Manage environments =================== It is critical that each of your dask workers uses the same set of python packages and modules when executing your code, so that Dask can function. Upon connecting with a distributed ``Client``, Dask will automatically check the versions of some critical packages (including Dask itself) and warn you of any mismatch. Most functions you will run on Dask will require imports. This is even true for passing any object which is not a python builtin - the pickle serialisation method will save references to imported modules rather than trying to send all of your source code. You therefore must ensure that workers have access to all of the modules you will need, and ideally with exactly the same versions. Single-machine schedulers ````````````````````````` If you are using the threaded scheduler, then you do not need to do anything, since the workers are in the same process, and objects are simply shared rather than serialised and deserialised. Similarly, if you use the multiprocessing scheduler, new processes will be copied from, or launched in the same way as the original process, so you only need make sure that you have not changed environment variables related to starting up python and importing code (such as PATH, PYTHONPATH, ``sys.path``). If you are using the distributed scheduler on a single machine, this is roughly equivalent to using the multiprocessing scheduler, above, if you are launching with ``Client(...)`` or ``LocalCluster(...)``. However, if you are launching your workers from the command line, then you must ensure that you are running in the same environment (virtualenv, pipenv or conda). The rest of this page concerns only distributed clusters. Maintain consistent environments ```````````````````````````````` If you manage your environments yourself, then setting up module consistency can be as simple as creating environments from the same pip or conda specification on each machine. You should consult the documentation for ``pip``, ``pipenv`` and ``conda``, whichever you normally use. You will normally want to be as specific about package versions as possible, and distribute the same environment file to workers before installation. However, other common ways to distribute an environment directly, rather than build it in-place, include: - docker images, where the environment has been built into the image; this is the normal route when you are running on infrastructure enabled by docker, such as kubernetes - `conda-pack`_ is a tool for bundling existing conda environments, so they can be relocated to other machines. This tool was specifically created for dask on YARN/hadoop clusters, but could be used elsewhere - shared filesystem, e.g., NFS, that can be seen by all machines. Note that importing python modules is fairly IO intensive, so your server needs to be able to handle many requests - cluster install method (e.g., `parcels`_): depending on your infrastructure, there may be ways to install specific binaries to all workers in a cluster. .. _conda-pack: .. _parcels: Temporary installations ``````````````````````` The worker plugin :class:`distributed.diagnostics.plugin.PipInstall` allows you to run pip installation commands on your workers, and optionally have them restart upon success. Please read the plugin documentation to see how to use this. Objects in ``__main__`` ``````````````````````` Objects that you create without any reference to modules, such as classes that are defined right in the repl or notebook cells, are not pickled with reference to any imported module. You can redefine such objects, and Dask will serialise them completely, including the source code. This can be a good way to try new things while working with a distributed setup. Send Source ``````````` Particularly during development, you may want to send files directly to workers that are already running. You should use ``client.upload_file`` in these cases. For more detail, see the `API docs`_ and a StackOverflow question `"Can I use functions imported from .py files in Dask/Distributed?"`__ This function supports both standalone file and setuptools's ``.egg`` files for larger modules. __ .. _API docs: