Source code for reproject.mosaicking.coadd

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

import numpy as np

from ..utils import parse_input_data, parse_input_weights, parse_output_projection
from .background import determine_offset_matrix, solve_corrections_sgd
from .subset_array import ReprojectedArraySubset

__all__ = ['reproject_and_coadd']

[docs] def reproject_and_coadd(input_data, output_projection, shape_out=None, input_weights=None, hdu_in=None, reproject_function=None, hdu_weights=None, combine_function='mean', match_background=False, background_reference=None, **kwargs): """ Given a set of input images, reproject and co-add these to a single final image. This currently only works with 2-d images with celestial WCS. Parameters ---------- input_data : iterable One or more input datasets to reproject and co-add. This should be an iterable containing one entry for each dataset, where a single dataset is one of: * The name of a FITS file * An `` object * An image HDU object such as a ``, ``, or `` instance * A tuple where the first element is an `~numpy.ndarray` and the second element is either a `~astropy.wcs.WCS` or a `` object * An `~astropy.nddata.NDData` object from which the ``.data`` and ``.wcs`` attributes will be used as the input data. output_projection : `~astropy.wcs.WCS` or `` The output projection, which can be either a `~astropy.wcs.WCS` or a `` instance. shape_out : tuple, optional If ``output_projection`` is a `~astropy.wcs.WCS` instance, the shape of the output data should be specified separately. input_weights : iterable If specified, this should be an iterable with the same length as ``input_data``, where each item is one of: * The name of a FITS file * An `` object * An image HDU object such as a ``, ``, or `` instance * An `~numpy.ndarray` array hdu_in : int or str, optional If one or more items in ``input_data`` is a FITS file or an `` instance, specifies the HDU to use. hdu_weights : int or str, optional If one or more items in ``input_weights`` is a FITS file or an `` instance, specifies the HDU to use. reproject_function : callable The function to use for the reprojection combine_function : { 'mean', 'sum', 'median' } The type of function to use for combining the values into the final image. match_background : bool Whether to match the backgrounds of the images. background_reference : `None` or `int` If `None`, the background matching will make it so that the average of the corrections for all images is zero. If an integer, this specifies the index of the image to use as a reference. kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to the reprojection function. """ # TODO: add support for saving intermediate files to disk to avoid blowing # up memory usage. We could probably still have references to array # objects, but we'd just make sure these were memory mapped # TODO: add support for specifying output array # Validate inputs if combine_function not in ('mean', 'sum', 'median'): raise ValueError("combine_function should be one of mean/sum/median") if reproject_function is None: raise ValueError("reprojection function should be specified with " "the reproject_function argument") # Parse the output projection to avoid having to do it for each wcs_out, shape_out = parse_output_projection(output_projection, shape_out=shape_out) # Start off by reprojecting individual images to the final projection arrays = [] for idata in range(len(input_data)): # We need to pre-parse the data here since we need to figure out how to # optimize/minimize the size of each output tile (see below). array_in, wcs_in = parse_input_data(input_data[idata], hdu_in=hdu_in) # We also get the weights map, if specified if input_weights is None: weights_in = None else: weights_in = parse_input_weights(input_weights[idata], hdu_weights=hdu_weights) if np.any(np.isnan(weights_in)): weights_in = np.nan_to_num(weights_in) # Since we might be reprojecting small images into a large mosaic we # want to make sure that for each image we reproject to an array with # minimal footprint. We therefore find the pixel coordinates of corners # in the initial image and transform this to pixel coordinates in the # final image to figure out the final WCS and shape to reproject to for # each tile. Note that in future if we are worried about significant # distortions of the edges in the reprojection process we could simply # add arbitrary numbers of midpoints to this list. ny, nx = array_in.shape xc = np.array([-0.5, nx - 0.5, nx - 0.5, -0.5]) yc = np.array([-0.5, -0.5, ny - 0.5, ny - 0.5]) xc_out, yc_out = wcs_out.world_to_pixel(wcs_in.pixel_to_world(xc, yc)) # Determine the cutout parameters # In some cases, images might not have valid coordinates in the corners, # such as all-sky images or full solar disk views. In this case we skip # this step and just use the full output WCS for reprojection. if np.any(np.isnan(xc_out)) or np.any(np.isnan(yc_out)): imin = 0 imax = shape_out[1] jmin = 0 jmax = shape_out[0] else: imin = max(0, int(np.floor(xc_out.min() + 0.5))) imax = min(shape_out[1], int(np.ceil(xc_out.max() + 0.5))) jmin = max(0, int(np.floor(yc_out.min() + 0.5))) jmax = min(shape_out[0], int(np.ceil(yc_out.max() + 0.5))) if imax < imin or jmax < jmin: continue wcs_out_indiv = wcs_out[jmin:jmax, imin:imax] shape_out_indiv = (jmax - jmin, imax - imin) # TODO: optimize handling of weights by making reprojection functions # able to handle weights, and make the footprint become the combined # footprint + weight map array, footprint = reproject_function((array_in, wcs_in), output_projection=wcs_out_indiv, shape_out=shape_out_indiv, hdu_in=hdu_in, **kwargs) if weights_in is not None: weights, _ = reproject_function((weights_in, wcs_in), output_projection=wcs_out_indiv, shape_out=shape_out_indiv, hdu_in=hdu_in, **kwargs) # For the purposes of mosaicking, we mask out NaN values from the array # and set the footprint to 0 at these locations. reset = np.isnan(array) array[reset] = 0. footprint[reset] = 0. # Combine weights and footprint if weights_in is not None: weights[reset] = 0. footprint *= weights array = ReprojectedArraySubset(array, footprint, imin, imax, jmin, jmax) # TODO: make sure we gracefully handle the case where the # output image is empty (due e.g. to no overlap). arrays.append(array) # If requested, try and match the backgrounds. if match_background: offset_matrix = determine_offset_matrix(arrays) corrections = solve_corrections_sgd(offset_matrix) if background_reference: corrections -= corrections[background_reference] for array, correction in zip(arrays, corrections): array.array -= correction # At this point, the images are now ready to be co-added. # TODO: provide control over final dtype final_array = np.zeros(shape_out) final_footprint = np.zeros(shape_out) if combine_function in ('mean', 'sum'): for array in arrays: # By default, values outside of the footprint are set to NaN # but we set these to 0 here to avoid getting NaNs in the # means/sums. array.array[array.footprint == 0] = 0 final_array[array.view_in_original_array] += array.array * array.footprint final_footprint[array.view_in_original_array] += array.footprint if combine_function == 'mean': with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): final_array /= final_footprint elif combine_function == 'median': # Here we need to operate in chunks since we could otherwise run # into memory issues raise NotImplementedError("combine_function='median' is " "not yet implemented") return final_array, final_footprint