
class astropy.timeseries.BasePeriodogram(t, y, dy=None)[source]

Bases: object

Methods Summary

from_timeseries(timeseries[, ...])

Initialize a periodogram from a time series object.

Methods Documentation

classmethod from_timeseries(timeseries, signal_column_name=None, uncertainty=None, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize a periodogram from a time series object.

If a binned time series is passed, the time at the center of the bins is used. Also note that this method automatically gets rid of NaN/undefined values when initializing the periodogram.


The name of the column containing the signal values to use.

uncertaintystr or float or Quantity, optional

The name of the column containing the errors on the signal, or the value to use for the error, if a scalar.


Additional keyword arguments are passed to the initializer for this periodogram class.