Quick Start#
For this quick start we assume the following prerequisites:
breathe was downloaded and extracted somewhere
doxygen was installed and doxygen output (XML format) was generated for the project that is to be documented (set GENERATE_XML tag to YES)
We assume the following paths:
documentation root path:
breathe path:
doxygen xml output:
The documentation path should contain a folder source
containing the
file. The doxygen xml output folder should contain the
output file generated by doxygen.
The following steps are required to integrate breathe functionality:
Add the breathe path to your conf.py by adding the following line:
Add breathe as an extension the line could look like this:
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.pngmath', 'sphinx.ext.todo', 'breathe' ]
Tell breathe about the projects:
breathe_projects = {"myproject": "/home/me/docproj/doxyxml/"}
Specify a default project:
breathe_default_project = "myproject"
Once this is done you may use the following commands to include documentation for different constructs:
.. doxygenindex::
.. doxygenfunction::
.. doxygenstruct::
.. doxygenenum::
.. doxygentypedef::
.. doxygenclass::
For each of these commands the following directives may be specified:
Specifies which project, as defined in the breathe_projects config value, should be used for this directive. This overrides the default.
Directly specifies the path to the folder with the doxygen output. This overrides the project and default project.