Source code for

This file contains the code for Quantizing / Dequantizing floats.
import numpy as np

from import (
from import BITPIX2DTYPE

__all__ = ["Quantize"]

    "NONE": 0,
    "NO_DITHER": -1,

class QuantizationFailedException(Exception):

[docs] class Quantize: """ Quantization of floating-point data following the FITS standard. """ def __init__( self, *, row: int, dither_method: int, quantize_level: int, bitpix: int ): super().__init__() self.row = row # TODO: pass dither method as a string instead of int? self.quantize_level = quantize_level self.dither_method = dither_method self.bitpix = bitpix # NOTE: below we use decode_quantized and encode_quantized instead of # decode and encode as we need to break with the numcodec API and take/return # scale and zero in addition to quantized value. We should figure out how # to properly use the numcodec API for this use case.
[docs] def decode_quantized(self, buf, scale, zero): """ Unquantize data. Parameters ---------- buf : bytes or array_like The buffer to unquantize. Returns ------- np.ndarray The unquantized buffer. """ qbytes = np.asarray(buf) qbytes = qbytes.astype(qbytes.dtype.newbyteorder("=")) # TODO: figure out if we need to support null checking if self.dither_method == -1: # For NO_DITHER we should just use the scale and zero directly return qbytes * scale + zero if self.bitpix == -32: ubytes = unquantize_float_c( qbytes.tobytes(), self.row, qbytes.size, scale, zero, self.dither_method, 0, 0, 0.0, qbytes.dtype.itemsize, ) elif self.bitpix == -64: ubytes = unquantize_double_c( qbytes.tobytes(), self.row, qbytes.size, scale, zero, self.dither_method, 0, 0, 0.0, qbytes.dtype.itemsize, ) else: raise TypeError("bitpix should be one of -32 or -64") return np.frombuffer(ubytes, dtype=BITPIX2DTYPE[self.bitpix]).data
[docs] def encode_quantized(self, buf): """ Quantize data. Parameters ---------- buf : bytes or array_like The buffer to quantize. Returns ------- np.ndarray A buffer with quantized data. """ uarray = np.asarray(buf) uarray = uarray.astype(uarray.dtype.newbyteorder("=")) # TODO: figure out if we need to support null checking if uarray.dtype.itemsize == 4: qbytes, status, scale, zero = quantize_float_c( uarray.tobytes(), self.row, uarray.size, 1, 0, 0, self.quantize_level, self.dither_method, )[:4] elif uarray.dtype.itemsize == 8: qbytes, status, scale, zero = quantize_double_c( uarray.tobytes(), self.row, uarray.size, 1, 0, 0, self.quantize_level, self.dither_method, )[:4] if status == 0: raise QuantizationFailedException() else: return np.frombuffer(qbytes, dtype=np.int32), scale, zero