alerts send

(re)send alerts immediately

Example command:

ceph alerts send

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer dump

Show an optimization plan

Example command:

ceph balancer dump my_plan


  • plan: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer eval

Evaluate data distribution for the current cluster or specific pool or specific plan

Example command:

ceph balancer eval my_option


  • option: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer eval-verbose

Evaluate data distribution for the current cluster or specific pool or specific plan (verbosely)

Example command:

ceph balancer eval-verbose my_option


  • option: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer execute

Execute an optimization plan

Example command:

ceph balancer execute my_plan


  • plan: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer ls

List all plans

Example command:

ceph balancer ls

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer mode

Set balancer mode

Example command:

ceph balancer mode none


  • mode: CephChoices strings=(none crush-compat upmap)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer off

Disable automatic balancing

Example command:

ceph balancer off

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer on

Enable automatic balancing

Example command:

ceph balancer on

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer optimize

Run optimizer to create a new plan

Example command:

ceph balancer optimize --plan=string --pools=string


  • plan: (string)

  • pools: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer pool add

Enable automatic balancing for specific pools

Example command:

ceph balancer pool add --pools=string


  • pools: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer pool ls

List automatic balancing pools. Note that empty list means all existing pools will be automatic balancing targets, which is the default behaviour of balancer.

Example command:

ceph balancer pool ls

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer pool rm

Disable automatic balancing for specific pools

Example command:

ceph balancer pool rm --pools=string


  • pools: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer reset

Discard all optimization plans

Example command:

ceph balancer reset

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer rm

Discard an optimization plan

Example command:

ceph balancer rm my_plan


  • plan: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer show

Show details of an optimization plan

Example command:

ceph balancer show my_plan


  • plan: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

balancer status

Show balancer status

Example command:

ceph balancer status

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm check-host

Check whether we can access and manage a remote host

Example command:

ceph cephadm check-host my_host my_addr


  • host: (string)

  • addr: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm clear-exporter-config

Clear the SSL configuration used by cephadm exporter daemons

Example command:

ceph cephadm clear-exporter-config

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm clear-key

Clear cluster SSH key

Example command:

ceph cephadm clear-key

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm clear-ssh-config

Clear the ssh_config file

Example command:

ceph cephadm clear-ssh-config

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm config-check disable

Disable a specific configuration check

Example command:

ceph cephadm config-check disable my_check_name


  • check_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm config-check enable

Enable a specific configuration check

Example command:

ceph cephadm config-check enable my_check_name


  • check_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm config-check ls

List the available configuration checks and their current state

Example command:

ceph cephadm config-check ls plain


  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm config-check status

Show whether the configuration checker feature is enabled/disabled

Example command:

ceph cephadm config-check status

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm generate-exporter-config

Generate default SSL crt/key and token for cephadm exporter daemons

Example command:

ceph cephadm generate-exporter-config

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm generate-key

Generate a cluster SSH key (if not present)

Example command:

ceph cephadm generate-key

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm get-exporter-config

Show the current cephadm-exporter configuraion (JSON)’

Example command:

ceph cephadm get-exporter-config

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm get-extra-ceph-conf

Get extra ceph conf that is appended

Example command:

ceph cephadm get-extra-ceph-conf

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm get-pub-key

Show SSH public key for connecting to cluster hosts

Example command:

ceph cephadm get-pub-key

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm get-ssh-config

Returns the ssh config as used by cephadm

Example command:

ceph cephadm get-ssh-config

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm get-user

Show user for SSHing to cluster hosts

Example command:

ceph cephadm get-user

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm osd activate

Start OSD containers for existing OSDs

Example command:

ceph cephadm osd activate --host=string


  • host: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm prepare-host

Prepare a remote host for use with cephadm

Example command:

ceph cephadm prepare-host my_host my_addr


  • host: (string)

  • addr: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm registry-login

Set custom registry login info by providing url, username and password or json file with login info (-i <file>)

Example command:

ceph cephadm registry-login my_url my_username my_password


  • url: (string)

  • username: (string)

  • password: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm set-exporter-config

Set custom cephadm-exporter configuration from a json file (-i <file>). JSON must contain crt, key, token and port

Example command:

ceph cephadm set-exporter-config

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm set-extra-ceph-conf

Text that is appended to all daemon’s ceph.conf. Mainly a workaround, till config generate-minimal-conf generates a complete ceph.conf. Warning: this is a dangerous operation.

Example command:

ceph cephadm set-extra-ceph-conf

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm set-priv-key

Set cluster SSH private key (use -i <private_key>)

Example command:

ceph cephadm set-priv-key

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm set-pub-key

Set cluster SSH public key (use -i <public_key>)

Example command:

ceph cephadm set-pub-key

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm set-ssh-config

Set the ssh_config file (use -i <ssh_config>)

Example command:

ceph cephadm set-ssh-config

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

cephadm set-user

Set user for SSHing to cluster hosts, passwordless sudo will be needed for non-root users

Example command:

ceph cephadm set-user my_user


  • user: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr


Do some counting

Example command:

ceph count 1


  • num: CephInt

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

crash archive

Acknowledge a crash and silence health warning(s)

Example command:

ceph crash archive my_id


  • id: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

crash archive-all

Acknowledge all new crashes and silence health warning(s)

Example command:

ceph crash archive-all

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

crash info

show crash dump metadata

Example command:

ceph crash info my_id


  • id: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

crash json_report

Crashes in the last <hours> hours

Example command:

ceph crash json_report my_hours


  • hours: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

crash ls

Show new and archived crash dumps

Example command:

ceph crash ls

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

crash ls-new

Show new crash dumps

Example command:

ceph crash ls-new

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

crash post

Add a crash dump (use -i <jsonfile>)

Example command:

ceph crash post

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

crash prune

Remove crashes older than <keep> days

Example command:

ceph crash prune my_keep


  • keep: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

crash rm

Remove a saved crash <id>

Example command:

ceph crash rm my_id


  • id: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

crash stat

Summarize recorded crashes

Example command:

ceph crash stat

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard create-self-signed-cert

Create self signed certificate

Example command:

ceph dashboard create-self-signed-cert

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-account-lockout-attempts


Example command:

ceph dashboard get-account-lockout-attempts

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-alertmanager-api-host

Get the ALERTMANAGER_API_HOST option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-alertmanager-api-host

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-alertmanager-api-ssl-verify


Example command:

ceph dashboard get-alertmanager-api-ssl-verify

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-audit-api-enabled

Get the AUDIT_API_ENABLED option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-audit-api-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-audit-api-log-payload

Get the AUDIT_API_LOG_PAYLOAD option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-audit-api-log-payload

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-enable-browsable-api

Get the ENABLE_BROWSABLE_API option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-enable-browsable-api

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace


Example command:

ceph dashboard get-ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-grafana-api-password

Get the GRAFANA_API_PASSWORD option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-grafana-api-password

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-grafana-api-ssl-verify

Get the GRAFANA_API_SSL_VERIFY option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-grafana-api-ssl-verify

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-grafana-api-url

Get the GRAFANA_API_URL option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-grafana-api-url

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-grafana-api-username

Get the GRAFANA_API_USERNAME option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-grafana-api-username

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-grafana-frontend-api-url

Get the GRAFANA_FRONTEND_API_URL option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-grafana-frontend-api-url

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-grafana-update-dashboards


Example command:

ceph dashboard get-grafana-update-dashboards

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-iscsi-api-ssl-verification


Example command:

ceph dashboard get-iscsi-api-ssl-verification

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-jwt-token-ttl

Get the JWT token TTL in seconds

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-jwt-token-ttl

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-prometheus-api-host

Get the PROMETHEUS_API_HOST option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-prometheus-api-host

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-prometheus-api-ssl-verify

Get the PROMETHEUS_API_SSL_VERIFY option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-prometheus-api-ssl-verify

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-complexity-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-complexity-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-exclusion-list-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-exclusion-list-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-length-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-length-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-oldpwd-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-oldpwd-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-repetitive-chars-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-repetitive-chars-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-sequential-chars-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-sequential-chars-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-username-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard get-pwd-policy-check-username-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-pwd-policy-enabled

Get the PWD_POLICY_ENABLED option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-pwd-policy-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-pwd-policy-exclusion-list

Get the PWD_POLICY_EXCLUSION_LIST option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-pwd-policy-exclusion-list

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-pwd-policy-min-complexity

Get the PWD_POLICY_MIN_COMPLEXITY option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-pwd-policy-min-complexity

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-pwd-policy-min-length

Get the PWD_POLICY_MIN_LENGTH option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-pwd-policy-min-length

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-rest-requests-timeout

Get the REST_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-rest-requests-timeout

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-rgw-api-access-key

Get the RGW_API_ACCESS_KEY option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-rgw-api-access-key

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-rgw-api-admin-resource

Get the RGW_API_ADMIN_RESOURCE option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-rgw-api-admin-resource

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-rgw-api-secret-key

Get the RGW_API_SECRET_KEY option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-rgw-api-secret-key

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-rgw-api-ssl-verify

Get the RGW_API_SSL_VERIFY option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-rgw-api-ssl-verify

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-user-pwd-expiration-span

Get the USER_PWD_EXPIRATION_SPAN option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-user-pwd-expiration-span

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-user-pwd-expiration-warning-1

Get the USER_PWD_EXPIRATION_WARNING_1 option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-user-pwd-expiration-warning-1

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard get-user-pwd-expiration-warning-2

Get the USER_PWD_EXPIRATION_WARNING_2 option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard get-user-pwd-expiration-warning-2

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard grafana dashboards update

Push dashboards to Grafana

Example command:

ceph dashboard grafana dashboards update

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-account-lockout-attempts

Reset the ACCOUNT_LOCKOUT_ATTEMPTS option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-account-lockout-attempts

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-alertmanager-api-host

Reset the ALERTMANAGER_API_HOST option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-alertmanager-api-host

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-alertmanager-api-ssl-verify

Reset the ALERTMANAGER_API_SSL_VERIFY option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-alertmanager-api-ssl-verify

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-audit-api-enabled

Reset the AUDIT_API_ENABLED option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-audit-api-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-audit-api-log-payload

Reset the AUDIT_API_LOG_PAYLOAD option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-audit-api-log-payload

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-enable-browsable-api

Reset the ENABLE_BROWSABLE_API option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-enable-browsable-api

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace

Reset the GANESHA_CLUSTERS_RADOS_POOL_NAMESPACE option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-grafana-api-password

Reset the GRAFANA_API_PASSWORD option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-grafana-api-password

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-grafana-api-ssl-verify

Reset the GRAFANA_API_SSL_VERIFY option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-grafana-api-ssl-verify

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-grafana-api-url

Reset the GRAFANA_API_URL option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-grafana-api-url

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-grafana-api-username

Reset the GRAFANA_API_USERNAME option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-grafana-api-username

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-grafana-frontend-api-url

Reset the GRAFANA_FRONTEND_API_URL option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-grafana-frontend-api-url

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-grafana-update-dashboards

Reset the GRAFANA_UPDATE_DASHBOARDS option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-grafana-update-dashboards

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-iscsi-api-ssl-verification

Reset the ISCSI_API_SSL_VERIFICATION option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-iscsi-api-ssl-verification

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-prometheus-api-host

Reset the PROMETHEUS_API_HOST option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-prometheus-api-host

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-prometheus-api-ssl-verify

Reset the PROMETHEUS_API_SSL_VERIFY option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-prometheus-api-ssl-verify

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-complexity-enabled

Reset the PWD_POLICY_CHECK_COMPLEXITY_ENABLED option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-complexity-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-exclusion-list-enabled

Reset the PWD_POLICY_CHECK_EXCLUSION_LIST_ENABLED option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-exclusion-list-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-length-enabled

Reset the PWD_POLICY_CHECK_LENGTH_ENABLED option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-length-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-oldpwd-enabled

Reset the PWD_POLICY_CHECK_OLDPWD_ENABLED option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-oldpwd-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-repetitive-chars-enabled

Reset the PWD_POLICY_CHECK_REPETITIVE_CHARS_ENABLED option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-repetitive-chars-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-sequential-chars-enabled

Reset the PWD_POLICY_CHECK_SEQUENTIAL_CHARS_ENABLED option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-sequential-chars-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-username-enabled

Reset the PWD_POLICY_CHECK_USERNAME_ENABLED option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-pwd-policy-check-username-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-pwd-policy-enabled

Reset the PWD_POLICY_ENABLED option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-pwd-policy-enabled

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-pwd-policy-exclusion-list

Reset the PWD_POLICY_EXCLUSION_LIST option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-pwd-policy-exclusion-list

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-pwd-policy-min-complexity

Reset the PWD_POLICY_MIN_COMPLEXITY option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-pwd-policy-min-complexity

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-pwd-policy-min-length

Reset the PWD_POLICY_MIN_LENGTH option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-pwd-policy-min-length

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-rest-requests-timeout

Reset the REST_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-rest-requests-timeout

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-rgw-api-access-key

Reset the RGW_API_ACCESS_KEY option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-rgw-api-access-key

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-rgw-api-admin-resource

Reset the RGW_API_ADMIN_RESOURCE option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-rgw-api-admin-resource

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-rgw-api-secret-key

Reset the RGW_API_SECRET_KEY option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-rgw-api-secret-key

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-rgw-api-ssl-verify

Reset the RGW_API_SSL_VERIFY option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-rgw-api-ssl-verify

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-user-pwd-expiration-span

Reset the USER_PWD_EXPIRATION_SPAN option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-user-pwd-expiration-span

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-user-pwd-expiration-warning-1

Reset the USER_PWD_EXPIRATION_WARNING_1 option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-user-pwd-expiration-warning-1

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard reset-user-pwd-expiration-warning-2

Reset the USER_PWD_EXPIRATION_WARNING_2 option to its default value

Example command:

ceph dashboard reset-user-pwd-expiration-warning-2

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-account-lockout-attempts


Example command:

ceph dashboard set-account-lockout-attempts my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-alertmanager-api-host

Set the ALERTMANAGER_API_HOST option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-alertmanager-api-host my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-alertmanager-api-ssl-verify


Example command:

ceph dashboard set-alertmanager-api-ssl-verify my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-audit-api-enabled

Set the AUDIT_API_ENABLED option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-audit-api-enabled my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-audit-api-log-payload

Set the AUDIT_API_LOG_PAYLOAD option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-audit-api-log-payload my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-enable-browsable-api

Set the ENABLE_BROWSABLE_API option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-enable-browsable-api my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace


Example command:

ceph dashboard set-ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-grafana-api-password

Set the GRAFANA_API_PASSWORD option value read from -i <file>

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-grafana-api-password

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-grafana-api-ssl-verify

Set the GRAFANA_API_SSL_VERIFY option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-grafana-api-ssl-verify my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-grafana-api-url

Set the GRAFANA_API_URL option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-grafana-api-url my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-grafana-api-username

Set the GRAFANA_API_USERNAME option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-grafana-api-username my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-grafana-frontend-api-url

Set the GRAFANA_FRONTEND_API_URL option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-grafana-frontend-api-url my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-grafana-update-dashboards


Example command:

ceph dashboard set-grafana-update-dashboards my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-iscsi-api-ssl-verification


Example command:

ceph dashboard set-iscsi-api-ssl-verification my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-jwt-token-ttl

Set the JWT token TTL in seconds

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-jwt-token-ttl 1


  • seconds: CephInt

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-prometheus-api-host

Set the PROMETHEUS_API_HOST option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-prometheus-api-host my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-prometheus-api-ssl-verify

Set the PROMETHEUS_API_SSL_VERIFY option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-prometheus-api-ssl-verify my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-complexity-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-complexity-enabled my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-exclusion-list-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-exclusion-list-enabled my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-length-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-length-enabled my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-oldpwd-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-oldpwd-enabled my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-repetitive-chars-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-repetitive-chars-enabled my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-sequential-chars-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-sequential-chars-enabled my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-username-enabled


Example command:

ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-username-enabled my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-pwd-policy-enabled

Set the PWD_POLICY_ENABLED option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-enabled my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-pwd-policy-exclusion-list

Set the PWD_POLICY_EXCLUSION_LIST option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-exclusion-list my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-pwd-policy-min-complexity

Set the PWD_POLICY_MIN_COMPLEXITY option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-min-complexity my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-pwd-policy-min-length

Set the PWD_POLICY_MIN_LENGTH option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-min-length my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-rest-requests-timeout

Set the REST_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-rest-requests-timeout my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-rgw-api-access-key

Set the RGW_API_ACCESS_KEY option value read from -i <file>

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-access-key

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-rgw-api-admin-resource

Set the RGW_API_ADMIN_RESOURCE option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-admin-resource my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-rgw-api-secret-key

Set the RGW_API_SECRET_KEY option value read from -i <file>

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-secret-key

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-rgw-api-ssl-verify

Set the RGW_API_SSL_VERIFY option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-ssl-verify my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-user-pwd-expiration-span

Set the USER_PWD_EXPIRATION_SPAN option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-user-pwd-expiration-span my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-user-pwd-expiration-warning-1

Set the USER_PWD_EXPIRATION_WARNING_1 option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-user-pwd-expiration-warning-1 my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard set-user-pwd-expiration-warning-2

Set the USER_PWD_EXPIRATION_WARNING_2 option value

Example command:

ceph dashboard set-user-pwd-expiration-warning-2 my_value


  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard sso disable

Disable Single Sign-On

Example command:

ceph dashboard sso disable

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard sso enable saml2

Enable SAML2 Single Sign-On

Example command:

ceph dashboard sso enable saml2

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard sso setup saml2

Setup SAML2 Single Sign-On

Example command:

ceph dashboard sso setup saml2 --ceph_dashboard_base_url=string --idp_metadata=string --idp_username_attribute=string --idp_entity_id=string --sp_x_509_cert=/path/to/file --sp_private_key=/path/to/file


  • ceph_dashboard_base_url: (string)

  • idp_metadata: (string)

  • idp_username_attribute: (string)

  • idp_entity_id: (string)

  • sp_x_509_cert: CephFilepath

  • sp_private_key: CephFilepath

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard sso show saml2

Show SAML2 configuration

Example command:

ceph dashboard sso show saml2

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

dashboard sso status

Get Single Sign-On status

Example command:

ceph dashboard sso status

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

device light

Enable or disable the device light. Default type is ident ‘Usage: device light (on|off) <devid> [ident|fault] [–force]’

Example command:

ceph device light --enable=on --devid=string --light_type=ident --force


  • enable: CephChoices strings=(on off)

  • devid: (string)

  • light_type: CephChoices strings=(ident fault)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

device ls-lights

List currently active device indicator lights

Example command:

ceph device ls-lights

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs clone cancel

Cancel an pending or ongoing clone operation.

Example command:

ceph fs clone cancel my_vol_name my_clone_name my_group_name


  • vol_name: (string)

  • clone_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs clone status

Get status on a cloned subvolume.

Example command:

ceph fs clone status my_vol_name my_clone_name my_group_name


  • vol_name: (string)

  • clone_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs perf stats

retrieve ceph fs performance stats

Example command:

ceph fs perf stats my_mds_rank my_client_id my_client_ip


  • mds_rank: (string)

  • client_id: (string)

  • client_ip: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs status

Show the status of a CephFS filesystem

Example command:

ceph fs status my_fs


  • fs: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume authorize

Allow a cephx auth ID access to a subvolume

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume authorize --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --auth_id=string --group_name=string --access_level=string --tenant_id=string --allow_existing_id


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • auth_id: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

  • access_level: (string)

  • tenant_id: (string)

  • allow_existing_id: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume authorized_list

List auth IDs that have access to a subvolume

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume authorized_list my_vol_name my_sub_name my_group_name


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume create

Create a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, with a specific size (in bytes), a specific data pool layout, a specific mode, in a specific subvolume group and in separate RADOS namespace

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume create --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --size=1 --group_name=string --pool_layout=string --uid=1 --gid=1 --mode=string --namespace_isolated


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • size: CephInt

  • group_name: (string)

  • pool_layout: (string)

  • uid: CephInt

  • gid: CephInt

  • mode: (string)

  • namespace_isolated: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume deauthorize

Deny a cephx auth ID access to a subvolume

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume deauthorize --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --auth_id=string --group_name=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • auth_id: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume evict

Evict clients based on auth IDs and subvolume mounted

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume evict --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --auth_id=string --group_name=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • auth_id: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume exist

Check a volume for the existence of a subvolume, optionally in a specified subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume exist my_vol_name my_group_name


  • vol_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume getpath

Get the mountpath of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume getpath my_vol_name my_sub_name my_group_name


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume info

Get the information of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume info my_vol_name my_sub_name my_group_name


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume ls

List subvolumes

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume ls my_vol_name my_group_name


  • vol_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume metadata get

Get custom metadata associated with the key of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume metadata get --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --key_name=string --group_name=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • key_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume metadata ls

List custom metadata (key-value pairs) of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume metadata ls my_vol_name my_sub_name my_group_name


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume metadata rm

Remove custom metadata (key-value) associated with the key of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume metadata rm --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --key_name=string --group_name=string --force


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • key_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume metadata set

Set custom metadata (key-value) for a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume metadata set --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --key_name=string --value=string --group_name=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • key_name: (string)

  • value: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume pin

Set MDS pinning policy for subvolume

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume pin --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --pin_type=export --pin_setting=string --group_name=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • pin_type: CephChoices strings=(export distributed random)

  • pin_setting: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume resize

Resize a CephFS subvolume

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume resize --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --new_size=string --group_name=string --no_shrink


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • new_size: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

  • no_shrink: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume rm

Delete a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group, force deleting a cancelled or failed clone, and retaining existing subvolume snapshots

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume rm --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --group_name=string --force --retain_snapshots


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

  • force: CephBool

  • retain_snapshots: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume snapshot clone

Clone a snapshot to target subvolume

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume snapshot clone --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --snap_name=string --target_sub_name=string --pool_layout=string --group_name=string --target_group_name=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • snap_name: (string)

  • target_sub_name: (string)

  • pool_layout: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

  • target_group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume snapshot create

Create a snapshot of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume snapshot create --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --snap_name=string --group_name=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • snap_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume snapshot info

Get the information of a CephFS subvolume snapshot and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume snapshot info --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --snap_name=string --group_name=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • snap_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume snapshot ls

List subvolume snapshots

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume snapshot ls my_vol_name my_sub_name my_group_name


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume snapshot metadata get

Get custom metadata associated with the key of a CephFS subvolume snapshot in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume snapshot metadata get --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --snap_name=string --key_name=string --group_name=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • snap_name: (string)

  • key_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume snapshot metadata ls

List custom metadata (key-value pairs) of a CephFS subvolume snapshot in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume snapshot metadata ls --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --snap_name=string --group_name=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • snap_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume snapshot metadata rm

Remove custom metadata (key-value) associated with the key of a CephFS subvolume snapshot in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume snapshot metadata rm --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --snap_name=string --key_name=string --group_name=string --force


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • snap_name: (string)

  • key_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume snapshot metadata set

Set custom metadata (key-value) for a CephFS subvolume snapshot in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume snapshot metadata set --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --snap_name=string --key_name=string --value=string --group_name=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • snap_name: (string)

  • key_name: (string)

  • value: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume snapshot protect

(deprecated) Protect snapshot of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume snapshot protect --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --snap_name=string --group_name=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • snap_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume snapshot rm

Delete a snapshot of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume snapshot rm --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --snap_name=string --group_name=string --force


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • snap_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolume snapshot unprotect

(deprecated) Unprotect a snapshot of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolume snapshot unprotect --vol_name=string --sub_name=string --snap_name=string --group_name=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • sub_name: (string)

  • snap_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolumegroup create

Create a CephFS subvolume group in a volume, and optionally, with a specific data pool layout, and a specific numeric mode

Example command:

ceph fs subvolumegroup create --vol_name=string --group_name=string --size=1 --pool_layout=string --uid=1 --gid=1 --mode=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • group_name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • size: CephInt

  • pool_layout: (string)

  • uid: CephInt

  • gid: CephInt

  • mode: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolumegroup exist

Check a volume for the existence of subvolumegroup

Example command:

ceph fs subvolumegroup exist my_vol_name


  • vol_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolumegroup getpath

Get the mountpath of a CephFS subvolume group in a volume

Example command:

ceph fs subvolumegroup getpath my_vol_name my_group_name


  • vol_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolumegroup info

Get the metadata of a CephFS subvolume group in a volume,

Example command:

ceph fs subvolumegroup info my_vol_name my_group_name


  • vol_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolumegroup ls

List subvolumegroups

Example command:

ceph fs subvolumegroup ls my_vol_name


  • vol_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolumegroup pin

Set MDS pinning policy for subvolumegroup

Example command:

ceph fs subvolumegroup pin --vol_name=string --group_name=string --pin_type=export --pin_setting=string


  • vol_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

  • pin_type: CephChoices strings=(export distributed random)

  • pin_setting: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolumegroup resize

Resize a CephFS subvolume group

Example command:

ceph fs subvolumegroup resize --vol_name=string --group_name=string --new_size=string --no_shrink


  • vol_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

  • new_size: (string)

  • no_shrink: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolumegroup rm

Delete a CephFS subvolume group in a volume

Example command:

ceph fs subvolumegroup rm my_vol_name my_group_name --force


  • vol_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolumegroup snapshot create

Create a snapshot of a CephFS subvolume group in a volume

Example command:

ceph fs subvolumegroup snapshot create my_vol_name my_group_name my_snap_name


  • vol_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

  • snap_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolumegroup snapshot ls

List subvolumegroup snapshots

Example command:

ceph fs subvolumegroup snapshot ls my_vol_name my_group_name


  • vol_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs subvolumegroup snapshot rm

Delete a snapshot of a CephFS subvolume group in a volume

Example command:

ceph fs subvolumegroup snapshot rm --vol_name=string --group_name=string --snap_name=string --force


  • vol_name: (string)

  • group_name: (string)

  • snap_name: (string)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs volume create

Create a CephFS volume

Example command:

ceph fs volume create my_name my_placement


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • placement: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs volume info

Get the information of a CephFS volume

Example command:

ceph fs volume info my_vol_name --human_readable


  • vol_name: (string)

  • human_readable: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs volume ls

List volumes

Example command:

ceph fs volume ls

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

fs volume rm

Delete a FS volume by passing –yes-i-really-mean-it flag

Example command:

ceph fs volume rm my_vol_name my_yes-i-really-mean-it


  • vol_name: (string)

  • yes-i-really-mean-it: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr


Say hello

Example command:

ceph hello my_person_name


  • person_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

influx config-set

Set a configuration value

Example command:

ceph influx config-set my_key my_value


  • key: (string)

  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

influx config-show

Show current configuration

Example command:

ceph influx config-show

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

influx send

Force sending data to Influx

Example command:

ceph influx send

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

k8sevents ceph

List Ceph events tracked & sent to the kubernetes cluster

Example command:

ceph k8sevents ceph

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

k8sevents clear-config

Clear external kubernetes configuration settings

Example command:

ceph k8sevents clear-config

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

k8sevents ls

List all current Kuberenetes events from the Ceph namespace

Example command:

ceph k8sevents ls

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

k8sevents set-access

Set kubernetes access credentials. <key> must be cacrt or token and use -i <filename> syntax (e.g., ceph k8sevents set-access cacrt -i /root/ca.crt).

Example command:

ceph k8sevents set-access my_key


  • key: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

k8sevents set-config

Set kubernetes config paramters. <key> must be server or namespace (e.g., ceph k8sevents set-config server https://localhost:30433).

Example command:

ceph k8sevents set-config my_key my_value


  • key: (string)

  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

k8sevents status

Show the status of the data gathering threads

Example command:

ceph k8sevents status

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

mgr self-test background start

Activate a background workload (one of command_spam, throw_exception)

Example command:

ceph mgr self-test background start my_workload


  • workload: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

mgr self-test background stop

Stop background workload if any is running

Example command:

ceph mgr self-test background stop

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

mgr self-test cluster-log

Create an audit log record.

Example command:

ceph mgr self-test cluster-log my_channel my_priority my_message


  • channel: (string)

  • priority: (string)

  • message: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

mgr self-test config get

Peek at a configuration value

Example command:

ceph mgr self-test config get my_key


  • key: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

mgr self-test config get_localized

Peek at a configuration value (localized variant)

Example command:

ceph mgr self-test config get_localized my_key


  • key: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

mgr self-test health clear

Clear health checks by name. If no names provided, clear all.

Example command:

ceph mgr self-test health clear --checks=string


  • checks: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

mgr self-test health set

Set a health check from a JSON-formatted description.

Example command:

ceph mgr self-test health set my_checks


  • checks: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

mgr self-test insights_set_now_offset

Set the now time for the insights module.

Example command:

ceph mgr self-test insights_set_now_offset my_hours


  • hours: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

mgr self-test module

Run another module’s self_test() method

Example command:

ceph mgr self-test module my_module


  • module: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

mgr self-test python-version

Query the version of the embedded Python runtime

Example command:

ceph mgr self-test python-version

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

mgr self-test remote

Test inter-module calls

Example command:

ceph mgr self-test remote

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

mgr self-test run

Run mgr python interface tests

Example command:

ceph mgr self-test run

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr


Start, stop, restart, redeploy, or reconfig an entire service (i.e. all daemons)

Example command:

ceph orch start my_service_name


  • action: CephChoices strings=(start stop restart redeploy reconfig)

  • service_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch apply

Update the size or placement for a service or apply a large yaml spec

Example command:

ceph orch apply --service_type=mon --placement=string --dry_run --format=plain --unmanaged --no_overwrite


  • service_type: CephChoices strings=(mon mgr rbd-mirror cephfs-mirror crash alertmanager grafana node-exporter prometheus mds rgw nfs iscsi cephadm-exporter snmp-gateway)

  • placement: (string)

  • dry_run: CephBool

  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

  • unmanaged: CephBool

  • no_overwrite: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch apply iscsi

Scale an iSCSI service

Example command:

ceph orch apply iscsi --pool=string --api_user=string --api_password=string --trusted_ip_list=string --placement=string --unmanaged --dry_run --format=plain --no_overwrite


  • pool: (string)

  • api_user: (string)

  • api_password: (string)

  • trusted_ip_list: (string)

  • placement: (string)

  • unmanaged: CephBool

  • dry_run: CephBool

  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

  • no_overwrite: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch apply mds

Update the number of MDS instances for the given fs_name

Example command:

ceph orch apply mds --fs_name=string --placement=string --dry_run --unmanaged --format=plain --no_overwrite


  • fs_name: (string)

  • placement: (string)

  • dry_run: CephBool

  • unmanaged: CephBool

  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

  • no_overwrite: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch apply nfs

Scale an NFS service

Example command:

ceph orch apply nfs --svc_id=string --placement=string --format=plain --port=1 --dry_run --unmanaged --no_overwrite


  • svc_id: (string)

  • placement: (string)

  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

  • port: CephInt

  • dry_run: CephBool

  • unmanaged: CephBool

  • no_overwrite: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch apply osd

Create OSD daemon(s) on all available devices

Example command:

ceph orch apply osd --all_available_devices --format=plain --unmanaged --dry_run --no_overwrite


  • all_available_devices: CephBool

  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

  • unmanaged: CephBool

  • dry_run: CephBool

  • no_overwrite: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch apply rgw

Update the number of RGW instances for the given zone

Example command:

ceph orch apply rgw --svc_id=string --placement=string --realm=string --zone=string --port=1 --ssl --dry_run --format=plain --unmanaged --no_overwrite


  • svc_id: (string)

  • placement: (string)

  • realm: (string)

  • zone: (string)

  • port: CephInt

  • ssl: CephBool

  • dry_run: CephBool

  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

  • unmanaged: CephBool

  • no_overwrite: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch apply snmp-gateway

Add a Prometheus to SNMP gateway service (cephadm only)

Example command:

ceph orch apply snmp-gateway --snmp_version=V2c --destination=string --port=1 --engine_id=string --auth_protocol=MD5 --privacy_protocol=DES --placement=string --unmanaged --dry_run --format=plain --no_overwrite


  • snmp_version: CephChoices strings=(V2c V3)

  • destination: (string)

  • port: CephInt

  • engine_id: (string)

  • auth_protocol: CephChoices strings=(MD5 SHA)

  • privacy_protocol: CephChoices strings=(DES AES)

  • placement: (string)

  • unmanaged: CephBool

  • dry_run: CephBool

  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

  • no_overwrite: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch cancel

Cancel ongoing background operations

Example command:

ceph orch cancel

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch client-keyring ls

List client keyrings under cephadm management

Example command:

ceph orch client-keyring ls plain


  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch client-keyring rm

Remove client keyring from cephadm management

Example command:

ceph orch client-keyring rm my_entity


  • entity: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch client-keyring set

Add or update client keyring under cephadm management

Example command:

ceph orch client-keyring set --entity=string --placement=string --owner=string --mode=string


  • entity: (string)

  • placement: (string)

  • owner: (string)

  • mode: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch daemon

Start, stop, restart, (redeploy,) or reconfig a specific daemon

Example command:

ceph orch daemon start my_name


  • action: CephChoices strings=(start stop restart reconfig)

  • name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch daemon add

Add daemon(s)

Example command:

ceph orch daemon add mon my_placement


  • daemon_type: CephChoices strings=(mon mgr rbd-mirror cephfs-mirror crash alertmanager grafana node-exporter prometheus mds rgw nfs iscsi cephadm-exporter snmp-gateway)

  • placement: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch daemon add iscsi

Start iscsi daemon(s)

Example command:

ceph orch daemon add iscsi --pool=string --api_user=string --api_password=string --trusted_ip_list=string --placement=string


  • pool: (string)

  • api_user: (string)

  • api_password: (string)

  • trusted_ip_list: (string)

  • placement: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch daemon add mds

Start MDS daemon(s)

Example command:

ceph orch daemon add mds my_fs_name my_placement


  • fs_name: (string)

  • placement: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch daemon add nfs

Start NFS daemon(s)

Example command:

ceph orch daemon add nfs my_svc_id my_placement


  • svc_id: (string)

  • placement: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch daemon add osd

Create OSD daemon(s) on specified host and device(s) (e.g., ceph orch daemon add osd myhost:/dev/sdb)

Example command:

ceph orch daemon add osd my_svc_arg raw


  • svc_arg: (string)

  • method: CephChoices strings=(raw lvm)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch daemon add rgw

Start RGW daemon(s)

Example command:

ceph orch daemon add rgw --svc_id=string --placement=string --port=1 --ssl


  • svc_id: (string)

  • placement: (string)

  • port: CephInt

  • ssl: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch daemon redeploy

Redeploy a daemon (with a specifc image)

Example command:

ceph orch daemon redeploy my_name my_image


  • name: (string)

  • image: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch daemon rm

Remove specific daemon(s)

Example command:

ceph orch daemon rm --names=string --force


  • names: (can be repeated)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch device ls

List devices on a host

Example command:

ceph orch device ls --hostname=string --format=plain --refresh --wide


  • hostname: (can be repeated)

  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

  • refresh: CephBool

  • wide: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch device zap

Zap (erase!) a device so it can be re-used

Example command:

ceph orch device zap my_hostname my_path --force


  • hostname: (string)

  • path: (string)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch host add

Add a host

Example command:

ceph orch host add --hostname=string --addr=string --labels=string --maintenance


  • hostname: (string)

  • addr: (string)

  • labels: (can be repeated)

  • maintenance: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch host drain

drain all daemons from a host

Example command:

ceph orch host drain my_hostname --force


  • hostname: (string)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch host label add

Add a host label

Example command:

ceph orch host label add my_hostname my_label


  • hostname: (string)

  • label: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch host label rm

Remove a host label

Example command:

ceph orch host label rm my_hostname my_label --force


  • hostname: (string)

  • label: (string)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch host ls

List hosts

Example command:

ceph orch host ls --format=plain --host_pattern=string --label=string --host_status=string


  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

  • host_pattern: (string)

  • label: (string)

  • host_status: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch host maintenance enter

Prepare a host for maintenance by shutting down and disabling all Ceph daemons (cephadm only)

Example command:

ceph orch host maintenance enter my_hostname --force


  • hostname: (string)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch host maintenance exit

Return a host from maintenance, restarting all Ceph daemons (cephadm only)

Example command:

ceph orch host maintenance exit my_hostname


  • hostname: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch host ok-to-stop

Check if the specified host can be safely stopped without reducing availability

Example command:

ceph orch host ok-to-stop my_hostname


  • hostname: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch host rescan

Perform a disk rescan on a host

Example command:

ceph orch host rescan my_hostname --with_summary


  • hostname: (string)

  • with_summary: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch host rm

Remove a host

Example command:

ceph orch host rm my_hostname --force --offline


  • hostname: (string)

  • force: CephBool

  • offline: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch host set-addr

Update a host address

Example command:

ceph orch host set-addr my_hostname my_addr


  • hostname: (string)

  • addr: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch ls

List services known to orchestrator

Example command:

ceph orch ls --service_type=string --service_name=string --export --format=plain --refresh


  • service_type: (string)

  • service_name: (string)

  • export: CephBool

  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

  • refresh: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch osd rm

Remove OSD daemons

Example command:

ceph orch osd rm --osd_id=string --replace --force --zap --no_destroy


  • osd_id: (can be repeated)

  • replace: CephBool

  • force: CephBool

  • zap: CephBool

  • no_destroy: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch osd rm status

Status of OSD removal operation

Example command:

ceph orch osd rm status plain


  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch osd rm stop

Cancel ongoing OSD removal operation

Example command:

ceph orch osd rm stop --osd_id=string


  • osd_id: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch pause

Pause orchestrator background work

Example command:

ceph orch pause

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch ps

List daemons known to orchestrator

Example command:

ceph orch ps --hostname=string --service_name=string --daemon_type=string --daemon_id=string --format=plain --refresh


  • hostname: (string)

  • service_name: (string)

  • daemon_type: (string)

  • daemon_id: (string)

  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

  • refresh: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch resume

Resume orchestrator background work (if paused)

Example command:

ceph orch resume

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch rm

Remove a service

Example command:

ceph orch rm my_service_name --force


  • service_name: (string)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch set backend

Select orchestrator module backend

Example command:

ceph orch set backend my_module_name


  • module_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch status

Report configured backend and its status

Example command:

ceph orch status --detail plain


  • detail: CephBool

  • format: CephChoices strings=(plain json json-pretty yaml xml-pretty xml)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch upgrade check

Check service versions vs available and target containers

Example command:

ceph orch upgrade check my_image my_ceph_version


  • image: (string)

  • ceph_version: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch upgrade ls

Check for available versions (or tags) we can upgrade to

Example command:

ceph orch upgrade ls my_image --tags


  • image: (string)

  • tags: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch upgrade pause

Pause an in-progress upgrade

Example command:

ceph orch upgrade pause

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch upgrade resume

Resume paused upgrade

Example command:

ceph orch upgrade resume

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch upgrade start

Initiate upgrade

Example command:

ceph orch upgrade start --image=string --ceph_version=string --daemon_types=string --hosts=string --services=string --limit=1


  • image: (string)

  • ceph_version: (string)

  • daemon_types: (string)

  • hosts: (string)

  • services: (string)

  • limit: CephInt

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch upgrade status

Check the status of any potential ongoing upgrade operation

Example command:

ceph orch upgrade status

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

orch upgrade stop

Stop an in-progress upgrade

Example command:

ceph orch upgrade stop

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

osd perf counters get

fetch osd perf counters

Example command:

ceph osd perf counters get 1


  • query_id: CephInt

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

osd perf query add

add osd perf query

Example command:

ceph osd perf query add client_id


  • query: CephChoices strings=(client_id rbd_image_id all_subkeys)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

osd perf query remove

remove osd perf query

Example command:

ceph osd perf query remove 1


  • query_id: CephInt

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

osd status

Show the status of OSDs within a bucket, or all

Example command:

ceph osd status my_bucket


  • bucket: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr


Show progress of recovery operations

Example command:

ceph progress

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

progress clear

Reset progress tracking

Example command:

ceph progress clear

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

progress json

Show machine readable progress information

Example command:

ceph progress json

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

progress off

Disable progress tracking

Example command:

ceph progress off

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

progress on

Enable progress tracking

Example command:

ceph progress on

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd mirror snapshot schedule add

Add rbd mirror snapshot schedule

Example command:

ceph rbd mirror snapshot schedule add my_level_spec my_interval my_start_time


  • level_spec: (string)

  • interval: (string)

  • start_time: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd mirror snapshot schedule list

List rbd mirror snapshot schedule

Example command:

ceph rbd mirror snapshot schedule list my_level_spec


  • level_spec: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd mirror snapshot schedule remove

Remove rbd mirror snapshot schedule

Example command:

ceph rbd mirror snapshot schedule remove my_level_spec my_interval my_start_time


  • level_spec: (string)

  • interval: (string)

  • start_time: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd mirror snapshot schedule status

Show rbd mirror snapshot schedule status

Example command:

ceph rbd mirror snapshot schedule status my_level_spec


  • level_spec: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd perf image counters

Retrieve current RBD IO performance counters

Example command:

ceph rbd perf image counters my_pool_spec write_ops


  • pool_spec: (string)

  • sort_by: CephChoices strings=(write_ops write_bytes write_latency read_ops read_bytes read_latency)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd perf image stats

Retrieve current RBD IO performance stats

Example command:

ceph rbd perf image stats my_pool_spec write_ops


  • pool_spec: (string)

  • sort_by: CephChoices strings=(write_ops write_bytes write_latency read_ops read_bytes read_latency)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd task add flatten

Flatten a cloned image asynchronously in the background

Example command:

ceph rbd task add flatten my_image_spec


  • image_spec: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd task add migration abort

Abort a prepared migration asynchronously in the background

Example command:

ceph rbd task add migration abort my_image_spec


  • image_spec: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd task add migration commit

Commit an executed migration asynchronously in the background

Example command:

ceph rbd task add migration commit my_image_spec


  • image_spec: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd task add migration execute

Execute an image migration asynchronously in the background

Example command:

ceph rbd task add migration execute my_image_spec


  • image_spec: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd task add remove

Remove an image asynchronously in the background

Example command:

ceph rbd task add remove my_image_spec


  • image_spec: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd task add trash remove

Remove an image from the trash asynchronously in the background

Example command:

ceph rbd task add trash remove my_image_id_spec


  • image_id_spec: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd task cancel

Cancel a pending or running asynchronous task

Example command:

ceph rbd task cancel my_task_id


  • task_id: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd task list

List pending or running asynchronous tasks

Example command:

ceph rbd task list my_task_id


  • task_id: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd trash purge schedule add

Add rbd trash purge schedule

Example command:

ceph rbd trash purge schedule add my_level_spec my_interval my_start_time


  • level_spec: (string)

  • interval: (string)

  • start_time: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd trash purge schedule list

List rbd trash purge schedule

Example command:

ceph rbd trash purge schedule list my_level_spec


  • level_spec: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd trash purge schedule remove

Remove rbd trash purge schedule

Example command:

ceph rbd trash purge schedule remove my_level_spec my_interval my_start_time


  • level_spec: (string)

  • interval: (string)

  • start_time: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • w

Command Flags:

  • mgr

rbd trash purge schedule status

Show rbd trash purge schedule status

Example command:

ceph rbd trash purge schedule status my_level_spec


  • level_spec: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

restful create-key

Create an API key with this name

Example command:

ceph restful create-key my_key_name


  • key_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

restful create-self-signed-cert

Create localized self signed certificate

Example command:

ceph restful create-self-signed-cert

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

restful delete-key

Delete an API key with this name

Example command:

ceph restful delete-key my_key_name


  • key_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

restful list-keys

List all API keys

Example command:

ceph restful list-keys

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

restful restart

Restart API server

Example command:

ceph restful restart

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

telegraf config-set

Set a configuration value

Example command:

ceph telegraf config-set my_key my_value


  • key: (string)

  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

telegraf config-show

Show current configuration

Example command:

ceph telegraf config-show

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

telegraf send

Force sending data to Telegraf

Example command:

ceph telegraf send

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

telemetry off

Disable telemetry reports from this cluster

Example command:

ceph telemetry off

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

telemetry on

Enable telemetry reports from this cluster

Example command:

ceph telemetry on my_license


  • license: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

telemetry send

Force sending data to Ceph telemetry

Example command:

ceph telemetry send --endpoint=ceph --license=string


  • endpoint: CephChoices strings=(ceph device) (can be repeated)

  • license: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

telemetry show

Show last report or report to be sent

Example command:

ceph telemetry show --channels=string


  • channels: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

telemetry show-all

Show report of all channels

Example command:

ceph telemetry show-all

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

telemetry show-device

Show last device report or device report to be sent

Example command:

ceph telemetry show-device

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

telemetry status

Show current configuration

Example command:

ceph telemetry status

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

zabbix config-set

Set a configuration value

Example command:

ceph zabbix config-set my_key my_value


  • key: (string)

  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr

zabbix config-show

Show current configuration

Example command:

ceph zabbix config-show

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

zabbix discovery

Discovering Zabbix data

Example command:

ceph zabbix discovery

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • mgr

zabbix send

Force sending data to Zabbix

Example command:

ceph zabbix send

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • mgr


add peer address as potential bootstrap peer for cluster bringup

Example command:

ceph add_bootstrap_peer_hint


  • addr: CephIPAddr

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw


add peer address vector as potential bootstrap peer for cluster bringup

Example command:

ceph add_bootstrap_peer_hintv my_addrv


  • addrv: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

auth add

add auth info for <entity> from input file, or random key if no input is given, and/or any caps specified in the command

Example command:

ceph auth add --entity=string --caps=string


  • entity: (string)

  • caps: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rwx

auth caps

update caps for <name> from caps specified in the command

Example command:

ceph auth caps --entity=string --caps=string


  • entity: (string)

  • caps: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rwx

auth del

delete all caps for <name>

Example command:

ceph auth del my_entity


  • entity: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rwx

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

auth export

write keyring for requested entity, or master keyring if none given

Example command:

ceph auth export my_entity


  • entity: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rx

auth get

write keyring file with requested key

Example command:

ceph auth get my_entity


  • entity: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rx

auth get-key

display requested key

Example command:

ceph auth get-key my_entity


  • entity: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rx

auth get-or-create

add auth info for <entity> from input file, or random key if no input given, and/or any caps specified in the command

Example command:

ceph auth get-or-create --entity=string --caps=string


  • entity: (string)

  • caps: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rwx

auth get-or-create-key

get, or add, key for <name> from system/caps pairs specified in the command. If key already exists, any given caps must match the existing caps for that key.

Example command:

ceph auth get-or-create-key --entity=string --caps=string


  • entity: (string)

  • caps: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rwx

auth import

auth import: read keyring file from -i <file>

Example command:

ceph auth import

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rwx

auth list

list authentication state

Example command:

ceph auth list

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rx

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

auth ls

list authentication state

Example command:

ceph auth ls

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rx

auth print-key

display requested key

Example command:

ceph auth print-key my_entity


  • entity: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rx

auth print_key

display requested key

Example command:

ceph auth print_key my_entity


  • entity: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rx

auth rm

remove all caps for <name>

Example command:

ceph auth rm my_entity


  • entity: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rwx


cause compaction of monitor’s leveldb/rocksdb storage

Example command:

ceph compact

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

config assimilate-conf

Assimilate options from a conf, and return a new, minimal conf file

Example command:

ceph config assimilate-conf

Ceph Module:

  • config

Required Permissions:

  • rw

config dump

Show all configuration option(s)

Example command:

ceph config dump

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

config generate-minimal-conf

Generate a minimal ceph.conf file

Example command:

ceph config generate-minimal-conf

Ceph Module:

  • config

Required Permissions:

  • r

config get

Show configuration option(s) for an entity

Example command:

ceph config get string my_key


  • who: (string)

  • key: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • config

Required Permissions:

  • r

config help

Describe a configuration option

Example command:

ceph config help my_key


  • key: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • config

Required Permissions:

  • r

config log

Show recent history of config changes

Example command:

ceph config log 1


  • num: CephInt

Ceph Module:

  • config

Required Permissions:

  • r

config ls

List available configuration options

Example command:

ceph config ls

Ceph Module:

  • config

Required Permissions:

  • r

config reset

Revert configuration to a historical version specified by <num>

Example command:

ceph config reset 1


  • num: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • config

Required Permissions:

  • rw

config rm

Clear a configuration option for one or more entities

Example command:

ceph config rm string my_name


  • who: (string)

  • name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • config

Required Permissions:

  • rw

config set

Set a configuration option for one or more entities

Example command:

ceph config set --who=string --name=string --value=string --force


  • who: (string)

  • name: (string)

  • value: (string)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • config

Required Permissions:

  • rw

config show

Show running configuration

Example command:

ceph config show string my_key


  • who: (string)

  • key: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

config show-with-defaults

Show running configuration (including compiled-in defaults)

Example command:

ceph config show-with-defaults string


  • who: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

config-key del

delete <key>

Example command:

ceph config-key del my_key


  • key: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • config-key

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

config-key dump

dump keys and values (with optional prefix)

Example command:

ceph config-key dump my_key


  • key: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • config-key

Required Permissions:

  • r

config-key exists

check for <key>’s existence

Example command:

ceph config-key exists my_key


  • key: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • config-key

Required Permissions:

  • r

config-key get

get <key>

Example command:

ceph config-key get my_key


  • key: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • config-key

Required Permissions:

  • r

config-key list

list keys

Example command:

ceph config-key list

Ceph Module:

  • config-key

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

config-key ls

list keys

Example command:

ceph config-key ls

Ceph Module:

  • config-key

Required Permissions:

  • r

config-key put

put <key>, value <val>

Example command:

ceph config-key put my_key my_val


  • key: (string)

  • val: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • config-key

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

config-key rm

rm <key>

Example command:

ceph config-key rm my_key


  • key: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • config-key

Required Permissions:

  • rw

config-key set

set <key> to value <val>

Example command:

ceph config-key set my_key my_val


  • key: (string)

  • val: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • config-key

Required Permissions:

  • rw

connection scores dump

show the scores used in connectivity-based elections

Example command:

ceph connection scores dump

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rwx

connection scores reset

reset the scores used in connectivity-based elections

Example command:

ceph connection scores reset

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rwx

device info

Show information about a device

Example command:

ceph device info my_devid


  • devid: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

device ls

Show devices

Example command:

ceph device ls

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

device ls-by-daemon

Show devices associated with a daemon

Example command:

ceph device ls-by-daemon string


  • who: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

device ls-by-host

Show devices on a host

Example command:

ceph device ls-by-host my_host


  • host: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

device rm-life-expectancy

Clear predicted device life expectancy

Example command:

ceph device rm-life-expectancy my_devid


  • devid: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

device set-life-expectancy

Set predicted device life expectancy

Example command:

ceph device set-life-expectancy my_devid my_from my_to


  • devid: (string)

  • from: (string)

  • to: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw


show cluster free space stats

Example command:

ceph df detail


  • detail: CephChoices strings=(detail)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r


show recent ops

Example command:

ceph dump_historic_ops

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r


show recent slow ops

Example command:

ceph dump_historic_slow_ops

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r


report of connected features

Example command:

ceph features

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

fs add_data_pool

add data pool <pool>

Example command:

ceph fs add_data_pool my_fs_name my_pool


  • fs_name: (string)

  • pool: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs authorize

add auth for <entity> to access file system <filesystem> based on following directory and permissions pairs

Example command:

ceph fs authorize --filesystem=string --entity=string --caps=string


  • filesystem: (string)

  • entity: (string)

  • caps: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • auth

Required Permissions:

  • rwx

fs compat

manipulate compat settings

Example command:

ceph fs compat --fs_name=string --subop=rm_compat --feature=1 --feature_str=string


  • fs_name: (string)

  • subop: CephChoices strings=(rm_compat rm_incompat add_compat add_incompat)

  • feature: CephInt

  • feature_str: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • fs

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs compat show

show fs compatibility settings

Example command:

ceph fs compat show my_fs_name


  • fs_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • r

fs dump

dump all CephFS status, optionally from epoch

Example command:

ceph fs dump 1


  • epoch: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • r

fs fail

bring the file system down and all of its ranks

Example command:

ceph fs fail my_fs_name


  • fs_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • fs

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs feature ls

list available cephfs features to be set/unset

Example command:

ceph fs feature ls

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • r

fs flag set

Set a global CephFS flag

Example command:

ceph fs flag set enable_multiple my_val --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • flag_name: CephChoices strings=(enable_multiple)

  • val: (string)

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • fs

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs get

get info about one filesystem

Example command:

ceph fs get my_fs_name


  • fs_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • fs

Required Permissions:

  • r

fs ls

list filesystems

Example command:

ceph fs ls

Ceph Module:

  • fs

Required Permissions:

  • r

fs mirror disable

disable mirroring for a ceph filesystem

Example command:

ceph fs mirror disable my_fs_name


  • fs_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs mirror enable

enable mirroring for a ceph filesystem

Example command:

ceph fs mirror enable my_fs_name


  • fs_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs mirror peer_add

add a mirror peer for a ceph filesystem

Example command:

ceph fs mirror peer_add --fs_name=string --uuid=string --remote_cluster_spec=string --remote_fs_name=string


  • fs_name: (string)

  • uuid: (string)

  • remote_cluster_spec: (string)

  • remote_fs_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs mirror peer_remove

remove a mirror peer for a ceph filesystem

Example command:

ceph fs mirror peer_remove my_fs_name my_uuid


  • fs_name: (string)

  • uuid: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs new

make new filesystem using named pools <metadata> and <data>

Example command:

ceph fs new --fs_name=string --metadata=string --data=string --force --allow_dangerous_metadata_overlay --fscid=0 --recover


  • fs_name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • metadata: (string)

  • data: (string)

  • force: CephBool

  • allow_dangerous_metadata_overlay: CephBool

  • fscid: CephInt range= 0

  • recover: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • fs

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs required_client_features

add/remove required features of clients

Example command:

ceph fs required_client_features my_fs_name add my_val


  • fs_name: (string)

  • subop: CephChoices strings=(add rm)

  • val: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs reset

disaster recovery only: reset to a single-MDS map

Example command:

ceph fs reset my_fs_name --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • fs_name: (string)

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • fs

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs rm

disable the named filesystem

Example command:

ceph fs rm my_fs_name --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • fs_name: (string)

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • fs

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs rm_data_pool

remove data pool <pool>

Example command:

ceph fs rm_data_pool my_fs_name my_pool


  • fs_name: (string)

  • pool: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs set

set fs parameter <var> to <val>

Example command:

ceph fs set --fs_name=string --var=max_mds --val=string --yes_i_really_mean_it --yes_i_really_really_mean_it


  • fs_name: (string)

  • var: CephChoices strings=(max_mds max_file_size allow_new_snaps inline_data cluster_down allow_dirfrags balancer standby_count_wanted session_timeout session_autoclose allow_standby_replay down joinable min_compat_client)

  • val: (string)

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

  • yes_i_really_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs set-default

set the default to the named filesystem

Example command:

ceph fs set-default my_fs_name


  • fs_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • fs

Required Permissions:

  • rw

fs set_default

set the default to the named filesystem

Example command:

ceph fs set_default my_fs_name


  • fs_name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • fs

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated


show cluster FSID/UUID

Example command:

ceph fsid

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r


show cluster health

Example command:

ceph health detail


  • detail: CephChoices strings=(detail)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

health mute

mute health alert

Example command:

ceph health mute my_code my_ttl --sticky


  • code: (string)

  • ttl: (string)

  • sticky: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • w

health unmute

unmute existing health alert mute(s)

Example command:

ceph health unmute my_code


  • code: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • w


show heap usage info (available only if compiled with tcmalloc)

Example command:

ceph heap dump my_value


  • heapcmd: CephChoices strings=(dump start_profiler stop_profiler release stats)

  • value: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw


inject config arguments into monitor

Example command:

ceph injectargs --injected_args=string


  • injected_args: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw


log supplied text to the monitor log

Example command:

ceph log --logtext=string


  • logtext: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

log last

print last few lines of the cluster log

Example command:

ceph log last 1 debug *


  • num: CephInt range= 1

  • level: CephChoices strings=(debug info sec warn error)

  • channel: CephChoices strings=(* cluster audit cephadm)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

mds add_data_pool

add data pool <pool>

Example command:

ceph mds add_data_pool my_pool


  • pool: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

mds cluster_down

take MDS cluster down

Example command:

ceph mds cluster_down

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

mds cluster_up

bring MDS cluster up

Example command:

ceph mds cluster_up

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

mds compat rm_compat

remove compatible feature

Example command:

ceph mds compat rm_compat 1


  • feature: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

mds compat rm_incompat

remove incompatible feature

Example command:

ceph mds compat rm_incompat 1


  • feature: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

mds compat show

show mds compatibility settings

Example command:

ceph mds compat show

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

mds count-metadata

count MDSs by metadata field property

Example command:

ceph mds count-metadata my_property


  • property: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • r

mds deactivate

clean up specified MDS rank (use with set max_mds to shrink cluster)

Example command:

ceph mds deactivate my_role


  • role: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

mds dump

dump legacy MDS cluster info, optionally from epoch

Example command:

ceph mds dump 1


  • epoch: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

mds fail

Mark MDS failed: trigger a failover if a standby is available

Example command:

ceph mds fail my_role_or_gid


  • role_or_gid: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mds getmap

get MDS map, optionally from epoch

Example command:

ceph mds getmap 1


  • epoch: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

mds metadata

fetch metadata for mds <role>

Example command:

ceph mds metadata string


  • who: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • r

mds newfs

make new filesystem using pools <metadata> and <data>

Example command:

ceph mds newfs 1 1 --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • metadata: CephInt range= 0

  • data: CephInt range= 0

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

mds ok-to-stop

check whether stopping the specified MDS would reduce immediate availability

Example command:

ceph mds ok-to-stop --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • r

mds remove_data_pool

remove data pool <pool>

Example command:

ceph mds remove_data_pool my_pool


  • pool: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

mds repaired

mark a damaged MDS rank as no longer damaged

Example command:

ceph mds repaired my_role


  • role: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mds rm

remove nonactive mds

Example command:

ceph mds rm 1


  • gid: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mds rm_data_pool

remove data pool <pool>

Example command:

ceph mds rm_data_pool my_pool


  • pool: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

mds set

set mds parameter <var> to <val>

Example command:

ceph mds set max_mds my_val --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • var: CephChoices strings=(max_mds max_file_size inline_data allow_new_snaps allow_multimds allow_multimds_snaps allow_dirfrags)

  • val: (string)

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

mds set_max_mds

set max MDS index

Example command:

ceph mds set_max_mds 1


  • maxmds: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

mds stop

stop mds

Example command:

ceph mds stop my_role


  • role: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

mds tell

send command to particular mds

Example command:

ceph mds tell --who=string --args=string


  • who: (string)

  • args: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

mds versions

check running versions of MDSs

Example command:

ceph mds versions

Ceph Module:

  • mds

Required Permissions:

  • r

mgr count-metadata

count ceph-mgr daemons by metadata field property

Example command:

ceph mgr count-metadata my_property


  • property: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

mgr dump

dump the latest MgrMap

Example command:

ceph mgr dump 1


  • epoch: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

mgr fail

treat the named manager daemon as failed

Example command:

ceph mgr fail string


  • who: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mgr metadata

dump metadata for all daemons or a specific daemon

Example command:

ceph mgr metadata string


  • who: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

mgr module disable

disable mgr module

Example command:

ceph mgr module disable my_module


  • module: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mgr module enable

enable mgr module

Example command:

ceph mgr module enable my_module --force


  • module: (string)

  • force: CephChoices strings=(–force)

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mgr module ls

list active mgr modules

Example command:

ceph mgr module ls

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

mgr services

list service endpoints provided by mgr modules

Example command:

ceph mgr services

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

mgr stat

dump basic info about the mgr cluster state

Example command:

ceph mgr stat

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

mgr versions

check running versions of ceph-mgr daemons

Example command:

ceph mgr versions

Ceph Module:

  • mgr

Required Permissions:

  • r

mon add disallowed_leader

prevent the named mon from being a leader

Example command:

ceph mon add disallowed_leader my_name


  • name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon add name=location,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=],req=false

add new monitor named <name> at <addr>, possibly with CRUSH location <location>

Example command:

ceph mon add name=location,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=],req=false my_name


  • name: (string)

  • addr: CephIPAddr

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon count-metadata

count mons by metadata field property

Example command:

ceph mon count-metadata my_property


  • property: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

mon dump

dump formatted monmap (optionally from epoch)

Example command:

ceph mon dump 1


  • epoch: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

mon enable-msgr2

enable the msgr2 protocol on port 3300

Example command:

ceph mon enable-msgr2

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon enable_stretch_mode

enable stretch mode, changing the peering rules and failure handling on all pools with <tiebreaker_mon> as the tiebreaker and setting <dividing_bucket> locations as the units for stretching across

Example command:

ceph mon enable_stretch_mode my_tiebreaker_mon my_new_crush_rule my_dividing_bucket


  • tiebreaker_mon: (string)

  • new_crush_rule: (string)

  • dividing_bucket: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon feature ls

list available mon map features to be set/unset

Example command:

ceph mon feature ls --with-value


  • with_value: CephChoices strings=(–with-value)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

mon feature set

set provided feature on mon map

Example command:

ceph mon feature set my_feature_name --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • feature_name: (string)

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon getmap

get monmap

Example command:

ceph mon getmap 1


  • epoch: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

mon metadata

fetch metadata for mon <id>

Example command:

ceph mon metadata my_id


  • id: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

mon ok-to-add-offline

check whether adding a mon and not starting it would break quorum

Example command:

ceph mon ok-to-add-offline

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

mon ok-to-rm

check whether removing the specified mon would break quorum

Example command:

ceph mon ok-to-rm my_id


  • id: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

mon ok-to-stop

check whether mon(s) can be safely stopped without reducing immediate availability

Example command:

ceph mon ok-to-stop --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

mon remove

remove monitor named <name>

Example command:

ceph mon remove my_name


  • name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

mon rm

remove monitor named <name>

Example command:

ceph mon rm my_name


  • name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon rm disallowed_leader

allow the named mon to be a leader again

Example command:

ceph mon rm disallowed_leader my_name


  • name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon scrub

scrub the monitor stores

Example command:

ceph mon scrub

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon set election_strategy

set the election strategy to use; choices classic, disallow, connectivity

Example command:

ceph mon set election_strategy my_strategy


  • strategy: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon set-addrs

set the addrs (IPs and ports) a specific monitor binds to

Example command:

ceph mon set-addrs my_name my_addrs


  • name: (string)

  • addrs: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon set-rank

set the rank for the specified mon

Example command:

ceph mon set-rank my_name 1


  • name: (string)

  • rank: CephInt

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon set-weight

set the weight for the specified mon

Example command:

ceph mon set-weight my_name 1


  • name: (string)

  • weight: CephInt range= 0..65535

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon set_location name=args,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=]

specify location <args> for the monitor <name>, using CRUSH bucket names

Example command:

ceph mon set_location name=args,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=] my_name


  • name: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon set_new_tiebreaker

switch the stretch tiebreaker to be the named mon

Example command:

ceph mon set_new_tiebreaker my_name --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • name: (string)

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

mon stat

summarize monitor status

Example command:

ceph mon stat

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

mon versions

check running versions of monitors

Example command:

ceph mon versions

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r


report status of monitors

Example command:

ceph mon_status

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

node ls

list all nodes in cluster [type]

Example command:

ceph node ls all


  • type: CephChoices strings=(all osd mon mds mgr)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r


show the ops currently in flight

Example command:

ceph ops

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd add-nodown

mark osd(s) <id> [<id>…] as nodown, or use <all|any> to mark all osds as nodown

Example command:

ceph osd add-nodown --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd add-noin

mark osd(s) <id> [<id>…] as noin, or use <all|any> to mark all osds as noin

Example command:

ceph osd add-noin --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd add-noout

mark osd(s) <id> [<id>…] as noout, or use <all|any> to mark all osds as noout

Example command:

ceph osd add-noout --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd add-noup

mark osd(s) <id> [<id>…] as noup, or use <all|any> to mark all osds as noup

Example command:

ceph osd add-noup --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd blacklist

add (optionally until <expire> seconds from now) or remove <addr> from blacklist

Example command:

ceph osd blacklist add entityaddr 0.0


  • blacklistop: CephChoices strings=(add rm)

  • addr: CephEntityAddr

  • expire: CephFloat range= 0.0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd blacklist clear

clear all blacklisted clients

Example command:

ceph osd blacklist clear

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd blacklist ls

show blacklisted clients

Example command:

ceph osd blacklist ls

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd blocked-by

print histogram of which OSDs are blocking their peers

Example command:

ceph osd blocked-by

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd blocklist

add (optionally until <expire> seconds from now) or remove <addr> from blocklist

Example command:

ceph osd blocklist --blocklistop=add --addr=entityaddr --range=string --expire=0.0


  • blocklistop: CephChoices strings=(add rm)

  • addr: CephEntityAddr

  • range: goodchars= [range]

  • expire: CephFloat range= 0.0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd blocklist clear

clear all blocklisted clients

Example command:

ceph osd blocklist clear

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd blocklist ls

show blocklisted clients

Example command:

ceph osd blocklist ls

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd count-metadata

count OSDs by metadata field property

Example command:

ceph osd count-metadata my_property


  • property: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd create

create new osd (with optional UUID and ID)

Example command:

ceph osd create uuid osd.0


  • uuid: CephUUID

  • id: CephOsdName

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd crush add name=args,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=]

add or update crushmap position and weight for <name> with <weight> and location <args>

Example command:

ceph osd crush add name=args,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=] osd.0 0.0


  • id: CephOsdName

  • weight: CephFloat range= 0.0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush add-bucket name=args,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=],req=false

add no-parent (probably root) crush bucket <name> of type <type> to location <args>

Example command:

ceph osd crush add-bucket name=args,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=],req=false my_name my_type


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • type: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush class create

create crush device class <class>

Example command:

ceph osd crush class create my_class


  • class: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush class ls

list all crush device classes

Example command:

ceph osd crush class ls

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd crush class ls-osd

list all osds belonging to the specific <class>

Example command:

ceph osd crush class ls-osd my_class


  • class: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd crush class rename

rename crush device class <srcname> to <dstname>

Example command:

ceph osd crush class rename my_srcname my_dstname


  • srcname: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_]

  • dstname: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush class rm

remove crush device class <class>

Example command:

ceph osd crush class rm my_class


  • class: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush create-or-move name=args,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=]

create entry or move existing entry for <name> <weight> at/to location <args>

Example command:

ceph osd crush create-or-move name=args,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=] osd.0 0.0


  • id: CephOsdName

  • weight: CephFloat range= 0.0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush dump

dump crush map

Example command:

ceph osd crush dump

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd crush get-device-class

get classes of specified osd(s) <id> [<id>…]

Example command:

ceph osd crush get-device-class --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd crush get-tunable

get crush tunable <tunable>

Example command:

ceph osd crush get-tunable straw_calc_version


  • tunable: CephChoices strings=(straw_calc_version)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd crush ls

list items beneath a node in the CRUSH tree

Example command:

ceph osd crush ls my_node


  • node: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd crush move name=args,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=]

move existing entry for <name> to location <args>

Example command:

ceph osd crush move name=args,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=] my_name


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush remove

remove <name> from crush map (everywhere, or just at <ancestor>)

Example command:

ceph osd crush remove my_name my_ancestor


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • ancestor: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd crush rename-bucket

rename bucket <srcname> to <dstname>

Example command:

ceph osd crush rename-bucket my_srcname my_dstname


  • srcname: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • dstname: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush reweight

change <name>’s weight to <weight> in crush map

Example command:

ceph osd crush reweight my_name 0.0


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • weight: CephFloat range= 0.0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush reweight-all

recalculate the weights for the tree to ensure they sum correctly

Example command:

ceph osd crush reweight-all

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush reweight-subtree

change all leaf items beneath <name> to <weight> in crush map

Example command:

ceph osd crush reweight-subtree my_name 0.0


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • weight: CephFloat range= 0.0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush rm

remove <name> from crush map (everywhere, or just at <ancestor>)

Example command:

ceph osd crush rm my_name my_ancestor


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • ancestor: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush rm-device-class

remove class of the osd(s) <id> [<id>…],or use <all|any> to remove all.

Example command:

ceph osd crush rm-device-class --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush rule create-erasure name=profile,type=CephString,req=false,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=]

create crush rule <name> for erasure coded pool created with <profile> (default default)

Example command:

ceph osd crush rule create-erasure name=profile,type=CephString,req=false,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=] my_name


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush rule create-replicated

create crush rule <name> for replicated pool to start from <root>, replicate across buckets of type <type>, use devices of type <class> (ssd or hdd)

Example command:

ceph osd crush rule create-replicated --name=string --root=string --type=string --class=string


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • root: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • type: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • class: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush rule create-simple

create crush rule <name> to start from <root>, replicate across buckets of type <type>, using a choose mode of <firstn|indep> (default firstn; indep best for erasure pools)

Example command:

ceph osd crush rule create-simple --name=string --root=string --type=string --mode=firstn


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • root: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • type: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • mode: CephChoices strings=(firstn indep)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush rule dump

dump crush rule <name> (default all)

Example command:

ceph osd crush rule dump my_name


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd crush rule list

list crush rules

Example command:

ceph osd crush rule list

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd crush rule ls

list crush rules

Example command:

ceph osd crush rule ls

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd crush rule ls-by-class

list all crush rules that reference the same <class>

Example command:

ceph osd crush rule ls-by-class my_class


  • class: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd crush rule rename

rename crush rule <srcname> to <dstname>

Example command:

ceph osd crush rule rename my_srcname my_dstname


  • srcname: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • dstname: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush rule rm

remove crush rule <name>

Example command:

ceph osd crush rule rm my_name


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush set

set crush map from input file

Example command:

ceph osd crush set 1


  • prior_version: CephInt

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush set name=args,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=]

update crushmap position and weight for <name> to <weight> with location <args>

Example command:

ceph osd crush set name=args,type=CephString,n=N,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=] osd.0 0.0


  • id: CephOsdName

  • weight: CephFloat range= 0.0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush set-all-straw-buckets-to-straw2

convert all CRUSH current straw buckets to use the straw2 algorithm

Example command:

ceph osd crush set-all-straw-buckets-to-straw2

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush set-device-class

set the <class> of the osd(s) <id> [<id>…],or use <all|any> to set all.

Example command:

ceph osd crush set-device-class --class=string --ids=string


  • class: (string)

  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush set-tunable

set crush tunable <tunable> to <value>

Example command:

ceph osd crush set-tunable straw_calc_version 1


  • tunable: CephChoices strings=(straw_calc_version)

  • value: CephInt

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush show-tunables

show current crush tunables

Example command:

ceph osd crush show-tunables

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd crush swap-bucket

swap existing bucket contents from (orphan) bucket <source> and <target>

Example command:

ceph osd crush swap-bucket my_source my_dest --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • source: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • dest: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush tree

dump crush buckets and items in a tree view

Example command:

ceph osd crush tree --show-shadow


  • shadow: CephChoices strings=(–show-shadow)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd crush tunables

set crush tunables values to <profile>

Example command:

ceph osd crush tunables legacy


  • profile: CephChoices strings=(legacy argonaut bobtail firefly hammer jewel optimal default)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush weight-set create

create a weight-set for a given pool

Example command:

ceph osd crush weight-set create poolname flat


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • mode: CephChoices strings=(flat positional)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush weight-set create-compat

create a default backward-compatible weight-set

Example command:

ceph osd crush weight-set create-compat

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush weight-set dump

dump crush weight sets

Example command:

ceph osd crush weight-set dump

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd crush weight-set ls

list crush weight sets

Example command:

ceph osd crush weight-set ls

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd crush weight-set reweight

set weight for an item (bucket or osd) in a pool’s weight-set

Example command:

ceph osd crush weight-set reweight --pool=poolname --item=string --weight=0.0


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • item: (string)

  • weight: CephFloat range= 0.0 (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush weight-set reweight-compat

set weight for an item (bucket or osd) in the backward-compatible weight-set

Example command:

ceph osd crush weight-set reweight-compat --item=string --weight=0.0


  • item: (string)

  • weight: CephFloat range= 0.0 (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush weight-set rm

remove the weight-set for a given pool

Example command:

ceph osd crush weight-set rm poolname


  • pool: CephPoolname

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd crush weight-set rm-compat

remove the backward-compatible weight-set

Example command:

ceph osd crush weight-set rm-compat

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd deep-scrub

initiate deep scrub on osd <who>, or use <all|any> to deep scrub all

Example command:

ceph osd deep-scrub string


  • who: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd destroy

mark osd as being destroyed. Keeps the ID intact (allowing reuse), but removes cephx keys, config-key data and lockbox keys, rendering data permanently unreadable.

Example command:

ceph osd destroy osd.0 --force --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • id: CephOsdName

  • force: CephBool

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd df

show OSD utilization

Example command:

ceph osd df plain class my_filter


  • output_method: CephChoices strings=(plain tree)

  • filter_by: CephChoices strings=(class name)

  • filter: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd down

set osd(s) <id> [<id>…] down, or use <any|all> to set all osds down

Example command:

ceph osd down --ids=string --definitely_dead


  • ids: (can be repeated)

  • definitely_dead: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd dump

print summary of OSD map

Example command:

ceph osd dump 1


  • epoch: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd erasure-code-profile get

get erasure code profile <name>

Example command:

ceph osd erasure-code-profile get my_name


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd erasure-code-profile ls

list all erasure code profiles

Example command:

ceph osd erasure-code-profile ls

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd erasure-code-profile rm

remove erasure code profile <name>

Example command:

ceph osd erasure-code-profile rm my_name


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd erasure-code-profile set

create erasure code profile <name> with [<key[=value]> …] pairs. Add a –force at the end to override an existing profile (VERY DANGEROUS)

Example command:

ceph osd erasure-code-profile set --name=string --profile=string --force


  • name: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • profile: (can be repeated)

  • force: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd find

find osd <id> in the CRUSH map and show its location

Example command:

ceph osd find osd.0


  • id: CephOsdName

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd force-create-pg

force creation of pg <pgid>

Example command:

ceph osd force-create-pg 0 --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • pgid: CephPgid

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd force_healthy_stretch_mode

force a healthy stretch mode, requiring the full number of CRUSH buckets to peer and letting all non-tiebreaker monitors be elected leader

Example command:

ceph osd force_healthy_stretch_mode --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd force_recovery_stretch_mode

try and force a recovery stretch mode, increasing the pool size to its non-failure value if currently degraded and all monitor buckets are up

Example command:

ceph osd force_recovery_stretch_mode --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd get-require-min-compat-client

get the minimum client version we will maintain compatibility with

Example command:

ceph osd get-require-min-compat-client

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd getcrushmap

get CRUSH map

Example command:

ceph osd getcrushmap 1


  • epoch: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd getmap

get OSD map

Example command:

ceph osd getmap 1


  • epoch: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd getmaxosd

show largest OSD id

Example command:

ceph osd getmaxosd

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd in

set osd(s) <id> [<id>…] in, can use <any|all> to automatically set all previously out osds in

Example command:

ceph osd in --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd info

print osd’s {id} information (instead of all osds from map)

Example command:

ceph osd info osd.0


  • id: CephOsdName

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd last-stat-seq

get the last pg stats sequence number reported for this osd

Example command:

ceph osd last-stat-seq osd.0


  • id: CephOsdName

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd lost


Example command:

ceph osd lost osd.0 --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • id: CephOsdName

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd ls

show all OSD ids

Example command:

ceph osd ls 1


  • epoch: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd ls-tree

show OSD ids under bucket <name> in the CRUSH map

Example command:

ceph osd ls-tree my_name 1


  • name: (string)

  • epoch: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd lspools

list pools

Example command:

ceph osd lspools

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd map

find pg for <object> in <pool> with [namespace]

Example command:

ceph osd map poolname objectname my_nspace


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • object: CephObjectname

  • nspace: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd metadata

fetch metadata for osd {id} (default all)

Example command:

ceph osd metadata osd.0


  • id: CephOsdName

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd new

Create a new OSD. If supplied, the id to be replaced needs to exist and have been previously destroyed. Reads secrets from JSON file via -i <file> (see man page).

Example command:

ceph osd new uuid osd.0


  • uuid: CephUUID

  • id: CephOsdName

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd numa-status

show NUMA status of OSDs

Example command:

ceph osd numa-status

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd ok-to-stop

check whether osd(s) can be safely stopped without reducing immediate data availability

Example command:

ceph osd ok-to-stop --ids=string --max=1


  • ids: (can be repeated)

  • max: CephInt

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd out

set osd(s) <id> [<id>…] out, or use <any|all> to set all osds out

Example command:

ceph osd out --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pause

pause osd

Example command:

ceph osd pause

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd perf

print dump of OSD perf summary stats

Example command:

ceph osd perf

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd pg-temp

set pg_temp mapping pgid:[<id> [<id>…]] (developers only)

Example command:

ceph osd pg-temp --pgid=0 --id=osd.0


  • pgid: CephPgid

  • id: CephOsdName (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pg-upmap

set pg_upmap mapping <pgid>:[<id> [<id>…]] (developers only)

Example command:

ceph osd pg-upmap --pgid=0 --id=osd.0


  • pgid: CephPgid

  • id: CephOsdName (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pg-upmap-items

set pg_upmap_items mapping <pgid>:{<id> to <id>, […]} (developers only)

Example command:

ceph osd pg-upmap-items --pgid=0 --id=osd.0


  • pgid: CephPgid

  • id: CephOsdName (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool application disable

disables use of an application <app> on pool <poolname>

Example command:

ceph osd pool application disable poolname my_app --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • app: (string)

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool application enable

enable use of an application <app> [cephfs,rbd,rgw] on pool <poolname>

Example command:

ceph osd pool application enable poolname my_app --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • app: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool application get

get value of key <key> of application <app> on pool <poolname>

Example command:

ceph osd pool application get poolname my_app my_key


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • app: (string)

  • key: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd pool application rm

removes application <app> metadata key <key> on pool <poolname>

Example command:

ceph osd pool application rm poolname my_app my_key


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • app: (string)

  • key: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool application set name=value,type=CephString,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=]

sets application <app> metadata key <key> to <value> on pool <poolname>

Example command:

ceph osd pool application set name=value,type=CephString,goodchars=[A-Za-z0-9-_.=] poolname my_app my_key


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • app: (string)

  • key: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool cancel-force-backfill

restore normal recovery priority of specified pool <who>

Example command:

ceph osd pool cancel-force-backfill --who=poolname


  • who: CephPoolname (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool cancel-force-recovery

restore normal recovery priority of specified pool <who>

Example command:

ceph osd pool cancel-force-recovery --who=poolname


  • who: CephPoolname (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool create

create pool

Example command:

ceph osd pool create --pool=poolname --pg_num=0 --pgp_num=0 --pool_type=replicated --erasure_code_profile=string --rule=string --expected_num_objects=0 --size=0 --pg_num_min=0 --pg_num_max=0 --autoscale_mode=on --bulk --target_size_bytes=0 --target_size_ratio=0.0


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • pg_num: CephInt range= 0

  • pgp_num: CephInt range= 0

  • pool_type: CephChoices strings=(replicated erasure)

  • erasure_code_profile: goodchars= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]

  • rule: (string)

  • expected_num_objects: CephInt range= 0

  • size: CephInt range= 0

  • pg_num_min: CephInt range= 0

  • pg_num_max: CephInt range= 0

  • autoscale_mode: CephChoices strings=(on off warn)

  • bulk: CephBool

  • target_size_bytes: CephInt range= 0

  • target_size_ratio: CephFloat range= 0.0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool deep-scrub

initiate deep-scrub on pool <who>

Example command:

ceph osd pool deep-scrub --who=poolname


  • who: CephPoolname (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool delete

delete pool

Example command:

ceph osd pool delete --pool=poolname --pool2=poolname --yes_i_really_really_mean_it --yes_i_really_really_mean_it_not_faking


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • pool2: CephPoolname

  • yes_i_really_really_mean_it: CephBool

  • yes_i_really_really_mean_it_not_faking: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd pool force-backfill

force backfill of specified pool <who> first

Example command:

ceph osd pool force-backfill --who=poolname


  • who: CephPoolname (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool force-recovery

force recovery of specified pool <who> first

Example command:

ceph osd pool force-recovery --who=poolname


  • who: CephPoolname (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool get

get pool parameter <var>

Example command:

ceph osd pool get poolname size


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • var: CephChoices strings=(size min_size pg_num pgp_num crush_rule hashpspool nodelete nopgchange nosizechange write_fadvise_dontneed noscrub nodeep-scrub hit_set_type hit_set_period hit_set_count hit_set_fpp use_gmt_hitset target_max_objects target_max_bytes cache_target_dirty_ratio cache_target_dirty_high_ratio cache_target_full_ratio cache_min_flush_age cache_min_evict_age erasure_code_profile min_read_recency_for_promote all min_write_recency_for_promote fast_read hit_set_grade_decay_rate hit_set_search_last_n scrub_min_interval scrub_max_interval deep_scrub_interval recovery_priority recovery_op_priority scrub_priority compression_mode compression_algorithm compression_required_ratio compression_max_blob_size compression_min_blob_size csum_type csum_min_block csum_max_block allow_ec_overwrites fingerprint_algorithm pg_autoscale_mode pg_autoscale_bias pg_num_min pg_num_max target_size_bytes target_size_ratio dedup_tier dedup_chunk_algorithm dedup_cdc_chunk_size bulk)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd pool get-quota

obtain object or byte limits for pool

Example command:

ceph osd pool get-quota poolname


  • pool: CephPoolname

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd pool ls

list pools

Example command:

ceph osd pool ls detail


  • detail: CephChoices strings=(detail)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd pool mksnap

make snapshot <snap> in <pool>

Example command:

ceph osd pool mksnap poolname my_snap


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • snap: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool rename

rename <srcpool> to <destpool>

Example command:

ceph osd pool rename poolname poolname


  • srcpool: CephPoolname

  • destpool: CephPoolname

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool repair

initiate repair on pool <who>

Example command:

ceph osd pool repair --who=poolname


  • who: CephPoolname (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool rm

remove pool

Example command:

ceph osd pool rm --pool=poolname --pool2=poolname --yes_i_really_really_mean_it --yes_i_really_really_mean_it_not_faking


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • pool2: CephPoolname

  • yes_i_really_really_mean_it: CephBool

  • yes_i_really_really_mean_it_not_faking: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool rmsnap

remove snapshot <snap> from <pool>

Example command:

ceph osd pool rmsnap poolname my_snap


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • snap: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool scrub

initiate scrub on pool <who>

Example command:

ceph osd pool scrub --who=poolname


  • who: CephPoolname (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool set

set pool parameter <var> to <val>

Example command:

ceph osd pool set --pool=poolname --var=size --val=string --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • var: CephChoices strings=(size min_size pg_num pgp_num pgp_num_actual crush_rule hashpspool nodelete nopgchange nosizechange write_fadvise_dontneed noscrub nodeep-scrub hit_set_type hit_set_period hit_set_count hit_set_fpp use_gmt_hitset target_max_bytes target_max_objects cache_target_dirty_ratio cache_target_dirty_high_ratio cache_target_full_ratio cache_min_flush_age cache_min_evict_age min_read_recency_for_promote min_write_recency_for_promote fast_read hit_set_grade_decay_rate hit_set_search_last_n scrub_min_interval scrub_max_interval deep_scrub_interval recovery_priority recovery_op_priority scrub_priority compression_mode compression_algorithm compression_required_ratio compression_max_blob_size compression_min_blob_size csum_type csum_min_block csum_max_block allow_ec_overwrites fingerprint_algorithm pg_autoscale_mode pg_autoscale_bias pg_num_min pg_num_max target_size_bytes target_size_ratio dedup_tier dedup_chunk_algorithm dedup_cdc_chunk_size bulk)

  • val: (string)

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool set-quota

set object or byte limit on pool

Example command:

ceph osd pool set-quota poolname max_objects my_val


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • field: CephChoices strings=(max_objects max_bytes)

  • val: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd pool stats

obtain stats from all pools, or from specified pool

Example command:

ceph osd pool stats poolname


  • pool_name: CephPoolname

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd primary-affinity

adjust osd primary-affinity from 0.0 <= <weight> <= 1.0

Example command:

ceph osd primary-affinity osd.0 0.0


  • id: CephOsdName

  • weight: CephFloat range= 0.0..1.0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd primary-temp

set primary_temp mapping pgid:<id>|-1 (developers only)

Example command:

ceph osd primary-temp 0 osd.0


  • pgid: CephPgid

  • id: CephOsdName

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd purge

purge all osd data from the monitors including the OSD id and CRUSH position

Example command:

ceph osd purge osd.0 --force --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • id: CephOsdName

  • force: CephBool

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd purge-new

purge all traces of an OSD that was partially created but never started

Example command:

ceph osd purge-new osd.0 --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • id: CephOsdName

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd repair

initiate repair on osd <who>, or use <all|any> to repair all

Example command:

ceph osd repair string


  • who: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd require-osd-release

set the minimum allowed OSD release to participate in the cluster

Example command:

ceph osd require-osd-release luminous --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • release: CephChoices strings=(luminous mimic nautilus octopus pacific)

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd reweight

reweight osd to 0.0 < <weight> < 1.0

Example command:

ceph osd reweight osd.0 0.0


  • id: CephOsdName

  • weight: CephFloat range= 0.0..1.0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd reweight-by-pg

reweight OSDs by PG distribution [overload-percentage-for- consideration, default 120]

Example command:

ceph osd reweight-by-pg --oload=1 --max_change=0.0 --max_osds=1 --pools=poolname


  • oload: CephInt

  • max_change: CephFloat

  • max_osds: CephInt

  • pools: CephPoolname (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd reweight-by-utilization

reweight OSDs by utilization [overload-percentage-for-consideration, default 120]

Example command:

ceph osd reweight-by-utilization --oload=1 --max_change=0.0 --max_osds=1 --no_increasing=--no-increasing


  • oload: CephInt

  • max_change: CephFloat

  • max_osds: CephInt

  • no_increasing: CephChoices strings=(–no-increasing)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd reweightn

reweight osds with {<id>: <weight>,…}

Example command:

ceph osd reweightn my_weights


  • weights: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd rm

remove osd(s) <id> [<id>…], or use <any|all> to remove all osds

Example command:

ceph osd rm --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd rm-nodown

allow osd(s) <id> [<id>…] to be marked down (if they are currently marked as nodown), can use <all|any> to automatically filter out all nodown osds

Example command:

ceph osd rm-nodown --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd rm-noin

allow osd(s) <id> [<id>…] to be marked in (if they are currently marked as noin), can use <all|any> to automatically filter out all noin osds

Example command:

ceph osd rm-noin --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd rm-noout

allow osd(s) <id> [<id>…] to be marked out (if they are currently marked as noout), can use <all|any> to automatically filter out all noout osds

Example command:

ceph osd rm-noout --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd rm-noup

allow osd(s) <id> [<id>…] to be marked up (if they are currently marked as noup), can use <all|any> to automatically filter out all noup osds

Example command:

ceph osd rm-noup --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd rm-pg-upmap

clear pg_upmap mapping for <pgid> (developers only)

Example command:

ceph osd rm-pg-upmap 0


  • pgid: CephPgid

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd rm-pg-upmap-items

clear pg_upmap_items mapping for <pgid> (developers only)

Example command:

ceph osd rm-pg-upmap-items 0


  • pgid: CephPgid

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd safe-to-destroy

check whether osd(s) can be safely destroyed without reducing data durability

Example command:

ceph osd safe-to-destroy --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd scrub

initiate scrub on osd <who>, or use <all|any> to scrub all

Example command:

ceph osd scrub string


  • who: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd set

set <key>

Example command:

ceph osd set full --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • key: CephChoices strings=(full pause noup nodown noout noin nobackfill norebalance norecover noscrub nodeep-scrub notieragent nosnaptrim pglog_hardlimit)

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd set-backfillfull-ratio

set usage ratio at which OSDs are marked too full to backfill

Example command:

ceph osd set-backfillfull-ratio 0.0


  • ratio: CephFloat range= 0.0..1.0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd set-full-ratio

set usage ratio at which OSDs are marked full

Example command:

ceph osd set-full-ratio 0.0


  • ratio: CephFloat range= 0.0..1.0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd set-group

set <flags> for batch osds or crush nodes, <flags> must be a comma- separated subset of {noup,nodown,noin,noout}

Example command:

ceph osd set-group --flags=string --who=string


  • flags: (string)

  • who: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd set-nearfull-ratio

set usage ratio at which OSDs are marked near-full

Example command:

ceph osd set-nearfull-ratio 0.0


  • ratio: CephFloat range= 0.0..1.0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd set-require-min-compat-client

set the minimum client version we will maintain compatibility with

Example command:

ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client my_version --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • version: (string)

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd setcrushmap

set crush map from input file

Example command:

ceph osd setcrushmap 1


  • prior_version: CephInt

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd setmaxosd

set new maximum osd value

Example command:

ceph osd setmaxosd 1


  • newmax: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd stat

print summary of OSD map

Example command:

ceph osd stat

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd stop

stop the corresponding osd daemons and mark them as down

Example command:

ceph osd stop --ids=string


  • ids: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd test-reweight-by-pg

dry run of reweight OSDs by PG distribution [overload-percentage-for- consideration, default 120]

Example command:

ceph osd test-reweight-by-pg --oload=1 --max_change=0.0 --max_osds=1 --pools=poolname


  • oload: CephInt

  • max_change: CephFloat

  • max_osds: CephInt

  • pools: CephPoolname (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd test-reweight-by-utilization

dry run of reweight OSDs by utilization [overload-percentage-for- consideration, default 120]

Example command:

ceph osd test-reweight-by-utilization --oload=1 --max_change=0.0 --max_osds=1 --no_increasing


  • oload: CephInt

  • max_change: CephFloat

  • max_osds: CephInt

  • no_increasing: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd tier add

add the tier <tierpool> (the second one) to base pool <pool> (the first one)

Example command:

ceph osd tier add poolname poolname --force-nonempty


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • tierpool: CephPoolname

  • force_nonempty: CephChoices strings=(–force-nonempty)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd tier add-cache

add a cache <tierpool> (the second one) of size <size> to existing pool <pool> (the first one)

Example command:

ceph osd tier add-cache poolname poolname 1


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • tierpool: CephPoolname

  • size: CephInt range= 0

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd tier cache-mode

specify the caching mode for cache tier <pool>

Example command:

ceph osd tier cache-mode poolname writeback --yes_i_really_mean_it


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • mode: CephChoices strings=(writeback readproxy readonly none)

  • yes_i_really_mean_it: CephBool

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd tier remove

remove the tier <tierpool> (the second one) from base pool <pool> (the first one)

Example command:

ceph osd tier remove poolname poolname


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • tierpool: CephPoolname

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd tier remove-overlay

remove the overlay pool for base pool <pool>

Example command:

ceph osd tier remove-overlay poolname


  • pool: CephPoolname

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • deprecated

osd tier rm

remove the tier <tierpool> (the second one) from base pool <pool> (the first one)

Example command:

ceph osd tier rm poolname poolname


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • tierpool: CephPoolname

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd tier rm-overlay

remove the overlay pool for base pool <pool>

Example command:

ceph osd tier rm-overlay poolname


  • pool: CephPoolname

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd tier set-overlay

set the overlay pool for base pool <pool> to be <overlaypool>

Example command:

ceph osd tier set-overlay poolname poolname


  • pool: CephPoolname

  • overlaypool: CephPoolname

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd tree

print OSD tree

Example command:

ceph osd tree --epoch=0 --states=up


  • epoch: CephInt range= 0

  • states: CephChoices strings=(up down in out destroyed) (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd tree-from

print OSD tree in bucket

Example command:

ceph osd tree-from --bucket=string --epoch=0 --states=up


  • bucket: (string)

  • epoch: CephInt range= 0

  • states: CephChoices strings=(up down in out destroyed) (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd unpause

unpause osd

Example command:

ceph osd unpause

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd unset

unset <key>

Example command:

ceph osd unset full


  • key: CephChoices strings=(full pause noup nodown noout noin nobackfill norebalance norecover noscrub nodeep-scrub notieragent nosnaptrim)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd unset-group

unset <flags> for batch osds or crush nodes, <flags> must be a comma- separated subset of {noup,nodown,noin,noout}

Example command:

ceph osd unset-group --flags=string --who=string


  • flags: (string)

  • who: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

osd utilization

get basic pg distribution stats

Example command:

ceph osd utilization

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

osd versions

check running versions of OSDs

Example command:

ceph osd versions

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • r

pg cancel-force-backfill

restore normal backfill priority of <pgid>

Example command:

ceph pg cancel-force-backfill --pgid=0


  • pgid: CephPgid (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • rw

pg cancel-force-recovery

restore normal recovery priority of <pgid>

Example command:

ceph pg cancel-force-recovery --pgid=0


  • pgid: CephPgid (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • rw

pg debug

show debug info about pgs

Example command:

ceph pg debug unfound_objects_exist


  • debugop: CephChoices strings=(unfound_objects_exist degraded_pgs_exist)

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • r

pg deep-scrub

start deep-scrub on <pgid>

Example command:

ceph pg deep-scrub 0


  • pgid: CephPgid

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • rw

pg dump

show human-readable versions of pg map (only ‘all’ valid with plain)

Example command:

ceph pg dump --dumpcontents=all


  • dumpcontents: CephChoices strings=(all summary sum delta pools osds pgs pgs_brief) (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • r

pg dump_json

show human-readable version of pg map in json only

Example command:

ceph pg dump_json --dumpcontents=all


  • dumpcontents: CephChoices strings=(all summary sum pools osds pgs) (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • r

pg dump_pools_json

show pg pools info in json only

Example command:

ceph pg dump_pools_json

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • r

pg dump_stuck

show information about stuck pgs

Example command:

ceph pg dump_stuck --stuckops=inactive --threshold=1


  • stuckops: CephChoices strings=(inactive unclean stale undersized degraded) (can be repeated)

  • threshold: CephInt

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • r

pg force-backfill

force backfill of <pgid> first

Example command:

ceph pg force-backfill --pgid=0


  • pgid: CephPgid (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • rw

pg force-recovery

force recovery of <pgid> first

Example command:

ceph pg force-recovery --pgid=0


  • pgid: CephPgid (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • rw

pg getmap

get binary pg map to -o/stdout

Example command:

ceph pg getmap

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • r

pg ls

list pg with specific pool, osd, state

Example command:

ceph pg ls --pool=1 --states=string


  • pool: CephInt

  • states: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • r

pg ls-by-osd

list pg on osd [osd]

Example command:

ceph pg ls-by-osd --osd=osd.0 --pool=1 --states=string


  • osd: CephOsdName

  • pool: CephInt

  • states: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • r

pg ls-by-pool

list pg with pool = [poolname]

Example command:

ceph pg ls-by-pool --poolstr=string --states=string


  • poolstr: (string)

  • states: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • r

pg ls-by-primary

list pg with primary = [osd]

Example command:

ceph pg ls-by-primary --osd=osd.0 --pool=1 --states=string


  • osd: CephOsdName

  • pool: CephInt

  • states: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • r

pg map

show mapping of pg to osds

Example command:

ceph pg map 0


  • pgid: CephPgid

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • r

pg repair

start repair on <pgid>

Example command:

ceph pg repair 0


  • pgid: CephPgid

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • rw

pg repeer

force a PG to repeer

Example command:

ceph pg repeer 0


  • pgid: CephPgid

Ceph Module:

  • osd

Required Permissions:

  • rw

pg scrub

start scrub on <pgid>

Example command:

ceph pg scrub 0


  • pgid: CephPgid

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • rw

pg stat

show placement group status.

Example command:

ceph pg stat

Ceph Module:

  • pg

Required Permissions:

  • r

quorum enter

force monitor back into quorum

Example command:

ceph quorum enter

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

quorum exit

force monitor out of the quorum

Example command:

ceph quorum exit

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw


report status of monitor quorum

Example command:

ceph quorum_status

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r


report full status of cluster, optional title tag strings

Example command:

ceph report --tags=string


  • tags: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r


scrub the monitor stores

Example command:

ceph scrub

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw

Command Flags:

  • obsolete

service dump

dump service map

Example command:

ceph service dump

Ceph Module:

  • service

Required Permissions:

  • r

service status

dump service state

Example command:

ceph service status

Ceph Module:

  • service

Required Permissions:

  • r


list existing sessions

Example command:

ceph sessions

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r


Query health metrics for underlying device

Example command:

ceph smart my_devid


  • devid: (string)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw


show cluster status

Example command:

ceph status

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r


force sync of and clear monitor store

Example command:

ceph sync_force --yes-i-really-mean-it


  • validate: CephChoices strings=(–yes-i-really-mean-it)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw


send a command to a specific daemon

Example command:

ceph tell --target=name --args=string


  • target: CephName

  • args: (can be repeated)

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • rw


show time sync status

Example command:

ceph time-sync-status

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r


show mon daemon version

Example command:

ceph version

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r


check running versions of ceph daemons

Example command:

ceph versions

Ceph Module:

  • mon

Required Permissions:

  • r