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Buildkite Test Agent Setup

We are using Buildkite for Windows and macOS testing. The build machines and buildkite-agent must be set up before use.

Windows Test Agent Setup

  1. Create the user “testbot” on the machine. Use the password for, available in 1Password.
  2. In admin PowerShell, wsl --install.
  3. In admin PowerShell, Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope "CurrentUser" -ExecutionPolicy "RemoteSigned".
  4. In admin PowerShell, download and run windows_buildkite_start.ps1 with curl <url> -O windows_buildkite_start.ps1.
  5. After restart, in administrative Git Bash window, Rename-Computer <testbot-win10(home|pro)-<description>-1 and then export BUILDKITE_AGENT_TOKEN=<token>.
  6. Now download and run
  7. Download and run
  8. Launch Docker. It may require you to take further actions.
  9. Log into Chrome with the user and enable Chrome Remote Desktop.
  10. Enable gd, fileinfo, and curl extensions in /c/tools/php*/php.ini.
  11. If a laptop, set the “lid closing” setting to do nothing.
  12. Set the “Sleep after time” setting in settings to never.
  13. Install winaero tweaker and “Enable user autologin checkbox”. Set up the machine to automatically log in on boot. Then run netplwiz, provide the password for the main user, uncheck “require a password to log in”.
  14. The buildkite/hooks/environment.bat file must be updated to contain the Docker pull credentials:

    @echo off
    set DOCKERHUB_PULL_USERNAME=druddockerpullaccount
    set DOCKERHUB_PULL_PASSWORD=xxx_readonly_token
  15. Set the buildkite-agent service to run as the testbot user and use delayed start: Choose “Automatic, delayed start” and on the “Log On” tab in the services widget it must be set up to log in as the testbot user, so it inherits environment variables and home directory (and can access NFS, has testbot Git config, etc).

  16. git config --global --add '*'.
  17. Manually run, curl -sL -O && bash
  18. Run .buildkite/ to check your work.
  19. Reboot the machine and do a test run. (On Windows, the machine name only takes effect on reboot.)
  20. Verify that go, ddev, git-bash are in the path.
  21. In “Advanced Windows Update Settings” enable “Receive updates for other Microsoft products” to make sure you get WSL2 kernel upgrades. Make sure to run Windows Update to get the latest kernel.

Additional Windows Setup for WSL2+Docker Desktop Testing

  1. Do not set up buildkite-agent on the Windows side, or disable it.
  2. Edit Ubuntu’s /etc/wsl.conf to contain:

  3. Update WSL2 to WSL2 Preview from Microsoft Store and wsl --shutdown and then restart.

  4. wsl --update
  5. Open WSL2 and check out ddev/ddev.
  6. As normal user, run .github/workflows/
  7. export PATH=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH echo "export PATH=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH" >>~/.bashrc

  8. As root user, add sudo capability with echo "ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" >/etc/sudoers.d/all && chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/all.

  9. Manually run, curl -sL -O && bash
  10. git config --global --add '*'
  11. Install basics in WSL2:

    curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/keyrings/ddev.gpg > /dev/null
    echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/ddev.gpg] * *" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ddev.list >/dev/null
    # Update package information and install DDEV
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y ddev
    sudo mkdir -p /usr/sharekeyrings && curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/buildkite-agent-archive-keyring.gpg
    echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/buildkite-agent-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buildkite-agent.list
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y build-essential buildkite-agent ca-certificates curl ddev gnupg lsb-release make mariadb-client
    sudo snap install ngrok
  12. Configure buildkite-agent in WSL2. It needs the same changes as macOS, but tags tags="os=wsl2,architecture=amd64,dockertype=dockerforwindows" and build-path should be in ~/tmp/buildkite-agent.

  13. The buildkite/hooks/environment file must be updated to contain the Docker pull credentials:

        export DOCKERHUB_PULL_USERNAME=druddockerpullaccount
        export DOCKERHUB_PULL_PASSWORD=xxx_readonly_token
        set -e
  14. Verify that buildkite-agent is running.

  15. In Task Scheduler, create a task that runs on User Logon and runs C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe with arguments -d Ubuntu.
  16. Add buildkite-agent to the docker and testbot groups in /etc/group
  17. echo "capath=/etc/ssl/certs/" >>~/.curlrc And then do the same as buildkite-agent user
  18. sudo chmod -R ug+w /home/linuxbrew
  19. nc.exe -l -p 9003 on Windows to trigger and allow Windows Defender.
  20. Run ngrok config add-authtoken <token> with token for free account.
  21. Copy ngrok config into buildkite-agent account, sudo cp -r ~/.ngrok2 ~buildkite-agent/ && sudo chown -R buildkite-agent:buildkite--agent ~buildkite-agent/ngrok2
  22. Add /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin to PATH in /etc/environment.
  23. Copy ngrok config into buildkite-agent account, sudo cp -r ~/.ngrok2 ~buildkite-agent/ && sudo chown -R buildkite-agent:buildkite--agent ~buildkite-agent/ngrok2
  24. Add buildkite-agent to sudo group in /etc/groups
  25. Give buildkite-agent a password with sudo passwd buildkite-agent
  26. As buildkite-agent user mkcert -install

Additional Windows Setup for WSL2+Docker-Inside Testing

  1. Uninstall Docker Desktop.
  2. Remove all of the entries (especially host.docker.internal) that Docker Desktop has added in C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.
  3. Install Docker and basics in WSL2:

    sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
    sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings && sudo rm -f /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg && curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
    echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin
    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  4. Configure buildkite agent in /etc/buildkite-agent:

    • tags=”os=wsl2,architecture=amd64,dockertype=wsl2”
    • token=”xxx”
    • Create /etc/buildkite-agent/hooks/environment and set to executable with contents:
        export DOCKERHUB_PULL_USERNAME=druddockerpullaccount
        export DOCKERHUB_PULL_PASSWORD=xxx_readonly_token
        set -e
  5. Run .buildkite/

macOS Test Agent Setup (Intel and Apple Silicon)

  1. Create the user “testbot” on the machine. Use the password for, available in 1Password.
  2. Change the name of the machine to something in keeping with current style, perhaps testbot-macos-arm64-8. This is done in SettingsGeneralAboutName and in SharingComputer Name and in SharingLocal Hostname.
  3. Download and install Chrome and log the browser into the account used for test runners. It will pick up the Chrome Remote Desktop setup as a result. Configure Chrome Remote Desktop to serve. When this is done, the machine will be available for remote access and most other tasks can be done using Chrome Remote Desktop.
  4. The machine should be on the correct network and have a static IP handed out by DHCP. IP addresses are listed in /etc/hosts on, so this one should be added.
  5. Power should be set up as in macos power settings.
  6. Auto login should be set up as in macos users and groups, see automatically log in on boot.
  7. Remote login should be enabled as in macos remote login.
  8. Automatic updates should be set to mostly security only as in macos automatic_updatees.
  9. Set the time zone to US MT (nearest city: Denver, Colorado).
  10. sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin && sudo chown -R testbot /usr/local/bin
  11. Install Homebrew /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  12. After installing Homebrew follow the instructions it gives you at the end to add brew to your PATH.
  13. Install everything you’ll need with brew install buildkite/buildkite/buildkite-agent bats-core composer ddev/ddev/ddev git golang jq mariadb mkcert netcat p7zip && brew install --cask docker iterm2 ngrok.
  14. Run ngrok config add-authtoken <token> with token for free account from 1Password.
  15. Run mkcert -install.
  16. If Docker Desktop will be deployed, run Docker manually and go through its configuration routine.
  17. If OrbStack will be deployed, install it from
    • Install with Docker only.
    • Click “Sign in” in the lower left to sign in with OrbStack credentials (normal test runner gmail address; it will receive an email with a login code).
    • Configure it to automatically start and download updates, see OrbStack configuration.
  18. If Rancher Desktop will be deployed, install it.
    • Turn off kubernetes.
  19. Run iTerm. You may need to allow full disk access permissions.
  20. Run mkdir ~/workspace && cd ~/workspace && git clone
  21. Set up nfsd by running bash ~/workspace/ddev/scripts/
  22. git config --global --add '*'.
  23. Edit /usr/local/etc/buildkite-agent/buildkite-agent.cfg or /opt/homebrew/etc/buildkite-agent/buildkite-agent.cfg to add
    • the agent token (from agents tab, “Reveal Agent Token”).
    • the agent name (the name of the machine).
    • tags, like "os=macos,architecture=arm64,osvariant=sonoma,dockertype=dockerformac,rancher-desktop=true,orbstack=true,docker-desktop=true"
    • build-path="~/tmp/buildkite-agent/builds"
  24. The buildkite-agent/hooks/environment file must be created and set executable to contain the Docker pull credentials (found in druddockerpullaccount in 1Password):

    export DOCKERHUB_PULL_USERNAME=druddockerpullaccount
    export DOCKERHUB_PULL_PASSWORD=xxx_readonly_token
    set -e
  25. Run brew services start buildkite-agent.

  26. Run bash ~/workspace/ddev/.buildkite/
  27. Run bash ~/workspace/ddev/.buildkite/ to check your work.
  28. The testbot user’s ssh account is used for monitoring, so ssh-keygen and then add the public key id_testbot from 1Password to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
  29. Add the new machine to Icinga by copying an existing Icinga service to the new one. This is done in Icinga DirectorServicesSingle ServicesSelect a ServiceCloneDeploy. The new service has to have by-ssh-address set to the name of the test runner, and that address needs to be added to’s /etc/hosts file.
  30. If zsh is the shell configured, add /etc/zshenv so that /usr/local/bin/docker will be picked up:
