
class astropy.modeling.fitting.LinearLSQFitter(calc_uncertainties=False)[source]

Bases: object

A class performing a linear least square fitting. Uses numpy.linalg.lstsq to do the fitting. Given a model and data, fits the model to the data and changes the model’s parameters. Keeps a dictionary of auxiliary fitting information.


Note that currently LinearLSQFitter does not support compound models.

Attributes Summary



Methods Summary

__call__(model, x, y[, z, weights, rcond])

Fit data to this model.

Attributes Documentation

supported_constraints = ['fixed']
supports_masked_input = True

Methods Documentation

__call__(model, x, y, z=None, weights=None, rcond=None)[source]

Fit data to this model.


model to fit to x, y, z


Input coordinates


Input coordinates

zarray_like, optional

Input coordinates. If the dependent (y or z) coordinate values are provided as a, any masked points are ignored when fitting. Note that model set fitting is significantly slower when there are masked points (not just an empty mask), as the matrix equation has to be solved for each model separately when their coordinate grids differ.

weightsarray, optional

Weights for fitting. For data with Gaussian uncertainties, the weights should be 1/sigma.

rcondfloat, optional

Cut-off ratio for small singular values of a. Singular values are set to zero if they are smaller than rcond times the largest singular value of a.

equivalencieslist or None, optional, keyword-only

List of additional equivalencies that are should be applied in case x, y and/or z have units. Default is None.


a copy of the input model with parameters set by the fitter