- Bag.to_avro(filename, schema, name_function=None, storage_options=None, codec='null', sync_interval=16000, metadata=None, compute=True, **kwargs)¶
Write bag to set of avro files
The schema is a complex dictionary describing the data, see https://avro.apache.org/docs/1.8.2/gettingstartedpython.html#Defining+a+schema and https://fastavro.readthedocs.io/en/latest/writer.html . It’s structure is as follows:
{'name': 'Test', 'namespace': 'Test', 'doc': 'Descriptive text', 'type': 'record', 'fields': [ {'name': 'a', 'type': 'int'}, ]}
where the “name” field is required, but “namespace” and “doc” are optional descriptors; “type” must always be “record”. The list of fields should have an entry for every key of the input records, and the types are like the primitive, complex or logical types of the Avro spec ( https://avro.apache.org/docs/1.8.2/spec.html ).
Results in one avro file per input partition.
- Parameters
- b: dask.bag.Bag
- filename: list of str or str
Filenames to write to. If a list, number must match the number of partitions. If a string, must include a glob character “*”, which will be expanded using name_function
- schema: dict
Avro schema dictionary, see above
- name_function: None or callable
Expands integers into strings, see
- storage_options: None or dict
Extra key/value options to pass to the backend file-system
- codec: ‘null’, ‘deflate’, or ‘snappy’
Compression algorithm
- sync_interval: int
Number of records to include in each block within a file
- metadata: None or dict
Included in the file header
- compute: bool
If True, files are written immediately, and function blocks. If False, returns delayed objects, which can be computed by the user where convenient.
- kwargs: passed to compute(), if compute=True
>>> import dask.bag as db >>> b = db.from_sequence([{'name': 'Alice', 'value': 100}, ... {'name': 'Bob', 'value': 200}]) >>> schema = {'name': 'People', 'doc': "Set of people's scores", ... 'type': 'record', ... 'fields': [ ... {'name': 'name', 'type': 'string'}, ... {'name': 'value', 'type': 'int'}]} >>> b.to_avro('my-data.*.avro', schema) ['my-data.0.avro', 'my-data.1.avro']