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Hosting Provider Integration

DDEV offers hosting provider integration and sample integrations for, and Acquia hosting, along with other examples.

The best part of this is you can change them and adapt them in any way you need to, they're all short scripted recipes. There are several example recipes created in the .ddev/providers directory of every project or see them in the code.

ddev provides the pull command with whatever recipes you have configured. For example, ddev pull acquia if you have created .ddev/providers/acquia.yaml.

ddev also provides the push command to push database and files to upstream. This is very dangerous to your upstream site and should only be used when completely appropriate. It's recommended not even to implement the push stanzas in your yaml file, but if it fits your workflow, use it well.

Each provider recipe is a yaml file that can be named any way you want to name it. The examples are mostly named after the hosting providers, but they could be named "upstream.yaml" or "live.yaml", so you could ddev pull upstream or ddev pull live. If you wanted different upstream environments to pull from, you could name one "prod" and one "dev" and ddev pull prod and ddev pull dev.

Example recipes are provided for Acquia, Local files (like Dropbox, for example),,, and rsync. We know that you'll find improvements to these examples and will have lots to contribute for other hosting providers, and we look forward to your contributions as pull requests here or in ddev-contrib.

Each provider recipe is a file named <provider>.yaml and consists of several mostly-optional stanzas:

  • environment_variables: Environment variables will be created in the web container for each of these during pull or push operations. They're used to provide context (project id, environment name, etc.) for each of the other stanzas.
  • db_pull_command: A script that determines how ddev should obtain a database. It's job is to create a gzipped database dump in /var/www/html/.ddev/.downloads/db.sql.gz. This is optional; if nothing has to be done to obtain the database dump, this step can be omitted.
  • db_import_command: (optional) A script that imports the downloaded database. This is for advanced usages like multiple databases. The default behavior only imports a single database into the db database. The localfile example uses this technique.
  • files_pull_command: A script that determines how ddev can get user-generated files from upstream. Its job is to copy the files from upstream to /var/www/html/.ddev/.downloads/files. If nothing has to be done to obtain the files, this step can simply run true.
  • files_import_command: (optional) A script that imports the downloaded files. There are a number of situations where it's just messy to push a directory of files around, and one can just put it directly where it's needed. The localfile example uses this technique.
  • db_push_command: A script that determines how ddev should push a database. It's job is to take a gzipped database dump from /var/www/html/.ddev/.downloads/db.sql.gz and load it on the hosting provider.
  • files_push_command: A script that determines how ddev push user-generated files to upstream. Its job is to copy the files from the project's user-files directory ($DDEV_FILES_DIR) to the correct place on the upstream provider.

The environment variables provided to custom commands are also available for use in these recipes.

Example Integrations and Hints

  • All of the supplied integrations are really just examples of what you can do.
  • You can name a provider anything you want. For example, an Acquia integration doesn't have to be named "acquia", it can be named "upstream", for example. This is a great technique for downloading a particular multisite

Provider Debugging

You can uncomment the set -x in each stanza to see more of what's going on. It really helps. Watch it as you do a ddev pull <whatever>.

Although the various commands could be executed on the host or in other containers if configured that way, most commands are executed in the web container. So the best thing to do is to ddev ssh and manually execute each command you want to use. When you have it right, use it in the yaml file.

Last update: July 7, 2022