"""Data types for each morphological category and features annotated
by the Universal Dependencies (UD) project
These are from v2 of UD, except for ``Strength`` which is from v1
and was (as of 12/2020) still in the Gothic treebank.
from enum import auto
from cltk.utils.utils import CLTKEnum
[docs]class MorphosyntacticFeature(CLTKEnum):
"""A generic multivalued morphosyntactic feature."""
# Categorial Features
# The following are the traditional categorial features [+/-N, +/-V] of generative linguistics,
# augmented with the +/-F(unctional) feature as developed by Fukui (1986).
# See Fukui, N. 1986. A theory of category projection and its applications. Ph.D. dissertation, MIT.
# Though simplistic by today's standards, the scheme is more-or-less sufficient to represent
# the parts of speech of the Universal Dependencies project (https://universaldependencies.org/u/pos/index.html).
# See http://primus.arts.u-szeged.hu/bese/Chapter1/1.3.1.htm for a readable explanation.
[docs]class N(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""A `nominal word <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nominal_(linguistics)>_,
"a category used to group together nouns and adjectives based on shared
properties. The motivation for nominal grouping is that in many languages
nouns and adjectives share a number of morphological and syntactic
pos = auto()
neg = auto()
[docs]class V(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""A `verbal word <https://universaldependencies.org/u/pos/all.html#verb-verb>`_,
which "typically signal events and actions, can constitute a minimal
predicate in a clause, and govern the number and types of other
constituents which may occur in the clause." See notes that verb-like forms
may be better classed as eg, nouns, adjectives, etc..
pos = auto()
neg = auto()
[docs]class F(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""A `function word <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function_word>`_.
These "have little lexical meaning or have ambiguous meaning and express
grammatical relationships among other words within a sentence,
or specify the attitude or mood of the speaker".
pos = auto()
neg = auto()
[docs]class POS(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The POS "feature" represents the list of syntactic categories published by the UD project.
See https://universaldependencies.org/u/pos/index.html
adjective = auto()
adposition = auto()
adverb = auto()
auxiliary = auto()
coordinating_conjunction = auto()
determiner = auto()
interjection = auto()
noun = auto()
numeral = auto()
particle = auto()
pronoun = auto()
proper_noun = auto()
punctuation = auto()
subordinating_conjunction = auto()
symbol = auto()
verb = auto()
other = auto()
# Morphosyntactic Features.
# The inventory of features represented here are those of the Universal Dependencies project.
# See https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/index.html
# While extensive, the inventory is naturally never quite complete.
# In particular, the list spatiotemporal cases is likely to grow over time.
# Verbal features, related to +V categories.
[docs]class Mood(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The mood of a verb.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Mood.html
admirative = auto()
conditional = auto()
desiderative = auto()
imperative = auto()
indicative = auto()
jussive = auto()
necessitative = auto()
optative = auto()
potential = auto()
purposive = auto()
quotative = auto()
subjunctive = auto()
[docs]class Tense(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The tense of a verb, i.e. the time of the eventuality in relation to a reference point in time.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Tense.html
future = auto()
imperfect = auto()
past = auto()
pluperfect = auto()
present = auto()
[docs]class Aspect(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The aspect of the verb, i.e. the temporal structure of the eventuality.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Aspect.html
habitual = auto()
imperfective = auto()
iterative = auto()
perfective = auto()
progressive = auto()
prospective = auto()
[docs]class Voice(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The voice of the verb, i.e. the relation of the participants to the eventuality.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Voice.html
active = auto()
antipassive = auto()
beneficiary_focus = auto()
location_focus = auto()
causative = auto()
direct = auto()
inverse = auto()
middle = auto()
passive = auto()
reciprocal = auto()
[docs]class Evidentiality(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""What evidence is there for the assertion of the eventuality described by the verb?
Is it based on the speaker's knowledge, or indirect?
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Evident.html
first_hand = auto()
non_first_hand = auto()
[docs]class Polarity(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""Is the proposition negative or positive?
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Polarity.html
pos = auto()
neg = auto()
[docs]class Person(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The grammatical person of the verb, i.e. the participant indicated by the subject.
# see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Person.html
zeroth = auto()
first = auto()
second = auto()
third = auto()
fourth = auto()
[docs]class Politeness(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The morphological reflex of the formal register with which participants
are addressed in the sentence, affecting verbs and pronouns.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Polite.html
elevated = auto()
formal = auto()
humble = auto()
informal = auto()
[docs]class Clusivity(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""Does a first person plural subject include the addressee?
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Clusivity.html
exclusive = auto()
inclusive = auto()
[docs]class Strength(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""Is this a strong or weak verb or adjective?
UDv1 feature, specific to Gothic.
see http://universaldependencies.org/docsv1/got/feat/Strength.html
strong = auto()
weak = auto()
# Nominal features, related to the +N categories.
[docs]class Case(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The case of a noun phrase.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Case.html
# structural cases
nominative = auto()
accusative = auto()
ergative = auto()
absolutive = auto()
# oblique cases
abessive = auto()
befefactive = auto()
causative = auto()
comparative = auto()
considerative = auto()
comitative = auto()
dative = auto()
distributive = auto()
equative = auto()
genitive = auto()
instrumental = auto()
partitive = auto()
vocative = auto()
# spatiotemporal cases
ablative = auto()
additive = auto()
adessive = auto()
allative = auto()
delative = auto()
elative = auto()
essive = auto()
illative = auto()
inessive = auto()
lative = auto()
locative = auto()
perlative = auto()
sublative = auto()
superessive = auto()
terminative = auto()
temporal = auto()
translative = auto()
[docs]class Gender(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The grammatical gender of a nominal.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Gender.html
masculine = auto()
feminine = auto()
neuter = auto()
common = auto()
[docs]class Animacy(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The soul-type of an entity (as it were.)
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Animacy.html
animate = auto()
human = auto()
inanimate = auto()
non_human = auto()
[docs]class Number(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The count type of an entity.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Number.html
collective = auto()
count_plural = auto()
dual = auto()
greater_paucal = auto()
greater_plural = auto()
inverse_number = auto()
paucal = auto()
plural = auto()
plurale_tantum = auto()
singular = auto()
trial = auto()
[docs]class Definiteness(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The relationship between noun phrases and
entities in or not in the discoursive context.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Definiteness.html
complex = auto()
construct_state = auto()
definite = auto()
indefinite = auto()
specific_indefinite = auto()
[docs]class Degree(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The degree of adjectives.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Degree.html
absolute_superlative = auto()
comparative = auto()
equative = auto()
positive = auto()
superlative = auto()
NOMINAL_FEATURES = [Case, Gender, Animacy, Number, Definiteness, Degree, Strength]
# Other lexical features
[docs]class NameType(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""The type of a named entity, mostly applying to proper nouns.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/NameType.html
place = auto()
person = auto()
person_given_name = auto()
person_surname = auto()
nationality = auto()
company = auto()
product = auto()
other = auto()
[docs]class PrononimalType(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""A subclassification of pronouns.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/PronType.html
article = auto()
demonstrative = auto()
emphatic = auto()
exclamative = auto()
indefinite = auto()
interrogative = auto()
negative = auto()
personal = auto()
reciprocal = auto()
relative = auto()
total = auto()
[docs]class AdpositionalType(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""Defines the position of an adposition.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/AdpType.html
preposition = auto()
postposition = auto()
circumposition = auto()
vocalized_adposition = auto()
[docs]class AdverbialType(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""What type of adverb is this?
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/AdvType.html
manner = auto()
location = auto()
time = auto()
degree = auto()
cause = auto()
modality = auto()
[docs]class VerbType(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""If this is a functional verb, what kind is it?
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/VerbType.html
auxiliary = auto()
copula = auto()
modal = auto()
light = auto()
[docs]class Possessive(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""Is this nominal form marked as a possessive?
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Poss.html
pos = auto()
neg = auto()
[docs]class Numeral(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""A subclassification of numeric types.
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/NumType.html
cardinal = auto()
distributive = auto()
fractional = auto()
multiplicative = auto()
ordinal = auto()
range = auto()
sets = auto()
[docs]class Reflexive(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""Is the pronoun reflexive?
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Reflex.html
pos = auto()
neg = auto()
[docs]class Foreign(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""Is this a foreign word, relative to the language of the sentences?
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Foreign.html
pos = auto()
neg = auto()
[docs]class Abbreviation(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""Is this word an abbreviation?
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Abbr.html
pos = auto()
neg = auto()
[docs]class Typo(MorphosyntacticFeature):
"""Does this word contain a typo?
see https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/Typo.html
pos = auto()
neg = auto()
# the feature value of an underspecified feature.
Underspecified = None