Doing a CKAN release¶
This section documents the steps followed by the development team to do a new CKAN release.
See also
- Upgrading CKAN
An overview of the different kinds of CKAN release, and the process for upgrading a CKAN site to a new version.
Process overview¶
Changed in version 2.6.
The process of a new release starts with the creation of a new release development branch.
A release development branch is the one that will be stabilized and eventually become the actual
released version. Release branches are always named dev-vM.m
, after the
major and minor versions they include. Major and minor versions are
always branched from master. When the release is actually published a patch version number is added
and the release is tagged in the form ckan-M.m.p
. All backports are cherry-picked on the dev-vM.m
+--+-----------------------------------------+-------------> Master | | +-----+-------------+------> dev-v2.6 +-------> dev-v2.7 | | ckan-2.6.0 ckan-2.6.1
Additionally, the release-vM.m-latest
branches always contain the latest
published release for that version (eg 2.6.1
on the example above).
Prior to CKAN 2.6, release branches were named release-vM.m.p
, after the
major, minor and patch versions they included, and patch releases
were always branched from the most recent tip of the previous patch release branch
(tags were created with the same convention).
Starting from CKAN 2.6, the convention is the one described above.
+--+---------------------------------------+-------------> Master | | +-----------------> release-v2.4.0 +----------> release-v2.5.0 | +---------> release-v2.4.1 | +------> release-v2.4.2
Once a release branch has been created there is generally a three-four week period until the actual release. During this period the branch is tested and fixes cherry-picked. The whole process is described in the following sections.
Doing the beta release¶
Beta releases are branched off a certain point in master and will eventually become stable releases.
Turn this file into a github issue with a checklist using this command:
echo 'Full instructions here:'; egrep '^(\#\.|Doing|Leading|Preparing)' doc/contributing/release-process.rst | sed 's/^\([^#]\)/\n## \1/g' | sed 's/\#\./* [ ]/g' |sed 's/::/./g'
Create a new release branch:
git checkout -b dev-v2.7
to change the version number to the new version with a b after it, e.g. 2.7.0b (Make sure to include 0 as the patch version number). Commit the change and push the new branch to GitHub:git commit -am "Update version number" git push origin dev-v2.7
You will probably need to update the same file on master to increase the version number, in this case ending with an a (for alpha).
During the beta process, all changes to the release branch must be cherry-picked from master (or merged from special branches based on the release branch if the original branch was not compatible).
As in the master branch, if some commits involving CSS changes are cherry-picked from master, the sass compiling command needs to be run on the release branch. This will update the
file:npm run build git commit -am "Rebuild CSS" git push
Update to run new branch.
The beta staging site (, currently on s084) must be set to track the latest beta release branch to allow user testing. This site is automatically updated nightly.
Check the message on the front page reflects the current version. Edit it as a syadmin here:
Announce the branch and ask for help testing on on ckan-dev.
Create the documentation branch from the release branch. This branch should be named just with the minor version and nothing else (eg
, etc). We will use this branch to build the documentation in Read the Docs on all patch releases for this version.Make latest translation strings available on Transifex.
During beta, a translation freeze is in place (ie no changes to the translatable strings are allowed). Strings need to be extracted and uploaded to Transifex:
Install the Babel and Transifex libraries if necessary:
pip install --upgrade Babel pip install transifex-client
Create a
file if necessary with your login details (token
should be left blank):[] hostname = username = <username> password = <password> token =
Extract new strings from the CKAN source code into the
file. The pot file is a text file that contains the original, untranslated strings extracted from the CKAN source code.:python extract_messages
The po files are text files, one for each language CKAN is translated to, that contain the translated strings next to the originals. Translators edit the po files (on Transifex) to update the translations. We never edit the po files locally.
Get the latest translations (of the previous CKAN release) from Transifex, in case any have changed since:
tx pull --all --minimum-perc=5 --force
(This ignores any language files which less than 5% translation - which is the bare minimum we require)
Update the
files with the new strings from theckan.pot
file:python update_catalog --no-fuzzy-matching
Any new or updated strings from the CKAN source code will get into the po files, and any strings in the po files that no longer exist in the source code will be deleted (along with their translations).
We use the
option because fuzzy matching often causes problems with Babel and Transifex.If you get this error for a new translation:
babel.core.UnknownLocaleError: unknown locale ‘crh’
then it’s Transifex appears to know about new languages before Babel does. Just delete that translation locally - it may be ok with a newer Babel in later CKAN releases.
Run msgfmt checks:
find ckan/i18n/ -name "*.po"| xargs -n 1 msgfmt -c
You must correct any errors or you will not be able to send these to Transifex.
A common problem is that Transifex adds to the end of a po file as comments any extra strings it has, but msgfmt doesn’t understand them. Just delete these lines.
Run our script that checks for mistakes in the ckan.po files:
ckan -c |ckan.ini| translation check-po ckan/i18n/*/LC_MESSAGES/ckan.po
If the script finds any mistakes then at some point before release you will need to correct them, but it doesn’t need to be done now, since the priority is to announce the call for translations.
When it is done, you must do the correction on Transifex and then run the tx pull command again, don’t edit the files directly. Repeat until the script finds no mistakes.
, on line 4 to set the Transifex ‘resource’ to the new major release name (if different), using dashes instead of dots. For instance v2.4.0, v2.4.1 and v2.4.2 all share:[ckan.2-4]
.Create a new resource in the CKAN project on Transifex by pushing the new pot and po files:
tx push --source --translations --force
Because it reads the new version number in the
file, tx will create a new resource on Transifex rather than updating an existing resource (updating an existing resource, especially with the--force
option, can result in translations being deleted from Transifex).If you get a ‘msgfmt’ error, go back to the step where msgfmt is run.
On Transifex give the new resource a more friendly name. Go to the resource e.g. and the settings are accessed from the triple dot icon “…”. Keep the slug like “2-4”, but change the name to be like “CKAN 2.5”.
Update the
files by compiling the po files:python compile_catalog
The mo files are the files that CKAN actually reads when displaying strings to the user.
Commit all the above changes to git and push them to GitHub:
git add ckan/i18n/*.mo ckan/i18n/*.po git commit -am "Update strings files before CKAN X.Y.Z call for translations" git push
Send an annoucement email with a call for translations.
Send an email to the ckan-dev list, tweet from @CKANproject and send a transifex announcement from: . Make sure to post a link to the correct Transifex resource (like this one) and tell users that they can register on Transifex to contribute. Give a deadline in two weeks time.
Create deb packages.
Ideally do this once a week. Create the deb package with the latest release branch, using
iterations. Deb packages are built using Ansible scripts located at the following repo:The repository contains further instructions on how to run the scripts, but essentially you need to generate the packages (one for precise and one for trusty) on your local machine and upload them to the Amazon S3 bucket.
To generate the packages, run:
./ckan-package -v 2.x.y -i betaX
To upload the files to the S3 bucket, you will need the relevant credentials and to install the Amazon AWS command line interface
Make sure to upload them to the build folder, so they are not mistaken by the stable ones:
aws s3 cp python-ckan_2.5.0-precisebeta1_amd64.deb s3://
Now the .deb files are available at invite people on ckan-dev to test them.
Leading up to the release¶
Update the CHANGELOG.txt with the new version changes.
Check that all merged PRs have corresponding fragment inside
folder. Name of every fragment is following format{issue number}.{fragment type}
, where issue number is GitHub issue id and fragment type is one of migration, removal, bugfix or misc depending on change introduced by PR. Missing fragments can be created using towncrier create –edit {issue number}.{fragment type} command. The following gist has a script that uses the GitHub API to aid in getting the merged issues between releases:But dread found changed the first step slightly to get it to work:
git log --pretty=format:%s --reverse --no-merges release-v2.4.2...release-v2.5.0 -- | grep -Pzo "^\[#\K[0-9]+" | sort -u -n > issues_2.5.txt
When all fragments are ready, make a test build:
towncrier build --draft
And check output. If no problems identified, compile updated changelog:
towncrier build --yes
You’ll be asked, whether it’s ok to remove source fragments. Feel free to answer “yes” - all changes will be automatically inserted into changelog, so there is no sense in keeping those files. Don’t forget to commit changes afterwards.
A week before the translations will be closed send a reminder email.
Once the translations are closed, sync them from Transifex.
Pull the updated strings from Transifex:
tx pull --all --minimum-perc=5 --force
Check and compile them as before:
ckan -c |ckan.ini| translation check-po ckan/i18n/*/LC_MESSAGES/ckan.po python compile_catalog The compilation shows the translation percentage. Compare this with the new languages directories added to ckan/i18n:: git status
git add
any new ones. (If all is well, you won’t see any that are under 5% translated.)Now push:
git commit -am "Update translations from Transifex" git push
A week before the actual release, announce the upcoming release(s).
Send an email to the ckan-announce mailing list, so CKAN instance maintainers can be aware of the upcoming releases. List any patch releases that will be also available. Here’s an example email.
Doing the final release¶
Once the release branch has been thoroughly tested and is stable we can do a release.
Run the most thorough tests:
pytest --ckan-ini=test-core.ini ckan/tests
Review the CHANGELOG to check it is complete.
Check that the docs compile correctly:
rm build/sphinx -rf python build_sphinx
Remove the beta letter in the version number.
The version number is in
(eg 2.5.0b -> 2.5.0) and commit the change:git commit -am "Update version number for release X.Y.Z"
Tag the repository with the version number.
Make sure to push it to GitHub afterwards:
git tag -a -m '[release]: Release tag' ckan-X.Y.Z git push --tags
Create and deploy the final deb package.
Move it to the root of the publicly accessible folder of the packaging server from the /build folder.
Make sure to rename it so it follows the deb packages name convention:
Note that we drop any patch version or iteration from the package name.
Upload the release to PyPI:
python sdist upload
You will need a PyPI account with admin permissions on the ckan package, and your credentials should be defined on a
file such as:[distutils] index-servers = pypi [pypi] username: <user-name> password: <password>
For more info, see: here
If running in Vagrant you may get error
error: Operation not permitted
due to failure to create a hard link. The solution is to add a line at the top of Avoid problem releasing to pypi from vagrant import os if os.environ.get('USER', '') == 'vagrant': del
as described here:
If you upload a bad package, then you can remove it from PyPI however you must use a new version number next time.
Build new Docker images for the new version in the following repos:
openknowledge/docker-ckan ->
(ping @amercader for this one)ckan/ckan-solr ->
ckan/ckan-postgres-dev ->
Enable the new version of the docs on Read the Docs.
(You will need an admin account.)
Make sure the documentation branch is up to date with the latest changes in the corresponding
branch.If this is the first time a minor version is released, go to the Read The Docs versions page and make the relevant release ‘active’ (make sure to use the documentation branch, ie X.Y, not the development branch, ie dev-vX.Y).
If it is the latest stable release, set it to be the Default Version and check it is displayed on
Write a CKAN blog post and announce it to ckan-announce & ckan-dev & twitter.
CKAN blog here: <>`_
Tweet from @CKANproject
Cherry-pick the i18n changes from the release branch onto master.
We don’t generally merge or cherry-pick release branches into master, but the files in ckan/i18n are an exception. These files are only ever changed on release branches following the Doing the beta release instructions above, and after a release has been finalized the changes need to be cherry-picked onto master.
To find out what i18n commits there are on the release-v* branch that are not on master, do:
git log* ckan/i18n
the master branch, do agit status
and agit pull
to make sure you have the latest commits on master and no local changes. Then usegit cherry-pick
when on the master branch to cherry-pick these commits onto master. You should not get any merge conflicts. Run thecheck-po
command again just to be safe, it should not report any problems. Run CKAN’s tests, again just to be safe. Then dogit push origin master
Preparing patch releases¶
Announce the release date & time with a week’s notice on ckan-announce.
Often this will be part of the announcement of a CKAN major/minor release. But if patches go out separately then they will need their own announcement.
with the incremented patch number e.g. 2.5.1 becomes 2.5.2. Commit the change and push the new branch to GitHub:git commit -am "Update version number" git push origin release-v2.5.2
Cherry-pick PRs marked for back-port.
These are usually marked on Github using the
Backport Pending
labels and the relevant labels for the versions they should be cherry-picked to (egBackport 2.5.3
). Remember to look for PRs that are closed i.e. merged. Remove theBackport Pending
label once the cherry-picking has been done (but leave the version ones).Ask the tech team if there are security fixes or other fixes to include.
Update the CHANGELOG.
Doing the patch releases¶
Review the CHANGELOG to check it is complete.
Tag the repository with the version number.
Make sure to push it to GitHub afterwards:
git tag -a -m '[release]: Release tag' ckan-X.Y.Z git push --tags
Create and deploy the final deb package.
Create using ckan-packaging checkout e.g.:
./ckan-package -v 2.5.2 -i 1
Make sure to rename the deb files so it follows the deb packages name convention:
Note that we drop the patch version and iteration number from the package name.
Move it to the root of the publicly accessible folder of the packaging server from the /build folder, replacing the existing file for this minor version.
Upload the release to PyPI:
python sdist upload
Make sure the documentation branch (
) is up to date with the latest changes in the correspondingdev-vX.Y
branch.Write a CKAN blog post and announce it to ckan-announce & ckan-dev & twitter.
Often this will be part of the announcement of a CKAN major/minor release. But if patches go out separately then they will need their own announcement.