The Dallinger API allows the experiment frontend to communicate with the backend. Many of these routes correspond to specific functions of Dallinger’s classes, particularly dallinger.models.Node. For example, nodes have a connect method that creates new vectors between nodes and there is a corresponding connect/ route that allows the frontend to call this method.

Miscellaneous routes

GET /ad_address/<mode>/<hit_id>

Used to get the address of the experiment on the gunicorn server and to return participants to Mechanical Turk upon completion of the experiment. This route is pinged automatically by the function submitAssignment in dallinger2.js.

GET /<directory>/<page>

Returns the html page with the name <page> from the directory called <directory>.

GET /summary

Returns a summary of the statuses of Participants.

GET /<page>

Returns the html page with the name <page>.

GET /chat?channel=<channel>&worker_id=<worker_id>&participant_id=<participant_id>&tolerance=<lag_tolerance_seconds>

Opens a WebSocket channel that subscribes the client to all messages sent to the channel named <channel>. WebSocket messages will be delivered with a maximum lag of <lag_tolerance_seconds>. For more information see Using WebSockets in Dallinger Experiments.

Experiment routes

GET /experiment/<property>

Returns the value of the requested property as a JSON <property>. The property must be a key in the experiment.public_properties mapping and be JSON serializable. Experiments have no public properties by default.

GET /info/<node_id>/<info_id>

Returns a JSON description of the requested info as info. node_id must be specified to ensure the requesting node has access to the requested info. Calls experiment method `info_get_request(node, info).

POST /info/<node_id>

Create an info with its origin set to the specified node. contents must be passed as data. info_type can be passed as data and will cause the info to be of the specified type. Also calls experiment method info_post_request(node, info).

If the specified node is failed then this will fail unless failed is also passed with the value True. This will create a failed Info on the node.

POST /launch

Initializes the experiment and opens recruitment. This route is automatically pinged by Dallinger.

GET /network/<network_id>

Returns a JSON description of the requested network as network.

POST /node/<node_id>/connect/<other_node_id>

Create vector(s) between the node and other_node by calling node.connect(whom=other_node). Direction can be passed as data and will be forwarded as an argument. Calls experiment method vector_post_request(node, vectors). Returns a list of JSON descriptions of the created vectors as vectors.

GET /node/<node_id>/infos

Returns a list of JSON descriptions of the infos created by the node as infos. Infos are identified by calling node.infos(). info_type can be passed as data and will be forwarded as an argument. Requesting node and the list of infos are also passed to experiment method info_get_request(node, infos).

GET /node/<node_id>/neighbors

Returns a list of JSON descriptions of the node’s neighbors as nodes. Neighbors are identified by calling node.neighbors(). node_type and connection can be passed as data and will be forwarded as arguments. Requesting node and list of neighbors are also passed to experiment method node_get_request(node, nodes).

GET /node/<node_id>/received_infos

Returns a list of JSON descriptions of the infos sent to the node as infos. Infos are identified by calling node.received_infos(). info_type can be passed as data and will be forwarded as an argument. Requesting node and the list of infos are also passed to experiment method info_get_request(node, infos).

GET /node/<int:node_id>/transformations

Returns a list of JSON descriptions of all the transformations of a node identified using node.transformations(). The node id must be specified in the url. You can also pass transformation_type as data and it will be forwarded to node.transformations() as the argument type.

GET /node/<node_id>/transmissions

Returns a list of JSON descriptions of the transmissions sent to/from the node as transmissions. Transmissions are identified by calling node.transmissions(). direction and status can be passed as data and will be forwarded as arguments. Requesting node and the list of transmissions are also passed to experiment method transmission_get_request(node, transmissions).

POST /node/<node_id>/transmit

Transmit to another node by calling node.transmit(). The sender’s node id must be specified in the url. As with node.transmit() the key parameters are what and to_whom and they should be passed as data. However, the values these accept are more limited than for the backend due to the necessity of serialization.

If what and to_whom are not specified they will default to None. Alternatively you can pass an int (e.g. ‘5’) or a class name (e.g. Info or Agent). Passing an int will get that info/node, passing a class name will pass the class. Note that if the class you are specifying is a custom class it will need to be added to the dictionary of known_classes in your experiment code.

You may also pass the values property1, property2, property3, property4, property5 and details. If passed this will fill in the relevant values of the transmissions created with the values you specified.

The transmitting node and a list of created transmissions are sent to experiment method transmission_post_request(node, transmissions). This route returns a list of JSON descriptions of the created transmissions as transmissions. For example, to transmit all infos of type Meme to the node with id 10:

    url: "/node/" + my_node_id + "/transmit",
    method: 'post',
    type: 'json',
    data: {
        what: "Meme",
        to_whom: 10,
GET /node/<node_id>/vectors

Returns a list of JSON descriptions of vectors connected to the node as vectors. Vectors are identified by calling node.vectors(). direction and failed can be passed as data and will be forwarded as arguments. Requesting node and list of vectors are also passed to experiment method vector_get_request(node, vectors).

POST /node/<participant_id>

Create a node for the specified participant. The route calls the following experiment methods: get_network_for_participant(participant), create_node(network, participant), add_node_to_network(node, network), and node_post_request(participant, node). Returns a JSON description of the created node as node.

POST /notifications
GET /notifications

This is the route to which notifications from AWS are sent. It is also possible to send your own notifications to this route, thereby simulating notifications from AWS. Necessary arguments are Event.1.EventType, which can be AssignmentAccepted, AssignmentAbandoned, AssignmentReturned or AssignmentSubmitted, and Event.1.AssignmentId, which is the id of the relevant assignment. In addition, Dallinger uses a custom event type of NotificationMissing.

GET /participant/<participant_id>

Returns a JSON description of the requested participant as participant.

POST /participant/<worker_id>/<hit_id>/<assignment_id>/<mode>

Create a participant. Returns a JSON description of the participant as participant. Delegates participant creation to create_participant()

POST /participant

Create a participant from a running experiment using arbitrary entry_information passed as POST data. The experiment or recruiter is responsible for transforming entry_information data into the assignment_id, hit_id, and worker_id data needed to create a participant. See normalize_entry_information().

POST /load-participant

Loads a participant from a running experiment by assignment_id or arbitrary entry_information passed as POST data. The experiment or recruiter is responsible for transforming entry_information data into an assignment_id data needed to lookup a participant. See normalize_entry_information().

POST /question/<participant_id>

Create a question. question, response and question_id should be passed as data. Does not return anything.

POST /transformation/<int:node_id>/<int:info_in_id>/<int:info_out_id>

Create a transformation from info_in to info_out at the specified node. transformation_type can be passed as data and the transformation will be of that class if it is a known class. Returns a JSON description of the created transformation.