Latex Math

Breathe has basic support for latex math markup in the doxygen comments. A class with a comment like:

 * @brief A class
 * A inline formula: \f$ f(x) = a + b \f$
 * A display style formula:
 * @f[
 * \int_a^b f(x) dx = F(b) - F(a)
 * @f]
class MathHelper
  MathHelper() {}
  ~MathHelper() {}

Will be renderer as:

class MathHelper

A class.

A inline formula: \( f(x) = a + b \)

A display style formula:

\[ \int_a^b f(x) dx = F(b) - F(a) \]

Public Functions

inline MathHelper()
inline ~MathHelper()

Without any additional configuration except for including a math extension in the Sphinx

extensions = [ "breathe", "sphinx.ext.mathjax" ]

The specific environment formula fails when using sphinx.ext.pngmath so more work is needed.


Breathe uses a internal reStructuredText node provided by sphinx.ext.mathbase which is then picked up and rendered by the extension chosen in the It does not pass any additional options through to the node, so settings like label and nowrap are currently not supported.


Thank you to dazzlezhang for providing examples and a full run down of necessary details. It made the implementation much easier.