
reproject.reproject_to_healpix(input_data, coord_system_out, hdu_in=0, order='bilinear', nested=False, nside=128)[source]

Reproject data from a standard projection to a HEALPIX projection.


The input data to reproject. This can be:

  • The name of a FITS file

  • An HDUList object

  • An image HDU object such as a PrimaryHDU or ImageHDU instance

  • A tuple where the first element is a ndarray and the second element is either a WCS or a Header object

coord_system_outBaseCoordinateFrame or str

The output coordinate system for the HEALPIX projection.

hdu_inint or str, optional

If input_data is a FITS file or an HDUList instance, specifies the HDU to use.

orderint or str, optional

The order of the interpolation (if mode is set to 'interpolation'). This can be either one of the following strings:

  • ‘nearest-neighbor’

  • ‘bilinear’

  • ‘biquadratic’

  • ‘bicubic’

or an integer. A value of 0 indicates nearest neighbor interpolation.


The order of the healpix_data, either nested (True) or ring (False).

nsideint, optional

The resolution of the HEALPIX projection.


The reprojected array.


Footprint of the input array in the output array. Values of 0 indicate no coverage or valid values in the input image, while values of 1 indicate valid values.