Source code for cltk.dependency.tree

"""A data structure for representing dependency tree graphs."""

__author__ = ["John Stewart <free-variation>"]

from typing import Dict, List, Union
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, ElementTree

from cltk.core.data_types import Doc, Process, Word
from cltk.core.exceptions import CLTKException
from cltk.morphology.universal_dependencies_features import (


[docs]class Form(Element): """For the word (ie, node) of a dependency tree and its attributes. Inherits from the ``Element`` class of Python's ``xml.etree`` library. >>> desc_form = Form('described') >>> desc_form described_0 >>> desc_form.set('Tense', 'Past') >>> desc_form described_0 >>> desc_form / 'VBN' described_0/VBN >>> desc_form.full_str() 'described_0 [Tense=Past,pos=VBN]' """ def __init__(self, form: str, form_id: int = 0) -> None: """Constructor for the Form class.""" Element.__init__(self, form, attrib={"form_id": str(form_id)}) def __truediv__(self, pos_tag: str) -> "Form": """Assigns the POS feature for current form. This is done by overloading ``operator.truediv()`` (``a / b``) to perform ``.set()`` upon and ``Element`` of the xml library. >>> desc_form = Form('described') >>> desc_form / 'VBN' described_0/VBN >>> import operator >>> desc_form = Form('described') >>> operator.truediv(desc_form, 'VBN') described_0/VBN """ self.set("pos", pos_tag) return self def __rshift__(self, other: Union["Form", str]) -> "Dependency": """Create a dependency between this form as governor, to the other as dependent. Adds the dependent to the children of this form. This is done by overloading ``operator.rshift()`` (``a >> b``) to perform ``.append()`` upon ``Element`` of the xml library. Returns ``Dependency`` xxx >>> john = Form('John', 1) / 'NNP' >>> john John_1/NNP >>> loves = Form('loves', 2) / 'VRB' >>> loves loves_2/VRB >>> mary = Form('Mary', 3) / 'NNP' >>> mary Mary_3/NNP """ other = Form(other) if isinstance(other, str) else other self.append(other) return Dependency(self, other)
[docs] def get_dependencies(self, relation: str) -> List["Dependency"]: """Extract dependents of this form for the specified dependency relation. >>> john = Form('John', 1) / 'NNP' >>> loves = Form('loves', 2) / 'VRB' >>> mary = Form('Mary', 3) / 'NNP' >>> loves >> john | 'subj' subj(loves_2/VRB, John_1/NNP) >>> loves >> mary | 'obj' obj(loves_2/VRB, Mary_3/NNP) >>> loves.get_dependencies('subj') [subj(loves_2/VRB, John_1/NNP)] >>> loves.get_dependencies('obj') [obj(loves_2/VRB, Mary_3/NNP)] """ deps = self.findall('*[@relation="{}"]'.format(relation)) return [Dependency(self, dep, relation) for dep in deps]
def __str__(self) -> str: return ( self.tag + "_" + self("form_id") + (("/" + self("pos")) if self("pos") else "") ) __repr__ = __str__
[docs] def full_str(self, include_relation=True) -> str: """Returns a string containing all features of the Form. The ID is attached to the text, and the relation is optionally suppressed. >>> loves = Form('loves', 2) / 'VRB' >>> loves.full_str() 'loves_2 [pos=VRB]' >>> john = Form('John', 1) / 'NNP' >>> loves >> john | 'subj' subj(loves_2/VRB, John_1/NNP) >>> john.full_str(True) 'John_1 [pos=NNP,relation=subj]' """ excluded = ["form_id", "relation"] if not include_relation else ["form_id"] return "{0}_{1} [{2}]".format( self.tag, self("form_id"), ",".join( [ feature + "=" + self(feature) for feature in self.attrib.keys() if feature not in excluded ] ), )
def __call__(self, feature: str) -> str: return self.get(feature)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_form(word: Word) -> "Form": """Converts a ``CLTK`` ``Word`` object to a ``Form``. TODO: The Form info that prints is incomplete/ugly; correct str repr of ``Form`` TODO: Fix these doctests; it's ugly to import so many Forms, but is this required? >>> from cltk.morphology.universal_dependencies_features import Case, Gender, Number, POS >>> noun = POS.noun >>> nominative = Case.nominative >>> feminine = Gender.feminine >>> singular = Number.singular >>> cltk_word = Word(index_char_start=None, index_char_stop=None, index_token=0, index_sentence=0, string='Gallia', pos=noun, lemma='Gallia', stem=None, scansion=None, xpos='A1|grn1|casA|gen2', upos='NOUN', dependency_relation='nsubj', governor=1, features={Case: [nominative], Gender: [feminine], Number: [singular]}, category={F: [neg], N: [pos], V: [neg]}, stop=False, named_entity='LOCATION', syllables=None, phonetic_transcription=None, definition='') # doctest: +SKIP >>> cltk_word.features[Case] = Case.nominative # doctest: +SKIP >>> cltk_word.features[Gender] = Gender.feminine # doctest: +SKIP >>> cltk_word.features[Number] = Number.singular # doctest: +SKIP >>> f = Form.to_form(cltk_word) # doctest: +SKIP >>> f.full_str() # doctest: +SKIP 'Gallia_0 [lemma=mallis,pos=NOUN,upos=NOUN,xpos=A1|grn1|casA|gen2,Case=nominative,Gender=feminine,Number=singular]' """ form = Form(word.string, form_id=word.index_token) form.set("lemma", word.lemma) form.set("pos", str(word.pos)) form.set("upos", word.upos) form.set("xpos", word.xpos) for feature_name, feature_values in word.features.all(): if feature_values is None: print(word.stanza_features) print(word.features) form.set(str(feature_name), str(feature_values[0])) return form
[docs]class Dependency: """The asymmetric binary relationship (or edge) between a governing Form (the "head") and a subordinate Form (the "dependent"). In principle the relationship could capture any form-to-form relation that the systems deems of interest, be it syntactic, semantic, or discursive. If the `relation` attribute is not speficied, then the dependency simply states that there's some asymmetric relationship between the head and the dependenent. This is an *untyped* dependency. For a *typed* dependency, a string value is supplied for the `relation` attribute. """ def __init__(self, head: Form, dep: Form, relation: str = None) -> None: self.head = head self.dep = dep self.relation = relation def __str__(self) -> str: return "{0}({1}, {2})".format( self.relation if self.relation else "", self.head, self.dep ) __repr__ = __str__ def __or__(self, relation: str) -> "Dependency": self.relation = relation self.dep.set("relation", relation) return self
[docs]class DependencyTree(ElementTree): """The hierarchical tree representing the entirety of a parse.""" def __init__(self, root: Form) -> None: root.set("relation", "root") ElementTree.__init__(self, root)
[docs] def get_dependencies(self) -> List[Dependency]: """Returns a list of all the dependency relations in the tree, generated by depth-first search. >>> from cltk.languages.example_texts import get_example_text >>> from cltk.dependency.processes import StanzaProcess >>> process_stanza = StanzaProcess(language="lat") >>> output_doc ="lat"))) >>> a_sentence = output_doc.sentences[0] >>> t = DependencyTree.to_tree(a_sentence) >>> len(t.get_dependencies()) 34 """ def _get_deps(node: Form, deps: List[Dependency]) -> List[Dependency]: for child_node in list(node): deps = _get_deps(child_node, deps) deps.extend(node.get_dependencies(child_node("relation"))) return deps deps = _get_deps(self.getroot(), []) deps.append(Dependency(None, self.getroot(), "root")) return deps
[docs] def print_tree(self, all_features: bool = False): """Prints a pretty-printed (indented) representation of the dependency tree. If all_features is True, then each node is printed with its complete feature bundles. """ def _print_treelet(node: Form, indent: int, all_features: bool): edge = "└─ " if indent > 0 else "" node_str = node.full_str(False) if all_features else str(node) print(" " * indent + edge + node("relation") + " | " + node_str) for child_node in list(node): _print_treelet(child_node, indent + 4, all_features) _print_treelet(self.getroot(), indent=0, all_features=all_features)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_tree(sentence: List[Word]) -> "DependencyTree": """Factory method to create trees from sentences parses, i.e. lists of words. >>> from cltk.languages.example_texts import get_example_text >>> from cltk.dependency.processes import StanzaProcess >>> process_stanza = StanzaProcess(language="lat") >>> output_doc ="lat"))) >>> a_sentence = output_doc.sentences[0] >>> t = DependencyTree.to_tree(a_sentence) >>> t.findall(".") [divisa_3/adjective] """ forms = {} # type: Dict[int, Form] for word in sentence: forms[word.index_token] = Form.to_form(word) root = None for word in sentence: if word.dependency_relation == "root": root = forms[word.index_token] elif word.governor != -1: # only add a non-root element to the tree if it has a governor (i.e. not -1) gov = forms[word.governor] dep = forms[word.index_token] gov >> dep | word.dependency_relation return DependencyTree(root) if root else None