Using Hive Partitioning with Dask

It is sometimes useful to write your dataset with a hive-like directory scheme. For example, if your dataframe contains 'year' and 'semester' columns, a hive-based directory structure might look something like the following:

├── year=2022/
│   ├── semester=fall/
│   │   └── part.0.parquet
│   └── semester=spring/
│       ├── part.0.parquet
│       └── part.1.parquet
└── year=2023/
    └── semester=fall/
        └── part.1.parquet

The use of this self-describing structure implies that all rows within the 'output-path/year=2022/semester=fall/' directory will contain the value 2022 in the 'year' column and the value 'fall' in the 'semester' column.

The primary advantage of generating a hive-partitioned dataset is that certain IO filters can be applied by read_parquet() without the need to parse any file metadata. In other words, the following command will typically be faster when the dataset is already hive-partitioned on the 'year' column.

>>> dd.read_parquet("output-path", filters=[("year", ">", 2022)])

Writing Parquet Data with Hive Partitioning

Dask’s to_parquet() function will produce a hive-partitioned directory scheme automatically when the partition_on option is used.

>>> df.to_parquet("output-path", partition_on=["year", "semester"])

>>> os.listdir("output-path")
["year=2022", "year=2023"]

>>> os.listdir("output-path/year=2022")
["semester=fall", "semester=spring"]

>>> os.listdir("output-path/year=2022/semester=spring")
['part.0.parquet', 'part.1.parquet']

It is important to recognize that Dask will not aggregate the data files written within each of the leaf directories. This is because each of the DataFrame partitions is written independently during the execution of the to_parquet() task graph. In order to write out data for partition i, the partition-i write task will perform a groupby operation on columns ["year", "semester"], and then each distinct group will be written to the corresponding directory using the file name 'part.{i}.parquet'. Therefore, it is possible for a hive-partitioned write to produce a large number of files in every leaf directory (one for each DataFrame partition).

If your application requires you to produce a single parquet file for each hive partition, one possible solution is to sort or shuffle on the partitioning columns before calling to_parquet().

>>> partition_on = ["year", "semester"]

>>> df.shuffle(on=partition_on).to_parquet(partition_on=partition_on)

Using a global shuffle like this is extremely expensive, and should be avoided whenever possible. However, it is also guaranteed to produce the minimum number of files, which may be worth the sacrifice at times.

Reading Parquet Data with Hive Partitioning

In most cases, read_parquet() will process hive-partitioned data automatically. By default, all hive-partitioned columns will be interpreted as categorical columns.

>>> ddf = dd.read_parquet("output-path", columns=["year", "semester"])

>>> ddf
Dask DataFrame Structure:
                        year         semester
            category[known]  category[known]
                        ...              ...
                        ...              ...
                        ...              ...
                        ...              ...
Dask Name: read-parquet, 1 graph layer

>>> ddf.compute()
year semester
0  2022     fall
1  2022     fall
2  2022     fall
3  2022   spring
4  2022   spring
5  2022   spring
6  2023     fall
7  2023     fall

Defining a Custom Partitioning Schema

When utilizing engine='pyarrow', it is possible to specify a custom schema for the hive-partitioned columns. The columns will then be read using the specified types and not as category.

>>> schema = pa.schema([("year", pa.int16()), ("semester", pa.string())])

>>> ddf2 = dd.read_parquet(
...     path,
...     columns=["year", "semester"],
...     dataset={"partitioning": {"flavor": "hive", "schema": schema}}
... )
Dask DataFrame Structure:
                year semester
            int16   object
                ...      ...
                ...      ...
                ...      ...
                ...      ...

If any of your hive-partitioned columns contain null values, you must specify the partitioning schema in this way.

Although it is not required, we also recommend that you specify the partitioning schema if you need to partition on high-cardinality columns. This is because the default 'category' dtype will track the known categories in a way that can significantly increase the overall memory footprint of your Dask collection. In fact, read_parquet() already clears the “known categories” of other columns for this same reason (see Categoricals).

Best Practices

Although hive partitioning can sometimes improve read performance by simplifying filtering, it can also lead to degraded performance and errors in other cases.

Avoid High Cardinality

A good rule of thumb is to avoid partitioning on float columns, or any column containing many unique values (i.e. high cardinality).

The most common cause of poor user experience with hive partitioning is high-cardinality of the partitioning column(s). For example, if you try to partition on a column with millions of unique values, then :func:`to_parquet` will need to generate millions of directories. The management of these directories is likely to put strain on the file system, and the need for many small files within each directory is sure to compound the issue.

Use Simple Data Types for Partitioning

Since hive-partitioned data is “self describing,” we suggest that you avoid partitioning on complex data types, and opt for integer or string-based data types whenever possible. If your data type cannot be easily inferred from the string value used to define the directory name, then the IO engine may struggle to parse the values.

For example, directly partitioning on a column with a datetime64 dtype might produce a directory name like the following:

├── date=2022-01-01 00:00:00/
├── date=2022-02-01 00:00:00/
├── ...
└── date=2022-12-01 00:00:00/

These directory names will not be correctly interpreted as datetime64 values, and are even considered illegal on Windows systems. For more-reliable behavior, we recommend that such a column be decomposed into one or more “simple” columns. For example, one could easily use 'date' to construct 'year', 'month', and 'day' columns (as needed).

Aggregate Files at Read Time


The aggregate_files argument is currently listed as experimental. However, there are currently no plans to remove the argument or change it’s behavior in a future release.

Since hive-partitioning will typically produce a large number of small files, read_parquet() performance will usually benefit from proper usage of the aggregate_files argument. Take the following dataset for example:

├── region=1/
│   ├── section=a/
│   │   └── 01.parquet
│   │   └── 02.parquet
│   │   └── 03.parquet
│   ├── section=b/
│   └── └── 04.parquet
│   └── └── 05.parquet
└── region=2/
    ├── section=a/
    │   ├── 06.parquet
    │   ├── 07.parquet
    │   ├── 08.parquet

If we set aggregate_files=True for this case, we are telling Dask that any of the parquet data files may be aggregated into the same output DataFrame partition. If, instead, we specify the name of a partitioning column (e.g. 'region' or 'section'), we allow the aggregation of any two files sharing a file path up to, and including, the corresponding directory name. For example, if aggregate_files is set to 'section', 04.parquet and 05.parquet may be aggregated together, but 03.parquet and 04.parquet cannot be. If, however, aggregate_files is set to 'region', 04.parquet may be aggregated with 05.parquet, and 03.parquet may be aggregated with 04.parquet.

Using aggregate_files will typically improve performance by making it more likely for DataFrame partitions to approach the size specified by the blocksize argument. In contrast, default behavior may produce a large number of partitions that are much smaller than blocksize.