Troubleshooting PGs

Placement Groups Never Get Clean

If, after you have created your cluster, any Placement Groups (PGs) remain in the active status, the active+remapped status or the active+degraded status and never achieves an active+clean status, you likely have a problem with your configuration.

In such a situation, it may be necessary to review the settings in the Pool, PG and CRUSH Config Reference and make appropriate adjustments.

As a general rule, run your cluster with more than one OSD and a pool size greater than two object replicas.

One Node Cluster

Ceph no longer provides documentation for operating on a single node. Systems designed for distributed computing by definition do not run on a single node. The mounting of client kernel modules on a single node that contains a Ceph daemon may cause a deadlock due to issues with the Linux kernel itself (unless VMs are used as clients). You can experiment with Ceph in a one-node configuration, in spite of the limitations as described herein.

To create a cluster on a single node, you must change the osd_crush_chooseleaf_type setting from the default of 1 (meaning host or node) to 0 (meaning osd) in your Ceph configuration file before you create your monitors and OSDs. This tells Ceph that an OSD is permitted to place another OSD on the same host. If you are trying to set up a single-node cluster and osd_crush_chooseleaf_type is greater than 0, Ceph will attempt to place the PGs of one OSD with the PGs of another OSD on another node, chassis, rack, row, or datacenter depending on the setting.


DO NOT mount kernel clients directly on the same node as your Ceph Storage Cluster. Kernel conflicts can arise. However, you can mount kernel clients within virtual machines (VMs) on a single node.

If you are creating OSDs using a single disk, you must manually create directories for the data first.

Fewer OSDs than Replicas

If two OSDs are in an up and in state, but the placement groups are not in an active + clean state, you may have an osd_pool_default_size set to greater than 2.

There are a few ways to address this situation. If you want to operate your cluster in an active + degraded state with two replicas, you can set the osd_pool_default_min_size to 2 so that you can write objects in an active + degraded state. You may also set the osd_pool_default_size setting to 2 so that you have only two stored replicas (the original and one replica). In such a case, the cluster should achieve an active + clean state.


You can make the changes while the cluster is running. If you make the changes in your Ceph configuration file, you might need to restart your cluster.

Pool Size = 1

If you have osd_pool_default_size set to 1, you will have only one copy of the object. OSDs rely on other OSDs to tell them which objects they should have. If one OSD has a copy of an object and there is no second copy, then there is no second OSD to tell the first OSD that it should have that copy. For each placement group mapped to the first OSD (see ceph pg dump), you can force the first OSD to notice the placement groups it needs by running a command of the following form:

ceph osd force-create-pg <pgid>

CRUSH Map Errors

If any placement groups in your cluster are unclean, then there might be errors in your CRUSH map.

Stuck Placement Groups

It is normal for placement groups to enter “degraded” or “peering” states after a component failure. Normally, these states reflect the expected progression through the failure recovery process. However, a placement group that stays in one of these states for a long time might be an indication of a larger problem. For this reason, the Ceph Monitors will warn when placement groups get “stuck” in a non-optimal state. Specifically, we check for:

  • inactive - The placement group has not been active for too long (that is, it hasn’t been able to service read/write requests).

  • unclean - The placement group has not been clean for too long (that is, it hasn’t been able to completely recover from a previous failure).

  • stale - The placement group status has not been updated by a ceph-osd. This indicates that all nodes storing this placement group may be down.

List stuck placement groups by running one of the following commands:

ceph pg dump_stuck stale
ceph pg dump_stuck inactive
ceph pg dump_stuck unclean
  • Stuck stale placement groups usually indicate that key ceph-osd daemons are not running.

  • Stuck inactive placement groups usually indicate a peering problem (see Placement Group Down - Peering Failure).

  • Stuck unclean placement groups usually indicate that something is preventing recovery from completing, possibly unfound objects (see Unfound Objects);

Placement Group Down - Peering Failure

In certain cases, the ceph-osd peering process can run into problems, which can prevent a PG from becoming active and usable. In such a case, running the command ceph health detail will report something similar to the following:

ceph health detail
HEALTH_ERR 7 pgs degraded; 12 pgs down; 12 pgs peering; 1 pgs recovering; 6 pgs stuck unclean; 114/3300 degraded (3.455%); 1/3 in osds are down
pg 0.5 is down+peering
pg 1.4 is down+peering
osd.1 is down since epoch 69, last address

Query the cluster to determine exactly why the PG is marked down by running a command of the following form:

ceph pg 0.5 query
{ "state": "down+peering",
  "recovery_state": [
       { "name": "Started\/Primary\/Peering\/GetInfo",
         "enter_time": "2012-03-06 14:40:16.169679",
         "requested_info_from": []},
       { "name": "Started\/Primary\/Peering",
         "enter_time": "2012-03-06 14:40:16.169659",
         "probing_osds": [
         "blocked": "peering is blocked due to down osds",
         "down_osds_we_would_probe": [
         "peering_blocked_by": [
               { "osd": 1,
                 "current_lost_at": 0,
                 "comment": "starting or marking this osd lost may let us proceed"}]},
       { "name": "Started",
         "enter_time": "2012-03-06 14:40:16.169513"}

The recovery_state section tells us that peering is blocked due to down ceph-osd daemons, specifically osd.1. In this case, we can start that particular ceph-osd and recovery will proceed.

Alternatively, if there is a catastrophic failure of osd.1 (for example, if there has been a disk failure), the cluster can be informed that the OSD is lost and the cluster can be instructed that it must cope as best it can.


Informing the cluster that an OSD has been lost is dangerous because the cluster cannot guarantee that the other copies of the data are consistent and up to date.

To report an OSD lost and to instruct Ceph to continue to attempt recovery anyway, run a command of the following form:

ceph osd lost 1

Recovery will proceed.

Unfound Objects

Under certain combinations of failures, Ceph may complain about unfound objects, as in this example:

ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 1 pgs degraded; 78/3778 unfound (2.065%)
pg 2.4 is active+degraded, 78 unfound

This means that the storage cluster knows that some objects (or newer copies of existing objects) exist, but it hasn’t found copies of them. Here is an example of how this might come about for a PG whose data is on two OSDS, which we will call “1” and “2”:

  • 1 goes down

  • 2 handles some writes, alone

  • 1 comes up

  • 1 and 2 re-peer, and the objects missing on 1 are queued for recovery.

  • Before the new objects are copied, 2 goes down.

At this point, 1 knows that these objects exist, but there is no live ceph-osd that has a copy of the objects. In this case, IO to those objects will block, and the cluster will hope that the failed node comes back soon. This is assumed to be preferable to returning an IO error to the user.


The situation described immediately above is one reason that setting size=2 on a replicated pool and m=1 on an erasure coded pool risks data loss.

Identify which objects are unfound by running a command of the following form:

ceph pg 2.4 list_unfound [starting offset, in json]
  "num_missing": 1,
  "num_unfound": 1,
  "objects": [
          "oid": {
              "oid": "object",
              "key": "",
              "snapid": -2,
              "hash": 2249616407,
              "max": 0,
              "pool": 2,
              "namespace": ""
          "need": "43'251",
          "have": "0'0",
          "flags": "none",
          "clean_regions": "clean_offsets: [], clean_omap: 0, new_object: 1",
          "locations": [
  "state": "NotRecovering",
  "available_might_have_unfound": true,
  "might_have_unfound": [
          "osd": "2(4)",
          "status": "osd is down"
  "more": false

If there are too many objects to list in a single result, the more field will be true and you can query for more. (Eventually the command line tool will hide this from you, but not yet.)

Now you can identify which OSDs have been probed or might contain data.

At the end of the listing (before more: false), might_have_unfound is provided when available_might_have_unfound is true. This is equivalent to the output of ceph pg #.# query. This eliminates the need to use query directly. The might_have_unfound information given behaves the same way as that query does, which is described below. The only difference is that OSDs that have the status of already probed are ignored.

Use of query:

ceph pg 2.4 query
"recovery_state": [
     { "name": "Started\/Primary\/Active",
       "enter_time": "2012-03-06 15:15:46.713212",
       "might_have_unfound": [
             { "osd": 1,
               "status": "osd is down"}]},

In this case, the cluster knows that osd.1 might have data, but it is down. Here is the full range of possible states:

  • already probed

  • querying

  • OSD is down

  • not queried (yet)

Sometimes it simply takes some time for the cluster to query possible locations.

It is possible that there are other locations where the object might exist that are not listed. For example: if an OSD is stopped and taken out of the cluster and then the cluster fully recovers, and then through a subsequent set of failures the cluster ends up with an unfound object, the cluster will ignore the removed OSD. (This scenario, however, is unlikely.)

If all possible locations have been queried and objects are still lost, you may have to give up on the lost objects. This, again, is possible only when unusual combinations of failures have occurred that allow the cluster to learn about writes that were performed before the writes themselves have been recovered. To mark the “unfound” objects as “lost”, run a command of the following form:

ceph pg 2.5 mark_unfound_lost revert|delete

Here the final argument (revert|delete) specifies how the cluster should deal with lost objects.

The delete option will cause the cluster to forget about them entirely.

The revert option (which is not available for erasure coded pools) will either roll back to a previous version of the object or (if it was a new object) forget about the object entirely. Use revert with caution, as it may confuse applications that expect the object to exist.

Homeless Placement Groups

It is possible that every OSD that has copies of a given placement group fails. If this happens, then the subset of the object store that contains those placement groups becomes unavailable and the monitor will receive no status updates for those placement groups. The monitor marks as stale any placement group whose primary OSD has failed. For example:

ceph health
HEALTH_WARN 24 pgs stale; 3/300 in osds are down

Identify which placement groups are stale and which were the last OSDs to store the stale placement groups by running the following command:

ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 24 pgs stale; 3/300 in osds are down
pg 2.5 is stuck stale+active+remapped, last acting [2,0]
osd.10 is down since epoch 23, last address
osd.11 is down since epoch 13, last address
osd.12 is down since epoch 24, last address

This output indicates that placement group 2.5 (pg 2.5) was last managed by osd.0 and osd.2. Restart those OSDs to allow the cluster to recover that placement group.

Only a Few OSDs Receive Data

If only a few of the nodes in the cluster are receiving data, check the number of placement groups in the pool as instructed in the Placement Groups documentation. Since placement groups get mapped to OSDs in an operation involving dividing the number of placement groups in the cluster by the number of OSDs in the cluster, a small number of placement groups (the remainder, in this operation) are sometimes not distributed across the cluster. In situations like this, create a pool with a placement group count that is a multiple of the number of OSDs. See Placement Groups for details. See the Pool, PG, and CRUSH Config Reference for instructions on changing the default values used to determine how many placement groups are assigned to each pool.

Can’t Write Data

If the cluster is up, but some OSDs are down and you cannot write data, make sure that you have the minimum number of OSDs running for the placement group. If you don’t have the minimum number of OSDs running, Ceph will not allow you to write data because there is no guarantee that Ceph can replicate your data. See osd_pool_default_min_size in the Pool, PG, and CRUSH Config Reference for details.

PGs Inconsistent

If the command ceph health detail returns an active + clean + inconsistent state, this might indicate an error during scrubbing. Identify the inconsistent placement group or placement groups by running the following command:

$ ceph health detail
HEALTH_ERR 1 pgs inconsistent; 2 scrub errors
pg 0.6 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [0,1,2]
2 scrub errors

Alternatively, run this command if you prefer to inspect the output in a programmatic way:

$ rados list-inconsistent-pg rbd

There is only one consistent state, but in the worst case, we could have different inconsistencies in multiple perspectives found in more than one object. If an object named foo in PG 0.6 is truncated, the output of rados list-inconsistent-pg rbd will look something like this:

rados list-inconsistent-obj 0.6 --format=json-pretty
    "epoch": 14,
    "inconsistents": [
            "object": {
                "name": "foo",
                "nspace": "",
                "locator": "",
                "snap": "head",
                "version": 1
            "errors": [
            "union_shard_errors": [
            "selected_object_info": "0:602f83fe:::foo:head(16'1 client.4110.0:1 dirty|data_digest|omap_digest s 968 uv 1 dd e978e67f od ffffffff alloc_hint [0 0 0])",
            "shards": [
                    "osd": 0,
                    "errors": [],
                    "size": 968,
                    "omap_digest": "0xffffffff",
                    "data_digest": "0xe978e67f"
                    "osd": 1,
                    "errors": [],
                    "size": 968,
                    "omap_digest": "0xffffffff",
                    "data_digest": "0xe978e67f"
                    "osd": 2,
                    "errors": [
                    "size": 0,
                    "omap_digest": "0xffffffff",
                    "data_digest": "0xffffffff"

In this case, the output indicates the following:

  • The only inconsistent object is named foo, and its head has inconsistencies.

  • The inconsistencies fall into two categories:

    1. errors: these errors indicate inconsistencies between shards, without an indication of which shard(s) are bad. Check for the errors in the shards array, if available, to pinpoint the problem.

      • data_digest_mismatch: the digest of the replica read from OSD.2 is different from the digests of the replica reads of OSD.0 and OSD.1

      • size_mismatch: the size of the replica read from OSD.2 is 0, but the size reported by OSD.0 and OSD.1 is 968.

    2. union_shard_errors: the union of all shard-specific errors in the shards array. The errors are set for the shard with the problem. These errors include read_error and other similar errors. The errors ending in oi indicate a comparison with selected_object_info. Examine the shards array to determine which shard has which error or errors.

      • data_digest_mismatch_info: the digest stored in the object-info is not 0xffffffff, which is calculated from the shard read from OSD.2

      • size_mismatch_info: the size stored in the object-info is different from the size read from OSD.2. The latter is 0.


If read_error is listed in a shard’s errors attribute, the inconsistency is likely due to physical storage errors. In cases like this, check the storage used by that OSD.

Examine the output of dmesg and smartctl before attempting a drive repair.

To repair the inconsistent placement group, run a command of the following form:

ceph pg repair {placement-group-ID}

If you receive active + clean + inconsistent states periodically due to clock skew, consider configuring the NTP daemons on your monitor hosts to act as peers. See The Network Time Protocol and Ceph Clock Settings for more information.

Erasure Coded PGs are not active+clean

If CRUSH fails to find enough OSDs to map to a PG, it will show as a 2147483647 which is ITEM_NONE or no OSD found. For example:


Not enough OSDs

If the Ceph cluster has only eight OSDs and an erasure coded pool needs nine OSDs, the cluster will show “Not enough OSDs”. In this case, you either create another erasure coded pool that requires fewer OSDs, by running commands of the following form:

ceph osd erasure-code-profile set myprofile k=5 m=3
ceph osd pool create erasurepool erasure myprofile

or add new OSDs, and the PG will automatically use them.

CRUSH constraints cannot be satisfied

If the cluster has enough OSDs, it is possible that the CRUSH rule is imposing constraints that cannot be satisfied. If there are ten OSDs on two hosts and the CRUSH rule requires that no two OSDs from the same host are used in the same PG, the mapping may fail because only two OSDs will be found. Check the constraint by displaying (“dumping”) the rule, as shown here:

ceph osd crush rule ls
$ ceph osd crush rule dump erasurepool
{ "rule_id": 1,
  "rule_name": "erasurepool",
  "type": 3,
  "steps": [
        { "op": "take",
          "item": -1,
          "item_name": "default"},
        { "op": "chooseleaf_indep",
          "num": 0,
          "type": "host"},
        { "op": "emit"}]}

Resolve this problem by creating a new pool in which PGs are allowed to have OSDs residing on the same host by running the following commands:

ceph osd erasure-code-profile set myprofile crush-failure-domain=osd
ceph osd pool create erasurepool erasure myprofile

CRUSH gives up too soon

If the Ceph cluster has just enough OSDs to map the PG (for instance a cluster with a total of nine OSDs and an erasure coded pool that requires nine OSDs per PG), it is possible that CRUSH gives up before finding a mapping. This problem can be resolved by:

  • lowering the erasure coded pool requirements to use fewer OSDs per PG (this requires the creation of another pool, because erasure code profiles cannot be modified dynamically).

  • adding more OSDs to the cluster (this does not require the erasure coded pool to be modified, because it will become clean automatically)

  • using a handmade CRUSH rule that tries more times to find a good mapping. This can be modified for an existing CRUSH rule by setting set_choose_tries to a value greater than the default.

First, verify the problem by using crushtool after extracting the crushmap from the cluster. This ensures that your experiments do not modify the Ceph cluster and that they operate only on local files:

ceph osd crush rule dump erasurepool
{ "rule_id": 1,
  "rule_name": "erasurepool",
  "type": 3,
  "steps": [
        { "op": "take",
          "item": -1,
          "item_name": "default"},
        { "op": "chooseleaf_indep",
          "num": 0,
          "type": "host"},
        { "op": "emit"}]}
$ ceph osd getcrushmap >
got crush map from osdmap epoch 13
$ crushtool -i --test --show-bad-mappings \
   --rule 1 \
   --num-rep 9 \
   --min-x 1 --max-x $((1024 * 1024))
bad mapping rule 8 x 43 num_rep 9 result [3,2,7,1,2147483647,8,5,6,0]
bad mapping rule 8 x 79 num_rep 9 result [6,0,2,1,4,7,2147483647,5,8]
bad mapping rule 8 x 173 num_rep 9 result [0,4,6,8,2,1,3,7,2147483647]

Here, --num-rep is the number of OSDs that the erasure code CRUSH rule needs, --rule is the value of the rule_id field that was displayed by ceph osd crush rule dump. This test will attempt to map one million values (in this example, the range defined by [--min-x,--max-x]) and must display at least one bad mapping. If this test outputs nothing, all mappings have been successful and you can be assured that the problem with your cluster is not caused by bad mappings.

Changing the value of set_choose_tries

  1. Decompile the CRUSH map to edit the CRUSH rule by running the following command:

    crushtool --decompile > crush.txt
  2. Add the following line to the rule:

    step set_choose_tries 100

    The relevant part of the crush.txt file will resemble this:

    rule erasurepool {
            id 1
            type erasure
            step set_chooseleaf_tries 5
            step set_choose_tries 100
            step take default
            step chooseleaf indep 0 type host
            step emit
  3. Recompile and retest the CRUSH rule:

    crushtool --compile crush.txt -o
  4. When all mappings succeed, display a histogram of the number of tries that were necessary to find all of the mapping by using the --show-choose-tries option of the crushtool command, as in the following example:

      crushtool -i --test --show-bad-mappings \
       --show-choose-tries \
       --rule 1 \
       --num-rep 9 \
       --min-x 1 --max-x $((1024 * 1024))
    11:        42
    12:        44
    13:        54
    14:        45
    15:        35
    16:        34
    17:        30
    18:        25
    19:        19
    20:        22
    21:        20
    22:        17
    23:        13
    24:        16
    25:        13
    26:        11
    27:        11
    28:        13
    29:        11
    30:        10
    31:         6
    32:         5
    33:        10
    34:         3
    35:         7
    36:         5
    37:         2
    38:         5
    39:         5
    40:         2
    41:         5
    42:         4
    43:         1
    44:         2
    45:         2
    46:         3
    47:         1
    48:         0
    102:         0
    103:         1
    104:         0

    This output indicates that it took eleven tries to map forty-two PGs, twelve tries to map forty-four PGs etc. The highest number of tries is the minimum value of set_choose_tries that prevents bad mappings (for example, 103 in the above output, because it did not take more than 103 tries for any PG to be mapped).