
astropy.table.vstack(tables, join_type='outer', metadata_conflicts='warn')[source]

Stack tables vertically (along rows).

A join_type of ‘exact’ means that the tables must all have exactly the same column names (though the order can vary). If join_type is ‘inner’ then the intersection of common columns will be the output. A value of ‘outer’ (default) means the output will have the union of all columns, with table values being masked where no common values are available.

tablesTable or Row or list thereof

Table(s) to stack along rows (vertically) with the current table


Join type (‘inner’ | ‘exact’ | ‘outer’), default is ‘outer’

How to proceed with metadata conflicts. This should be one of:
  • 'silent': silently pick the last conflicting meta-data value

  • 'warn': pick the last conflicting meta-data value, but emit a warning (default)

  • 'error': raise an exception.

stacked_tableTable object

New table containing the stacked data from the input tables.


To stack two tables along rows do:

>>> from astropy.table import vstack, Table
>>> t1 = Table({'a': [1, 2], 'b': [3, 4]}, names=('a', 'b'))
>>> t2 = Table({'a': [5, 6], 'b': [7, 8]}, names=('a', 'b'))
>>> print(t1)
 a   b
--- ---
  1   3
  2   4
>>> print(t2)
 a   b
--- ---
  5   7
  6   8
>>> print(vstack([t1, t2]))
 a   b
--- ---
  1   3
  2   4
  5   7
  6   8