Database setup

There are two types of BIGSdb database:

  • sequence definition databases, containing

    • allele sequences and their identifiers

    • scheme data, e.g. MLST profile definitions

  • isolate databases, containing

    • isolate provenance metadata

    • genome sequences

    • allele designations for loci defined in sequence definition databases.

These two databases are independent but linked. A single isolate database can communicate with multiple sequence definition databases and vice versa. Different access restrictions can be placed on different databases.

Databases are described in XML files telling BIGSdb everything it needs to know about them. Isolate databases can have any fields defined for the isolate table, allowing customisation of metadata - these fields are described in the XML file (config.xml) and must match the fields defined in the database itself.

Creating databases

There are templates available for the sequence definition and isolate databases. These are SQL scripts found in the sql directory.

To create a database, you will need to log in as the postgres user and use these templates. For example to create a new sequence definition database called bigsdb_test_seqdef, navigate to the sql directory and log in as the postgres user, e.g.:

sudo su postgres


createdb bigsdb_test_seqdef
psql -f seqdef.sql bigsdb_test_seqdef

Create an isolate database the same way::

createdb bigsdb_test_isolates
psql -f isolatedb.sql bigsdb_test_isolates

The standard fields in the isolate table are limited to essential fields required by the system. To add new fields, you need to log in to the database and alter this table. For example, to add fields for country and year, first log in to the newly created isolate database as the postgres user::

psql bigsdb_test_isolates

and alter the isolate table::

ALTER TABLE isolates ADD country text;
ALTER TABLE isolates ADD year int;

Remember that any fields added to the table need to be described in the config.xml file for this database.

Database-specific configuration

Each BIGSdb database on a system has its own configuration directory, by default in /etc/bigsdb/dbases. The database has a short configuration name used to specify it in a web query and this matches the name of the configuration sub-directory, e.g. is the URL of the front page of the PubMLST Neisseria isolate database whose configuration settings are stored in /etc/bigsdb/dbases/pubmlst_neisseria_isolates. This database sub-directory contains a number of files (hyperlinks lead to the files used on the Neisseria database):

  • config.xml - the database configuration file. Fields defined here correspond to fields in the isolate table of the database.

  • banner.html - optional file containing text that will appear as a banner within the database index pages. HTML markup can be used within this text.

  • header.html - HTML markup that is inserted at the top of all pages. This can be used to set up site-specific menubars and logos.

  • footer.html - HTML markup that is inserted at the bottom of all pages.

  • curate_header.html - HTML markup that is inserted at the top of all curator’s interface pages.

  • curate_footer.html - HTML markup that is inserted at the bottom of all curator’s interface pages.

XML configuration attributes used in config.xml

The following lists describes the attributes used in the config.xml file that is used to describe databases.

Isolate database XML attributes

Please note that database structure described by the field and sample elements must match the physical structure of the database isolate and sample tables respectively.:


Top level element. Contains child elements: system, field and sample.:

  • db

    • name of database on system

    • required

  • dbtype

    • type of database: either ‘isolates’ or ‘sequences’

    • required

  • description

    • Description of database used throughout interface

    • required

  • authentication

    • method of authentication: either ‘builtin’ or ‘apache’. See user authentication.

    • required

  • webroot

    • URL of web root, which can be relative or absolute. The bigsdb.css stylesheet file should be located in this directory. Default ‘/’.

    • optional

  • view

    • database view containing isolate data, default ‘isolates’

    • optional

  • script_path_includes

    • partial path of the script used to access the database. See user authentication.

    • optional

  • curate_path_includes

    • partial path of the script used to curate the database. See user authentication.

    • optional

  • noshow

    • comma-separated list of fields not to use in breakdown statistic plugins

    • optional

  • fieldgroup1 - fieldgroup10

    • allows multiple fields to be queried as a group. Value should be the name of the group followed by a colon (:) followed by a comma-separated list of fields to group, e.g. identifiers:id,strain,other_name

    • optional

  • maindisplay_aliases

    • default setting for whether isolates aliases are displayed in main results tables: either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’. This setting can be overridden by individual user preferences.

    • optional

  • read_access

    • describes who can view data: either ‘public’ for everybody, ‘authenticated_users’ for anybody who has been able to log in, or ‘acl’ (access control list) for fine-grained access control to individual isolate records. Default ‘public’.

    • optional

  • write_access

    • describes who can curate isolate records: either ‘acl’ (access control list) for fine-grained access control to individual isolate records, or leave empty for anybody with curator permission to alter isolate records.

    • optional

  • locus_superscript_prefix

    • superscript the first letter of a locus name if it is immediately following by an underscore, e.g. f_abcZ would be displayed as fabcZ within the interface: must be either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’. This can be used to designate gene fragments (or any other meaning you like).

    • optional

  • hide_unused_schemes

    • sets whether a scheme is shown in a main results table if none of the isolates on that page have any data for the specific scheme: either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’.

    • optional

  • use_temp_scheme_table

    • sets whether entire schemes are imported in to the isolate database in to an indexed table rather than querying the seqdef scheme view for isolate results tables. Under some circumstances this can be considerably quicker than querying the seqdef scheme view (a few ms compared to >10s if the seqdef database contains multiple schemes with an uneven distribution of a large number of profiles so that the Postgres query planner picks a sequential rather than index scan). This scheme table can also be generated periodically using the script to create a persistent cache. This is particularly useful for large schemes (>10000 profiles) but data will only be as fresh as the cache so ensure that the update script is run periodically.

    • optional

  • labelfield

    • field that is used to describe record in isolate info page, default ‘isolate’

    • optional

  • tblastx_tagging

    • sets whether tagging can be performed using TBLASTX: either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’.

    • optional

  • host

    • host name/IP address of machine hosting isolate database, default ‘localhost’

    • optional

  • port

    • port number that the isolate host is listening on, default ‘5432’

    • optional

  • user

    • username for access to isolates database, default ‘apache’

    • optional

  • password

    • password for access to isolates database, default ‘remote’

    • optional

  • privacy

    • displays E-mail address for sender in isolate information page if set to ‘no’. Default ‘yes’.

    • optional

  • annotation

    • semi-colon separated list of accession numbers with descriptions (separated by a |), eg. ‘AL157959|Z2491;AM421808|FAM18;NC_002946|FA 1090;NC_011035|NCCP11945;NC_014752|020-06’. Currently used only by Genome Comparator plugin

    • optional

  • sets

    • use sets: either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’.

    • optional

  • set_id

    • Force the use of a specific set when accessing database via this XML configuration: Value is the name of the set.

    • optional

  • only_sets

    • when defined, don’t allow option to view the ‘whole database’ - only list sets that have been defined: either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’.

    • optional

  • views

    • comma-separated list of views of the isolate table defined in the database. This is used to set a view for a set.

    • optional

  • all_plugins

    • enable all appropriate plugins for database: either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’.

    • optional

  • job_priority

    • Isolate databases only: Integer with default job priority for offline jobs (default:5) (Version v1.7+)

    • optional

  • dbase_job_quota

    • isolate databases only:Integer with number of offline jobs that can be queued or currently running for this database (Version 1.7+)

    • optional

  • default_seqdef_config

    • isolate databases only: Name of the default seqdef database configuration used with this database. Used to automatically fill in details when adding new loci. (Version 1.7+)

    • optional

  • default_seqdef_dbase

    • isolate databases only: Name of the default seqdef database used with this database. Used to automatically fill in details when adding new loci. (Version 1.7+)

    • optional

  • default_seqdef_script

    • isolate databases only: URL of BIGSdb script running the seqdef database (default: ‘/cgi-bin/bigsdb/’). (Version 1.7+)

    • optional

  • default_access

    • the default access to the database configuration, either ‘allow’ or ‘deny’. If ‘allow’, then specific users can be denied access by creating a file called ‘users.deny’ containing usernames (one per line) in the configuration directory. If ‘deny’ then specific users can be allowed by creating a file called ‘users.allow’ containing usernames (one per line) in the configuration directory. (Version 1.7+)

    • optional

  • no_publication_filter

    • isolate databases only: Switches off display of publication filter in isolate query form by default: either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’. (Version 1.8+)

    • optional

  • seqbin_size_threshold

    • Sets the size values in Mbp to enable for the seqbin filter.

    • Example: seqbin_size_threshold=”0.5,1,2,4”.

    • optional


Element content: Field name + optional list <optlist> of allowed values, e.g.:

<field type="text" required="no" length="40" maindisplay="no"
   web="[?]" optlist="yes">epidemiology
   <option>healthy contact</option>
   <option>sporadic case</option>
  • type

    • data type: int, text, float or date

    • required

  • min

    • minimum value for integer types.(introduced in v1.7)

    • optional

  • max

    • maximum value for integer types. Special values such as CURRENT_YEAR can be used. (introduced in v1.7)

    • optional

  • required

    • is data required for this field? ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘yes’

    • optional

  • maindisplay

    • is field displayed in main table after database search? ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘yes’. This setting can be overridden by individual user preferences.

    • optional

  • length

    • length of field, default 12

    • optional

  • optlist

    • does this field have a list of allowed values? default ‘no’. Surround each option with an <option> tag

    • optional

  • dropdown

    • select if you want this field to have its own dropdown filter box on the query page. If the field has an option list it will use the values in it, otherwise all values defined in the database will be included: ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’. This setting can be overridden by individual user preferences.

    • optional

  • comments

    • comments about the field

    • optional

  • web

    • URL that will be used to hyperlink field values. If [?] is included in the URL, this will be substituted for the actual field value.

    • optional

  • regex

    • regular expression used to constrain field values, e.g. regex=”^[A-Z].*$” forces the first letter of the value to be capitalized.

    • optional

Special values

The following special variables can be used in place of an actual value:

  • CURRENT_YEAR: the 4 digit value of the current year


Element content: Sample field name + optional list <optlist> of allowed values. Attributes are essentially the same as isolate field attributes, but refer to the samples table rather than the isolates table.

The sample table, if defined, must include isolate_id and sample_id fields, which must also be described in the XML file. These must be set as integer fields.

Sequence definition database XML attributes


Top level element. Contains child elements: system, field and sample.

  • db

    • name of database on system

    • required

  • dbtype

    • type of database: either ‘isolates’ or ‘sequences’

    • required

  • description

    • description of database used throughout interface

    • required

  • authentication

    • method of authentication: either ‘builtin’ or ‘apache’. See user authentication.

    • required

  • webroot

    • URL of web root, which can be relative or absolute. The bigsdb.css stylesheet file should be located in this directory. Default ‘/’

    • optional

  • script_path_includes

    • partial path of the script used to access the database. See user authentication.

    • optional

  • curate_path_includes

    • partial path of the script used to curate the database. See user authentication.

    • optional

  • read_access

    • describes who can view data: either ‘public’ for everybody, or ‘authenticated_users’ for anybody who has been able to log in. Default ‘public’.

    • optional

  • disable_seq_downloads

    • prevent users or curators from downloading all alleles for a locus (admins always can). ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’.

    • optional

  • materialized_views

    • enable materialized views: either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’.

  • allele_flags

    • enable flags to be set for alleles: either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’.

  • allele_comments

    • enable comments on allele sequences: either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’.

    • this is not enabled by default to discourage the practice of adding isolate information to allele definitions (this sort of information belongs in an isolate database).

  • sets

    • use sets: either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, default ‘no’.

    • optional

  • set_id

    • force the use of a specific set when accessing database via this XML configuration: Value is the name of the set.

    • optional

User authentication

You can choose whether to allow Apache to handle your authentication or use built-in authentication.

Apache authentication

Using apache to provide your authentication allows a flexible range of methods and back-ends (see the Apache authentication HowTo for a start, or any number of tutorials on the web).

At its simplest, use a .htaccess file in the directory containing the (and for restriction of read-access) script or by equivalent protection of the directory in the main Apache server configuration. It is important to note however that, by default, any BIGSdb database can be accessed by any instance of the BIGSdb script (including one which may not be protected by a .htaccess file, allowing public access). To ensure that only a particular instance (protected by a specific htaccess directive) can access the database, the following attributes can be set in the system tag of the database XML description file:

  • script_path_includes: the BIGSdb script path must contain the value set.

  • curate_path_includes: the BIGSdb curation script path must contain the value set.

For public databases, the ‘script_path_includes’ attribute need not be set.

To use apache authentication you need to set the authentication attribute in the system tag of the database XML configuration to ‘apache’.

Built-in authentication

BIGSdb has its own built-in authentication, using a separate database to store password and session hashes. The advantages of using this over many forms of apache authentication are:

  • Users are able to update their own passwords.

  • Passwords are not transmitted over the Internet in plain text.

When a user logs in, the server provides a random one-time session variable and the user is prompted to enter their username and password. The password is encrypted within the browser using a Javscript one-way hash algorithm, and this is combined with the session variable and hashed again. This hash is passed to the server. The server compares this hash with its own calculated hash of the stored encrypted password and session variable that it originally sent to the browser. Implementation is based on perl-md5-login.

To use built-in authentication you need to set the authentication attribute in the system tag of the database XML configuration to ‘builtin’.

Setting up the admin user

The first admin user needs to be manually added to the users table of the database. Connect to the database using psql and add the following (changing details to suit the user).:

INSERT INTO users (id, user_name, surname, first_name, email, affiliation, status, date_entered,
datestamp, curator) VALUES (1, 'keith', 'Jolley', 'Keith', '',
'University of Oxford, UK', 'admin', 'now', 'now', 1);

If you are using built-in authentication, set the password for this user using the script. This encrypts the password to a hash and stores this within the authentication database. Other users can be added by the admin user from the curation interface accessible from http://your_website/cgi-bin/private/ (or wherever you have located your script).

Updating PubMed citations

Publications listed in PubMed can be associated with individual isolate records, profiles, loci and sequences. Full citations for these are stored within a local reference database, enabling these to be displayed within isolate records and searching by publication and author. This local database is populated by a script that looks in BIGSdb databases for PubMed records not locally stored and then requests the full citation record from the PubMed database.

The script is called and can be found in the scripts/maintenance directory. This script needs to know which BIGSdb databases and tables it needs to search for PubMed ids. These are listed in a configuration file (usually called getrefs.conf) which contains two columns - the first is the name of the database, the second is a comma-separated list of tables to search, e.g.

pubmlst_bigsdb_neisseria_isolates          refs
pubmlst_bigsdb_neisseria_seqdef            profile_refs,sequence_refs,locus_refs

The script can be called as follows: getrefs.conf

This should be run periodically from a CRON job, e.g. every hour.