

Sets the units enabled in the unit registry.

These units are searched when using UnitBase.find_equivalent_units, for example.

This may be used either permanently, or as a context manager using the with statement (see example below).

unitslist of sequence, dict, or module

This is a list of things in which units may be found (sequences, dicts or modules), or units themselves. The entire set will be “enabled” for searching through by methods like UnitBase.find_equivalent_units and UnitBase.compose.


>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> with u.set_enabled_units([u.pc]):
...     u.m.find_equivalent_units()
  Primary name | Unit definition | Aliases
  pc           | 3.08568e+16 m   | parsec  ,
>>> u.m.find_equivalent_units()
  Primary name | Unit definition | Aliases
  AU           | 1.49598e+11 m   | au, astronomical_unit            ,
  Angstrom     | 1e-10 m         | AA, angstrom                     ,
  cm           | 0.01 m          | centimeter                       ,
  earthRad     | 6.3781e+06 m    | R_earth, Rearth                  ,
  jupiterRad   | 7.1492e+07 m    | R_jup, Rjup, R_jupiter, Rjupiter ,
  lsec         | 2.99792e+08 m   | lightsecond                      ,
  lyr          | 9.46073e+15 m   | lightyear                        ,
  m            | irreducible     | meter                            ,
  micron       | 1e-06 m         |                                  ,
  pc           | 3.08568e+16 m   | parsec                           ,
  solRad       | 6.957e+08 m     | R_sun, Rsun                      ,