Cython and the GIL¶

Python has a global lock (the GIL) to ensure that data related to the Python interpreter is not corrupted. It is sometimes useful to release this lock in Cython when you are not accessing Python data.

There are two occasions when you may want to release the GIL:

  1. Using Cython’s parallelism mechanism. The contents of a prange loop for example are required to be nogil.

  2. If you want other (external) Python threads to be able to run at the same time.

    1. if you have a large computationally/IO-intensive block that doesn’t need the GIL then it may be “polite” to release it, just to benefit users of your code who want to do multi-threading. However, this is mostly useful rather than necessary.

    2. (very, very occasionally) in long-running Cython code that never calls into the Python interpreter, it can sometimes be useful to briefly release the GIL with a short with nogil: pass block. This is because Cython doesn’t release it spontaneously (unlike the Python interpreter), so if you’re waiting on another Python thread to complete a task, this can avoid deadlocks. This sub-point probably doesn’t apply to you unless you’re compiling GUI code with Cython.

If neither of these two points apply then you probably do not need to release the GIL. The sort of Cython code that can run without the GIL (no calls to Python, purely C-level numeric operations) is often the sort of code that runs efficiently. This sometimes gives people the impression that the inverse is true and the trick is releasing the GIL, rather than the actual code they’re running. Don’t be misled by this – your (single-threaded) code will run the same speed with or without the GIL.

Marking functions as able to run without the GIL¶

You can mark a whole function (either a Cython function or an external function) as nogil by appending this to the function signature or by using the @cython.nogil decorator:

def some_func() -> None:

Be aware that this does not release the GIL when calling the function. It merely indicates that a function is suitable for use when the GIL is released. It is also fine to call these functions while holding the GIL.

In this case we’ve marked the function as noexcept to indicate that it cannot raise a Python exception. Be aware that a function with an except * exception specification (typically functions returning void) will be expensive to call because Cython will need to temporarily reacquire the GIL after every call to check the exception state. Most other exception specifications are cheap to handle in a nogil block since the GIL is only acquired if an exception is actually thrown.

Releasing (and reacquiring) the GIL¶

To actually release the GIL you can use context managers

with cython.nogil:
    ...              # some code that runs without the GIL
    with cython.gil:
        ...          # some code that runs with the GIL
    ...              # some more code without the GIL

The with gil block is a useful trick to allow a small chunk of Python code or Python object processing inside a non-GIL block. Try not to use it too much since there is a cost to waiting for and acquiring the GIL, and because these blocks cannot run in parallel since all executions require the same lock.

A function may be marked as with gil or decorated with @cython.with_gil to ensure that the GIL is acquired immediately when calling it.

def some_func() ->

with cython.nogil:
    ...          # some code that runs without the GIL
    some_func()  # some_func() will internally acquire the GIL
    ...          # some code that runs without the GIL
some_func()      # GIL is already held hence the function does not need to acquire the GIL

Conditionally acquiring the GIL¶

It’s possible to release the GIL based on a compile-time condition. This is most often used when working with Fused Types (Templates)

with cython.nogil(some_type is not object):
    ...  # some code that runs without the GIL, unless we're processing objects

Exceptions and the GIL¶

A small number of “Python operations” may be performed in a nogil block without needing to explicitly use with gil. The main example is throwing exceptions. Here Cython knows that an exception will always require the GIL and so re-acquires it implicitly. Similarly, if a nogil function throws an exception, Cython is able to propagate it correctly without you needing to write explicit code to handle it. In most cases this is efficient since Cython is able to use the function’s exception specification to check for an error, and then acquire the GIL only if needed, but except * functions are less efficient since Cython must always re-acquire the GIL.

Don’t use the GIL as a lock¶

It may be tempting to try to use the GIL for your own locking purposes and to say “the entire contents of a with gil block will run atomically since we hold the GIL”. Don’t do this!

The GIL is only for the benefit of the interpreter, not for you. There are two issues here:

#. that future improvements in the Python interpreter may destroy your “locking”.

#. Second, that the GIL can be released if any Python code is executed. The easiest way to run arbitrary Python code is to destroy a Python object that has a __del__ function, but there are numerous other creative ways to do so, and it is almost impossible to know that you aren’t going to trigger one of these.

If you want a reliable lock then use the tools in the standard library’s threading module.