Releasing a new version of Dallinger

1. After you’ve merged the changes you want into master, start a new branch on which to run the release version upgrade, e.g. release-9.8.1. Update the CHANGELOG if that hasn’t been done as part of feature branch work. The entry should link to the new version’s tree using:

We’re using semantic versioning, so there are three parts to the version number. when making a release you need to decide which parts should get bumped, which determines which command you give to bumpversion. major is for breaking changes, minor for features, patch for bug fixes.

Under normal circumstances, the master branch will have a version number reflecting a minor increment over the previous release, plus a a1 suffix indicating that it includes unreleased (“alpha”) changes, e.g. 9.9.0a1. If the release you’re making is indeed a minor release, then simply run bumpversion release. This will remove the a1 suffix, leaving the correct minor version increment.

If you have breaking changes and need to switch to a major release, then you will need to first make that change, commit, and then issue the release increment command:

$ bumpversion major
$ git commit -a -m "Switch to major release"
$ bumpversion release
$ git commit -a -m "Update versions for release"

If you need to switch to a patch release, you will instead need to specify the version explicitly with the new-version option:, e.g.

$ bumpversion –new-version 9.8.1 patch $ git commit -a -m “Switch to patch release”

2. Run scripts/ to update the constraints.txt files in the demos and commit the changes with

$ git commit -m “Update demos’ constraints”

  1. Push your branch and create a PR with the release label.

  2. Merge this release with the commit “Release version MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.”

  3. After that’s merged, you’ll want to tag the merge commit with git tag vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH and do git push origin –tags. PyPI releases versions based on the tags via .travis.yml.

  4. At this point, WAIT to make sure the release is successful. If you prematurely increment versions again (see next step) and the release has problems, you’ll find yourself in an unnecessarily confusing situation.

7. Create a new branch (increment-master-version), and bump the version to the next minor alpha version:

$ git checkout -b increment-master-version
$ bumpversion minor
$ git commit -a -m "Bump version on master branch post-release"
$ git push --set-upstream origin increment-master-version


In case the increment-master-version branch already exists locally from a previous Dallinger release, you would first need to delete it with

$ git br -d increment-master-version

You’ll then need to open a PR for approval and get the increment-master-version branch merged as soon as possible, e.g. before merging in new feature branches.

The new Dallinger release should now be published on PyPi (