Release date']==b'' and row['Band']==3]
unique_private_circle_parameters = np.array(list(set(private_circle_parameters)))
unique_public_circle_parameters = np.array(list(set(public_circle_parameters)))
print("BAND 3")
print("PUBLIC: Number of rows: {0}. Unique pointings: {1}".format(len(m83), len(unique_public_circle_parameters)))
print("PRIVATE: Number of rows: {0}. Unique pointings: {1}".format(len(m83), len(unique_private_circle_parameters)))
private_circle_parameters_band6 = [(row['RA'], row['Dec'], np.mean(rad).to(u.deg).value)
for row, rad in zip(m83, primary_beam_radii)
if row['Release date']!=b'' and row['Band']==6]
public_circle_parameters_band6 = [(row['RA'], row['Dec'], np.mean(rad).to(u.deg).value)
for row, rad in zip(m83, primary_beam_radii)
if row['Release date']==b'' and row['Band']==6]
# Show all of the private observation pointings that have been acquired
fig = aplpy.FITSFigure(m83_images[0])
fig.show_grayscale(stretch='arcsinh', vmid=0.1)
fig.show_circles(unique_private_circle_parameters[:, 0],
unique_private_circle_parameters[:, 1],
unique_private_circle_parameters[:, 2],
color='r', alpha=0.2)
fig = aplpy.FITSFigure(m83_images[0])
fig.show_grayscale(stretch='arcsinh', vmid=0.1)
fig.show_circles(unique_public_circle_parameters[:, 0],
unique_public_circle_parameters[:, 1],
unique_public_circle_parameters[:, 2],
color='b', alpha=0.2)
# Use pyregion to write the observed regions to disk. Pyregion has a very
# awkward API; there is (in principle) work in progress to improve that
# situation but for now one must do all this extra work.
import pyregion
from pyregion.parser_helper import Shape
prv_regions = pyregion.ShapeList([Shape('circle', [x, y, r]) for x, y, r in private_circle_parameters])
pub_regions = pyregion.ShapeList([Shape('circle', [x, y, r]) for x, y, r in public_circle_parameters])
for r, (x, y, c) in zip(prv_regions+pub_regions,
r.coord_format = 'fk5'
r.coord_list = [x, y, c]
r.attr = ([], {'color': 'green', 'dash': '0 ', 'dashlist': '8 3 ', 'delete': '1 ', 'edit': '1 ',
'fixed': '0 ', 'font': '"helvetica 10 normal roman"', 'highlite': '1 ',
'include': '1 ', 'move': '1 ', 'select': '1 ', 'source': '1', 'text': '',
'width': '1 '})
prv_mask = fits.PrimaryHDU(prv_regions.get_mask(m83_images[0][0]).astype('int'),
pub_mask = fits.PrimaryHDU(pub_regions.get_mask(m83_images[0][0]).astype('int'),
pub_mask.writeto('public_m83_almaobs_mask.fits', clobber=True)
fig = aplpy.FITSFigure(m83_images[0])
fig.show_grayscale(stretch='arcsinh', vmid=0.1)
fig.show_contour(prv_mask, levels=[0.5, 1], colors=['r', 'r'])
fig.show_contour(pub_mask, levels=[0.5, 1], colors=['b', 'b'])
# ## More advanced ##
# Now we create a 'hit mask' showing the relative depth of each observed field in each band
hit_mask_band3_public = np.zeros_like(m83_images[0][0].data)
hit_mask_band3_private = np.zeros_like(m83_images[0][0].data)
hit_mask_band6_public = np.zeros_like(m83_images[0][0].data)
hit_mask_band6_private = np.zeros_like(m83_images[0][0].data)
mywcs = wcs.WCS(m83_images[0][0].header)
def pyregion_subset(region, data, mywcs):
Return a subset of an image (`data`) given a region.
shapelist = pyregion.ShapeList([region])
if shapelist[0].coord_format not in ('physical', 'image'):
# Requires astropy >0.4...
# pixel_regions = shapelist.as_imagecoord(self.wcs.celestial.to_header())
# convert the regions to image (pixel) coordinates
celhdr = mywcs.sub([wcs.WCSSUB_CELESTIAL]).to_header()
pixel_regions = shapelist.as_imagecoord(celhdr)
# For this to work, we'd need to change the reference pixel after cropping.
# Alternatively, we can just make the full-sized mask... todo....
raise NotImplementedError("Can't use non-celestial coordinates with regions.")
pixel_regions = shapelist
# This is a hack to use mpl to determine the outer bounds of the regions
# (but it's a legit hack - pyregion needs a major internal refactor
# before we can approach this any other way, I think -AG)
mpl_objs = pixel_regions.get_mpl_patches_texts()[0]
# Find the minimal enclosing box containing all of the regions
# (this will speed up the mask creation below)
extent = mpl_objs[0].get_extents()
xlo, ylo = extent.min
xhi, yhi = extent.max
all_extents = [obj.get_extents() for obj in mpl_objs]
for ext in all_extents:
xlo = int(xlo if xlo < ext.min[0] else ext.min[0])
ylo = int(ylo if ylo < ext.min[1] else ext.min[1])
xhi = int(xhi if xhi > ext.max[0] else ext.max[0])
yhi = int(yhi if yhi > ext.max[1] else ext.max[1])
log.debug("Region boundaries: ")
log.debug("xlo={xlo}, ylo={ylo}, xhi={xhi}, yhi={yhi}".format(xlo=xlo,
subwcs = mywcs[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi]
subhdr = subwcs.sub([wcs.WCSSUB_CELESTIAL]).to_header()
subdata = data[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi]
mask = shapelist.get_mask(header=subhdr,
log.debug("Shapes: data={0}, subdata={2}, mask={1}".format(data.shape, mask.shape, subdata.shape))
return (xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi), mask
for row, rad in zip(m83, primary_beam_radii):
shape = Shape('circle', (row['RA'], row['Dec'], np.mean(rad).to(u.deg).value))
shape.coord_format = 'fk5'
shape.coord_list = (row['RA'], row['Dec'], np.mean(rad).to(u.deg).value)
shape.attr = ([], {'color': 'green', 'dash': '0 ', 'dashlist': '8 3 ',
'delete': '1 ', 'edit': '1 ', 'fixed': '0 ',
'font': '"helvetica 10 normal roman"', 'highlite': '1 ',
'include': '1 ', 'move': '1 ', 'select': '1 ',
'source': '1', 'text': '', 'width': '1 '})
if row['Release date']==b'' and row['Band']==3:
(xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi), mask = pyregion_subset(shape, hit_mask_band3_private, mywcs)
hit_mask_band3_private[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi] += row['Integration']*mask
elif row['Release date'] and row['Band']==3:
(xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi), mask = pyregion_subset(shape, hit_mask_band3_public, mywcs)
hit_mask_band3_public[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi] += row['Integration']*mask
elif row['Release date'] and row['Band']==6:
(xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi), mask = pyregion_subset(shape, hit_mask_band6_public, mywcs)
hit_mask_band6_public[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi] += row['Integration']*mask
elif row['Release date']==b'' and row['Band']==6:
(xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi), mask = pyregion_subset(shape, hit_mask_band6_private, mywcs)
hit_mask_band6_private[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi] += row['Integration']*mask
fig = aplpy.FITSFigure(m83_images[0])
fig.show_grayscale(stretch='arcsinh', vmid=0.1)
for mask, color in zip([hit_mask_band3_public,
if np.any(mask):
fig.show_contour(fits.PrimaryHDU(data=mask, header=m83_images[0][0].header),
levels=np.logspace(0, 5, base=2, num=6), colors=[color]*6)
Example 8¶
Retrieve data from a particular co-I or PI from the ESO archive
from astroquery.eso import Eso
import shutil
# log in so you can get proprietary data
# make sure you don't filter out anything
Eso.ROW_LIMIT = 1e6
# List all of your pi/co projects
all_pi_proj = Eso.query_instrument('apex', pi_coi='ginsburg')
# Have a look at the project IDs only
print(set(all_pi_proj['APEX Project ID']))
# set(['E-095.F-9802A-2015', 'E-095.C-0242A-2015', 'E-093.C-0144A-2014'])
# The full project name includes prefix and suffix
full_proj = 'E-095.F-9802A-2015'
proj_id = full_proj[2:-6]
# Then get the APEX quicklook "reduced" data
tbl = Eso.query_apex_quicklooks(prog_id=proj_id)
# and finally, download it
files = Eso.retrieve_data(tbl['Product ID'])
# then move the files to your local directory
for fn in files:
shutil.move(fn, '.')
Example 9¶
Retrieve an image from skyview and overlay a Vizier catalog on it. This example approximately reproduces Figure 1 of 2016ApJ…826…16E, except with a different background.
from astropy import coordinates, units as u, wcs
from astroquery.skyview import SkyView
from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
import pylab as pl
center = coordinates.SkyCoord.from_name('Orion KL')
# Grab an image from SkyView of the Orion KL nebula region
imglist = SkyView.get_images(position=center, survey='2MASS-J')
# the returned value is a list of images, but there is only one
img = imglist[0]
# 'img' is now a fits.HDUList object; the 0th entry is the image
mywcs = wcs.WCS(img[0].header)
fig = pl.figure(1)
fig.clf() # just in case one was open before
# use astropy's wcsaxes tool to create an RA/Dec image
ax = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], projection=mywcs)
ax.imshow(img[0].data, cmap='gray_r', interpolation='none', origin='lower',
# retrieve a specific table from Vizier to overplot
tablelist = Vizier.query_region(center, radius=5*u.arcmin,
# again, the result is a list of tables, so we'll get the first one
result = tablelist[0]
# convert the ra/dec entries in the table to astropy coordinates
tbl_crds = coordinates.SkyCoord(result['RAJ2000'], result['DEJ2000'],
unit=(u.hour, u.deg), frame='fk5')
# we want this table too:
tablelist2 = Vizier(row_limit=10000).query_region(center, radius=5*u.arcmin,
result2 = tablelist2[0]
tbl_crds2 = coordinates.SkyCoord(result2['RAJ2000'], result2['DEJ2000'],
unit=(u.hour, u.deg), frame='fk5')
# overplot the data in the image
ax.plot(tbl_crds.ra, tbl_crds.dec, '*', transform=ax.get_transform('fk5'),
mec='b', mfc='none')
ax.plot(tbl_crds2.ra, tbl_crds2.dec, 'o', transform=ax.get_transform('fk5'),
mec='r', mfc='none')
# zoom in on the relevant region
ax.axis([100, 200, 100, 200])
Example 10¶
Retrieve Hubble archival data of M83 and make a figure
Example 10
Retrieve Hubble archival data of M83 and make a figure
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.visualization import make_lupton_rgb, ImageNormalize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import reproject
from astroquery.mast import Observations
result = Observations.query_object('M83')
selected_bands = result[(result['obs_collection'] == 'HST') &
(result['instrument_name'] == 'WFC3/UVIS') &
((result['filters'] == 'F657N') |
(result['filters'] == 'F487N') |
(result['filters'] == 'F336W')) &
(result['target_name'] == 'MESSIER-083')]
prodlist = Observations.get_product_list(selected_bands)
filtered_prodlist = Observations.filter_products(prodlist)
downloaded = Observations.download_products(filtered_prodlist)
blue = fits.open(downloaded['Local Path'][2])
red = fits.open(downloaded['Local Path'][5])
green = fits.open(downloaded['Local Path'][8])
target_header = red['SCI'].header
green_repr, _ = reproject.reproject_interp(green['SCI'], target_header)
blue_repr, _ = reproject.reproject_interp(blue['SCI'], target_header)
rgb_img = make_lupton_rgb(ImageNormalize(vmin=0, vmax=1)(red['SCI'].data),
ImageNormalize(vmin=0, vmax=0.3)(green_repr),
ImageNormalize(vmin=0, vmax=1)(blue_repr),
plt.imshow(rgb_img, origin='lower', interpolation='none')